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Introduction Over the past decade, many studies have been carried out in finding and analyzing the appropriate

methods of teaching to improve the level of education. From the past significant progress, we can understand how mathematics teachers knowledge and skills, how it plays out in practice and how it can be developed. However, many educators tend to interpret the learning process based on their own experience as students during their school life. In other words, they usually teach their students by using traditional lecturing methods or normal practice in classroom. Our youths are the valuable asset of a country. herefore, education plays a vital role in providing a well!knowledgeable and skilled new generation to contribute to the country. "ince education is inherently interdisciplinary, the only valuable way to measure learning is to make the assessment part of the learning process, ensuring it provides students with information on the #uality of their learning. In mathematics learning process, many of the students do not know how to apply the mathematics concepts in real life or in workplace. hey also lack of interest in learning mathematics as the normal teaching practice is inefficient to stimulate the motivation among learners at the beginning of the school years. herefore, in order to give students better understanding in mathematics, teachers are encouraged to apply variety of approaches and method of teaching such as the constructivist approach, contextual learning, web!based learning and problem!based learning. $onstructivism is a philosophy of learning based on observation and scientific study. his means by experience things and reflecting on those experiences, we construct our own understanding and knowledge of the world. %ach of us will generate our own rules and mental models, which we use to make sense of our experiences. &earning, therefore, is simply the process of ad'usting our mental models to accommodate new experiences. In applying this approach, teacher must start with the issues around which students are actively trying to construct meaning. In order to teach well, we must understand the mental models that students use to perceive the world and the assumptions they make to support those models. hrough constructing their meaning, students will not 'ust memorize the (right) answers and regurgitate someone else*s meaning. $ontextual learning is the concept of learning that utilizes students knowledge to relate the mathematics theories and contents to real world situations. his approach acts as the catalyst to motivate students in creating connections between knowledge and applications to their lives as family members,

citizens, workers and others. In other words, teachers can use this contextual learning method to help students built instructional platforms by possessing and using their life experiences and contexts in understanding and comprehending the mathematics lesson. here are five common strategies used by most of the teachers which called contextual teaching strategies+ relating, experiencing, applying, cooperating, and transferring. ,elating is the most powerful contextual teaching strategy which learning in the context of their life experiences. -nder ideal conditions, teacher can lead students to relate what they learn in mathematics to their real life happenings. However, if the students do not have relevant experience or prior knowledge, teacher can help to construct through some manipulates activities or laboratories. his called experiencing ! the heart of contextual teaching strategy which learn the lesson through exploration, discovery and invention. he other contextual strategies, applying is putting concepts and information to use and cooperating is sharing, responding and discussing the context among students. he last strategy in contextual teaching is transferring where teacher lead students using exist knowledge in new context of learning. $ontextual teaching strategy develops students abilities to think analytically and relate mathematical concepts to their daily activities. .owadays internet service is advanced and almost all the families have internet service at home. /eb!based learning represents a further evolution of computer!assisted instruction. "o a deliver teaching way and learning materials over the internet or web can be applied known as web!based learning. /eb! based learning is often called online learning or e!learning since it includes online course content. 0ll the teaching and learning process carried out via e!mail, video conferencing and live instructors 1video streaming2. he example of country holds much promise in providing more effective web!based learning approach is -nited "tates. /eb!based learning can extend the reach of education and significantly broaden its impact and influence. he last approach introduced in mathematics education is problem!based learning. 3roblem!based learning describes a learning process where problems drive learning. his means learning process carried out through solving mathematics problems and learners must apply new knowledge gained to solve that problem. herefore, in this approach, learning result obtained by problematic mathematics rather than by the memorization of facts, formulas and procedures. In the solving process, the students collect information, find different solution methods, identify their options and then present the most correct solution. his has provides a deep understanding about the mathematics concept when they invent and examine their own solutions for solving mathematical problems. 3roblem!based learning is different with other strategies due to it is more to classroom strategy that affords students more opportunities to think critically, present their own creative ideas, and communicate with peers mathematically. 1,oh,

45562 /hile engaging mathematical problems, students act as their own evaluators, checking step by step. hus, they have been exposed how to determine correctness on their own since mathematics involve logical sense. he four approaches above carried out for different topics will make students learning process more efficient and smoothly. 0s a 7athematics teacher, I have choose to contradict with the traditional teaching skill by applying problem!based learning approach to conduct my lesson in order to provide students a better understanding.


