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2 world concept with Adams

o o The old and New world The Old and New world will not play well together

New World concept with Monroe and Adams: o o Based on agricultural production Revival of the Jeffersonian era of Agricultural production

John Quincy: King of the highway

o o o o Built roads Yeoman farmers make very good use of these roads Grain that would wither in silos is being sold away from its place of production American farmers are working longer hours

New practices in farming crop rotation o Fertilizer not human waste (someone in class asked an Skeen clarified)

Expansion of domestic banking and credit Softening of the barter system, move towards currency Regional brokers take products to places where they have a foothold Cities in the east no longer look overseas for trade o o Increased domestic market Eastern cities are looking to the south and west for products

Massive boom in American Agricultural System. Francis Lieber o o German political scientist An American wants to do in a year what others want to do in a much longer period.

1815-1850 AMERICAN MOVEMENT Side note 1.3 billion in art (not sure why this is here) American priorities at this point: Speed over longevity The American family reshapes itself o American meals used to be a sit down and discuss affairs

The American dinner shortens

Steamboats Railroads first one built in 1846 o From Baltimore, Maryland to Wheeling, Virginia

Railroads are unsafe, deadly o No standard railroad system Wont see a standard till post reconstruction

The population of America o o o o o o Doubling every 22 years. 1790 - 4 million population 1850 23 million Americans American birthrate peaks in the 1840s By nature: urban families - smaller, rural families - larger National income grows as population grows

After the Napoleonic Wars: o o Immigration to the U.S. is renewed and massive 600,000 new arrivals from Europe in the 1830s Double the number of immigrants 30 years before the Napoleonic wars

America wants to raise productivity o o o Unbelievable workloads Increased machinery 1861-1865 America industrializing faster than it did during the industrial revolution

Industrial complex: Keep costs low, maximize profit at the top. o o Payroll is the biggest money sinkhole Solution: cut wages, not allow wages to rise as quickly as they had in the past Causes labor unrest leads to unions One of the first Unions Union of cobblers o How do you get attention? Strike.

o o o o o

The leaders of strikes are often targeted as agitators Wildcat strike shut down production for one day for no reason (?) Leaders are forced out and blackballed Hire new workers who sign agreements to not strike Division between the workers and management sometimes gets to be too tense. Always someone caught in the crossfire.

American industrial process:

o No pride in the finished product. o Losing pride of skilled artisans (apprenticeship system). 1830s 1840s of industrial era

Workers are no longer able to work as they see fit No more cottage industries. Couldnt have the freedom you once enjoyed in being your own boss. No drunkenness, laziness. New symbol or order in the American Industrial society: the clock.

1834 First National Union National Trades Union

o o o o o o o Anyone who works in the industrial sector can be a member of this union. Advocating against long hours, low wages. COLA cost of living adjustment as cost of living rises, wages stay artificially low Advocating for value in labor. The idle rich are living off the poor Shop conflicts unionized shops vs. non-union shops. To combat low standard of living: NTU says we need increase in funds for public education o o Maybe they can advocate for themselves, or go into management

Advocate for the abolishment of imprisonment for debt. This is where all trade unions get their start (with NTU)

o o

Were (Skeen is) talking about the industrialized North East Politicization of Unions industrial leaders meet with Roosevelt.

Panic of 1837
o All this talk of Unions goes away.

Panic of 1819
o Panics when the economy takes a nose dive o Stagnation in the labor market

1815-1818 Cotton becoming a staple product Cotton gets to 32.5 cents a pound at its peak

Associationalism: Federal government tells the banks what to do. Gov tells banks to extend loans with low interest rates to farmers and merchants. Credit becomes easier to get. Side note: past 5 years (recent times) housing rates were relaxed too much

In 1819 - cotton price crashes Cotton doesnt need a lot of water, past few years had seen short growing seasons. Land values lose 50-75% of their value because of their growers inability to competently grow cotton. No demand for cotton land anymore.

o o o

Economy goes slack. Breadbasket of America is out in the west. Less people buying cotton, so the south is buying less food. Remain in this market recession for 7 years.

