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thEmes thEmes
second part second part
Phosphenism and
Phosphenism and
Light, the origin of knowledge, is the key
to a fascinating inner experience.
Special Issues #4, #5 #6 of Phosphenic
Energy Universe consists of pages that
were created to optimize the referencing of
our website phosphenism.com, in order to
achieve the best search engine ranking on
Google. But these pages generated so
much interest that we decided to enrich
them and to deliver them in these special
issues of Phosphenic Energy Universe.
Even in this shortened version, they will
comment the links between Phosphenism
and many different topics and they will
surely be eye-opening for Phosphenists.
These thematic pages do not aim to cover
these topics thoroughly and we invite you
to help improving them as well as adding
new, interesting themes.
Please, feel free to contact us with any
suggestion or to send us your articles.
PHOSPHENISM Publishing was created to publish the
books and discoveries of one of the most
enlightened master of the past fifty years.
Only one purpose, only one mission :
preserving Dr LEFEBUREs works
for the future generations.
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olk stories mention many cases of bewitchment
or curses. In the light of Doctor Francis
LEFEBURE's discoveries in cerebral physiology, it
is possible to understand the mechanisms that govern
the exchanges of energy between human beings and
to distinguish reality from fiction. Dr LEFEBURE, a
French physician and scientist, based his research on
the systematic use of the phosphenes. The
phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light,
i.e. those which are not directly provoked by light
hitting the retina. They can be produced by focusing
shortly on sources of light. Dr LEFEBURE and his
collaborators practiced many experiments of
phosphenic telepathy and discovered unknown laws
of cerebral physiology.
Contrary to preconceived ideas, it is not possible to
invest another person's brain at a distance and impose
our thoughts to them. Rhythmic thinking, on the
contrary, is easy to transmit by telepathy. Rhythm
structures thoughts and gives them extra power. To
understand this concept better, let us quote this
example by Dr LEFEBURE: the analogy between wind
and thoughts.
"Thoughts are like the anarchic masses of air: they
have a lot of energy, but its effect is weak. The wind
does not go through walls, for example. But, when a
rhythm is induced in the air, for example by producing
a sound, it can easily go through walls, though its
energy is billion of times weaker than the energy of
the wind. The difference is due to the rhythm of the
energy. Similarly, when the air is carried in a rhythmic
spiral movement, it acquires a fantastic power that can
destroy entire cities and regions, in the form of
tornadoes and typhoons."
Rhythmic thinking, projected on a person, amplifies
their cerebral rhythms and consequently their
thoughts. The content of the thoughts of the receiver is
thus essential and it is this factor that defines the
results of the operation. Cerebral rhythms are neutral.
Even if the emitter desperately tries to transmit
negative thoughts, they will not influence the quality of
the energy that is transmitted. This quality is
determined by the level of practice of the emitter.
Vital energy and cerebral rhythms are not intrinsically
good or bad. It is the quality of the thoughts activated
by this energy that matters. As a simple comparison,
gasoline can be used as fuel for a vehicle, but also can
be used to start a blaze. The same way, energy
amplifies the thoughts of the receiver in a neutral
fashion, the good ones as well as the bad ones. Thus,
it is the state of mind of the receiver that determines
the effects of the transmission of energy. The
environment and the atmosphere in which the receiver
lives have a major influence on his or her thoughts,
social and cultural factors also modify the view of the
world of the individual.
Dr LEFEBURE wrote the following analogy: cerebral
rhythms are like a suction pump and the thoughts of
the individual are like the tank to which this pump is
connected. Cerebral rhythms amplify thoughts. They
energize them and intensify them. Consequently, one
must be careful and use cerebral rhythms wisely.
Cerebral rhythms, increasing thoughts tenfold, amplify
the beliefs and the biases of the receiver. This
operation can be very negative if the person is too
impregnated with certain popular beliefs. A general
feeling of persecution hangs over the cultures where
Page 3
the folklore includes witchcraft, bewitchment and
sorcery. Amplified by the rhythms, this feeling can
become genuine paranoa. The wrong kind of
litterature also has a similar effect of suggestion. The
persons who are conditioned by these factors often
believe they are under a malevolent influence and
wish to be exorcised, when the evil simply lays within
their own psyche. The process is purely
psychological: a suggestion is countered by another
Nature and the cosmos are not human inventions, and
thus do no carry any biases. They are pure and do not
convey any negative concepts. Is a flower hostile?
Does a star want to hurt you? No, unless you are
utterly paranod... Rather than letting yourself be
inspired by litterature of poor quality or by primitive
superstitions, why not let yourself be carried by the
energies of nature and of the cosmos?
Exercise of Phosphenic Mixing:
Choose an image related to nature or the cosmos (a
tree, a flower, the sea, a mountain, a star, a galaxy,
Do a phosphene.
Contemplate the image you have chosen for 15 to 45
minutes, using a photograph or, even better,
contemplating the element itself directly (choose a
tree or a star, for example, and contemplate that
object), do a new phosphene everytime you think it is
Subsequently (maybe once you are back home), do
a phosphene and visualize the image you have
contemplated in your mind's eye.
Try to remember how it looked like. Visualize this
object within the phosphene.
Do a fresh phosphene roughly every 5 minutes.
Practice this exercise during 15 to 45 minutes.
Added to the practice of rhythmic thinking, this
exercise will allow you to direct your energy in a
direction that is at the same time inspiring and safe. If
you repeat this exercise regularly, you will soon
experience dreams or consciousness extensions that
are related to the image you have chosen.
Page 4
hat happened in the small portuguese village
of Fatima in 1917? Mystical manifestation,
suspension of the laws of nature, collective
hallucination or hoax, much ink has been spilled on the
"solar prodigy" of Fatima. The passionate quarrels that
took place at the time between the believers and their
detractors, might seem exaggerated. But, a
phenomenon experienced by 70 000 people at the
same time is everything but common.
First, we shall relate a brief history of the
manifestations. The story of the slow build-up to the
solar prodigy is essential for its analysis. Then, we
shall examine the testimonies of various
eyewitnesses. So please bear with us while we
present the necessary background information, the
climax of the prodigy is certainly worth it! Instead of
founding our analysis on theological reflections, we
have prefered studying the phenomena in the light of
the discoveries in cerebral physiology of Doctor
Francis Lefebure, a French reseacher. Thanks to the
systematic use of the phosphenes, Dr Lefebure has
been able to draw a set of laws of cerebral physiology
that allow the analysis and the understanding of the
mecanisms that were brought into play in the solar
prodigy of Fatima. The phosphenes are all the
subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not
directly produced by light stimulating the retina. The
phosphenes can be produced by focusing on a source
of light for a few seconds. They present characteristic
rhythms that are essential for our study.
"On May 13th 1917, in the valley of "Cova da Iria", not far
from the village of Fatima, Portugal, three children,
Lucia Dos Santos (10), Franscisco Marto (9), her
cousin, and Jacinta (7), Franscisco's sister, witnessed
the apparition of a "Lady", as they called her thereafter.
The "Lady" appeared every 13th day of each month,
until the month of October of the same year.
On May 13th 1917, the three children shepherds, Lucia,
Franscisco and Jacinta brought their flock of sheep
back home. Jacinta told her mother that she had seen
an apparition during the afternoon. The disbelieving
parents questioned the three children ; Lucia and
Franscisco confirmed the facts: a very beautiful lady
appeared to them on an holm oak in Cova da Iria,
where they kept their sheep. She told them that she
came "from the Heavens", and asked them to say the
rosary every day. Then, she told them to return every
13th day of each month, for the next five months and
promised that, on October 13th, she would tell them
her name and what she expected from them.
Franscisco had the same vision as the two girls but
did not hear the lady speak. Lucia's mother was
convinced that her daughter and her cousins were
lying and she reprimanded them violently ; for the next
few days, she slapped Lucia many times to try and
make her admit that she lied, but she did not get any
Page 5
On June 13th, the three children went back to Cova da
Iria, obeying the orders of the Lady, accompanied by
approximately sixty people who wanted to find out the
truth about the alledged apparition. At noon, the
children said that they could see the Lady appear again
in the same spot, on the small holm oak. After about
ten minutes, they said that the Lady was leaving and
pointed with their fingers the direction she was taking.
The sixty witnesses assured that the branches of the
small holm oak bent in that direction, as if "the Lady's
robe was dragging them". When questioned, the
children answered that the Lady asked them to make
sure they sayed the rosary every day, that she told
them a secret and that she asked them to come back
at the same time on July 13th. Back home, the new
incident fueled the debate. Some believed that a
supernatural phenomenon had taken place, but Lucia's
mother still called her a liar and warned her that she
would not tolerate any more recidivism. The parents of
Franscisco and Jacinta were more reserved.
On July 13th, the occurrences of Cova da Iria having
been abundantly reported and commentated in the
Fatima area, it is several thousand people that had
made the journey to the location of the presumed
apparitions. At noon, after saying the rosary, the
children pointed to an area in the sky and said "she is
coming!". The crowd did not perceive anything in that
direction, but, on the other hand, everyone noticed a
small white cloud floating above the children and that
the intensity of the sun had diminished. After ten
minutes, the children announced the departure of the
Lady. Swarmed by questions, they said that the Lady
asked them to say the rosary every day to obtain the
end of the First World War and world peace, that she
told them a secret and that, on October 13th, she would
tell them her name and would produce a great miracle
in order to make everyone believe. Lucia's mother still
blamed and reprimanded her.
On August 13th, approximately 18 000 people gathered
in Cova da Iria, but the children were not there: they
had been arrested by the Administrator of Villa de
Ourem and taken away from Fatima. Nevertheless, the
crowd in Cova da Iria declared that they heard a
formidable thunderclap that shook the ground and saw
a huge lightning bolt cross the sky. Then, everything
happened as if the children were present: the small
cloud appeared at the location where the children
usually stood and the intensity of the light of the sun
diminished during roughly ten minutes. The three
children, after being submitted to never-ending
interrogatories and to psychological pressure, to try
and make them confess that they had lied, were freed
on August 16th. On the 19th, they related that they had
seen the Lady again while they were tending their
sheep in Valinhos, near Fatima. After she had left, they
picked the branches on which she had treaded and
brought them back home. They told everyone that the
Lady had asked them to keep saying the rosary every
day and to "pray and do penance for the sinners as
many souls end up in hell because nobody prays nor
does penance for them". When the children's parents
held the branches in their hands, they exhaled a
sweet, strong, unknown smell. The scepticism of
Lucia's mother was shattered.
On September 13th, a crowd of roughly 30 000 people
was gathered in Cova da Iria. At noon, the three
children announced the arrival of the Lady and the
crowd clearly perceived "a globe of light" flying across
the sky. Then, the same white cloud spread above the
children while the brightness of the sun diminished.
Another strange occurrence was observed by all the
participants: though it was summer, large snowflake-
looking objects fell from the sky, vanishing before they
touched the ground. Some eyewitnesses claimed that
they looked more like flower petals During this
manifestation, the Lady told the children to keep saying
the rosary to obtain the end of the war and promised to
come back on October 13th to perform a great miracle.
On October 13th, the weather was miserable: rain,
wind, cold. Nevertheless, a huge crowd of 70 000
people had come to see the great miracle predicted for
that day. At noon, the children announced the arrival of
the Lady, the usual cloud appeared. Suddenly, Lucia
shouted to the crowd: "Look at the sun !" and all the
persons attending, absolutely all of them, distinctively
saw the sun moving in the sky, swaying and giving the
impression that it was falling towards the ground while
projecting eerie colors on the surrounding countryside.
The solar prodigy lasted ten minutes (it is described in
great details later in this article, by several
eyewitness). Much to their surprise, everyone noticed
that their clothes, soaking wet at noon, were perfectly
dry ten minutes later.
This is the succession of events that took place
between May 13th and Octobre 13th 1917. Some of the
phenomena have been observed by tens of thousands
of people. They are unquestionable. Nevertheless, bear
in mind that none but the three children have actually
seen the Lady, that Lucia and Jacinta were the only
ones who heard her and that only Lucia talked to her."
The following eyewitness reports have been written by
persons present on the day of the solar prodigy. Their
differing points of view allow us to form an objective
idea of what happened that day.
FATHER J. CASTELBRANCO (a catholic priest)
"October 13th was going to be the decisive day for
Fatima. The celestial Lady had promised to reveal who
she was, what she wanted and to produce a miracle
on that day, so that everyone would believe in her
apparitions. The whole country knew the prediction.
And everyone, believers and sniggerers alike, loved the
bold prediction that promised a great miracle on a
certain day, at a precise time and location. It was a
simple and efficient way to verify the reality of the
apparitions of Fatima. Thus, everyone in Portugal was
expecting, with an understandanble curiosity, the
decisive test of October 13th.
Page 6
As the enthousiam of the masses for the prodigies of
Fatima grew, the freethinkers, too, started to grow
restless (Note: by "freethinkers", the author refers to
the atheists of the day). One day, three mounted
policemen turned up at the children's house to question
them. Confronted by the impertinence of the children,
they left saying: "Sooner or later you are going to have
to reveal your secret to the prefect of police, otherwise,
he is determined to have you executed!
- What joy !, shouted the bold Jacinta. I love Jesus and
the Holy Virgin so much, I shall be happy to join them
Other visitors spread the most sinister rumours: the
children and their parents were going to be brought to
trial, on the charge of seducing the masses ; explosive
were going to be used to blow the holm oak, etc.
Shaken by all these threats, Jacinta's parents thought
about leaving Fatima to protect their children. But they
refused: "It does not matter if they kill us! We'll go to
Heaven sooner!"