Description on the ways the normal practice is different from the approaches In general, normal practice or traditional teaching in mathematics are based on immediate

instruction and explanation where typically begins with an explanation of whatever idea is on the current page of the text followed by showing children how to do the assigned exercises. 8asically, students are shown one standard method of performing a task, example like decimal addition or substation. hey are allowed only to follow guided instructions and to obtain right answers, but not allowed to seek mathematical understanding. "ince students only exposed to one standard method, they therefore will memorize the steps of the method. On the other hand, the modern approaches usually avoiding direct instruction of mathematics concepts but promoting students to explore and discover themselves of the relevant mathematics theories. herefore, normal practice is to provide a typical classroom environment where classes are well managed and students get high scores in the exam. 8ut this direct instruction does not enable students to develop a strong mathematical thinking. Instead of gaining a deep understanding of mathematical knowledge and the nature of mathematics, students in conventional classroom environments tend to learn inappropriate and counterproductive conceptualizations of the nature of mathematics. $onse#uently, instruction becomes focusing on getting good scores on the tests. "ince ma'ority of students 'ust memorize the (right) answers, thus they are unable to make connection between what they are learning in traditional teaching techni#ue and how that knowledge will be applied. hey have a difficult time in understanding the math concepts. his is due to the way of raditionally, process information and the motivation for learning are not taught in normal practice.

students have been expected to make these connections on their own, but not in the classroom. %ven with a hands!on activity, the traditional teacher is guiding students, telling them exactly how to use the materials in a prescribed manner. In traditional mathematics class, the focus of the lesson is primarily on getting answers. "tudents rely on the teacher to determine whether their answers are correct or not. on their own. his is different with the modern approaches like problem!based learning where students learn the way to determine correctness


Description of lesson(s) and the approach used to teach the topic here are several lessons that can use problem!based learning to teach those topics. 8y given

some examples of case study, students are able to try out variety of mathematical procedures to come up with a reasonable answer. he first topic discussed in the lesson is about learning additions, substations, multiplication and divisions. 0s a mathematics teacher in order to provide a better understanding for the mathematics concepts, I will design a multifaceted problem around shopping in a supermarket. he students will be divided into small groups of three or four. he supermarket flyers will be distributed to each group. hey are assigned to buy food items according to the instruction given with a budget of money. In the task, students have to calculate amounts of each food item, price and final total. In solving this mathematical problem, students will try to find out how many packets of milks that needed to buy with the maximum budget spend on milk if ,7 65.55. 0t the same time, how much of money left after the maximum of packet of milk that they can buy. hey also have to calculate how much they need to pay if given the amount of food item. In this task, students are trying to solve the problems by identifying information, find different solution methods, examine their options and then present the most correct solution. 0t the end, each group will share and present their solution. In this way, communication with peers mathematically can be developed. Furthermore, the other topics that can be taught by problem!based learning is mean, mode and median. "tudents can working on measures of height and weight and create their own surveys. his also can link my mathematics class with social studies. "tudents work in groups of four or five and conduct a survey that uses a numeric!rating scale for answers. he students not only calculate their measures on height and weight, but also using variety of graphs to represent the result that obtained. presentation given out in the classroom. he lesson concluded by having every group of students shares their findings on school boards or a mini


Justifications for selecting the approach for the topic For primary students, the general problem faced is application of those mathematics topics in real

life. hey only know how to do the calculation for additions, substations, multiplication and divisions. hey could not understand when to use additions, when to apply substations method, and always confuse where to use multiplication method or division method. herefore, through problem!based learning approach, students have been exposed to the application of mathematics concept in solving mathematical problems which are related to their everyday happenings. $onse#uently, students not only can have a deep comprehending about the mathematical methods but also able to apply in their daily life such as helping their parents to calculate the monthly food expenses. For the second lesson, if using traditional teaching skills, the teacher will give a direct instruction on that topic. "tudents will only memorize the formulae without understanding the concept. However, by selecting the problem!based learning approach, they are not longer memorizing all the formulae and calculation procedure but have a greater recall of their knowledge. For that topic, most of the students dislike to learn how to draw graph. "o, teacher can use this approach to attract students attention and interest. he task of collecting the measurement by doing a survey is creating more fun to the lesson. "tudents find it more en'oyable and satisfying. In addition, problem!based learning involves a instructional approach in which carefully constructed, open!ended problems are used by groups of students to work through content to a solution. hus, all of the students are actively take part by helping plan, organize and evaluate the problem solving process. Overall, by applying problem!based learning in the above lessons, the #uality of academic has improved. "tudents have a better understanding for the topics that taught in the two lessons. his type of learning process promotes interest and motivation among students in mathematics class.