Missouri Crisis
o Nationalism is dead Era of good feelings is gone. Return to regional factionalism. If we had eliminated slavery at the time of the revolution there would be no civil war. Slavery cant eliminated free labor is needed.

Once: that which is good for all. Now: what is good for me? Missouri applies as a slave state. First time that slavery is a national political issue.

1808 First abolition of slavery. 1812 Louisiana statehood slave state Slavery has crossed the Mississippi river

1818 Missouri has 10,000 slaves within its territorial boundaries Before Missouri became a state: 11 free states With 11 slave states

Missouri creates an imbalance in terms of slave vs. abolitionist states. It would create 24 slave votes vs. 22 non slave votes

In 1818 North has 105 reps in house. South has 81 members. Slavery states could use Missouri to put their candidates first. When the territorial leaders of Maine see Missouri acting to become a slave state, they start recruiting people to move to Maine. 1819 - NY Representative James Tallmadge suggests a gradual system of Emancipation First time in American history that slavery is debated as a political issue

Missouri compromise
o o o Debate rages into the 1920s The house approves the Tallmadge amendment Henry Clay from Kentucky. Missouri compromise: Missouri comes in as a slave state Maine will come in as a free state There will be no gradual emancipation in slave states Slavery will be prohibited in the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase territory.

Anything north of 36 degree, 30 minute line will be a free state. Texas gives its land to Oklahoma so it can be south of the 36 30 line where Oklahoma gets its panhandle. Thomas Jefferson: A geographical line coordinating with a marked principle once conceived with moral will bury it deeper and deeper (need to look up quote online) o o Greatest definition of civil war If we protect this institution with a geographic border, we cannot progress.

Election cycle of 1820

o o o Slavery is not the issue of the election of 1820. Native Americans are the key issue of the election cycle. 125 thousand Native Americans east of the Mississippi. o 5 civilized tribes: Choctaw, Seminole, Creek, Cherokee, and Iroquois. Prof. Skeen has 1/96 of Cherokee in him.

In the southwest, Native American lands are needed to grow cotton on

Side note on Veterans:

World War One 1915-1918 Flanders Field Poem Veterans Day We should be in school on Martin Luther King Day - Skeen o Education stamps out ignorance

11/11/1918 Armistice o June 28, 1919 treaty of Versailles

U.S. never signed off on the end of WWI Congress passes: November 11, 1926 Veterans Day o o Eisenhower makes it a certified holiday Used to be called Armistice Day

New forms of PTSD that the veterans today deal with

22 Iraq/Afghanistan veterans commit suicide daily

Side note on Gettysburg Address:

2 minutes long We dont take anything from the 2 hour speech that preceded Lincolns.

1805 Monroe starts pushing the Native Americans further west

John Q. Adams had no intention of doing this o o o Even though they hold valuable lands and possibly gold lands, Adams wont move them. Adams is a man of fairness. Moving Indians first instance of institutionalized racism.

Why is the South portrayed as racist?

o o o o o Plantation owners are racist. Didnt see black people as equal. Church education. Few remaining radical groups in the south. This is blown up by media portrayal of the south. Slavery ownership = racism. Uneducated.

Slavery a business venture.

o Institutional racism began with Native Americans. We needed their land so we took it. Cherokee nation has its roots in Georgia o o They have their own constitution Seemingly protected by the Articles of Confederation

Andrew Jackson 1828

From Tennessee Jackson sees the Indians as subhuman. Jackson takes up the cause started by Monroe. Georgia no longer recognizes the Cherokee nation all their land is imminent domain.

Worcester v. Georgia
o o o Indians represented by Worcester The state court of Georgia rules for Georgia It reaches the SCOTUS Rules that the Cherokee nations constitution is valid. Georgia cant do anything against Cherokee.

Andrew Jackson says Im the president Ill do what I feel is right for this nation o o Goes against SCOTUS Passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830 Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw

The Cherokee refuse to leave Georgia. Georgia imprison John Ross Cherokee chief. 90% of the lands that the Indians left were grabbed by land speculators o 10% went to the Indians that remained in Georgia.

