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CHAPTER 10 Developments in Bench Testing Facilities

for Protective Gear

The testing of protective-gear systems and their con-
stituent components calls for test-equipment of a rather
specialised nature. The requirements of modern
protective-gear systems have increased the complexity
and cost of such equipment and the amount of testing to
be done has necessitated a speeding up in the procedure
of tests.
The tests which may be necessary on protective-gear
equipment are somewhat varied but, in general, will fall
into one or more of the following categories.
These include those tests which may be essential on
circuits and components during development projects.
The scope of these test may be large, as they often
explore a variety of effects, design factors, parameter
changes, etc. Tests of this type may also include investig-
ations into more fundamental problems, such as the
transient response of current-transformers and the
effect of this on various protective-systems.
The information obtained from such investigations is
often used to check the soundness of new ideas and
provide practical design-data upon which new experi-
mental equipment may be based or by which existing
designs may be modified to improve their performance.
Performance Testing
The overall performance of protective-systems,
relays, and the like is an important aspect of protective-
gear testing. Tests of this type may be concerned with
experimental and production prototypes or with the cer-
tificiation and type-testing of new protective-gear
equipment or relays.
In the past, a large amount of the testing referred to
above has required heavy-current rigs, which are costly
and limited in flexibility. Such heavy-current rigs require
extensive machine supplies, the demands upon which
are so great that they often form a considerable limita-
tion to the number of investigations which may be
The protective-gear test-bench described in this arti-
cle was developed in order to replace the conventional
heavy-current and secondary-injection equipment in
many types of testing particularly those concerned with
investigatory work on experimental projects and pro-
totypes. The main requirements borne in mind in the
design of the equipment are as follows:
(a) Extreme flexibility of test circuit and conditions.
(b) Rapid setting up of equipment.
(c) Use of ac. mains as the source of power.
Provision of facilities for close control of the
test-conditions and parameters.
Rapid rate of testing.
General-purpose Test-bench for Protective-gear
An overall view of the test-bench is shown in fig. 1.
The main primary circuits for the test bench are supplied
from the 440-volt 3-phase mains, with alternative
arrangements for taking this supply from a three-phase
variable-frequency machine when necessary. The max-
imum current which is taken by the primary circuits is of
the order of 120 amperes but, as tests at these currents
are of a limited time-duration, the supply need not be
rated continuously at this current. When the primary
currents are of the order of 10 amperes these may be
used on a continuous basis.
The main primary circuits are shown diagrammati-
cally in fig. 2, from which it can be seen that the three-
phase supply is applied, by a fault-making switch, to
two sets of variable impedances per phase, one of which
represents a generating source impedance and the other
the impedance of a line. The current-transformers, of
which there may be up to four per phase, can be con-
nected in various combinations according to the particu-
lar fault distribution which it is required to reproduce.
primary circuit has two maln functions:
To provide primary currents in various combina-
tions of current-transformers, with control of
overall time constant, the point of wave at which
the fault is applied, the type of fault, and the
duration of fault. This function is required when
the bench is used for tests where only current is of
To provide variable current and voltage condi-
tions at a relaying point with control of time
constant, duration of fault, point-of-wave, and
type of fault. This function is required when the
bench is used for the dynamic testing of relays
and protective-systems which require both cur-
rent and voltage, e.g. distance protection.
The equipment required for the above basic functions
lends itself to many other test applications which require
controlled current and/or voltage conditions. The vari-
ous units which make up the complete test-bench are
described in more detail overleaf.
Source and Line Impedances
One of the main requirements of test-equipment of
this type is to obtain current and voltage transients of the
order of those which may occur in practice. The source
impedances are designed with maximum X/R values of
practice. The line impedances are designed with a max-
the order of 30 and these produce current-transients
imum X/R of about 10 which corresponds to that of a
which are large enough to be comparable to those
typical 275-kV line. Resistance can be inserted to
obtained with generator and transformer impedances in
reduced this X/R value to about 2,6 which corresponds
to that of a typical 132-kV line.