On October 11th, Dr Formigo also asked Lucia: "Do you
not fear the wrath of the people, if the miracle
announced for October 13th does not take place?
- No, the child answered candidly, I have absolutely no
fear of that."
The next day, October 12th, Lucia's mother, very
worried about the rumours of attack, invited her
daughter to come with her to confess, in order to be
ready for all contingencies in case the miracle did not
happen. "If you want to confess, the child answered
quietly, I will gladly go with you. But I am not afraid. I
am sure that the Lady will do everything that she has
promised tomorrow." Because of the candid self-
assurance of her daughter, Lucia's mother did not
mention confession any more.
On the morning of October 13th, the main freethinking
newspaper from Lisbon, "O Seculo", published an
article signed by its editor in chief, Avelino d'Almeida.
It was an ironic article about the apparitions of Fatima,
described as superstition and deception.
But none of these attempts to intimidate nor to mock
had any effect on the crowd. The day before, all the
roads, all the dirt tracks of Fatima were already
jammed by cars, bicycles and a huge crowd of pilgrims
who were going to spend the night outside, at the
location of the apparitions, and who were saying the
rosary or singing hymns as they walked. It looked like
a general mobilization of the souls, on their way to
listen to the message that Heaven was going to deliver
to Earth, and to witness the miracle that was supposed
to authenticate this message. No one knew what the
miracle would be, but everybody wanted to see it with
their own eyes.
Saturday the 13th of October started with a
disappointment: the weather was unexpectedly cold,
rainy and sad. It seemed as if Heaven wanted to test
the faith and the devotion of the pilgrims, and to make
them deserve, through hard penance, the honor to
assist to the announced miracle. But, the bad weather
did not stop the crowd who was arriving from all over
the country. Even the representatives of the main
newspapers and their photographers were there, to
record and publish the facts.
The persistent rain had turned the location of the
apparitions, a basin, into a vast bog, and the people,
pilgrims and bystanders alike, were soaking wet and
numb with cold. Just before midday, the crowd was
estimated at 70 000 people.
At last, Lucia shouted to the people: "You must close
your umbrellas!". The crowd obeyed and, under the
pouring rain, the rosary was said.
Suddenly, Lucia had a little jolt and shouted "Here
comes the flash!" Then, as she raised her hand, she
added: "She is coming ! She is coming ! Can you see
- Take a careful look, my dear ! Make sure that you do
not make an error", recommanded her mother, who,
kneeling next to her, was visibly anxious about the
outcome of this poignant drama. But, Lucia could not
hear her, she was already seized by ecstasy!
Pious pilgrims had adorned the holm oak with flowers
and silk ribbons, a delicate attention.
Acknowledging their homage, the celestial Lady stood
on the ornaments. Meanwhile, the rain had ceased and
the crowd could observe a thin white cloud that, like
the smoke of incense, formed around the young
clairvoyants, rose above them for five or six meters
before vanishing in the air. The phenomenon occured
three times.
Lucia then asked the question that the Lady had
promised to answer on that day: "My Lady, who are
you, and what do you want from me?"
The Lady answered: "I am Our Lady of the Rosary. I
want a chapel built here in my honor. The rosary should
be said every day."
She also added that the First World War was going to
be over soon and that the soldiers would come back
Preoccupied by all the queries that people had made
her responsible for, Lucia interrupted: "I have so many
things to ask you".
According to Lucia, the Lady answered that she would
grant a few, but not all of them ; and, she instantly
carried on with her message: "Human beings need to
change their lives and ask forgiveness for their sins."
Then, with an expression of sadness and in a pleading
voice: "Let no one offend Our Lord, who has already
been offended so muc!"
At the end of the apparition on the holm oak, the Lady
opened her hands which let forth light that rose
towards the sun. Instinctively, Lucia cried aloud: "Oh !
look at the sun !" Nobody was thinking about the sun,
Page 7
as it had not been seen all morning. But, after the
child's interjection, everyone raised their head to see
what was happening.This is when the huge crowd had
the chance to contemplate, for twelve minutes, a
grand, astounding and unique sight!
All of a sudden, the clouds parted broadly, letting a
large surface of blue sky appear. And, in this vast
cloudless space, the sun appeared at the zenith, but
with a strange aspect. No cloud was veiling it, but the
sun, nevertheless, was not dazzling and everyone
could look at it confortably! In a daze, everyone was
contemplating this new kind of eclipse.
Suddenly, the sun started to tremble, to move, and
finally, the sun began whirling at a vertiginous speed
like a wheel of fire, casting enormous beams of light in
all directions like a gigantic spotlight, in turns green,
red, blue, purple, etc. coloring the clouds, the trees, the
rocks, the ground, the clothes and the faces of this
immense crowd in the most fantastic way!
After approximately four minutes, the sun stopped. A
moment later, it started its eerie dance of light and
colors again, like the grandest fireworks one could
imagine. After a few minutes, the sun took another
pause in its prodigious dance as if it wanted to let the
audience catch their breath.
After a short pause, the sun resumed its fantastic
fireworks for the third time, as if it wanted to make sure
that everyone present could witness the amazing
During the unforgettable twelve minutes of this unique
event, the innumerable crowd remained there in
abeyance, still, ecstatic, breathless, contemplating the
poignant drama that could be visible from more than
forty kilometers around.
This was the promised "great miracle", that took place
at the exact designated time and location and that was
supposed to "compel" human beings to admit the
reality of the apparitions and to obey the message that
the Lady was bringing from Heaven!
Watching this extraordinary prodigy had prepared the
crowd and had triggered the most noble religious
feelings in their hearts, the most intense faith in the
power of God, the sincere worship of its infinite
majesty and the absolute trust in the celestial
message of Fatima, so magnificently confirmed.
Nevertheless, all this was but a preparation to the total
renewal of their souls.
The climax of the great prodigy was the vertiginous fall
of the sun, a most touching and divinely poignant
moment that achieved to unite God with all these
souls, through a sincere act of contrition and love.
Indeed, in the middle of its amazing dance of fire and
colors, like a giant wheel unscrewed by its rotation,
the sun broke away from the firmament and, fell from
one side to the other in a zigzag movement on the
appalled crowd, radiating an increasingly intense heat
and giving the impression that the world was ending,
with the sun and the stars crashing in disarray on the
Earth like it is predicted in the Gospels!
Then, from the terror-stricken crowd, rose a formidable
cry, an intense clamor, depicting the religious terror
filling the souls that were getting ready to die,
confessing their faith and imploring God to forgive their
sins. "I believe in God, the Almighty Father" some
shouted. Others shouted out "Hail Mary!". The majority
implored: "Graciousness, my Lord!". Together, the
people in the crowd fell on their knees on the muddy
ground, their prayers interupted by sobbing, the most
sincere act of contrition that had ever come from their
Finally, stopping suddenly in the middle of its
vertiginous fall, the sun rose back up in its place, in the
same zigzag motion. The crowd visibly felt relieved and
started singing the Credo.
Who could describe the emotions of all these people ?
An elderly man, unbeliever until now, waved his arms
in the air shouting "Holy Virgin ! Blessed Virgin!..." And,
crying, his arms raised towards the sun like a prophet,
obviously in ecstasy, he shouted with all his strength:
"Virgin of the Rosary, save Portugal!...". Everywhere,
similar scenes were taking place.
A poignant detail: though everybody was drenched to
the marrow, all had the sweet surprise to find out that
their clothes were absolutely dry, as if the Lady had
wanted them to feel at ease."
Let us note that Avelino d'Almeida, editor in chief of the
Seculo, had published an ironic article in his
newspaper that very morning. At noon, he was a
witness of the Solar Prodigy at Cova da Iria and, in the
evening, still very impressed by the events, he wrote a
second article. We will quote a few extracts of this
article here. It was published in the Seculo on monday
October 15th. It created a sensation in the whole
country and drew much criticism from the freethinkers,
who never forgave Almeida's promotion and support of
the events of Fatima.
"() The clouds ripped apart and the sun, like a silver
plate started whirling and moving in zigzags in the
cloudless sky.
A great clamor rose from the chests of everyone
present; and these thousands of people fell on their
knees on the soaking wet ground.
The light of the sun turned to an eerie blue! It seemed
as if it was filtered by the stained-glass windows of an
immense cathdral, before filling a giant nave made of
thousands hands raised towards the heavens!... Then,
the blue light dimmed gradually as if it was filtered by
yellow stained-glass windows. Yellow patches were
Page 8
now falling on the white headdresses and the black
clothes of the women. These patches were repeated
infinitely on the trees, the stones, the ground
The whole crowd was crying, praying, the men held
their hats in their hands, impressed by the grandeur of
the anounced miracle ! These moments were so
intense that they seemed to last for hours!..."
In his book: The Virgin of Fatima, the famous writer
quotes several testimonies:
First, the testimony of his own sister: "I arrived in
Fatima on October 13th 1917 It had rained all morning,
nevertheless there was a huge crowd. Next to me there
was a priest who was looking at his watch saying:
"Poor little kids! They got it wrong! The time is drawing
near and there is no miracle!". But, suddenly, the rain
stopped and the sun came out. It seemed to whirl like
a fireworks wheel, taking all the colors of the
rainbow And our faces, our clothes and even the
ground itself, everything was tinted by these fantastic
colors. I could hear people shouting and I could see
others crying. This unique sight lasted approximately a
quarter of an hour. Deeply impressed, I cried out: "Oh
my God! How almighty is your power!..." And, at the
same time, I saw Saint Joseph with the baby Jesus in
his arms, in the middle of the sun which had stopped
whirling and had recovered its natural color.
Nevertheless, I could look at it as one can look at the
moon, without being dazzled!... I wasn't the only
person to witness these prodigies; the whole crowd
saw them ! Everything happened as it was foretold by
the clairvoyant children!"
Marques da Cruz also quotes the testimony of the
brilliant poet Alfonso Lopes Vieira who described what
he saw from the balcony of his house in So Pedrode
Muel, ten leagues (roughly forty kilometers) away from
Fatima: "On this day of October 13th 1917, I had forgotten
about the prediction of the three children shepherds. I
was thus very surprised and enchanted to witness a
really stunning sight in the sky, a sight that I had never
seen before and that I could enjoy from the comfort my
own balcony!"
Marques da Cruz also relates this particular element of
the prodigy: "The immense crowd was soaking wet, as
it had not stopped raining since dawn. But, even
though this seems absolutely unbelievable, after the
great miracle, everyone felt at ease with their clothes
completely dry, a fact that astounded all This fact
was confirmed with the utmost sincerity by tens of
absolutely loyal persons that I have known closely
since my childhood as well as by people from all over
the country who were attending the event!"
The writer Leopoldo Nunes notes that: "Here and there,
under the trees, near the road, or sheltered in their
cars, many leading experts from the world of science,
litterature or the arts were present. Most of them were
unbelievers, curious about the prediction of the three
clairvoyant children" This testimony is confirmed by
Marques da Cruz who adds: "Several scientists who
had witnessed the prodigy admited frankly: I have
seen it, but I cannot explain it!" The events of Fatima
and the annoucement of a great miracle for October
13th had such an impact on the whole country that even
scientists could not refrain from going to Cova da Iria to
check things out. In perfect honesty, these
representants of science acknowledged the
undisputable reality of the prodigy and admited that
they could not explain what had happened in Fatima.
Dr Almeida Garrett, professor at the University of
Science of Combra, writes: "I was approximately one
hundred meters away Rain was pouring heavily on
our heads, dripping on our soaking wet clothes. A few
seconds before 2 PM (the official time which
corresponds to the solar midday), the sun appeared out
of the heavy curtain of clouds that was hiding it.
Everyone started looking at it, as if attracted by a
magnet. I, too, tried to focus on it and what I saw was
a disc with a precise outline, shining but not dazzling.
People around me compared it to a matte silver disc,
though I do not agree. Its aspect was a clear but
changing brightness, like mother-of-pearl. It did not
look like the moon whatsoever ; it did not have the
moon's color neither its bright and shadowy texture. It
looked more like a smooth wheel, cut out from the
silvery valve of a seashell. This is not poetry, I saw it
with my own eyes. It did not look like the sun
perceived through fog either. There was no fog and,
moreover, the solar disc was not blurred or veiled in
any way, but was clearly shining.
This colorful, shiny disc seemed affected by a
vertiginous movement. It was not like the flickering of
the light of a star. It rotated on itself at a distressing
Suddenly, a huge cry rose from the whole crowd, like
a cry of anguish! The sun, still rotating extremely fast,
was falling towards the ground, threatening to crush us
under the weight of its immense mass of fire! These
few seconds were absolutely terrifying!
I have observed all the phenomena I am relating with
my own eyes, calmly, quietly, without trouble. I leave
to others the task of explaining and interpreting them.
A cloud, of a milky white color, forms above the
children shepherds every time the Lady appears.
A globe of white light streaks across the sky.
Balls of white light fall from the sky and disappear
when they touch the ground or when people try to
catch them.
The sun seems to darken, becoming of a pearly white
tint. People can focus on it without being dazzled.
The sun trembles.
Page 9
The sun starts rotating, projecting rays of color in
every direction.
The sun moves in zigzags.
The sun seems to fall from the sky on the crowd.
Many persons experience visions when they focus
on the sun.
Everyone's clothes, though drenched by the rain, are
suddenly dried.
