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"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing and as

necessary in the political world as storms in the physical....It is a medicine

necessary for the sound health of government." – Thomas Jefferson

Here's a breaking news alert for all Carpenters: High level union
politics and power is at the heart of the “emergency supervision” over the
New York City District Council Of Carpenters.

The depth of the district council corruption is much greater than you are
being told. Mike Fordes ten year reign of corruption, rewarded lax ethics,
corrupt behavior and drug use. In this “culture of corruption,” a toxic work
environment was created where the more willfully ignorant of corrupt
conduct an individual is, the more you advance in position and power.

Brothers and Sisters, We cannot remain silent any longer! This is our union;
these are our employees, taking bribes and narcotics, hiding illegal Smirking Thomassen, Fordes
weapons and drugs on our property, while Supervisor, Frank Spencer righthand man, turn a blind eye
installs Pete Thomassen, the person who cover-up corruption and failed to to contractors
protect our financial interest, as his assistant. Spencer, has also kept all of schemes to cheat us!
Fordes handpicked yes-men in their positions of power.

What the hell is going on here? Why are we standing for this? Why are we not standing at 395 Hudson
Street with "torches and pitch forks", demanding involvement in the supervision? Who is protecting our
financial interest including our pension and health benefits? Use this hearing to voice your concerns!

This is what is known:

August 5, Mike Forde and nine others, were arrested charged in a 29-count indictment, in a $1 million scheme
for corruption, racketeering, bribery and perjury, in a conspiracy that stretches over a decade, involving six
contractors, business agents, business manager, benefit fund trustees, shop stewards and mob associates.

August 13, UBC General President Douglas McCarron fired council EST Mike Forde, local 608 business
manager, John Greaney, local 608 business agent, Brian Hayes, and ordered an “emergency supervision”
of the district council and appointed Vice President Frank Spencer, supervisor.

September 24, Federal agents armed with a search warrant seized drugs, said to include large quantities of
the highly addictive prescription painkiller OxyContin, and a stun gun hidden inside a secret wall at the council.

Forde, long rumored to have thrown drug-fueled parties in the council, tested positive for cocaine and
marijuana when he was arrested. Seven of his nine co-defendants also tested positive for drugs.

At least seven more high level council employees are fired or still employed, after testing positive or
admitting to drug use. Several employees removed head and all body hair to avoid detection of drug use.

Independent Investigator, Walter Mack whoʼs work led to the charges in the indictment wrote,Thomassen and
district council officers "engaged in, at least, willful ignorance" of the corrupt conduct by companies like
Tri-Built and On Par, which are believed to be two of the six unnamed contractors in the indictment
and were notoriously known as "cash" companies, “yet permitted to work corrupt for years.”

Once again the membership who pays the salaries of these so-called leaders have been kept in the dark.
There has been a virtual news blackout and members questions unanswered by Supervisor, Frank Spencer.

We need to get organized. We need to take part in protest rallies. We need a game plan.

Thereʼs One Place We Can Start!

Let the rebellion begin! Your only source of up to the minute information

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