3.0 6.0
n 12.0 24.0
- 0 3.0 12.0 48-O
=-iz% 6.0 9.0 160 54.0
24-O 27.0 36.0 72.0
96.0 j 99.0 1 108.0 144-o
I-I ol/ol OI
0 2.0 4.0 5.34
0 2.56 8.0 I b-0
0 2.9 10.6 32.0
The reactors in both source and line impedances are
air-cored so that they are completely linear.
Two source-reactors are provided for each phase,
each having four sections. These two units are provided
with switches so that their sections can be connected in a
number of ways and the resulting impedances connected
singly, in series, or in parallel to give a total source-
impedance per phase, variable in relatively close steps
between 2 ohms and 144 ohms. This arrangement is
shown in fig. 3. The X/R values can be made constant
over this range of source-impedance. An earlier version
of the bench uses the simpler method of a tapped reactor
with manual plug-selection but this has the disadvantage
of a varying value of X/R over the range of impedances.
Source-impedance is not normally included in the
neutral connection, but where tests require a higher
value of zero-sequence impedance in the source, the
source-impedance of one phase may be connected in the
neutral connection. This is permissible, since such tests
will invariably be concerned with single or double
phase-to-earth faults where one phase is not in use. A
neutral link is provided so that resistance may be con-
nected to simulate systems which have a resistance-
earthed neutral.
Three line reactors are provided in each phase and in
the neutral. These represent, when all are in series, a line
of approximately 3.5 ohms, the sections being 0.5, 1.0,
and 2.0 ohms respectively (at 275 kV). By shorting out
various sections, the impedance between the relaying
point and the fault can be varied from O-3.5 ohms in
steps of 0.5 ohm.
The neutral line impedances are half the value of the
phase line impedances, giving a typical value of ZO/Z1 =
2.5 for the line. The arrangement of the line reactors are
shown in fig. 4.
Impedance ofllne units:
Phase 0 10 3.5 ohm\ in O-5 ohm wzps \~~th phase-angles of
70 10 ns
Neutral 0 to l-75 ohms in 0.25 ohm step, with phase-angle5
of ho or 70
Make Switch and Main Contactor
The function of the main contactor is to connect the
voltage-supply to the test-bench a short time (about f
sec.) before application of the fault and to interrupt the
fault-current after the required duration of the fault.
With this arrangement, the main primary circuit is nor-
mally dead and is only made alive for the minimum
required time. The main contactor is of the heavy indus-
trial type and is capable of interrupting repeatedly the
maximum currents at very low power-factors.
The make switch is required to apply the fault at a
particular point-on-wave, so that high speed and con-
sistency of operation are essential. Experience has
shown that telephone-type relays with heavy-duty con-
tacts can perform this duty with comparative ease. The
arrangement adopted is shown in fig. 5. One telephone-
type relay with two parallel heavy-duy contacts is used
per phase, and two auxiliary relays, energised in parallel
with these, provide synchronised contacts for timing,
interlocking, etc. The standard contacts have been mod-
ified by the addition of a momentum transfer-device
with practically eliminates contact-bounce. Very consis-
tent operation is thus obtained and wear on these con-
tacts is negligible. The relays are energised from the
master control-unit as will be described later.