Two main categories interest us here: the post-
phosphene or phosphene consecutive to lighting,
which is mainly used for educational purposes, and the
co-phosphene or phosphene produced while gazing at
the light, which is more particularly in relation with our
1) The post-phosphene: to produce it, you need an
opaline electrical light bulb, i.e. white or made opaline
with silicium. A photo enlarger light bulb is best suited
for that purpose. On the contrary, a frosted glass light
bulb is not as suited and a transparent glass light bulb
is not suited at all. The power of this light bulb should
be roughly of 75 watts. If possible, this bulb should be
set in a paintless reflector (Check Dr LEFEBURE's
Phosphenic Lamp). The lamp should be placed at a
distance of roughly one and a half meters, in front of
you. A wire and a switch will allow you to control the
lamp at a distance. Make sure you practice in a room
as dark as possible, the only source of light being the
lamp. Switch the lamp on.
Focus on the lamp for roughly 30 seconds. Your eyes
should not move, though winking is permitted. After
roughly 30 seconds, a blue tint will appear. When the
lamp is fully blue, you can switch it off. Then, you can
place an eye patch over your eyes to ensure optimal
conditions of darkness.
You should then remain in the dark. After a few
seconds of latency, you will start to perceive different
colors. In most cases, the color yellow or green circled
of red appears. The colors of the phosphene change in
abrupt steps. Sometimes, there are even total eclipses
of the phosphene which then progressively re-forms
itself. Generally, the red tint increases until the
phosphene is completely red after a minute and a half.
After a similar amount of time, this red hue becomes
dark blue or black. At this stage, half of the subjects
perceive a whitish cloud around the dark center, this
cloud is much more stable than the central nucleus,
three or four times larger and with blurred edges, when
the border of the center is sharply defined. We will see
that this cloud, that we call diffuse glow, is very
important for our experiments. The centeral nucleus,
darker than the rest of the field of vision, remains after
the bright colors have vanished and is called the
"negative phosphene". After having practiced
Phosphenism for a while, it generally does not appear
any more, the diffuse glow covering it as soon as it
2) The co-phosphene: instead of focusing on the lamp
for 30 seconds, focus on it for three minutes. After
roughly 20 seconds, a pale blue tint appears on the
edge and eventually covers the whole lamp. After a
minute and a half little pink spots appear, and quickly
merge into a pink circle that replaces the blue light.
Then, after another minute and a half, a little bit of
green appears followed by a wide gray tint which is
not the natural white color of the lamp, but the gray
color of the diffuse glow, that we have already
encountered during the experiment with the post-
The relationship between the co- and post-phosphene
appears clearly, their beginnings and ends are similar,
and the duration of their various phases is identical.
The only difference is a certain degree of symmetry in
the succession of colors within the bicolored center,
the blue tint ending the post-phosphene when it starts
the co-phosphene.
Religious rites and the rhythms of the phosphenes:
When we observe a phosphene, it seems to present
random movements. But in a way, it is possible to do
a dissection of the phosphene, and to detect several
very regular separated rhythms which interaction give
a feelling of disorder at first glance.
This study of the rhythms of the phosphenes is
essential for understanding their relationship with
religious rites. If we think while observing a
phosphene, our thoughts will tend to follow the natural
rhythms of the phosphenes.
The rhythm of the solar co-phosphene actually inspires
the rhythm of prayers, litanies or mantras and
produces currents of energy in the body that are
exteriorized in the form of dances and postures. This is
why praying while focusing on the sun is the basis of
all religious rites.
The main rhythms of the phosphenes are:
1) Trembling at the rhythm of 1/6th of a second: this
rhythm can sometimes be perceived when one focus
on the sun and that it seems to shake. The main
interest of this rhythm is that it can resonate with the
electrical oscillations of the muscles which actually
follow the same rhythm. It can trigger beautiful inner
2) The sways of the phosphene at a rhythm of two
seconds can be produced by swaying softly the head
at that rhythm. At a faster or a slower rhythm, the
phosphene does not follow the movements of the
head. This phenomenon is not due to movements of
the eyes and it has never been recorded by science
before Dr Lefebure's works. It is not just a
physiological curiosity, it is a parapsychological
property of the phosphenes. Dr LEFEBURE called it the
Subud Effect.
3) The alternation of the double phosphenes: After the
previous discovery, Dr Lefebure had the idea to observe
what would happen if he did two phosphenes rather
Page 10
than one, producing an individual phosphene in each
eye by placing a separator between his eyes. He then
observed that he did not see two permanent
phosphenes in his field of vision, but that the two
phosphenes produced by this process disappeared
and reappeared alternatively. This observation proves
that the hemispheres of the brain do not function
simultaneously, but alternatively. He noticed that this
tendency is more or less marked for various individuals
and that it gives precious information on the balance of
the nervous system.
4) The zigzaging oscillations of the diffuse glow:
The final phase of the phosphene appears as a
grayish/whitish cloud of brightness. In Exploring the
brain with the Study of the Oscillations of the Double
Phosphenes, Dr Lefebure relates that his experiments
have showed that the diffuse glow can also alternate,
in turn appearing on the left handside of the field of
vision, in turn on the right one. Nevertheless, it does
not reappear in a diametrically opposite position on the
opposite side. Its position changes, giving the
impression of a zigzaging oscillation.
5) The rotations: The phosphene sometimes gives the
impression it is whirling or rotating on itself. This type
of phosphene can be produced easily by focusing on a
brightly lit rotating disc. Two cerebral activation devices
designed by Dr Lefebure, the Gyrascope and the
Gyropulsar, also allow the production of whirling
phosphenes that can be used for a particular type of
6) The pulsations: The phosphene sometimes grows or
shrinks. This pulsation can induce the feeling that the
phosphene is moving closer or further.
The phosphenes have a characteristic behavior: they
slip out and reappear, they pulse, giving the impression
that they grow and shrink. Their edge can tremble ;
they can also rotate, whirl or sway.
To analyse the miracle of Fatima, one simply needs to
compare the characteristic rhythms of the phosphenes
and the phenomena reported by the eyewitnesses of
the solar prodigy. The crowd believes it sees
movements of the sun because it confuses it with the
co-phosphene produce by focusing on the sun.
Focusing on the sun instantly produces a co-
phosphene (or phosphene associated to gazing at a
source of light). Let us now review the various
characteristic rhythms of the co-phophene and
compare them to the phenomena of Fatima.
The trembling of the sun is the rhythm of 1/6th of a
second of the co-phosphene.
The darkening of the sun is the appearance of the
negative phosphene. Because of the intensity of the
light of the sun, the negative phosphene can appear
instantly, rather than at the end of the post-phosphene.
The zigzaging fall of the sun can be explained by the
fact that the crowd, confusing its co-phosphene with
the sun, has perceived the movements of a spiritual
sun, without realizing when their perception has
switched from physical to spiritual. The zigzaging
movement corresponds to the rhythm of two seconds
of the phosphene.
The fall and the rise of the sun is produced by the
pulsations of the phosphene. During these pulsations,
the diameter of the phosphene varies, giving this
impression of falling. Certain eyewitnesses have
claimed that: "the sun grew bigger as it was falling".
The whirling of the sun is related to the rotations of the
phosphene that sometimes seems to whirl.
These various movements of the solar phosphene can
be triggered much easier if one looks a little bit next to
the sun rather than on the sun itself, and if one has
practiced lateral sways of the upper part of the body,
while focusing on the sun.
The final phase of the phosphene, the diffuse glow,
appears as a cloud of light that produces "visions"
when one focuses on it. It corresponds to the "whitish
cloud" observed above the children by eyewitnesses.
The meaning of the expression "Our Lady of the Rosary"
As the apparition that manifested itself month after
month refused to disclose its name, the clergy and the
masses were becoming irritated. They wanted Lucia to
say that the apparition was the Virgin.
But the brave child, empowered by the rhythms she
had discovered in the loneliness of the pastures,
refused to do so. It is only after the final apparition that
she declared that the Spirit was called "Our Lady of the
Rosary". This expression, like all the revelations of the
spiritual world, presents an infinity of meanings,
according to the level of interpretation. In a similar way,
placing an object between two mirrors produces an
infinity of images.
We believe that the main meaning is:
"I am the power of rhythmic thinking" (the rosary is a
long set of prayer beads) i.e. "I am what yoga calls the
repetition of mantras".
The drying of the clothes can be explained by an
experiment, realized by our collaborator Mr Raoul
Delay, that proves the calorific properties of the
A number as large as possible of transmitting subjects
do a phosphene simultaneously by focusing on a bright
source of light. Then, on a signal, they all focus on the
"solar plexus" of a receiver (a region located in the pit
of the stomach) .
The receiver wears an eye patch. He/she feels a
sensation of heat in this region of his/her body. The
results are proportional to the number of participants. If
this experiment is correct, one can understand how the
intense phosphenes of a crowd of 70 000 people
Page 11
looking at the sun, have provoked the drying of the
people's clothes and the ground in unusual conditions.
If these phenomena are easy to reproduce with a lamp,
then it cannot be a "suspension of the laws of nature"
that has put the sun in motion, but it is actually a
physiological reaction which produces a particular
energy related to cerebral rhythms. When a crowd
focuses on the sun or a lamp, each person's rhythms
are tremendously amplified, to the point that persons
who have never experienced psychic phenomena,
carried by the energy of the group, experience
subjective perceptions which existence they are not
even aware of. Cerebral rhythms are transmitted from
one person to another, provoking a surge that can be
compared to nuclear chain reactions. Rhythmo-
phosphenism, i.e. the awakening of very deep cerebral
rhythms by the phosphenes, constitutes the primary
aspect of "initiation": the transmission of rhythms by a
However, it is necessary to practice with a lamp first.
One should never focus on the sun for too long. In the
beginning, focusing on the sun should not last more
than one second and should not be too frequent. To
practice with the sun, it is important to know the
phosphenic techniques well and to take a few
elementary precautions: taking glasses and contacts
off (they could have a magnifying glass effect and
cause burns of the retina), drinking a lot of water to
irrigitate the eyes well. All this is a question of dosage
; focusing on the sun for more than a second does not
produce more energy ; moreover, the lamp provides
similar results without any risk of accident. When it is
done sensibly, practicing with the sun is very
beneficial on a psychic, mental and initiatory level.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to take precautions.
As they are provoked by physiological phenomena,
solar prodigies can be reproduced at will, individually
or in a group. Practicing these experiments in large
groups facilitates the production of these phenomena.
We have encountered other similar cases to the one in
Fatima, though not on such a grand scale. A
spontaneous case of solar prodigy took place in
Belgium. A child called his mother from the garden of
their house and said: "Mum, look at the sun!". His
mother then perceived movements of the sun similar to
the dance of the sun in Fatima, so did other persons
nearby, though they had never heard of this solar
prodigy. Persons who stood further did not see
anything. What happened here is obvious: children are
more sensitive to phosphenic phenomena. It is within
them that the rhythms are triggered first. This is what
happened in the solar prodigies of Tilly-sur-seulles,
Saint-Paul-d'Espis and, as we have seen, in Fatima.
Then, the persons located close to the children
perceive the movements through telepathic induction.
But, in the case of a smaller group, the emission of
energy is not as powerful and does not range so far.
The phosphenic explanation of the solar prodigy of
Fatima is of a considerable political weight. It plays the
role of a buffer between the extremists who still argue
about the subject: those who pretend that all these
extraordinary phenomena are but a hoax and those
who will not abandon the idea that they were produced
by a suspension of the laws of nature, engineered by
a divine power.
We do not doubt the reality of these phenomena, as
they can be reproduced experimentally and as children,
on their own in nature, can instinctively find the method
that leads to them.
Moreover, let us not deny the spiritual aspect of these
facts, the phosphene being like an umbilical cord that
connects us to the other-world. Also, the same way
human beings can only manifest themselves to the
fishes of the deep through he medium of a diving suit,
it is possible that the "higher spirits" can only manifest
themselves to humans through the medium of the
phosphenic substance produced by a crowd focusing
on the sun.
(Dr F. Lefebure)
It is interesting to note that, in Febuary 1967, Doctor
Lefebure sent a report followed by many letters to Pope
Paul VI, explaining in details the physiological
mecanisms responsible for the solar prodigy. These
revelations, according to the magazine "La Croix",
official written spokesperson of the Vatican, "disturbed"
the pope and since, the Church has stopped
considering solar prodigies as exclusively catholic
Page 12
eng shui is a chinese taoist art that allows the
revitalization of one's environement by optimizing
the circulation of the Qi, a process that brings
health, well-being and prosperity.
For ages, the Chinese have used it for the
implantation, the construction and the lay-out of their
houses and workplaces. There is a positive chi that
ought to be stimulated and a negative chi that needs
to be corrected.
In the Balinese tradition, houses are built according to
the measurements of the head of the family. First of
all, the most favorable day should be chosen for
conceiving the house, certain days being more
auspicious than others for this activity. Then, if he has
the means to do so, the head of the family entrusts a
traditional architect with the project, who calculates
the exact proportions of the entrance, the thickness of
the walls, the height of the ceiling... again according to
the measurements of the head of the family, as if he
was working on a made to measure suit. Finally, the
location is chosen carefully so that there is an
harmony between the occupants and the spirit of the
Today, feng shui is very fashionable. One's dwelling
can be harmonized by consulting an expert or by
reading books. There is an appropriate location for
every piece of furniture and principally for the bed. The
bedroom should retain a yin energy as it is used for
resting. Too much yang energy should not be brought
into that room.
A great tool for optimizing the circulation of energy is
the ba gua, a map that shows the principles of the Yin
and the Yang, the eight trigrams of the Yi king and the
five elements.
There is a scholarly way to use this tool, but most of
the books of popularization on feng shui indicate a
simple way to proceed: copy the ba gua on a sheet of
tracing paper and place it over the floor plan of your
living space, making the entrance and the north (the
sector of career) meet exactly. It will then be possible
to strengthen the chi in certain areas or to counteract
the negative chi. Be careful! It is wrong to consider
feng shui as a set of recipes: a mirror or a crystal
placed in the sector of prosperity attracts riches; a
plant with circular leaves, placed in the sector of
relationships attracts love...