Cherokee agree that by 1838 that all remaining Cherokee would leave the area o Hoped that Jackson leaving office would lead to laxer relations with Indians However, Van Buren was even more stringent Sends Winfield Scott to force 11,000 Native Americans out.

Side note: o The United Nations has sent human rights inspectors into the Native American tribes. Determine if the Native Americans are being treated fairly in their reservation.

Civil War
South Carolina responsible for the Civil War. o o Hit hard by the panic of 1819. South Carolina is cotton land.

How does the federal Government make money off cotton? o Tariffs.

The American Government levies a heavier tariff on the cotton being exported.

Cotton production going down, so the government raises more taxes on cotton to make up for the loss in profit.

Slave Uprising in South Carolina o Denmark Vessey In Vesseys world the slaves need to be freed. Plans to take Charleston harbor and stop cotton production. Sets a date in 1805, but no one follows him. The sense of security of the people of South Carolina is extremely shaken.

After Denmark Vessey, rules regarding slave ownership are codified. o o The Implied Government of the state government South Carolina is the first state to take the step to adopt these rules.

As an institution the slave trade was ended in 1808. 1828 new Tariff to fill the hole left by loss of cotton production o o Even more money out of South Carolinas pockets. State leaders dub this tariff the Tariff of Abomination

S.C. exposition and protest. o o o o o o Claim that the state government can overrule federal law. The state can nullify any law it doesnt like theory of nullification John C. Calhoun is the author of this theory AND the vice president under Andrew Jackson To nullify law the states would have to come together in a convention and vote on whether they would follow the law. Jackson is undermined his own vice president wrote this. If this theory of nullification passes o The state could reject the law or secede

Senator Robert Hayne of S.C. introduces the theory of Nullification as a bill into congress in 1830. His chief foe is Daniel Webster, Mass. No one state can change our constitution

North vs. South

The Federal government passes another tariff in 1832. Should have stopped a long time ago.

Side note on Shibboleth:

Recess appointments. o President can make while Congress is in Session. When the senate is out of session, the president can name someone to a position, without approval of the senate.

Till the end of the next session of Congress. Article 2. Section 2 fill recess. Shibboleth Can you pray in school? Not on official time. States cant sponsor a religion. Make a Christian school segregate certain segments of society.

Night of July 1
Seen played out all over the campfires (What does this mean?) Battle zone north Pennsylvania General Reynolds

Gettysburg Movie Intro

General Lees army of northern Virginia Army of the Potomac pursues them through the mountains Lee knows that a letter of peace has been prepared o To be placed on Lincolns desk after the Potomac army is destroyed

7 corps of Yankee army and 2 Yankee Calvary. Hooker has been organized by Meade. o Meade may be more cautious

Chamberlain colonel of the 20th Maine regiment Chamberlain is given 120 mutineers.

Important generals As recalled by Skeen

Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain

20th Maine saves the war for the Union

Robert E. Lee General James Longstreet o Lee tells Longstreet what to do, Longstreet does it

John Bell Hood o Corps commander responsible for taking the left flank of the union

George Meade o Recently named supreme commander

Stonewall Jackson dead Lewis Armistead only general who breaks the Union line Seminary Hill Confederate HQ General Jeb Stuart commander of Confederate Calvary Calvary are house mounted soldiers o Eyes and ears of the army

Had Lee known that they were up against dismounted Calvary they might not have engaged Stuart had shirked his orders and created a raiding party o No military intelligence for Lee

Lone statue of the priest at Gettysburg Chamberlain professor of Rhetoric at Bowden College o o o Only commander for 18 month before little round top Needs to hold the high ground Not supposed to do the door thing o o But theyre out of options

Need to hold so the rebels dont come over cemetery ridge If Chamberlain had fallen, the flank couldve fallen and the army could have collapsed

No abolitionists in the south.

