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Construcii cu Verbele Modale Modal Constructions Verbele modale: can; could; may; might, must; have to; will;

would; shall; should; ought to; dare (to); need (to). Verbele Modale sunt semi-auxiliare, deci se comport alt!el dec"t verbele obi#nuite, adic , $#i !ormea% interogativul #i negativul singure, ! r a se a&uta de verbele auxiliare clasice be #i do, nu primesc -s la persoana ''' sg. pre%ent #i nu au !orme nepersonale (in!initiv, gerun%iu). ((' can to to). )xcep*ie !ac have to, need to, be bound to, be going to, la care se reg sesc toate aceste tr s turi #i care se numesc semi-modale. +ceste verbe au $n cele mai multe ca%uri dublu $n*eles. ,e asemenea, ma&oritatea au o expresie sinonimic care s le $nlocuiasc $n construc*iile $n care acestea sunt improprii. Modal verbs are semi-auxiliary verbs, therefore they have other characteristics than notional verbs, that is, they dont take be or do to form the interrogative and the negative, nor do they get an -s in the III person sg. Also, they do not have non-finite forms (gerund or infinitive . !xceptions are have to, need to, be bound to, be going to, dare to, "hich are called semi-modals. #hey generally carry t"o meanings and have a synonymous expression to replace them in various situations "here they are not fit. ' may go at last- (' am allo"ed to) ' may go today. (' "ill probably go). .hey can s"im (present) / .hey "ill be able to s"im (!uture). .oate construc*iile modale au dou !orme de ba% : All modal constructions can be found under t"o ma$or forms% A. &imple Modal constructions ' referring to present or future situations. (. )erfect Modal constructions ' referring to past events +. construc*iile modale simple, care se re!er la situa*ii pre%ente sau viitoare: 0 1 modal 1 short in!initive 2aul may be leaving on Monday (It is possible that 2aul is leaving on Monday); .his boo3 may be what ' really need. (.his boo3 is likely to be what ' really need.) 4. construc*iile modale per!ecte, care se re!er la evenimente trecute 0 1 modal 1 have 1 2ast 2articiple ('''rd !orm) 5e should have arrived by now. (6e expected him to arrive by now.) .he course must have started. (' am sure the course has already started.) VII. 1. Can Could Verbul modal Modal verb Forma alternativ Substitute form 1. be able to Sens Meaning - exprim capacitatea !i%ic sau mental pre%ent de a !ace ceva - expresses ability to do Exemple Examples .hey can 7are able to s3i very well. ' could never 7"as never able to learn lie.

something in the present


!. be li"el#$ possible to %&appen'

- posibilitatea sau presupunerea ca ceva s !ie sau s aib loc. - possibility* probability* con$ecture or a characteristic - imposibilitate este exprimat doar cu a&utorul !ormei negative. - impossibility, only "ith the negative form. - permisiunea7 $ncuviin*area $n pre%ent a unei ac*iuni. - permission to do something. in the present - rug minte, solicitare - re,uest - propunere - suggestion - o $nsu#ire7caracteristic trecut - past ability - permisiunea7 $ncuviin*area unei ac*iuni $n trecut - past permission - imposibilitatea - impossibility - repro# - reproach - presupunere - supposition, con$ecture

(. can)t * it)s impossible+ it)s unli"e#$ not li"el#

.he temperature can (sometimes) drop to / 9: ;< in these parts. (=it is very likely*possible to get that low) +an it really happen to me (Is it really happening to me>) 't cant be true (its impossible to be true)5e cant have said such a thing-(Its impossible7not likely that he said such a thing) +an 0usan come with us, too> ?es, 0usan can come with us. +an you help me, please> +an we better stay at home tonight> ' remember that ten years ago they could speak 0panish much better (@ were able to spea3@). .he students could !inally leave. .his is line A, so this couldnt be the train to 4ra#ov. ?ou could hurry up a bit0he could have come in time.his could be the right way.

,. be permitted$ be allo-ed to .. -ould #ou/0 1. &o- about/0 1. -as$-ere able to

!. -as$-ere allo-ed to . (. it)s 6ust not possible$ it)s &ard to accept$believe ,. -&# didn)t #ou0 C2345 .. .it is probable t&at it &appens$ to &appen+ it is 7uite li"el# t&at/ 1.