That is why one should first develop their sensitivity to
energies. This pragmatic process allows the
understanding of what truly functions and thus helps
avoiding superstitions.
A good technique consists in working with the
phosphenes. The phosphenes are all the sensations
of light which are not directly caused by light
stimulating the retina. The phosphenes can be
produced by focusing shortly on a source of light. Dr
Lefebure has demonstrated the influence of light on
mental processes. Once a phosphene has been
produced by focusing shortly on a source of light, it
will persist for several minutes. The presence of the
phosphene channels attention on the object of study -
here, the layout of a house. It sharpens sensations
and favors associations of ideas.
Page 13
Example: if you wish to place a crystal to strengthen
the Qi in a domain of the ba gua. Pick up a particular
place in your house or apartment. Do a phosphene and
observe the sensations and the thoughts that come to
your mind during the presence of the phosphene.
Repeat this operation for every room and choose the
one who has provided the most pleasant sensations.
There is another way to proceed. Instead of working on
the circulation of the Qi in the house, it is possible to
increase the circulation of the chi within oneself. This
process allows the regulation of the flow of the chi
around oneself. Thus, thanks to the practice of qigong,
it is possible to improve the feng shui of one's dwelling
or workplace.
Similarly, practicing Phosphenism regularly
strengthens the nervous system, a process that
stimulates the positive Qi and allows to be less
affected by the negative Qi.
Page 14
Red/ ROSE/ White
White/ GREY/ Black CAREER
Black/ BLUE/ Green
Green/ PURPLE/ Red
eobiology can be defined as the study of the
influence of the earth on living beings. A
science, an art and a technique, geobiology
studies various parameters stemming from the ground,
the atmosphere or from forms that can be perceived by
our sensitivity, like underground streams, geological
faults, telluric networks, cosmo-telluric conduits, the
sacred network, the Hartmann network, the Curry
network... These networks form a more or less regular
grid on the ground: in general, they consist in bands a
few tens of centimeters wide that can sometimes be
situated several meters apart.
For the past 50 years, physicians, doctors and
diviners have detected a certain influence of locations
on the growth or the behavior of plants, trees, animals
and people.
The energies of the earth: telluric energy, cosmic
Everywhere on the planet, we are under the permanent
influence of two massive energies that we cannot
escape: telluric energy, which comes from the center
of the earth and cosmic energy which comes from
The earth needs the cosmic energy to achieve the
distribution of the universal force, without which we
would not exist. This distribution is made through
networks that can be compared to our blood
circulation system. The radiation of the earth has an
influence on the cells of our bodies. the earth is alive
thanks to its electromagnetic field. Without the cosmic
rays that surround it, there would be no life on earth.
For newcomers in geobiology, a sacred network is a
network of energy fed by the sun when it is orientated
on an east-west or north-south axis. 40 to 80
centimeters wide, it can reach 2 meters in certain
places. It is called sacred because it can be found in
all places of worship that were built before the 14th
century. It connects them together. It is an extremely
powerful network of positive energy.
The companions, builders of cathedrals understood
perfectly these networks of energy and knew how to
use them in their works. All the great cathedrals were
built on sacred networks. The understanding of these
networks dates back to much more ancient times as
standing stones and dolmens are almost always set
up on these networks.
Sacred geobiology is precisely the study of these
ancient places of worship, built on telluric or solar
networks. Like human beings, our old planet is also
covered by many networks of energy. Our ancestors
respected these networks and knew how to use them.
Sadly, it is not the case today.
"On a purely energetic point of view, it seems that the
location - whether of a standing stone or any other
temple or shrine - is originally a bad choice, if only the
telluric reading is taken into account. These locations
are not suited for human beings to live without harm to
their health. Nevertheless, it is on locations where the
vibrations are disturbed that the ancients used to raise
standing stones or build churches. It was their work
that allowed the transformation of the negative energy
of a location into an extremely positive and
regenerating energy." (J.L. Bovin) .
The geobiological study of sacred places confers them
a new dimension. By dint of patience, intuition and
open-mindedness, it is possible to make fascinating
discoveries. All churches are different because of their
location and the intentions of the people who built
Page 15
them. The architectural elements can generally be
deciphered on several levels: telluric, biblical and
symbolic, as the architecture of these buildings
matches the architecture of living beings: it is
interactive and complex. Appreciating a place of
power, is feeling its vibrations in the whole of one's
being and letting them awaken something has been
left dormant...
Doctor Francis Lefebure, a French physician and
scientist, designed a method of development of
personal energy that he called Phosphenism.
Practicing Phosphenism helps feeling the energy of a
location. This method is based on the systematic use
of the phosphenes. The phosphenes are all the
subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not
directly caused by light stimulating the retina. They
can be produced by focusing shortly on a source of
An exercise of Phosphenism applied to geobiology:
Choose a location where a megalith has been installed
(dolmen, menhir or cromlech). If you live in Western
Europe there are many megalithic sites to visit, some
of them are very famous like Stonehenge or Carnac.
Sit down near that megalith, making sure you place
your back against the menhir, the stone that
constitutes the back of the dolmen or the central stone
of the cromlech you have chosen.
Do a phosphene. You can use the reflection of the sun
on water or a white cloth or focus on the sun through
a piece of fabric for one to two seconds (make sure
you take your glasses or contacts off, as they could
have a magnifying glass effect and burn your retina).
You can also simply focus on bright clouds or, if you
are sitting inside a dolmen, focus on the sky through
the main opening of the dolmen during one to three
Then, close your eyes and keep your attention
focused on the subjective sensations that might
Do another phosphene every time you think it is
necessary (every 5 to 15 minutes, for example).
Stay in this position for at least half an hour. After
roughly a quarter of an hour, you will start to feel the
energy of the place.
Page 16
Some trees are bent, while, in the
same area, others grow straight.
Managing emotions
motions are complex reactions to our view of the
world. We actually create our own emotions,
even though they seem to be beyond our control.
Indeed, the data coming from our environment is
processed through a certain number of filters that
operate unconsciously. We would not be able to
survive without sorting the massive input of
information coming from the external world. These
filters delete information, transform or generalize it.
These filters include our language, of beliefs, our
values, our memories, our modes of sorting and
stocking data...
It is only after this filtering has taken place that we
create a mental representation of reality. From this
representation stems an emotional state and a
behavior. This process takes but a fraction of a
Managing emotions mainly deals with unpleasant
emotions: anger, fear, frustration, depression,
despair... Managing your emotions will allow you to
improve your capacity of adaptation, and your
Let us analyze anger, for example. It is a very
destructive emotion. When we give in to anger, we
lose control of ourselves, and we lose the ability to
react to events in an appropriate manner.
Many books have been written on anger and on how
to channel it. From catharsis, the liberation of
repressed affects that can be provoked by, for
example, hitting a pillow to a conscious transposition
of energy on another object, a form of sublimation, the
techniques are many.
The best strategy for anger management consists in
evaluating the situation again. As the emotion is
triggered by the representation that we have of an
event, let us substitute another representation to the
previous one.
A slow method would consist in becoming more and
more conscious of one's filters, in changing one's
beliefs and strategies, in processing information
differently... There is a more global and efficient
technique: managing emotions with Phosphenism.
In 1960, Francis LEFEBURE, a French doctor,
discovered the influence of light and rhythm on mental
processes, thanks to the phosphenes. A phosphene
can be produced by focusing shortly on a source of
light. A phosphene is a subjective sensations of light
that persists for several minutes. It channels attention
and favors mental associations. It is a very useful tool
for managing emotions.
Page 17
Choose a person with whom you are in conflict.
Do a phosphene by focusing on a source of light (the
phosphenic lamp, the flame of a candle, the reflection
of the sun on a white wall, bright clouds, etc.). While
focusing, concentrate on this person.
During the presence of the phosphene, observe all the
sensations that appear. You will be surprised by the
density of the thoughts that come to you.
Do several phosphenes (6 to 8), concentrating on the
same person.
Practice this exercise several days in a row.
When you will meet that person again, you will be
probably surprised to discover that you react
differently. Thanks to this exercise, you can change
your representation of a person and solve your
Every time you experience an unpleasant emotion,
think about a dot of light while keeping in mind the idea
that this emotion is located within this dot of light. If
you feel rage, for example, transform it into light: the
more the emotion is violent, the more the dot should be
bright. It should be as if your rage was directly feeding
the dot of light. Use this emotion as a fuel, transform it
into something positive.
Page 18
A style born of poetic contests in the Imperial Court
during the Japanese Middle Ages.
he Goncourt brothers introduced the haiku to the
western world in the 19th century. The incredible
success at being able to transpose the haiku
into other languages quickly made us forget that it is
one of the classic traditions demonstrating the genius
of the Japanese people.
This brief poem of seventeen syllables, including an
allusion to the seasons, is a phenomenon which
arouses questions going far beyond the cultural scope
from which it originates.
The vogue of haiku written in English, Breton, French
or Flemish often make us think in an irresistible way
of those curious onlookers who, faced with an
abstract painting, burst out laughing "I can do this any
Some Westerners have contributed to our knowledge
of the authenticity of haiku through their translations,
such as Maurice Coyaud and more importantly Ren
Sieffert, the latter having translated the works of
Bash, the master of the genre.
Other translators endeavoured to study what became
this poetic form when it was used in another
language, along with all the mistakes and the
misunderstandings which are thus generated, and
here we think of Etiembles works.
But what do the Japanese think about this surge of
enthusiasm for haiku? Many standpoints are
available on the subject. First of all there is surprise
and amusement, then sometimes a certain amount of
emotion, as testified by an academic in the columns of
the newspaper Mainichi: "Throughout the world there
are people who compose poems in their own language
that they call haiku in imitation of the Japanese
haiku. The term haiku is even listed in recent
American and British dictionaries. We also notice
poets from all over of America composing haiku
verging on the melancholic. As is the present craze for
haiku in Japan, it would appear that a similar
phenomenon exists elsewhere. It is quite a pleasing
and moving idea that the Japanese haiku may serve
as links of friendship between people who know
neither Japanese nor Japan".
Turning from amazement to action, in a reaction
inspired by their legendary practical mind, the
Japanese started organising international contests of
"haiku in foreign languages", such as the 5th Festival
of culture in 1990 in the town of Matsuyama in the
province of Ehime.
Beyond the numerous questionings which can be
expressed about haiku from western sensitivity,
beyond formula as brilliant as certain poetic writings
such as: "astonishment of emotion", "living herbarium
of immutable truths", "quest for flash of inspiration",
what is a haiku?
First of all it is a social practice. It is a style born of
poetic conjunctures (uta-awase) which took place at
the Imperial Court during the Japanese Middle Ages.
Page 19
During these literary contests, collective creations
called renga (linked verses) were developed and the
haiku originated from these. Bash himself led haiku
discussion groups during which he compared his
experience with those of others and discussed his
technique with his students. Any cultural activity, all
the more if poetic, is a social activity in Japan. Within
Japan today the haiku has schools, students, reviews
(recently numbering eight hundred), trends, contests
and millions of followers.
In haiku clubs, during monthly meetings, each
members poems are the subject of debates,
discussions, comments and a vote, bearing witness of
authentic "literary democracy". Everything is organized
in a competitive manner, each composer aiming for
absolute perfection. Other characteristics anchor the
haiku much more in the specificity of a culture and
reveal that it is said to be the epiphenomenon of more
profound realities, more essential in the sight of
fundamental considerations of the history of mankind.
The classical haiku, as it has been presented to us, is
organized on a seventeen syllable rhythm. This is not
due to chance.
In fact, the most ancient of all known Japanese poems,
the katauta", were based on this rhythm at the
beginning of our era. They reproduced the breathing
mode on which oral literature was then built, before the
introduction of a transcription using Chinese
characters. These rhythmical expressions, balanced in
a question / answer format, had a strong religious
connotation. We also find such rhythmical
expressions later in the poetry contests of the Middle
Ages. The fact the haiku first of all appears as a poetic
act must not make us forget that the Japanese have for
a long time been connected with poetry, from which
preoccupations about their relationship with the
invisible world were not missing.
Historic events prove this.
Some of the great names in Japanese history did not
deign to attend poetic sessions and compose poems
before a battle in order to gain the gods favours.
However, Akechi Mitsuhide, who went on to
assassinate the infamous general Oda Nobunaga in
1582, took part in a renga competition the day before
his crime. Fujitani Mitsue, a philosopher of the 18th
century, declared in a poetic art treaty that we should
break the shackles of the words which held the gods
captive. Thus, the gods are present in the instance of
"the inversion of words" (logo), a phenomenon which
consists of reversing the word or syllable order to
reinforce or conceal the meaning of it. The gods of
Shinto are thus compared to "the spirit of words"
(Kodota ma).
Many poems in the popular tradition are considered as
a magic formula where this spirit of words becomes
free by the recitation of such poems. Used for
therapeutic purposes, these songs to the rhythm of
thirty one syllables (seventeen syllables plus fourteen)
still remind us of the relationship between magic and
poetry, while other traditional civilisations claimed that
all poetry is medicine. The seasonal reference any
haiku should contain is the sign that his author is in
harmony with nature. This means that a compulsion to
allude to a season in a poem is a kind of explicit
recognition of the relative place of Humans in the
Universe, where human events do not only concern
human beings.
Over the centuries, the Japanese have listed, then
classified, all the signs and all the characteristic
moments of each season, and compiled glossaries
which increase in importance with the passing of time.