Up to twelve current-transformers can be energised
from the primary circuit in various combinations. They
are of typical bar-primary design having normal 300/l
and 3001.5 secondaries. Four primary windings are pro-
vided to enable the overall transformation-ratio (and
thus secondary current level) to be varied over a wide
range in close steps. These windings are in the propor-
tion 1 : 3 : 9 : 27 giving primary turns by addition or
subtraction of 2-80 in steps of two. Selection of the
primary turns is by means of a manual plug board which
also provides the facilities for interlinking the primary
circuits of the current-transformers to form the various
arrangements required. A tapped section of 10 per cent
of the secondary turns enables the ratio of some of the
current-transformers to be controlled by t10 per cent in
steps of 2 per cent. The arrangement permits tests up to a
current which is equivalent to 30 times the current-
transformer rating at fairly high values of X/R. The
amount of influence which the secondary burdening
exerts on both the magnitude and time constant of the
primary current is relatively small with modern low-VA
protection and the arrangement is a fairly close approx-
imation to a current source over the whole range of
Typical arrangements of the current-transformer cir-
cuits are shown in figs 6a, 6b, and 6c.
It should be noted that the reversing-switch in the
primary circuits of some current-transformers enables
rapid change-over between a single-end-fed internal
fault, a double-end-fed internal fault, and a through-
fault, when balanced-current systems of protection are
being tested.
The provision of both l-ampere and 5-ampere secon-
daries on the current-transformers enables relays and
protection for either rating to be tested. Alternatively,
one secondary can be used as a search coil while the
other is in use, or can be used for the injection of d.c. or
a.c. ampere-turns into the current-transformer to simu-
late certain conditions.
These are provided so that the voltage windings of
relays may be connected to the relaying point, i.e. bet-
ween the source and line impedances. They are of nor-
mal accuracy, suitable for burdens up to 75 VA, and are
of ratio 440/l 10 volts, open-delta windings being pro-
vided for relays requiring residual voltage connection.
The primary windings of these voltage-transformers
may be connected via a selector-switch to a number of
positions as follows:
(1) Continuous 440-volt supply. This is of use during
those tests and adjustments where a continuous
voltage-supply is necessary.
(2) The source side of the make switch, so that the
relays are energised at normal voltage prior to the appli-
cation of the fault-current. This represents the condi-
tion, in practice, of a fault occurring on a line which is in
(3) The line side of the make switch, so that the relays
are energised by the fault-voltage simultaneously with
application of the fault-current. This represents the con-
dition, in practice, of a faulted line being switched into
The general arrangements of the voltage-transformer
connections is shown in fig. 7. It can be seen from this
that the current taken by the voltage-transformers is fed
through the current-transformers. This is not completely
desirable, but with the normal voltage-transformer bur-
dens used in practice the reflected impedance of the
voltage-circuits is so large compared with the line impe-
dance that the resulting errors are negligible. This con-
nection is preferable to that in which the current-
transformers are on the line side of the voltage-
transformers, since in this case the small voltage-drop
across the current-transformers is imposed on the
voltage-circuits. This voltage-drop becomes significant
when testing with terminal faults close to the relaying
point with heavy currents.
Master Control-unit
The master control-unit provides the following fea-
(1) A safety time-lag of about f second between closing
of the main contactor and operation of the make
switch. Interlocking contacts on the contactor and
make switch ensure that the circuit is always broken
by the contactor.
(2) 360 control through a selsyn and thyratron cir-
cuit for selecting the point-on-wave at which the make
switch closes its contacts. This is accurate and consistent
within about 1 or 2.
(3) A timing circuit which controls the duration of the
Eault-current. Extreme accuracy of interruption of the
circuit is not possible but the duration of fault may be
adjusted from short faults of the order of 3 loops up to
long faults of the order of seconds.
(4) A variable pulse which can be used for triggering an
oscilloscope at any point in the fault-sequence. This
means that the whole of the fault may be observed on a
slow time base or that any part of the fault or associated
phenomena may be recorded in an expanded form by
using a fast time base. This feature is extremely valuable,
espeically when used with an oscilloscope equipped with
a long persistence tube. Full advantage may be taken of
the rapid testing-rate as photographic records may be
kept down to a minimum.
The genera1 arrangement of the lastest type of
control-unit which has been developed is shown in block
form in fig. 8. The unit is shown withdrawn from the
pane1 in fig. 9 which also shows the unit construction of
the Dekatron counter stages. These are made withdraw-
able so that units can be easily replaced or interchanged.
