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Expected Result

Properties of biodiesel versus Petroleum diesel

The sizes of the molecules in biodiesel and petroleum diesel are about the same, but they differ in chemical structure. Bio- diesel molecules consist almost entirely of chemicals called fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), hich contain unsaturated !olefin"components. #o -sulfur petroleum diesel, on the other hand, consists of about $% percent saturated hydrocar- bons and % percent aromatic compounds.& The differences in chemical composition and structure be- t een petroleum diesel and biodiesel result in se'eral notable 'ariations in the physical properties of the t o fuels. The se'en most si(nificant differences are as follo s)

&. Biodiesel has hi(her lubricity (it is more !slippery") than petroleum diesel. This is a (ood thin(, as it can be e*pected to reduce en(ine ear.

+. Biodiesel contains practically no sulfur. This is also a (ood thin(, as it can be e*pected to result in reduced pollution from en(ines usin( biodiesel.

,. Biodiesel has a hi(her o*y(en content (usually &- to &+ percent) than petroleum diesel. This should result in lo er pollution emissions. But, relati'e to petroleum diesel, it causes sli(htly reduced pea. en(ine po er (/0 percent).

0. Biodiesel tends to thic.en and !(el up"at lo temperatures more readily than petroleum diesel. 1ome types of oil are more of a problem than others. This is a especially for the cold inters that are typical to 2ennsyl'ania. concern,

%. Biodiesel is more li.ely to o*idize (react ith o*y(en) to form a semisolid (el-li.e mass. This is a concern, especially for e*tended fuel stora(e and hen usin( en(ines that are only operated occasionally (such as standby po er (enerators). A (ood method for stora(e is to use a dry, semi-sealed, cool, li(ht-ti(ht container.

3. Biodiesel is more chemically acti'e as a sol'ent than petro- leum diesel. As a result, it can be more a((ressi'e to some materials that are normally considered safe for diesel fuel.

4. Biodiesel is much less to*ic than petroleum diesel. This can be a real benefit for spill cleanups.

The 5uality of petroleum diesel fuel tends to be more uniform and reliable, especially hen compared to small-scale production of biodiesel here 5uality control may or may not ha'e been (ood. 2etroleum diesel can 'ary in 5uality from plant to plant or from re(ion to re(ion, but the 'ariations are typically much smaller. 2oor-5uality biodiesel fuel can lead to many problems in en(ine performance, and care should be ta.en to ensure that your fuel is of (ood 5uality (see the 6e- ne able and Alternati'e Ener(y Fact 1heet) 7sin( Biodiesel Fuel in 8our En(ine). Biodiesel that conforms to A1TM standard 934%& should be of a consistent, hi(h 5uality. :n all fairness, problems e should mention that petroleum diesel has also demonstrated

ith o*idati'e stability and lo -temperature performance, althou(h biodiesel,

at present, seems to be more susceptible.

Making biodiesel better with additives

1ome of the properties of biodiesel fuel are not ideal from an en(ine performance point of 'ie . Than.fully, additi'es can be used to counteract these problems and impro'e the o'erall 5uality of the fuel.

; <old-flo

impro'ers) these additi'es impro'e the cold-

eather performance of

biodiesel by limitin( its ability to (el. They tend to only impro'e the operatin( ran(e by about % de(rees.

Fuel stabilizers) these additi'es act as !antio*idants"to reduce the possibility of

o*idation de(radation of the fuel.

; Antimicrobial additi'es) it is possible for microbes to (ro any e*istin( microbes and pre'entin( them from returnin(.

in biodiesel, resultin( in

clo((ed lines and fouled e5uip- ment. Antimicrobial additi'es pre'ent this by .illin( off

; 9eter(ent additi'es) these help reduce the formation of deposits on en(ine parts by formin( a protecti'e layer on the parts and dissol'in( e*istin( deposits from the surfaces ithin the en(ine.

; <orrosion inhibitors) these also protect the en(ine by form- in( a protecti'e layer on the components, thus pre'entin( corrosi'e chemicals from reachin( the surface.

ide array of additi'es is a'ailable on the mar.et today, and they can be

purchased at an automoti'e shop or on the :nternet. =ften, a sin(le product can be purchased that combines many or all of the abo'e additi'es. The actual com- position of these additi'es is usually a closely (uarded trade secret, and not all additi'es perform the same. 7sers should .eep trac. of ho a specific additi'e is or.in( for them and ta.e care to follo ell the manufacturer>s ith reputable

recommendations for the concentration and proper use of the additi'e. ?eep in mind that there are many !sna.e oil"salesmen in the mar.et today. =nly deal companies and suppliers that are appro'ed by your en(ine>s manufacturer.

Table belos sho s (eneral comparison of different oil chemical properties related to their use as biodiesel) Property #en(th of molecule Positive effects :ncreases the cetane number, heat of combustion@ decreases A=* emissions Amount of branchin( 9ecreases the (el point 1aturation 9ecreases A=* emissions, impro'es o*idati'e stability, reduces deposition 9ecreases the cetane number :ncreases meltin( point and 'iscosity@ reduces lubricityB Negative effects :ncreases 'iscosity

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