These glossaries which contain more than 5,000
words pertaining to seasons, are what amateurs refer
to before creating a haiku poem. These poetic
almanacs (known as saijiki) are a real treasure of
Japanese sensitivity. According to Inoue Teruo, a
Japanese poet, they are a "very detailed collection of
dates and customs commemorative of our people".
These poetic almanacs are the medium of a creation of
which the haiku are only the visible result. They
explain and illustrate fifteen thousand haiku of known
authors and are a reference for any new writing. The
discovery and study of these almanacs give a different
perspective to the practice of haiku and enable a
Japanese interpretation of the world.
Through the seasonal vocabulary compiled in these
almanacs, we can witness a permanent recreation of
the universe by the Japanese people. It is because of
this that the haiku is much more than a literary event.
Because of its history and what it is nowadays in
Japan, the haiku originates in ethno-poetry rather than
poetry as envisaged by the western world.
An interesting exercise for anyone wanting to create a
haiku or any other kind of poetry, is to practice what
Dr LEFEBURE calls Streaming Mixing.
Creation of a haiku under the influence of
the phosphene
Do a first phosphene. Mix an image which symbolises
and summarizes the subject of your study within this
phosphene. During the presence of the phosphene,
you will generally come across two or three ideas that
are quite different from the first one. Choose the
clearest of them and mix this second image within a
second phosphene. During this, four or five new ideas
will appear, in general. Again choose the clearest of
them and from it, make up a theme that you will mix
with a third phosphene. Then ten or twelve new ideas
will appear and so on.
The flood of ideas is like a river flowing into the sea
which is born from a small spring but never stops to
get wider thanks to its tributaries.
Page 20
Antagonism between hypnosis and Phosphenism
hosphenism is opposed to hypnosis for the
following reason: during the presence of a
phosphene, and even more if one is practicing
Phosphenic Mixing, one is more lucid, much more
conscious than usual. If you pray while focusing on
the sun, for example, and if you respect the provided
guidelines to avoid hurting your eyes, you will realize
that your thoughts are warmer, more vibrant and feel
like a cloud surrounding you. You are now in a state of
hyper consciousness, feeling more awake than usual.
On the other hand, hypnosis is, by definition, a state
of partial sleep.
What if the difference between the lights that are used
to produce phosphenes and the lights that are used to
induce hypnosis? A good quality phosphene can be
obtained by focusing on a 75 W opaline light bulb, at
a distance of 1 to 2 m, during 30 seconds. A co-
phosphene can be obtained by focusing on the lamp
for three minutes.
If you focus on the lamp for longer, 10 minutes for
example, the post phosphene is not as good. There is
an optimal focusing time beyond which the process is
impaired. Similar lights are used for hypnosis. But,
instead of focusing on the light source for 30 seconds
to three minutes, focusing time can last up to 20
minutes or even longer. The two processes are exactly
opposed: Phosphenism uses short periods of focusing
when hypnosis uses very long ones. Phosphensism
produces a state of hyper consciousness when
hypnosis produces a state of hypo consciousness.
from a conference by Dr LEFEBURE
Are there any contra-indications to the practice of
Phosphenism ?
The same way there are contra-indications to certain
pharmaceuticals (some medecines cannot be
associated to other ones), there are contra-indications
to the practice of Phosphenism. Similarly, some
athletes cannot practice certain sports that would
spoil the results they are trying to achieve. For
example, boxers should not practice heavy body
building as it would spoil their quickness, suppleness
and efficiency.
1st contra-indication: Re-birth
Re-birth, being based on hyperventilation produces the
hyperoxigenation of the blood and a low level of
carbon dioxide. This causes a low level of calcium in
the blood (alcalosis), and, in sensitive subjects,
Page 21
provokes tetany which first symptom is a tickling of
the fingers.
In everyday life, one can observe that people with
psychological problems do not breathe properly. Their
breathing is limited to short inspirations and when
they are surprised by a situation or shocked
emotionaly, they breathe very little. That way, they
provoke a repression.
In martial arts, one learns on the contrary, to breathe
out in order not to be subjected by a situation.
* Rebirth and holotropic breathing:
Rebirth and holotropic breathing are two methods of
theraphy. Both use the same form of breathing:
hyperventilation. Hyperventilation is produced by a
large movement of the thorax (completely filling the
lungs), breathing out through the mouth. Breathing out
through the nose would be slower.
It takes a while before one can feel the effects that
start with a tickling of the fingers, a precursory sign of
the variation of calcium level in the organism due to the
At this point, the objective is to overcome one's fear.
One can be afraid to die as the contractions can lead
to a minor paralysis of the tongue and of the uvulva.
This is one of the therapeutic effects: " to go beyond
conscious and unconscious fears".
In the practice of rebirth, the subject maintains a
breathing cycle and then, at the end of the session,
verbalizes what has been happening. In the practice of
holotropic breathing, breathing follows a piece of
music in a musicotherapy style. At the end of the
session, the subject verbalizes his or her impressions
and draws a picture summing what they have been
through, often in the style of a mandala.
This breathing techniques take the subjects past their
fears: unconscious (stress of birth) and conscious:
fear of heights or speed... As these techniques untie
psychological knots, the subjects feel better, relieved
of stress after practice.
Many therapists use one of these methods as, if the
right way to proceed is followed, results happen
quickly and systematically. For a therapy, about ten
sessions have to be practiced. Sessions last for one
hour up to one hour and a half and are practiced in
groups. These therapies are classified as short
because of the small number of sessions necessary.
But the effects after practice can be heavy on a
psychological level if they are associated with
rhythmic thinking, a technique which amplifies mental
processes. These techniques are very unsettling
Dr LEFEBURE's breathing technique:
Dr LEFEBURE showed the importance of the retention
in yogic-mystical breathing (check THE
PNEUMOPHENE or the breathing techniques that open
the door to the world beyond). As he stated: "what is
important is to create a thirst for air". This thirst is
created by retentions of various durations. The
retentions between inspiration and exhalation, created
a square-shaped cycle. He then transformed this
square-shaped breathing into a circle-shape breathing
(cycle-generating or spiritual breathing) with a
constant thirst for air during the whole cycle and the
whole session.
* Comparison between these different breathing
Spiritual breathing, or square-shaped breathing (which
is easier to do in the beginning) is completely opposed
to rebirth-style breathing techniques.
- Rebirth provokes a full and fast absorbtion of the
oxygen and thus does not create any thirst for air.
- Because of the retentions, spiritual breathing slows
down the absorbtion of oxygen, thus elevating the rate
of carbon dioxide and creating an optimal thirst for air.
These two types of breathing are opposed. The first
method is a psychotherapeutic practice, the other one
a spiritual path.
2nd contra-indication: Hypnosis
The principle of Hypnosis is to induce suggestions by
the medium of a certain state of consciousness.
Sophrology is a kind of "soft" Hypnosis, in which
suggestion plays a large part.
This shows the point of dissimilarity between
Hypnosis and Phosphenism.
Hypnosis cannot be dissociated of suggestion.
In his books, Dr LEFEBURE often talks of free prayers,
i.e. self-designed prayers, not imposed by any group
or ideology. Why pray? As a metaphor we can
compare the principle with an hydroelectrical plant.
The energy produced is proportional to the height of
the falling water. The higher it is, the more energy is
produced by the plant.
To pray is to admit that there are forces higher than
yourself. It is putting yourself in a position of humility,
in a state of receptivity. It is the contrary of self-
suggestion which is self-assessment.
Self-suggestion makes an individual hypersuggestible
(as its name implies).
Finally, and that is the most important, the state of
hypnosis goes against all genuine yogic practices.
Hypnosis only stimulates a very small number of
neurons when initiatory techniques consist in creating
many neurological connections in order to activate
many cerebral functions.
Page 22
Be careful: a person associating Rebirth or Hypnosis
with the practice of rhythmic thinking can end up being
placed in a psychiatric hospital. It is important to know
that. Some things should not be associated together.
Can Hypnosis lead to an out of body experience or to
astral projection?
Many people search for out of body experiences
without knowing what they really are or how to
produce them. It is thus very difficult for them to
recognize these phenomena. There is a strong
opposition between initiatory experiences and
psychological experiences. The latter do not belong to
initiatory techniques. It is extremely important to know
what domain you are working on and what are its
limits. It is also important to know what results you
can expect from a particular technique and to make the
choice of these techniques by yourself.
The brain is limited, certain things are impossible. It is
necessary, in practice or study, to define the field you
are working on. Sadly, many people only start a
research to validate the prejudiced ideas they have.
And when they are confronted with a disturbing
phenomenon that forces them to ask themselves
questions, they react by denying the phenomenon,
sometimes pretending that "it's dangerous" or being
scared by it. This danger, this fear, is only the risk of
discovering oneself. That kind of people limit
themselves to the production of superficial phenomena
which are often purely psychological.
This kind of influence or attitude is more of a
suggestion than a genuine catalyst of experiences. It
is common to feel sensations that only touch the
surface of the "psychological layers" of the individual.
Sometimes they are interpreted as an achievement, a
contact with the deepest of selves. Most of the times,
these sensations are only a very pleasurable illusion.
Images are perceived and a few pleasurable
sensations are felt but it does not go any further than
this stage.
As an example, virtual reality helmets or funfair style
simulators create many sensations and "experiences".
Depending on the images projected, you can have the
sensation that your body is heavier or lighter,
sensations of falling or going up, of being very small or
very big or sensations of flight or floatation. In the end,
these are only sensory games, as the images
stimulate certain sensory organs. These are not
psychic phenomena. You are stuck in a sensory dead
end and you wish the sensations kept going, as they
are very pleasurable. It is the same process that
happens when you feel an itch: you scratch and this
scratching becomes pleasure. You feel it is
pleasurable to scratch. Physicians call this
phenomenon "scratching ecstasy". This too, is a
sensory dead end that creates a pathological state.
Initiatory phenomena rarely happen during a session,
but usually several hours or a day after practice. One
must not confuse sensory games, which trigger a
short pleasurable moment, with initiatory techniques
that lead to real experiences outside of the period of
practice, very often during the night, sending
consciousness into the "cosmic planes". Initiatory
phenomena are way beyond self-created sensations.
Very few people agree to follow through with the study
of these unconscious layers of the personality. On the
contrary, those who do, discover a new aspect of
themselves and of the universe.
Out of body experiences are not rare phenomena. They
have been practiced throughout the ages and lie at the
core of all initiations.
Page 23
n the past few years, the public's interest for iboga
has considerably developed. There are now many
Internet sites on the subject. It is at the same time
considered an hallucinogenic drug that is banned in
certain countries, a cure for addictions (heroin,
cocaine, alcohol) and an initatory plant used by the
Bwiti tradition in Africa.
Frenchman Jean-Claude Cheyssial has directed two
documentaries about iboga: the sacred root, in 1995
and the night of the Bwiti, in 1997. More recently,
Vincent Ravalec, Mallendi and Agns Palcheler wrote
together Sacred root, iboga initiation, in 2004. This
book contains constant warnings: "Iboga is not a
recreational drug...". These warnings match the ones
contained in The night of the Bwiti: "One must know
that taking iboga generates a pain that is even more
difficult to bear than the addiction itself..."
It is indeed impossible to classify iboga as a
recreational drug. Opposite extreme of entertainment,
it does not invite the individual to escape from reality,
but instead produces an encounter with the self, with
one's unconscious, and with the Ancestors of african
spirituality. Using it is a ritual. It always accompanies
a rite of passage: death of the old self and rebirth.
Giving up one's addiction can be considered such a
process. It is as such that it creates a passionate
interest in the scientific community who wonders
what mechanisms take place in the severance from
In 1998, Anderson made the assumption that iboga,
when ingested as a shamanic practice or as
psychotherapy, induces a state that is related to the
phase of REM sleep of the foetus and that is
characterized by its plasticity, allowing the integration
of traumamatic experiences.
Michel Jouvet, a biologist specialized in the REM
phase of sleep developed the following hypothesis:
dreaming appears to be a kind of "neurological
programming" of the brain. Dreaming is responsible of
the brain's "software"; it reconfigurates and
reinitializes the system. As such, it is the caretaker of
our habits, our needs, our individuation.
This metaphor is used in iboga seminars: testimonies
mention changes in programming, files being deleted.
A person who attended one of these seminars after a
difficult separation with the person he loved, described
that, at the end of the seminar, it felt as if the
neurological connections related to this ordeal had
been erased, as if the event never took place. This
seems to account for a renewal of neurological
connections, a kind of fresh start.
Another interesting property of iboga lies in the
possibility of manipulation of the imaginary material
whether by the therapist, the Nganga or the
participant. It is always possible to stop on an image,
to "rewind" and think about an alternative. The
experience can be directed at all times. There is no
loss of consciousness.
Page 24
The frame of mind of the individual who takes iboga
plays a very important role. For the people of West
Africa, it constitues a rite of passage. The sacred root
allows people to release themselves from all
psychological and social blocks accumulated during
childhood, to communicate with the dead and to obtain
a direction in life.
For a person coming from a different culture, different
visions will take place.
Here the testimony of a Phosphenist who attended a
seminar in the french region of Ardche. The
description of his experience refers to the works of
Doctor Francis LEFEBURE, please check the website
www.phosphenism.com for more information.
Saturday night:
First dose of iboga:
Each participant is given a spoonful of powdered iboga
by the Nganga Mallendi. The taste is truly disgusting,
extremely bitter.
A few minutes later, I am starting to feel vibrations in
the whole of my body, in the chakras located in the
palm of my hands and in the sole of my feet.