!eflection on strength and constraints of the approach used here are several strengths and constraints obtained by applying problem!based learning approach

in conducting lesson. 3roblem!based learning contains ideas on how to make learning more effective and more efficient for students. herefore, the academic achievement in mathematics sub'ect can be improved. he study carried out by ,iasat 0li, Hukamdad, 0#ila 0khter, 0nwar 9han 145:52 found that academic achievement in mathematics of the students was better who were taught through problem solving method as compare to the students who were taught through traditional method. his is because the way of conducting the lesson increases students motivation and interest in mathematics. his also promotes students long term memory. hey need to conduct research, integrate mathematics theory and practice and apply knowledge and skills to develop a viable solution to a mathematical problem. In the process of learning, they are exposed to the application of these mathematics concepts and theories. ;evelopment of life!long learning skills is enhanced among students like how to do research, how to communicate in group and how to handle problems. he approach used to help in extending students thinking and creativity in solving mathematical problems. hey become very practicality because easy to transfer their knowledge and

ideas to other situations. It can also be used in checking students conceptual knowledge. /hen students develop methods for constructing their own procedures, they are integrating their conceptual knowledge with their procedural skills. In the process of solving, students are able to focus on reasonableness, rechecking of possible solutions and perseverance. hey are practicing how to identify information from the written problems and applying the procedures they had learned to come up with their answers. On the other hand, the constraints of problem!based learning include prior learning experience do not prepare students well for the approach. hey are new to problem!based learning re#uire significant instructional scaffolding to support the development of problem!solving skills, self!directed learning skills, and teamwork or collaboration skills to a level of self!sufficiency where the scaffolds can be removed. 0nd not all the students have a strong pre!existing knowledge and skill to work consistently at a high level of cognitive self!monitoring and self!regulation. herefore, sometimes it compromises problem!based learning effectiveness. Furthermore, the approach re#uires more time to spend when trying to find solutions. his will cause the students might be take away study time from other sub'ects.

he way of conducting the lesson is contradict with the normal practice in classroom. In this strategy, teachers need to create a mathematical problem within a real!life context< however, creating suitable problem scenarios is difficult. his presents a challenge for teachers. 7oreover, some of the students do not perform work e#ually with others in the group due to the work does not divided e#ually and some domineering students prevent others to learn through the process. 0lthough problem!based learning approach led many benefits to the students and teachers, it still have some constraints that needed to be undertake in order to provide a greater educational #uality.


#uggestion and impro$ement here are some of the suggestions and improvements that can be included in enhancing problem!

based learning such as implement strong soft skills among students. For examples, analytical skills, decision making skills and discussion skills which helps to improve the learning process. 0s mentioned in the beginning, problem!based learning re#uires students exist knowledge and skills to solve the mathematical problems. However, the reality is not all students are prepared with knowledge nor have week skills in solving problem. herefore, teachers can take opportunity to teach the students these skills while they work on a problem during the lesson at the beginning. eacher should putting students into the role of a teacher makes the students look deeper into the assigned problem and thus promoting their analytical skills. "tudents who have these skills have a better opportunity to learn more than students who do not have these skills. In addition, teachers have to make sure all the students in each group are performing e#ually in solving problems. eachers should always building shared meanings and perspectives among students to prevent domineering situations happen.


&onclusion In conclusion, the four approaches which are constructivist approach, contextual learning, web!

based learning and problem!based learning developed to improve the academic achievement among students. In mathematics lessons, problem!based learning is a suitable approach in providing more efficient and effective learning process. 0s a result, students obtain a better and deep understanding about the mathematics concept. "tudents gain study skills and social skills in the problem!based learning process especially in the development of critical thinking skills. In problem!based learning, students learn how to analyze a problem, identify relevant facts and generate hypotheses, identify necessary information or knowledge for solving the problem and make reasonable 'udgments about solving the problem. skills and knowledge that students learned are very useful in their future. he oday the world of work,

employers re#uire their employees prepared with more knowledge and thinking skills than ever. herefore, educational system is playing a significant role in promoting young generation to be experts, analytical and creativity. 14=4> words2



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