- rug minte, solicitare politicoas

+ould my sister stay, too, please>


- polite re,uest - adresare politicoas - polite re,uirement to do something - o!ert de a&utor - polite offer - propunere - polite suggestion - posibilitate - possibility

+ould you enter your personal in!ormation here, please> ' could type the article !or you. +ouldnt*+ould we better stay at home tonight> 't could sometimes rain heavily in these parts.

9. :. 1;.

VII. !. Ma# Mi<&t Verbul modal Modal verb Forma alternativ Substitute form be allo-ed$permitted Sens Meaning - exprim permisiunea7aprobarea de a !ace ceva; !orma negativ exprim interdic*ia de a !ace ceva - expresses permission*consent for an action- the negative form expresses interdiction to an action - probabilitatea unei ac*iuni - e mai puternic dec"t might. - probability of an action ' stronger than might - propunere7 o!ert - polite offer - probabilitatea (mai mic ) unei ac*iuni / e mai pu*in puternic dec"t may - likeliness of an action 'less strong than may - repro# - reproach - ac*iune ramas ca ultim , nu tocmai placut ,alternativ - it also sho"s that the action is seen as the last alternative left, "hich the speaker resents doing. VII. (. Must Bave to Exemple Examples ?ou may not enter the building during con!erence hours. May ' add something> >ast ?orm@ .hey "ill not be7"ere not allo"ed7 permitted to enter without a permit. 5e may be at home.

MA= ma#be$ probabl#

do #ou -ant me to0

May ' help you> 5er neighbours might tell you where sheCs moved. (' am not sure whether they 3now or whether they are willing to tell you.) +ttending the class only might have been enough to understand the course. ?ou might at least stay until the speech ends. 6eCve lost the document- 6e might as "ell start it all over again-

it is$-as probableD possible t&at$to MIABC

Verbul modal Modal verb

Forma alternativ Sens Substitute form Meaning be compulsor#$ - exprim obligativitatea obli<ator#$mandator# (convingere personal , nu constrangere) de a !ace ceva; - obligation ( personal conviction rather than imposition it)s sure$certain - certitudine - certainty


it)s ver# li"el#

- posibilitatea - possibility

it -ould be nice$ it is recommendable be interdicted$ be ?orbidden$pro&ibited

- s!at, recomandare - advice, recommendation - ca #i may, dar mai puternic dec"t acesta, exprim o interdic*ie, sau un repro#. - similar tomay, it expresses interdiction*prohibition to an action (in a stronger "ay than may) or reproach. - obligativitate impus - external obligation, imposition

Exemple Example 6ell, ' really must go now. (' 3now itCs the right thing to do) .he passengers must !irst pass through the sanitary !ilter. .his must be the way to the hostel (' am sure it is) .he train must have already left the station by now. ?ou must be terribly happy0he must have le!t by now (yet 'Cm not 8DDE sure). ?ou must attend next yearsC con!erence, too. ?ou mustnt speak to anyone li3e that.he passengers must not open their sa!ety belts unless told to.

M3SC 2C$ M3SC )C


it)s compulsor#$ obli<ator#$mandator#

' have to open the meeting today. .hey had to run to catch that bus. .he tutor "ill have to give you the right advice.

VII. ,. S&all S&ould 2u<&t to Verbul modal Modal verb Forma alternativ Substitute form Sens Meaning Exemple Examples

be to

SBA44 Eould #ou li"e me to0 be determined to

- obligativitate puternic cu e!!ect de lege - very strong obligation* compulsion stronger than must- it is sometimes follo"ed by have to - o!ert de a&utor7serviciu - offer of help - hot r"rea de a !ace ceva dublat de certitudinea e!ectu rii ac*iunii. - an action "hich the speaker feels strong for and is certain to happen. - s!at, recomandare, uneori repro# bl"nd sau un s!at - advice, recommendation,advice, mild criticism

+ll boo3s shall be returned in due time. .he citi%ens shall (have to pay their levies be!ore the close o! the year (i! they want to avoid being !ined). &hall ' carry call the elevator> ' shall (de!initely) give up smo3ing.

it is advisable$ recommendable+ it is met t&at/


I)m in t-o minds

- indeci%ie - hesitation - coincidena - susinut de expresii ca it is strange*funny*odd that - coincidence, "hen doubled in meaning by it is strange7!unny7odd that @ - recomandare moral = s-ar c dea, ar trebui s , ar !i bine s . - moral*etical recommenadtion

?ou should be careful with your money (-) Fo one should $udge others. ?ou should have completed your studies be!ore applying !or the &ob. ?ou should check the electricity be!ore you go abroad. &hould ' stay or should ' leave> 't is really odd that George should be here now-


23ABC C2

Haws ought to be obeyed by every citi%en6e ought to be caring with the needy.