The selsyn unit provides a variable-phase supply to an
electronic squaring circuit from which a pulse-forming
circuit is energised. The 51-cycle oscillator may be used
as an alternative to the phase-shifter and this provides
the facilities for random point-on-wave switching which
is sometimes required. The pulse-forming circuit
develops a train of pulses at 10 ms intervals which, when
taken from the phase-shifter, are locked to a selected
point-on-wave of the main supply-voltage. The pulse
train actuates a 3-decade dekatron counter unit which
gives a maximum overall time of 10 seconds. The
counter system is arranged to start always on a pulse
corresponding to the negative going half-cycle of voltage
out of the phase-shifter. Thus the firing unit for the make
switch, which is selected to a fixed 500-millisecond point
on the second decade. always fires at the correct point-
on-wave which is indicated by the phase-shifter. The
firing unit of the make switch contains a thyratron which
is triggered at the correct point, discharging a condenser
through the make switch coil. Fast consistent opcra-
tion of the make switch is thus obtained.
The trigger control for the oscilloscope can be selected
to any point in the pulse train thus enabling it to be up to
1 second in advance or 9; seconds later than the firing
point of the make switch. This enables the beginning of
the fault to be observed or any point after to be
expanded on a fast time base. For complete convenience
in this respect. a variable IO&20 milliseconds delay is
fitted to the trigger circuit to enable triggering to be
effected at points between the pulses of the main pulse
The internal stop selector is also capable of being
selected to any pulse in the train and this is used to trip
the main contactor. The duration of fault may therefore
be controlled in IO-millisecond steps from about 2-3
loops up to 9Q seconds. Facilities are also provided for
stopping the sequence, i.e. tripping the main contactor,
from a protection relay under test.
The whole test-sequence is automatically controlled
from on2 push-button. the equipment automatically
resetting when this button is released.
FIG c). Vlt:U 01. (ON I KOL:UNI T
Ancillary Equipment
Apart from the facilities offered by the main primary
circuit, current-transformers, voltage-transformers,
control-unit etc., certain auxiliary equipment has been
included in the bench in order to extend its use and
provide greater flexibility. The main items are described
A variable-phase supply is a frequent necessity in both
protective-systems and relay-testing and this facility has
been incorporated in the test-bench. The normal rotary
phase-shifters have limitations which make them unsuit-
able for such use and a special static phase-shifting trans-
former has been built. The arrangement is as shown in
fig. 10a and is basically a tapped three-phase trans-
former energised from the same power-supply as the
main primary circuits. The taps are so arranged that the
manual plug-selection of the output circuits on the
phase-shifter panel provides a 240-volt supply adjust-
able in 10 steps through 360. The plug-selection pro-
vides a visual indication of the phase-angle selected. The
turns on the various secondary taps are so arranged that
output-voltage remains constant independent of its
phase-angle. Variac transformers can be inserted in the
output to give control of the output-voltage. Two plug-
selector systems are provided so that two variable-phase
supplies may be obtained. The phase-shifter is capable
of delivering currents of the order of 10 amperes without
significant phase-shift so that there is no zero-correction
necessary and the selected phase-angle may be referred
to the main supply-voltage. Practice has shown that con-
trol in 10 steps is adequate for most tests. Where closer
control of phase-angle is necessary an external auto-
transformer unit has been designed, as shown in fig. lob,
which gives control between the 10 positions in steps of
Voltage Simulators
It is sometimes advantageous to use the main current
circuits of the bench to energise the current circuits of a
relay, but to use voltages which change in a predeter-
mined way (independent of the bench circuits) on appli-
cation of the fault-current. A voltage-simulator unit has
been designed for this purpose. Potentiometers in each
phase-to-neutral voltage enable the voltages on each
phase to be adjusted to a particular value to which they
will fall from normal voltage when the current is applied.
