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a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free
from bigotry.
b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of
others; broad-minded.
c. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.
d. Liberal Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of
social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States.
a. Tending to give freely; generous: a liberal benefactor.
b. Generous in amount; ample: a liberal serving of potatoes.
3. Not strict or literal; loose or approximate: a liberal translation.
4. Of, relating to, or based on the traditional arts and sciences of a college or university curriculum: a liberal
a. Archaic Permissible or appropriate for a person of free birth; befitting a lady or gentleman.
b. Obsolete Morally unrestrained; licentious.
1. A person with liberal ideas or opinions.
2. Liberal A member of a Liberal political party.
[Middle English, generous, from Old French, from Latin lberlis, from lber, free; see leudh- in Indo-European
liber·al·ly adv.
liber·al·ness n.
Synonyms: liberal, bounteous, bountiful, freehanded, generous, handsome, munificent, openhanded
These adjectives mean willing or marked by a willingness to give unstintingly: a liberal backer of the arts; a
bounteous feast; bountiful compliments; a freehanded host; a generous donation; a handsome offer; a
munificent gift; fond and openhanded grandparents. See Also Synonyms at broad-minded.
Antonym: stingy
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Updated in 2009.

1. having social and political views that favour progress and reform
2. generous in temperament or behaviour
3. tolerant of other people
4. using or existing in large quantities; lavish: the world's finest gadgetry, in liberal quantities
5. not rigid; free: a more liberal interpretation
6. (of an education) designed to develop general cultural interests and intellectual ability
7. Liberal of or relating to a Liberal Party
a person who has liberal ideas or opinions [Latin liber free]
liberalism n
liberally adv
Collins Essential English Dictionary 2nd Edition 2006 © HarperCollins Publishers 2004, 2006


Noun 1. liberal - a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection
of civil liberties
liberalist, progressive
adult, grownup - a fully developed person from maturity onward
armchair liberal - a person of liberal ideals who takes no action to realize them
latitudinarian - a person who is broad-minded and tolerant (especially in standards of religious belief and
neoliberal - a liberal who subscribes to neoliberalism
pluralist - someone who believes that distinct ethnic or cultural or religious groups can exist together in
Whig - a member of the political party that urged social reform in 18th and 19th century England; was the
opposition party to the Tories
conservative, conservativist - a person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideas

2. liberal - a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets
adult, grownup - a fully developed person from maturity onward

Adj. 1. liberal - showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; "a broad political stance";

"generous and broad sympathies"; "a liberal newspaper"; "tolerant of his opponent's opinions"
large-minded, tolerant, broad
broad-minded - inclined to respect views and beliefs that differ from your own; "a judge who is broad-
minded but even-handed"

2. liberal - having political or social views favoring reform and progress

left - of or belonging to the political or intellectual left

3. liberal - tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition

left - of or belonging to the political or intellectual left
conservative - resistant to change

4. liberal - given or giving freely; "was a big tipper"; "the bounteous goodness of God"; "bountiful
compliments"; "a freehanded host"; "a handsome allowance"; "Saturday's child is loving and giving"; "a
liberal backer of the arts"; "a munificent gift"; "her fond and openhanded grandfather"
bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, giving, openhanded, handsome, freehanded, big
generous - willing to give and share unstintingly; "a generous donation"

5. liberal - not literal; "a loose interpretation of what she had been told"; "a free translation of the
loose, free
inexact - not exact
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

adjective 1. tolerant, enlightened, open-minded, permissive, advanced, catholic, humanitarian, right-on
(informal) indulgent, easy-going, unbiased, high-minded, broad-minded, unprejudiced, unbigoted, politically
correct or PC << OPPOSITE intolerant

adjective 2. progressive, radical, reformist, libertarian, advanced, right-on (informal) forward-looking,

humanistic, free-thinking, latitudinarian, politically correct or PC << OPPOSITE conservative

adjective 3. abundant, generous, handsome, lavish, ample, rich, plentiful, copious, bountiful, profuse,
munificent << OPPOSITE limited

adjective 4. generous, kind, charitable, extravagant, free-handed, prodigal, altruistic, open-hearted, bountiful,
magnanimous, open-handed, unstinting, beneficent, bounteous << OPPOSITE stingy
adjective 5. flexible, general, broad, rough, free, loose, lenient, not close, inexact, not strict, not literal <<
Collins Essential Thesaurus 2nd Edition 2006 © HarperCollins Publishers 2005, 2006

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