1837 Elijah Lovejoy in Illinois is a printer printing an abolitionist newspaper.

o Type destroyed, house burned, found dead hanging from his heels on a light post.

1833 Garrisons type setter is almost destroyed.

Deeper and deeper schism between abolitionists and pro-slavers.

Printer in N.Y. John L. OSullivan Manifest Destiny

o o Editor of N.Y. It is become the United States manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by providence for the fine development for our yearly multiplying millions.

We have the territory between the Rocky Mountains and California. o The Oregon territory.

American Democracy should be an example for the world to follow. Puritan belief of the shining city on a hill: o o Reagan OSullivan

Manifest Destiny is inherently racist. o It wouldnt be f it had said that all Americans could have a say in the country

Texas becomes a state in 1845

o o o Texas identifies its border as the Southern Rio Grande River. Now Rio Grande is a hotbed of natural gas. Mexico disputes this border. o Says that Texas border is at the Nueces River.

Rio Grande is used as transportation for commerce. Rivers are highways. Good for trade.

Mexico will stop diplomatic relations with the U.S. o Pull their diplomat out of D.C.

James K. Polk is the president at this time. o Directs Zachary Taylor to go into the Rio Grande River Valley Ordered to be belligerent with the Mexicans However the president cant be belligerent without congressional approval.

Polk Sends John Slidell to get Mexico back to the negotiating table: o o o 5 million for New Mexico 25 million for California Recognize Rio Grande as Texas border

Side note: how to declare War: o President delivers declaration of war to congress First to the house and then to the senate. Congress can either fail the declaration of war or it can pass. The Secretary of State informs the nation that we have declared war on them.

Polk has already sent troops down to Mexico

May 9, 1845 declaration of war goes to Congress The army has been fighting Mexico since April 25. Polk could have been impeached. June 1845 Mexico defeated. Mexico still offered the money for California and New Mexico. Nixon When a president does something it is not illegal o This quote has its roots in Polks aggression in Mexico

In 1972 Congress passes the War Power Act

o o o o o Allows the president to send the army anywhere for 60 days. Precedent in Mexican War. Panama Both Iraq conflicts Somalia

Election of 1848
o Democratic: Lewis Cass o Adopts popular sovereignty The people can decide who and what they want to be.

Whig: Zachary Taylor War hero Doesnt make a lot of public statements as to his politics. Wins on his war record.

Taylors presidency:
o o Runs into the problem of the organization of territories 1849 California is flushed with people o Gold rush Wants to come in as a non-slave state.

Right now the ballot is 15 slave and 15 non slave. California would have unbalanced the senate. Then senate could select non-slave judiciary o Slavery then would be declared unconstitutional

o o

Side note: Had slavery been declared unconstitutional there would have been massive economic crashes. New Mexico also applies for statehood under the 36 30 line Supposed to be a slave state. Elects to be a free state under popular sovereignty.

o o

Deepening of the sectional crisis. Henry Clay- 73. Mississippi, using nullification, wants to call an assembly of its constituents and secede if CA and NM come in as Free states. 1849 Invites other states to meet at Nashville, TN.

Abolitionist movement in D.C. to end slavery in D.C. o One of the issues talked about in Nashville.

Fugitive Slave Law in 1793

o o If a slave escapes from one state to another, than the slave must be returned. SC complains that the law is not being enforced.

Clay compromise of 1850

o o o His attempt to put a patch on the problem California will be a free state. The Mexican Cession NM, Utah, Arizona will be fashioned into 2 territories o o These two territories will decide free or slave state by popular sovereignty

D.C. will abolish slavery. 1850 - Congress will abolish intercontinental slave trade. Slaves from Caribbean, Mexico.

The patch works. The break beginning of the Civil War. The nation is dependent upon itself o o o The south is growing products cotton, wheat, corn The north large ports, markets, banks, turns the raw product into finished product The south believes that the north is treating the south unfairly North taking too much off the top for itself No truth to this. The ports in the north are simply closer to Europe.