VII. .

eed 5are

Verbele need #i dare sunt !olosite mai ales in propo%i*ii negative #i interrogative. #he verbs need and dare are mainly used in negative sentences and in ,uestions. t&ere is a$t&e need ?or$to it -ould be -elcome to - necesitate $n pre%ent7 viitor. - necessity in the present*future. - nu este un verb modal, deci se comport la !el ca orice verb no*ional (de ex. prime#te -s la persoana ''' sg, a!irmativ ) #i exprim ideea necesit *ii unei st ri sau unei ac*iuni. - it is not a modal verb, it behaves like any notional verb (gets -s in III person sg, etc. and expresses the necessity of a state or action. - lipsa necesit *ii $n pre%ent7viitor. - lack of necessity in the present*future. ?ou need to ask the physician !or another prescription because 'Cve mislaid it. .eed she really speak li3e that> My !riend 3eep saying he needs to cut on his sweets as his blood sugar is too high. /o you need anything else, sir>



EE5 )C$ 52 )C$52ES )C EE5 C2

it)s not necessar#$ t&ere is no need ?or$to$ don)t$doesn)t &ave to$ don)t$doesn)t need to t&ere -as no need$ re7uirement to

EE5 )C BAVE 52 E$ 5I5 )C EE5 C2

5I5 )C BAVE C2

t&ere -as no need$re7uirement to


I modal verb@ &ave t&e coura<e to do somet&in<

- lipsa necesit *ii $n trecut / ac*iune e!ectuat , de#i nu era necesar). - lack of necessity in the past / action performed albeit not necessary. - ac*iune nenecesar #i nee!ectuat . - action not necessary and not performed either - main verb 1 to infinitive; - (semi) modal verb 0 bare infinitive.

?ou neednt come to wor3 today. 'tCs holiday. 5e doesnt need to chec3 the text anymore (someone else already has) ' told them they neednt have called the ambulance as their mother was already !eeling better. .han3 God we didnt need to call the ambulance. Mother was already !eeling better. Fobody dares to de!y our group leaderCs authority. dared to go there.

I regular verb@ to c&allen<e

+lso correct: ' dont dare ask.

/o you still dare to argue with him> Maria hasnt dared to approach her boss yet. ' see you darent read your essay. /are we return there> ' dare not enter the classroom now.

VII. 1. Eill Eould Verbul modal Modal verb Forma alternativ Substitute form I promise to/ I? #ou "eep$ insist on/. I)m sure it is/ Sens Meaning - promisiune - promise - hot r"re !erm - stubborn determination - deduc*ie logic - logical deduction, prediction, assumption - dorin* , solicitarea a&utorului, ordin - "ish, re,uest, demand, order - deci%ie spontan - spontaneous decision - deprinderi, uneori de%aprobate sau chiar criticate - habits, sometimes criticised - presupunere - supposition ' similar to could7may7might7can - dorin* , cerere7 solicitare / mai politicos dec"t "ill - "ish, re,uest ' more polite than will - deprinderi $n trecut Exemple Examples ' "ill "rite as soon as ' arrive. (' promise) '! you "ill refuse to attend the course, youCll !ail the exam. .his message "ill be !or me. (' have been expecting it, so ' 3now) ' !eel little John "ill get better. 1ill you please park the car> 1ill you leave me alone> +: ' need someone to get the boo3 !or me. 4: ' "ill. ' thin3 John isnCt himsel! nowadays. 5eCll lie in bed !or hours without hearing when ' call him. 2honing the station may spare you the e!!ort to go and as3 yoursel!. 1ould you do me a !avour and drop this note at the deanCs secretary, please> My colleagues "ould o!ten visit me


Eill #ou be so "ind as to/$Could #ou/.0 I am available and -illin< / Be does not&in< else

ma#$ mi<&t$ could$can E2345 Ma# I as" #ou to/0$ It is$-ould it be possible ?ot #ou to/0 used to

- habits in the past

when ' was in hospital.

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