Primary Shunts and Meters
The primary circuits are provided with current-shunts
so that the primary current-transient may be observed
by oscilloscope. A multi-range ammeter is provided
together with current-transformers so that the steady-
state current in any phase or the neutral may be meas-
An operations-counter is provided so that the number
of operations may be logged. This is useful both from the
test and maintenance aspects.
250 v
Auxiliary A.C. and D.C. Supplies
In view of the large number of electronic instruments
in use which require mains supplies, a number of mains
sockets are provided on the bench. These can also be
used for auxiliary voltage supplies of fixed phase-angle.
A 1 lo-volt d.c. supply which can be used for repeat-
contactors is provided on the bench. A repeat-contactor
with seal-in contacts and lamp-indication is a built-in
feature for relays with no repeat-contactor incorpo-
A portable electronic timer is normally used in con-
junction with the bench. The provision of contacts sync-
hronised with those on the make switch ensure easy
measurement of overall operating-times of relays and
protection. Auxiliary contacts on the main contactor
provide similar facilities for measuring the release times
of relays on de-energisation.
Oscillographic Work
The facilities for triggering oscilloscopes on single-
stroke operation enable transient phenomena to be
readily investigated on the bench. The ability to repeat
shots under controlled test-conditions in conjunction
with long persistence tubes reduces photography to a
minimum. It is usually only necessary to photograph
traces when permanent records of a particular trace are
Typical Application
Some of the applications for which the test-bench has
been used are described below.
Differential Protection
Most of the protective-systems based on current-
balance of current-transformers can be explored.
Protective-systems with up to four terminals can be
tested on a three-phase basis, and those with up to
twelve terminals on a single-phase basis. The steady-
state and transient balance of current-transformers are
readily checked by the equipment. The examples of
oscillograms shown in fig. 11 illustrate how clearly the
problems of transient balance of current-transformers
may be demonstrated. These records also show the con-
siderable time constants obtainable and the consistency
of point-on-wave switching.
Distance Protection
lndividual distance-relays or complete distance-
protection schemes may be tested in a very realistic
manner with extreme rapidity. The provision of line and
source impedances affords a realistic relaying point for
distance-protection, the source-impedance being varied
to simulate the system plant conditions and the line
impedance varied to simulate the fault-position. Fine
control of the impedance relay setting is effected by
means of primary and secondary adjustments on the
current-transformers, thus enabling the accuracy of the
relays to be determined under switched conditions in
addition to ordinary static bench-test. The effects of the
primary transients on accuracy is important with high-
speed systems and this may be readily explored. Also,
the overall time of operation for faults within the zone
may be determined for various source conditions and for
varying degrees of transients.
With suitable interconnections it has been possible to
explore the effect of reversal of current-flow when a
switch opens under fault. The effect of the zero-
sequence impedance of transformers and the efficacy of
earth-fault compensation has also been investigated.
Tests on individual types of relays may be made with
or without the effects of current-transformers. Some
examples are as follows:
(a) The dynamic characteristics of instantaneous-
relays with off-set current-inputs.
(b) Timing characteristics of overcurrent relays and
overshoot measurements. The effect of current-
transformer saturation on time of operation of
(c) Dynamic tests on directional-relays.
The illustrations in this article apply to a new design of
test-bench just nearing completion. A previous pro-
totype design has been in use for three years and has
proved invaluable. It is of interest to note that nore than
100,000 operations have been done on the earlier test-
bench with practically no maintenance.
The principles developed in these test-benches have
been applied to the testing of production-equipment,
and a bench of similar type is being supplied to the
C.E.A. It is also of interest to note that the equipment
developed and the methods used are finding application
to University research. For example, a bench of this type
is being constructed at Manchester College of Technol-
ogy for use in post-graduate research and as demonstra-
tion equipment, the major items being supplied by
Primary current adding to rcmanence

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