1853 Franklin Pierce

o o Youngest American elected 48 Young America movement takes American democracy and capitalism onto the world stage. o Framed over resources Natural resources coal, water timber Manmade resources rail road

Doesnt talk about slavery It has to exist and were not going to talk about it.

Moves to purchase 45,000 miles of Mexican Desert Gadsden Purchase Beginning of transcontinental railroad. Connecting Baja and Gulf

Kansas/Nebraska Act - 1820

Repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820 Establish Kansas as a territory Congress says that Kansas can decide whether or not to be a slave state.

Stephen Douglas says that the people will decide to be Free states.
Believes that morality will rule the day Missouri floods Kansas with people Slavery could have been ended. 60% of the votes cast were cast illegally by Missourians Kansas comes in as a slave state

Abolitionists in Kansas (?) draft a Free State constitution. No single political group that can fix this. Whig, Popular Sovereign, Democratic-Republicans, Free Soil all come together to form Republican Party. Kansas is growing fast becoming the largest slave state in the Union.

James Buchanan democrat from Pennsylvania

o o o Supports slavery. Beats American party Millard Fillmore and beats Republic Candidate John C. Fremont. Emergence of moral discussions on Slavery o Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Toms Cabin Talking about the degradation of American society

The legality of slavery: How can the constitution support slavery? Scott V. Emerson

2 Days after Before Civil War Scott V. Emerson - Case gotten by Roger B. Taney court

Scott V. Emerson
o o o Dredd Scott is a slave in Missouri Moved to Illinois Scott sued for his freedom Believed that he should have been freed along the way as the family who owned him moved Missouri denies him, so he goes to SCOTUS. 7-2 decision the SCOTUS decides that Scott is slave in perpetuity At the time that the constitution was written, the African race was considered so inferior so as not to have any of the same rights as white people o Taney

Fueled the fire in Kansas

The Taney court Decided that Missouri compromise was unconstitutional The people in states do not have the right to vote on whether they want to be a slave state or not. Slavery is a protected institution

Bloody Kansas 1857

o o Battles at Flint Hill, Potawadadee Creek Gives birth to John Browns movement Swears that his life will be devoted to the process of abolition, and if he dies so be it. Moves his followers into VA over 18 months Wants to create a slave revolt John Brown wants to take the arsenal at Harpers Ferry Potomac and Shenandoah

Railroad tracks Sino Canal

John Brown, 2 sons and 15 followers Oct. 1859 Takes the arsenal

Buchanan orders the third army in a force of 20,000 to take the arsenal Slaves have massive inferiority complex dont join Brown Robert E. Lee leads the 20,000 Lieutenant Johnathan Jackson Stonewall Calvary attachment James E Brown Stewart. John Brown escape into the firehouse o o 2 sons are killed Stands trial for treason, and 5 days later was hung Became a martyr Honorable, but kind of fruitless Dont die for your country, make the other poor bastard die for his Patton

4 people run in 1860 for president

o Stephen Douglas 29% of popular vote o Northern Democratic wanted gradual abolition

John Bell - %13 Constitutionalist

John C. Brekenridge 18% Southern Democrat wanted Slavery

Abraham Lincoln from Illinois - 40% Republican

If the democrats had not split, they could have won Douglas and Lincoln were friends o But Douglas was an alcoholic

1862 dies of liver failure Right after meeting with Lincoln perhaps prompting him to pass Emancipation proclamation.

Looking at the popular vote: o o o 51% or more the president has the mandate of the people to act in their favor In this (Lincolns) election - the majority of the people voted for the person who was not the winner Lincoln got 180 electoral votes but not the mandate of the people

Republican party had deemed itself the party of abolition o Lincoln didnt really talk about slavery Talked about states rights Knew that abolishing slavery would lead to a crash in the economy

With Lincolns election, the slave forces lost their minds o Lincoln wasnt even in office before S.C. secedes

Feb 7, 1861 most southern states have followed SC o Except the border states VA, TN, Maryland

The secessionists quote the argument is exhausted Lincoln We have just carried an election on principles fairly stated to the people. Now we are told that the government must be broken up before we take office. This could be the end of government. March 1861 Lincolns first day in office o Receives a communique from Robert Anderson Commander of Fort Sumter We have 6 weeks left long time South, North Carolina, Georgia going to be hard to get supplies into fort Sumter

Lincoln sends a letter to governor of SC o Let the supplies come in or else war.