When the Nganga approaches to give us another dose,
the vibrations amplify and my field of vision starts to
After the third dose, I feel and intense vibratory state
and I close my eyes. I see a gigantic phosphene
though I have not focused on a source of light. This
phosphene starts rotating then takes the shape of a
rotating cogwheel. I understand that this first vision is
a symbol of the chakras. I start feeling extraordinary
fast and powerful rotations in my whole body.
The visions:
I have noticed that there are three types of visions:
The first is the organization of the visual chaos, with
my eyes closed. In the beginning, the phosphenic
substance (inner mental light: a kind of network of
moving, colored lines that organize themselves into
kaleidoscopic shapes) filled my field of vision and an
image appeared. This image became sharper and
sharper until it became as intense as a vision. It then
reverted back to the phosphenic substance before
reorganizing itself in a different vision. I was struck by
the obviousness of the assumption of Dr Lefebure: the
phosphenes are a gate to clairvoyance.
The second type of vision occured with my eyes open.
A 3D animated image appeared in front of me. It was
a very surprising phenomenon. The third type of vision
took place on a medium, a wall or a flat surface that
took the role of a screen. I noticed that these images
had a similar theme.
The main visions:
I cannot remember all the visions, as so many passed
in front of my eyes, but I can remember the following
For a long period of time, I perceived urban sceneries,
railways, motorways, as if I was flying above them.
Then, stone houses started passing by, one after the
other. I did not understand the meaning of these
visions; I asked the plant for an explanation but I did
not get any answer and the houses just kept passing
Another episode made a strong impression on me, I
was flying above a coastline lined with african huts
made of straw. In front of each hut was a man armed
with a spear. Then, a gigantic african mask started
pulsing in front of my eyes. I went through it and I saw
a kind of paper scroll filled with letters and signs
above which a text written in an unknown language
appeared. I heard a voice saying: "Magic words" in my
mind, after asking the plant what was the meaning of
this vision. Nevertheless, I still could not decipher this
message. I wondered if I had been an African in
another life.
I experienced a very beautiful vision of a gigantic
volcano erupting. Red-orange sparks were projected
high in the sky and were falling back in the shape of
purple droplets. Spectacular!
A phosphene turned into the sun then moved away at
an incredible speed until it became a tiny dot.
I perceived arabesques that conjured impressions of
the aztec civilization.
I saw a 3D image of the iboga root, rotating in front of
my eyes.
I experienced a rather strange vision. I felt that I was
travelling to the remote layers of the astral and found
myself facing the Keeper of the Threshold, He who
bars the way to the Source, the Self. I had to combat
this creature of a devilish appearance. At first, I felt
that I would not prevail, that I was going to die. At this
moment, a benevolent entity appeared, charged the
Keeper of the Threshold and destroyed it. I do not
remember what followed, but I understood that I was
protected by powerful spiritual forces. This vision is an
exact replica of a dream I had once experienced.
Saturday morning
Spiritual healing by the angels:
As extraordinary as it may seem, I saw with my open
eyes, two angels as big as a hand, on each side of my
solar plexus. They were healing this chakra with
energy. It is important to note that this chakra had
been violently damaged 2 years beforehand.
Overcome by emotion, I cried of joy for a long time. I
felt my solar plexus being emptied of all these
repressed emotions.; I was filled with an immense
I then felt the surge of Kundalini, from the root chakra
to the heart chakra, accompanied by the following
vision: in front of me, a stone wall half-opened, letting
an extremely bright light filter through.
The following afternoon, I felt extraordinarily open,
with a feeling of belonging and understanding.
Saturday night
Midnight, the second night staying up started. The
iboga was mixed with honey and thus was much
easier to ingest.
Page 25
I had a very difficult night, I cannot remember very
precisely what happened but I do remember feeling
attacked on an energy level. My body was completely
saturated with vibrations and I could not bear any more
rhythms. I felt as if I was going to desintegrate. It was
impossible to focus on the flame of the candles, it was
unbearable! So, I spent a long time focusing on the
ceiling to release the tension in my body.
After a while, I felt that my lower chakras were
activated then, massive waves of energy rose from the
lower part of my body and accumulated in my chest. I
started to feel uncomfortably hot, my tee-shirt was
soaked and I had to take it off. The energy was blocked
in my throat and kept accumulating in my chest,
provoking a sensation of extreme heat. I was almost
I do not remember how I managed this, but after a
while I succeeded in letting the energy rise, little by
little, into my throat and my head.
Towards the end of the night, our faces were coated
with white kaolin and a mirror was placed in front of
each of us. The purpose of this was to let us contact
our ancestors. The first vision I experienced was not a
face but an immense complex of buildings that I could
not perceive entirely. It was very difficult to maintain
this vision. As soon as I would move my eyes, it would
disappear, replaced by my reflection.
Then, I saw faces. Some of them were fixed, as if
drawn with a pencil, and others were animated like a
film. I did not succeed in interpreting any of these
Sunday morning
Once the night over, I felt in an extraordinary state and
I went out to admire the sunrise. I did a phosphene and
I saw the sun dancing in front of my eyes and rotating.
I witnessed the phenomenon described by Dr Lefebure.
I then projected the phosphenes I did on the lawn, a
process that triggered visions as sharp as the images
of a film. Later, I felt tired. the loss of voice that affected
me was probably connected to my throat chakra being
I realized that my heart was beating faster than 100
BPM, I seeked the Nganga Mallendi who layed his right
hand on my heart. Very quickly, I felt a great heat
surrounding my heart and descended progressively.
Within a few minutes, my heart was back to a normal
rhythm. Mallendi told me that I would not experience
that kind of problem any more.
Sunday night, I could at last sleep again after staying
up for two nights.
The least I can say, is that I went through an immense
ordeal and that I lived an extremely powerful
experience. I often felt great despair. I also experienced
great moments of joy and awakening.
This testimony constantly refers to the works of Dr
Lefebure who demonstrated the role that light played in
the evolution from animal to human. The discovery of
fire was the utmost importance. First of all, fire became
the center of the activities of the group. Then, it created
a hierarchy in the tribes: those who had the knowledge
(the keepers) and the others. This is the origin of
According to Dr Lefebure, the explanation is simple.
Taking care of the fire meant focusing on it
permanently, it was doing phosphenes. When a
thought is mixed with a phosphene, it acquires extra
energy. It is the phosphenes that allowed the
development of the higher brain. They are the
foundation of religions. Check Phosphenism, a
Scientific Explanation of the Origins of Religion
(available for download on the site).
Page 26
Can someone be influenced at a distance?
heoretically, no. But practically yes, as human
nature is weak. The only way to influence a
person is to enter their mental structure, their
psychological pattern. When a person is near another
person, their energy fields interpenetrate, though they
keep their integrity and can separate.
Thus, it is IMPOSSIBLE to have an action on someone
at a distance, unless that person believes in the
possibility of an influence.
Bewitchment functions by introducing doubt in the
psyche of a person. Henceforth, it is essential not to
let doubt creep into one's mind. We will only be
influenced if we agree to. It is important to understand
this in an intellectual fashion: it constitutes a
So, if we have experiences with another person, it is
because we have affinities. In order to influence a
person, one needs to find a breach in their defenses.
Check: bewitchment.
Healing from a distance is pure utopia. It is but a
placebo. Nevertheless, a patient needs to believe and
certain forms of belief have an action on morale and
thus affect the healing process...
Visualize a person in a phosphene with the idea that
this person has a particular attitude towards you. It
could be your boss, with whom you are experiencing
difficulties, a person with whom you do not get along
or a board of examiners that you want to impress.
The phosphene produces a feeling of proximity with
the chosen person:
- Your visual images are sharper.
- You feel emotionally closer to that person.
Practice this exercise for 15 minutes, twice a day, for
15 days. If possible, choose a person that you will only
meet at the end of this period. You will enjoy new
ideas about this person and will tend to see the best
in them. If it is an intimidating person, you will find
what to say to them, you will be good at repartee.
Practicing with the phosphenes improves intuition,
bringing the feeling that you already know the chosen
person, even if you have never met them. You will keep
calm and confident, an attitude that will improve your
success in life. The positive aspects of the
relationship you have with the person you are
speaking to will be strengthened and the negative
aspects will tend to blur as light purifies thoughts.
Page 27
This type of exercise (Phosphenic Mixing) brings new
information on the person who has been visualized in
the phosphene. It modifies our perception of that
person, leading to a different attitude. The person we
are speaking to will be sensitive to this.
An even more efficient way to proceed is to project
rhythms on the person. The results will surprise you.
This is the only kind of influence we can have over a
person with our energy.
Page 28
nsomnia is a condition characterized by the inability
to fall asleep or to remain sleeping at night for a
reasonable length of time. Insomnia usually
involves sleepiness during the day.
Some types of insomnia can be efficiently treated with
the practice of Phosphenism, particularly insomnia
that arises from psychological causes. Solutions
other than Phosphenism must be found for physically
induced insomnias such as sleep apnea, and
nocturnal polyuria.
On the whole, Phosphenism can treat insomnias
related to:
psychological traumas.
jet lag. For those regularly changing time zones, the
circadian cycle is no longer in alignment with
biological rhythms. This affects sleeping patterns and
can lead to insomnia.
insomnia stimulated by shift work.
parasomnia that is caused by a physical response to
dream experience.
the side effects of some medicines.
the consumption of stimulants.
insomnia related to food allergies.
a dependence on sleeping pills.
hypomania (a state of pathological excitement
related to a manic-depressive psychosis).
lack of exercise. Indeed, physical exercise promotes
healthy sleep.
dehydration. Toxins and stimulants are concentred in
the organism by dehydration and can cause insomnia.
Drinking two glasses of water can help induce sleep
within one to two hours.
loss of sleep with age. Even though the sleeping
time required for an individual stays the same through
time, the capacity to sleep for long periods of time can
diminish with age.
The effects of the practice of Phosphenism on sleep
The principal beneficial effect of the practice of
Phosphenism on sleep is achieved by the regulation of
the nervous system. Indeed, the phosphenes are
powerful regulators of the nervous system.
Since the 1950's, it has been understood that light has
a major influence on hormonal functions, through the
medium of the hypophyse, and recently, research
scientists have used the structuring of action of light
on the nervous system to treat chronically depressed
patients. Indeed, these research scientists have
noticed that, in certain forms of depression, the most
serious relapses take place in the autumn, a period
when light is decreasing. In various hospitals,
chronically depressed patients are placed under
strong lamps of 110 to 500 watts, and of at least
10 000 lux, for an hour in the morning and an hour in
the evening, like for example, in the seasonal
depression service of the Sainte-Anne hospital in
Page 29
Paris, France. Seasonal Affective Depression (S.A.D.)
is very common in the northern countries because of
the extremely long nights, and it has forced doctors
and research scientists to find an alternative to the use
of chemicals to solve this problem.
Light (and particularly the phosphenes) has a major
influence on the production of melatonin. This explains
the brain rejuvenation experienced by every practitioner
of Phosphenism.
This production of melatonin is 100% natural as it is
produced by cerebral functions that are induced by the
phosphenes. This is a serious alternative to chemical
So why stop at using light to benefit merely the
hormonal system? Indeed, the practice of Phosphenic
Mixing can be performed using any fixed light source,
and so can be carried out at the same time as
benefiting from hormonal or any other form of light
therapy. One can therefore develop ones attention,
concentration, memory, mental initiative and creativity
at the same time as benefiting from the
phototherapeutic effects of the lamp.
Phosphenic exercises to help induce sleep and rest.
The effects on sleep of the use of the phosphenes is
easy to notice. Associating a thought with a
phosphene helps one to fall asleep. One does not fall
asleep while focusing on the lamp but during the
experience of the phosphene and the associated
thought. Therefore, the danger of waking up in the
morning with lamp still on is avoided.
This practice helps eliminating insomnia and improving
the quality of our sleep. After a few days of practice,
dreams become more colourful and brighter, with
dream images that are often larger. For example, if a
subject dreams of a mountain, it is the biggest one that
they have even seen. In the morning they wake up
more lucid, more dynamic, and all day they are filled
with internal joy.
EXERCISE: At a distance of 1.50m to 2m, (or at arms
length for the Phosphenic Pocket Lamp), and directly in
front of you, look at the lamp for 30 seconds, then turn
off the lamp and watch the phosphene. After 3 minutes
of observation, as your phosphene reaches the end of
its blue phase, turn on the lamp again and renew the
operation 3,4, or 5 times in a row.
FOR INSOMNIACS: Same operation as described
above, but including an important amendment ; after
having watched the lamp and observed the phosphene
for 2 to 2 1/2 minutes, just as it changes to its blue
tone, turn on the light and begin the cycle again. It is
very important to turn on the light and begin again
before the end of the phosphene. As before, repeat the
practice 4, 5 or 6 times in a row.
THE ALTERNOPHONE: A machine invented by Dr
LEFEBURE that stimulates the brain. It is based on the
principle of alternating auditory stimulus, and can be
used to create a state of relaxation, as well as inducing
sleep. The 3 seconds alternated buzzing sound
produces a deep state of relaxation, whereas the 4
seconds alternating rhythm induces sleep, therefore
overcoming insomnia.
These various techniques can efficiently treat the
problem of insomnias that arise from the causes
mentioned earlier.
Nevertheless, Phosphenism cannot help people
affected by insomnias due to hypomania resulting from
manic depressive psychosis.
In the case of insomnias that stem from dehydration, a
lack of exercise, or the excessive use of stimulants,
Phosphenic Mixing will be effective through stimulating
the sense of initiative and hence will give the individual
the clarity and the will-power necessary to perceive
and resolve their problem. (Taking more physical
exercise, ensuring good hydration, etc).
Insomnia is not a life-sentence, and chemical drug-
based treatment are certainly not the only solution.
Light can be very effective, thanks to its profound
balancing effects on our biological rhythms.
Page 30
he practice of fasting is ancient. Its healing
properties have been known since the antiquity.
Hippocratus prescribed fasting. Socrates and
Plato used to find it essential for a good physical and
mental balance. They used to fast regularily,
sometimes for periods of 10 days. Pythagorus fasted
for 40 days before passing an exam at the University
of Alexandria and he required his students to do the
same before accepting them.
Fasting is a natural process as animals refrain from
feeding when they are sick or wounded. Fasting gives
the organism a rest, regenerates it and detoxifies it. It
is only prudent to prepare a period of fasting and to
gradually revert back to normal feeding once the
fasting is finished.
German scientists have measured the action of fasting
on sleep and have found that it improves the subjective
quality of sleep, that it brings more energy during the
day and ensures a better emotional balance and a
better concentration.
All traditional societies practice fasting. It is often
associated to rites and precedes initiations.
Most religions mention fasting and recognize its
spiritual value. It is mentioned more than 50 times in
the Bible.
Dr LEFEBURE, a French physician and researcher,
studied the spiritual aspect of fasting. In 1963, he had
the idea to check the efficiency of initiatory exercises
that had been taught to him, by using the phosphenes.
The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of
light, i.e. those which are not directly caused by light
stimulating the retina. This is how he discovered the
importance of the rhythm of two seconds. He realized
that when he swayed his head softly, a traditional
initiatory exercise, it was this rhythm that dragged the
phosphene, when a faster or slower rhythm would
leave the phosphene fixed.
Thanks to this discovery, he studied what would
happen with two phosphenes and designed the
Cerebroscope, a prize-winning device. Thanks to this
new medical protocol, he was able to observe
unknown cerebral rhythms.
Three years later, he had the idea to check what would
happen if one thought about a precise subject during
the presence of a phosphene. He thus discovered the
foundation of what would become his method:
Phosphenic Mixing. Thoughts and phosphenes interact
allowing the development of memory, intelligence and
Phosphenes, rhythms and thoughts, these are the
basic ingredients of Dr LEFEBUREs scientifically
improved yoga: Phosphenism.
Page 31
Dr LEFEBURE recommends fasting because it can
provoke revelations. In his complete course of
Phosphenism, he answers the following question:
"What would happen if one associated a thought to
If you associate a thought to fasting, especially if this
fasting is not excessively long, you can obtain very
interesting results. All the persons who have tried
fasting agree: during fasting, sleep is lighter and half-
sleep is much more important than during ordinary life.
During half-sleep or light sleep, one frequently
experiences directions about the exercises which are
best suited to their nature, in the form of dreams,
visions, or auditory perceptions... This process also
takes place while one is awake. Many traditions state
that fasting favors visions.
In the beginning, you can associate your usual
exercises to fasting. The most appropriate exercises
are Phosphenic Mixing and mantras. If you practice
head sways, you will find that you are much more
sensitive to nausea during fasting. To avoid any
discomfort, simply practice small movements. Static
tension exercises are not suited as they consume
more oxygen. Breathing exercises, maintaining a slight
lack of air are fully suited. You will feel this
Mantras and Phosphenic Mixing combine themselves
very well to fasting. You can also ask what exercises
are best suited for you, during the presence of a
phosphene. You will then receive exercises which are
specifically adapted to your nature. (...) It will be easy
for you to keep practicing these exercises when the
period of fasting is over, as these exercises are suited
for your personality."
Page 32
he term "karma", which Sanskrit root means
"action", is a word that defines the cycle of
causes and consequences related to the
existence of living beings.
The karma is the sum of all an individual has done, is
doing or will do. The results of these actions are called
karma-phala. The karma is not a mechanism of
punishment or vengeance, but a kind of teaching,
supposed to allow individuals to understand how to
evolve to a higher state.
The religions that integrate the concepts of
reincarnation or rebirth state that the effects of karmic
actions affect the different lives of an individual. The
laws of the karma make people and beings
responsible for their actions and for the consequences
they can have on the lives of others.
The law of karma is a central concept of many dharmic
religions like Hinduism or Buddhism. All beings are
held accountable for their karma and thus are in
charge of their escape from the Samsara or cycle of
The earliest references to karma can be found in the
The concept of karma can also be found in Western
esoteric movements, like the movement of the
Rosicrucians or Theosophy.
The concept of karma can be attractive to Western
religious or spiritual persons. The fact that virtue is
rewarded and sin is punished is similar to Christian
belief and can seem more logical than the concept of
eternal damnation. Similarily, the notion of
accumulated bad karma is close to the notion of
original sin.
Doctor LEFEBURE, a French physician and scientist,
compares the mechanisms of karma to the way the
heart functions: "Giving is an effort of will, receiving
takes place in a passive manner by a process that
Hindu philosophy calls karma. The heart functions in a
similar way. It does not function as suction and force
pump, but only as a force pump. It is the pressure of
the blood forced out of the heart that pushes the blood
in the rest of the body, provoking its return to the heart
by the blood circulation system. Similarly, even if we
are not fully conscious of the details of the
mechanisms of karma. They will, for sure, bring back
to us the consequences of our actions."
The yoga of good deeds (or karma yoga) is an obvious
way to avoid accumulating bad karma. Nevertheless,
it has to go together with good intentions. The various
Hindhu and Buddhist traditions define meditation and
the work on the self as redeeming. These initiatory
techniques offer a way to help individuals to escape
the cycle of reincarnations by clearing bad karma.
Dr LEFEBURE, designed a "scientifically improved
yoga": Phosphenism.
Page 33
He invented the Gyrascope, a device based on the
praying wheels of the Tibetans but also on the rotary
dances of the whirling dervishes. The Gyrascope
produces a kind of centrifugation of the soul. In a
centrifuge, the heavy elements accumulate on the
periphery when, as a reaction, the lighter elements are
concentrated in the center of the device. The
Gyrascope has a similar action on the thoughts of an
individual, pushing back the heaviest and
concentrating the most subtle. A powerful effect of
cleansing of consciousness is thus produced. This
constitutes a means to escape from accumulated bad
Gyroscopic meditation has an action on the deepest
layers of the psyche of an individual. On the contrary,
psychoanalysis only affects the superficial layers.
Initiatory techniques have nothing to do with
psychoanalysis. In fact, the latter only focuses on the
pathological. It is much more interesting to bring
something more elevated into consciousness. A
person in love sees life with "rose-tinted glasses" and
does not think about his/her problems anymore. This
process is a lifesaver. The mind acquires a positive
direction, generating a higher state of consciousness.
On the contrary, focusing on a gloomy thought
generates a negative state of consciousness. In the
end, this negative state of consciousness will turn into
a full-fledged depression. Thanks to the phosphenic
techniques, you can find the way back to your
dreams, a saving and transcendental process.
Page 34
Mystical Sways
For millenia, sways have been practiced by many
traditions, in order to acheive the opening of the
subtle centers or chakras and to produce psychic
experiences; they have a major place in the
practice of all religions.
Sways are traditional initiatory techniques that
provoke the separation of the body and the soul,
opening the door to the world of the spirit where
revelations can be found. The testimonies of the
persons who have gone through near-death
experiences confirm the descriptions of the
experiences of the mystics. Sways are directly
connected to the cosmos and to the universal
divine force.
HOMOLOGIES or the Lights of Asia
Explained by Science
It is by a reversal, an introversion of the
psychological and physical forces that an
individual can become an initiate. This is the
main thesis and the direction of Dr
LEFEBURE's book "Homologies", who uses
inversions to explain magic in its original
form: the science of the mages, the priests of
Zoroaster, who possessed the key to the
other-world. This led the author to an in-depth
study of reincarnation, and its connections
with the laws of heredity and the laws of
In this book, Dr LEFEBURE uinveils the
method of his mentor Artheme Galip as it was
taught to him.
- PDF Version -
- Hardbound book -
he Sanskrit word kundalini means "coiled" or
"coiled like a snake". There are other translations
like "the power of the snake" that illustrate the
energetic nature of the concept. Certain authors
suggest a connection between Kundalini and the
Caduceus, a Greek symbol constituted by two coiled
The concept of Kundalini comes from the yogi
philosophy of ancient India and is related to the
motherly intelligence that governs spiritual awakening
and maturation: Kundalini Shakti.
According to the Yogic tradition, Kundalini stems from
the root chacra and is coiled three times and a half
around the sacrum. The awakening of Kundalini is
associated to the emergence of characteristic
energetic phenomena, experienced by the yogi in a
somatic way. The surge of this energy is a vibratory
phenomenon that accompanies a period of spiritual
The most ancient references to Kundalini can be found
in the Siva Sutras (8th century). Nevertheless, the
concept of Kundalini dates back to much older times.
One of the first Europeans to introduce the concept of
Kundalini into the West was Sir John Woodroffe, who
wrote The Power of the Snake under the pen name of
Arthur Avalon. Later, C.W. Leadbeater of the
Theosophical Society and the psychologist C.G. Jung
did a lot to popularize the concept.
Today, Kundalini can be considered as a popular
concept, as it is widely refered to by the yoga and
New Age circles (mainly thanks to the works of Gopi
Krishna). Nevertheless, the popularization of the
concept in the West has not particularly contributed to
a genuine understanding of what Kundalini really is.
Certain authors claim that Kundalini is a dangerous
force, difficult to awaken. Others assert that only a
handful of great initiates, hidden in the depths of Asia,
are capable of transmitting this teaching for which the
masses are unfit.
Shedding a new light on the subject, Doctor Francis
Lefebure, a French physician and scientist, studied the
physiological aspects of Kundalini and designed a
device allowing its awakening on a scientific basis.
In his book From the Praying Wheel to the Spiritual
Dynamo, Dr LEFEBURE presents the theoretical
discoveries that have led him to the creation of the
Gyrascope, the machine for awakening Kundalini. Dr
Lefebure describes how anyone can build this device,
that can produce the awakening of Kundalini with one
hour of practice a day. The power of this awakening is
of such magnitude that the experimenter will not doubt
that it is the true Kundalini that they have experienced.
The result is absolutely convincing. The subject can
then stop practicing or further their spiritual
development with the device.
Extract from the book:
From the Praying Wheel to the Spiritual Dynamo:
For the persons who are not familiar with the oriental
traditions of Kundalini, let us say that it is a force that
one is completely conscious of when it manifests
itself. It even produces various states of hyper
This force fundamentally assumes a WHIRLING
ASPECT. It appears in the lower part of the trunk,
Page 35
approximately one or two centimeters above the
perineum, and then rises.
Certain authors describe the rise of this force as a
helical movement around the axis of the body, through
the center of gravity, along a virtual vertical line.
According to other descriptions, it rises inside the
spine, following its curves. This sensation is
particularly surprising as one does not usually feel
one's spine. Nevertheless, we have been able to
experience "something extraordinary", a seemingly
supernatural force, rising inside our spine, thanks to
the exercises described in our book.
Various authors state that the surge of Kundalini "puts
the chakras in motion", i.e. the main organs of the first
subtle body (called etheric body). The movement felt in
the chakras being a rotation, a whirling, it thus seems
that it is simply particular locations of the Kundalini, a
veritable whirling of the mind.
We have stated that this force rises in a helical
movement. This is important for our experiments and
for our explanations about what happens when it
reaches the head: a state of inner illumination arises,
together with a purification of thoughts and feelings as
well as the development of mental powers ().
It is by introducing rotations in one's thoughts that
Kundalini, whirling force, is activated. The dance of the
whirling dervishes or the Tibetan praying wheels are
based on the same rotational principle. The effect on
the psyche is similar to a centrifugation. During the
centrifugation of blood, for example, the heavier
elements are pushed at the periphery by the
centrifugal force when, as a reaction, the lighter
elements (pure water, in the case of blood) are
concentrated in the center of the device. The process
is the same with consciousness and a genuine
cleansing of thoughts and feelings takes place.
Page 36
Three Gyrascopes in one!
Gyrascope, Bi-Gyrascope et
Concentric Gyrascope.
Fitted with two independent and
reversible motors.
Sold with several sets of blades, allowing
every possible combination to produce an
even more powerful work on Kundalini.
All the exercises are included in the
handbook Kundalini volume 3 .
ecoming a good magnetizer does not require
many years of study. There is no need to read
entire libraries; one simply needs to practice.
Thanks to practice, sensitivity is increased and one
can become aware of the "invisible world".
An exercise of mummification to witness the power of
magnetism associated to the practice of Phosphenism
Cut a piece of meat in two and place one half in a
fridge. You will use it to compare the effects of
magnetism. You will notice that it starts rotting and
decomposing quickly.
You are going to magnetize the second half 20 minutes
a day by placing your right hand over your left hand,
arms stretched (use an inverted position if you are left-
handed). At the same time, do a phosphene and
project it on your hands. After a few days, the piece of
mea twill be mummified. It will not decompose. The
process of mummification will be accelerated by using
the phosphenes.
Magnetization and phosphenization of water
Magnetized with the right hand (+), water is fresh and
slightly acid ; it stimulates and regulates the organs
and has a beneficial action on the stomach, the live
rand the intestines, relieving problems of digestion and
constipation. It is a very good purgative.
Magnetized with the left hand (-), water is bland and
alkaline, it is sedative.
When both hands are used, the water's properties are
For a litre of water, practice for 20 minutes, at sunrise
or sunset. Do a phosphene by focusing on the sun for
two seconds through a piece of fabric, without
glasses or contacts.