Fort Sumter is in Charleston Harbor can put up a blockade Governor of SC calls upon Jefferson Davis

o o

President of C.S.A Lincoln never recognizes Jefferson Davis as President Dont want to recognize the South as a nation

Davis tells the governor of SC that hes going to have to take the fort.

April 12, 1861 4:30 AM P.G.T. Beauregard attacks Fort Sumter

o This is the Confederacys declaration of war on the union Siege lasts 36 hours Nobodys killed in the siege Lincoln doesnt have a competent commander in the field o All of the good officers had gone to the south o o o o Lee, Jackson, Hood, Longstreet, Stuart

Calls Lee to the White House A lot of the Southern officers fought for their home state, not any ideology for the home state Lee tells Lincoln that he cant fight against his own state Lincoln tells Lee If you dont accept command of these troops, I will bury the dead in your yard Arlington National Cemetary

Fort Sumter large engagement

o Confederate Victory

Battle at Aquia Creek May of 1861

o o o Main hub into VA Union forces blockade the creek Considered to be an engagement, no shots fired

June 1861 Phillipi Bridge

o o o Virginia First soldier to die in the Civil war Private T. Bailey Brown. Bridge necessary for the movement of troops in central V.A.

USA victory

June 1861 Bethel Church, VA

o o Won by CSA Crossroads

June 1861 Battle at Booneville, MO

o o o Small battle Union victory Control of MO countryside

July 1861 Hokes Run

o o Hokes Run small engagement and Union win - VA Falling Waters pretty much a draw Williamsport Maryland

July 1861 - Carthage

o Carthage, MO CSA victory

July 1861 Cheat Mtn. - VA

o o o 22 union 13 CSA Union win

Bull Run/ Manassas

o o o o Major engagement CSA Win Stonewall gets his nickname Black Burns ford part of Manassas battle CSA Victory

Wilson Creek
o Oak Hills, VA CSA Confederates won the major battles better officers and leadership No content quizzes and none of the previous exams will be on the exam

John Quincy Adams to today Fredericksburg, Antietam, The Valley Campaign all CSA victories Burnside union commander at Fredericksburg o o Couldve won if he had moved 100 yards to the east End of December 1862 Aurora Borealis showed that night

Gettysburg is going to be a major turning point in the war o First CSA major loss

As early as December 1863 Lincoln preparing to win. o o o o Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction Plan for after the war Way to bring the states who have rebelled back into the union 10% of the white males on the 1860 Voter rolls would have to swear an oath of loyalty to the U.S. Previously rebel states could write a constitution if they did this Would have to be republican in nature Have to abolish slavery Responsible for producing an education system that education African Americans Does not rule out the old CSA leaders from holding office

Radical Republicans in the congress incredibly far right o o o o Dont believe Lincoln is being harsh enough Want him to punish the Confederates for leaving Want congress to determine reconstruction not a presidential proclamation Congress should set the terms by which states reenter the union

Wade/Davis plan o o o o Senator Benjamin Wade of Ohio Congressman Henry Winter Davis of Maryland Representative All of the old confederate states will be ruled by a military government 50% of all white males on the voter rolls must swear a loyalty oath

o o o o o

Only then could they draft a constitution

Political power could only be held by union sympathizers Debated in the congress for a majority of the year in 1864 It will pass on the last day of the Congressional session Passed by both House and the Senate Lincoln ignores the bill pocket veto Avoids vetoing the strongly republican bill

March 1865 negotiations end April 15, 1865 Lincoln dies across from Ford Theater Johnson comes in as the new President o o Supports states rights Gets traction in Congress, but didnt go as far as Lincolns plan

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