Then, while you are magnetizing the water by placing
your hands on a glass bottle, project your phosphene
on the bottle while maintaining the idea of healing in
your mind. Renew this operation several days in a
row. Close the bottle with cork. After a few days of
practicing 20 minutes perd ay, the water will be
charged with energy (magnetized and phosphenized) .
Drink it or let a patient of yours drink it. You will be
surprised by the result.
Page 37
MAndalas and runes
any traditions use graphic representations, not
only to symbolize the sacred, but also for
inspiration or even direct communication with
that realm.
Generally, the studies of Western academics remain
on a purely intellectual level as they consider all these
representations to be metaphors. Similarly, certain
pseudo-esoteric studies only lose themselves in
conjectures when the power of symbols, runes and
mandalas is actually real.
Doctor Francis LEFEBURE performed much research on
the brain's ability to produce images, these studies
can lead us to a scientific and physiological
understanding of the mechanisms that create runes,
symbols and mandalas. His studies are based on the
systematic use of the phosphenes, which are a
unique means to measure certain cerebral parameters
that cannot be detected any other way.
The phosphenes are all the subjective perceptions of
light, i.e. all the sensations of light which are not
directly generated by light stimulating the retina. The
images of dreams or what neurologists call
hypnagogic visions (visions perceived in half-sleep)
belong to that class of sensations.
By stimulating the third zone of the cuneus with an
electrical current, phosphenes are produced. These
phosphenes always have geometrical shapes:
squares, circles, triangles and crosses, as well as
straight and broken lines. This zone of the brain is thus
specialized in the production of images with
geometrical shapes.
Though they are sometimes complex, symbols, runes
and mandalas can be broken down to the basic
geometrical shapes that compose them. Indeed, a
mandala is characteristically a drawing of a square
containing a circle, with several other subdivisions
Also, the geometrical shapes generated by the brain
can sometimes be animated with movement. The
triskelion, a celtic rune and the swastika, a sanskrit
symbol, both are a representation of a cross in motion.
Carl Gustav Jung quotes many cases of spontaneous
appearances of geometrical shapes (runes, symbols
and mandalas) in the dreams of his patients. He
interprets them as a representation of the self, the
archetype of psychic wholeness.
However there are interpreted, runes, symbols and
mandalas are very interesting mediums of meditation.
You can try the following experiment:
Experimenting with the phosphenes
This experiment is based on the technique of
Phosphenic Mixing design by Dr Lefebure. It consists
in maintaining a particular image in your mind's eye
during the presence of a phosphene produced by
focusing on a source of light.
In this case, there are two possible variations:
Page 38
1) Choose a symbol, a rune or a mandala that you find
Do a phosphene.
Think about the chosen symbol, mandala or rune.
(Visualize it, bring back its memory to your mind).
Repeat this operation during at least 15 minutes, for
example before going to sleep, for several days in a
row. (The more you practice this exercise, the more
chances you have to obtain a result).
2) Practice the same exercise as above, but using the
image of a rune, a symbol, a mandala or a geometrical
shape that you have seen appear spontaneously
during a dream, a session of meditation or while falling
Keep practicing every day for at least a week. You will
be surprised by the results.
Page 39
n the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, a mantra (from
the sankrit "sacred formula") is a set of syllables
arranged in a given order, that is repeated many
times along a certain rhythm.
Though reciting mantras is typically related to
Hinduism, similar practices can be found in most
religions. Indeed, the use of chanted repetitive
formulas appears in the form of the tradition of the
rosary in the Christian religion, in the form of
repetitions of the verses of the Koran in the Muslim
religion and in the form of readings of the Torah,
accompanied by anteroposterior sways, in the
Israelite religion. It is the same for "primitive" cultures
which use repetitive chanting during ceremonies.
Everywhere, praying takes the shape of rhythmic
Using the term "mantra" to qualify traditions that are so
distant geographically can seem improper.
Nevertheless, French physician Francis Lefebure has
managed to demonstrate, in a scientific manner, the
physiological reasons for the universality of these
practices. In his book: OM and the mantras, the natural
name of God, Doctor Lefebure explains the action of
rhythm on the brain and provides guidelines for
developing one's own personal mantras. His book
starts with a morphological analysis of the mantra
"OM" or pranava mantra, including many relevant
analogies between human anatomy, sound and
various elements (geometry, physics, chemistry,
The second part of his book is dedicated to a precise
analysis of the sounds of the mantras, allowing the
creation of efficient mantras. Rather than limiting his
analysis to a futile discussion on the meaning of the
mantras, or even on their linguistic origins, Doctor
Lefebure goes straight for the essential by providing
data allowing the understanding of the analogic
resonances between vowels and consonants and
various natural elements, as well as the relationship
between mantras and the chakras.
A brief history of the mantras is also included,
shedding light on the universality of the mantra "OM",
used by many traditions in slightly different forms
(Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, and also by the Celtic,
Zoroastrian, Tibetan, Muslim, Hebrew and Christian
traditions). This universality is been hidden, lost in
Dr LEFEBURE has also demonstrated that the
regularity of the rhythm of chanting greatly improves
the efficiency of mantras. For this purpose, Dr Lefebure
designed the Mantratron, a kind of metronome
specially designed for practicing mantras.
Another essential part of the discoveries of Doctor
Lefebure is the systematic use of the phosphenes to
Page 40
improve any type of intellectual or mental work. The
phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light,
i.e. those which are not directly provoked by light
stimulating the retina. They can be produced by
focusing shortly on sources of light.
Experiment with the Mantratron
An interesting experiment consists in combining the
phosphenes and the Mantratron to your usual practice
of the mantras.
Set your Mantratron on an appropriate rhythm.
Focus on the phosphenic lamp for roughly thirty
seconds, then close your eyes.
Recite the mantra, following the rhythm of the
After three minutes , focus on the lamp again. That
way, the recitation of your mantra is always
accompanied by the presence of a phosphene.
The energy produced by the recitation of the mantra is
considerably increased.
Page 41
The Mantratron will allow you to repeat
mantras at a perfectly regular pace, the
main condition of efficient practice.
The MANTRATRON improves the practice
of all the exercises of rhythmic thinking.
he term meditation encompasses a large number
of varied practices with a different purpose. But,
most authors agree that meditation consists in
reversing one's attention towards the inside and to
observe the mind and its functioning. For a long time,
meditation has been considered to be exclusively
oriental. Today, meditation is widely spread in the
West, mainly thanks to the teachings of Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi.
Meditating can develop mental abilities, increase
consciousness, allow contact with spiritual forces
and, more simply, help finding physical and mental
well-being. It can take many varied forms:
concentrating on breathing, repeating a mantra,
clearing the mind...
There are two main forms of meditation.
In the first case, one is trying to reach a state of
emptiness of mind.
In the second case, one is working on a state of calm
of mind, letting oneself be carried by the sensations
that appear.
Studying the different forms of meditation is not the
purpose of this brief study. We would rather study its
principles in the light of discoveries of a french
researcher, Doctor Francis Lefebure. Indeed, the
physiological understanding of the mechanisms of
meditation helps avoiding many obstacles and can
save a lot of time for those who seek spiritual
Doctor LEFEBURE managed to analyse precisely the
effects of the various exercises. In order to do that, he
used the phosphenes, the subjective sensations of
light that can be obtained by focusing briefly on a
source of light.
He designed a protocol, Cerebroscopy, that analyzes
the rhythm of alternation of the cerebral hemispheres.
By studying the oscillations of the double
phosphenes, Doctor Lefebure identified a certain
number of parameters that allow the optimization the
practice of meditation.
The first conclusion of his works, is that it is not
desirable to try to empty one's mind for too long. On a
physiological level, it does not make sense to try to
eliminate all thoughts for a long period of time.
When one tries to chase out all thoughts, whether
visual or auditory, a tension can be observed on the
face of the subject, as if the circulation of blood was
After practicing this exercise, one has less ideas, it is
difficult to think and one feels rather nervous.
People who practice like this for many years actually
paralyze their reflection processes, and thus lose their
critical mind. They can be subject to serious
headaches and to nervous disorders.
Page 42
A Cerebroscopic study of a person who had practiced
emptiness of mind exercises for 10 years and who was
suffering from depression, showed that only a single
hemisphere was functioning. She could only see a
single, fixed phosphene, when a healthy person should
see two alternating phosphenes.
After practicing lateral head sways for a week, she
observed that her suicidal tendencies were
disappearing and that she was finding the joy to live
again. An observation of the alternation of her double
phosphenes illustrated this improvement, as she
perceived, this time, two phosphenes that alternated
normally, a proof that the connections between the
hemispheres had been restored.
Try to keep the same thought in your mind (for
example, the image of a flower).
You will observe that thoughts are dynamic. The image
of the chosen object disappears, is replaced by
interfering thoughts or is enriched with new elements.
It can also be perceived in a fragmented fashion,
sometimes along with the sensation of a motion
around the object or a movement of the object itself.
The image of the object can also become distorted.
Law n1: One cannot keep the same thought in mind
for a long time. Thoughts evolve and change.
Practicing Phosphenism produces a calm of mind and
stimulates all the functions of the brain. The state of
calm of mind is characterized by a sensation of peace
and physical relaxation, rather than by the absence of
thoughts, as one still has toughts in their mind and
perceives images and subjective sensations. Cerebral
functions are still fully active and are improved by the
phosphenes that stimulate the connections between
the hemispheres.
Law n2: Emptiness of mind, defined as a constant
effort to stop thoughts from springing up in
consciousness, disturbs cerebral functioning.
Phosphene and calm of mind.
While focusing on the source of light, sway your head
slightly laterally. During the presence of the
phosphene, observe the thoughts that come to your
Again, do a phosphene with a slight sway of your head
and keep aware of the thoughts that spring up.
Practice the same operation a third time. Let your
thoughts flow and observe them. Is there a difference
of quality between the early thoughts and the latter
Law n3: The state of calm of mind acts like a pump
that attracts, as a reaction, many new thoughts. The
thoughts thus obtained have a richer quality than usual
thoughts: richer in images, richer in colors and in
It is not physiological to maintain an image or a
concept in mind for long periods, as thoughts
permanently evolve and change. Certain exercises
nevertheless require not to dissipate too much, in order
to crystallize thoughts in a more efficient manner. A
physiological way to avoid that problem is to focus on
a group of related images or concepts, rather than on a
single concept or image. Indeed, The concept of "light"
can be represented by many varied images related to
that theme: fire, a star, a comet, a lit match, a light
bulb, etc. All these representations are related to the
concept of "light".
Similarly, the concept of "plant" can be declined almost
infinitely, as a there is a multitude of flowers and trees.
By going from one representation to another, a concept
can be maintained for long periods of time without
going against cerebral physiology.
reprsentation l'autre, un mme concept peut tre
maintenu pendant de longues priodes sans aller
l'encontre de la physiologie crbrale.
Page 43
n 1976, the European Council defined the rights of
the sick and the dying:
the right to freedom.
the right to dignity and the integrity of the
the right to be informed.
the right to receive appropriate treatment.
the right not to suffer.
The works of Elisabeth Kbler-Ross have done a lot to
change the public's mentality and to increase the
standing of the accompaniment of the dying. Indeed,
our materialistic society has lost the spiritual meaning
of death and tends to hide it. Accompanying the dying
is present in many traditions. In our society, it has
become a simple therapeutic act, when it is
acknowledged at all. Our society needs to learn to
accept death, as the unavoidable end of existence.
Many traditions believe in a process of examination of
consciousness that takes place after death. Similarly,
the persons who have experienced states of near-
death often relate that they have conducted a
recapitulation of their life before being resucitated.
Accepting death is not fatalism, on the contrary.
Leaving life peacefully is beneficial. The individual
does not hold any grudges, nor does anyone have a
grudge against them. Their demons have been
exorcized and they feel ready to die.
Today, psychologists, nurses and doctors do a
wonderful job accompanying the dying. They have
replaced the priests who used to administer the Last
Rites. Nevertheless, we believe this preparation
should be done by a medium, as only a specialist of
the world beyond can guide the dying individual in a
relevant manner.
This conception of death is new to us, but all traditions
recommend a state of peace and serenity to
experience the final Initiation. When they talk about
the deceased, the Tibetans say: "He who knows the
answer to every question".
The increasing number of testimonies on states of
near-death, due to the progress of the techniques of
resucitation, have brought a lot of information to
doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists. These
phenomena have raised many questions about death
in the medical circles. The testimonies relate the
existence of "another side" that is not oblivion but a
universe rich in colours and sensations, a universe as
alive as ours, if not more. Naturally, this means that
consciouness is still present, during and after death, a
concept in all ways opposed to our materialistic
conception of death. "Nothing is lost, nothing is
created, everything goes through transformations".
Page 44
Lavoisier's famous sentence can suggest the
immortality of consciousness. This understanding of
death cannot be the fruit of an intellectual construction,
of an individual experience.
Initiation puts the individual in touch with the spitritual
universe. Once an individual has been through it, he or
she does not need to fear death any more as it now
has a meaning, a value. The initiate understands the
nature of death through first hand experience: death is
not an annihiliation, it is a renewal. Experiencing
Initiation can help people to comprehend the
mechanisms that rule the passage into the world
beyond and can help guiding the dying. It is certain that
those who have experienced but a single phenomenon
of exteriorization of their consciousness, approach
death with a different state of mind and with the
certainty that consciousness transcends material
Out of body experiences can occur in a waking state or
while asleep, spontaneously or thanks to initiatory
training. They can also result from an illness or a state
of near-death. Nevertheless, being projected into the
"world beyond" does not cause death. Death can be
defined as the final breaking of the link that unites the
body with consciousness.
It is perfectly possible to obtain spiritual perceptions
while fully conscious, this is what initiatory training
allows by making certain organs work, mainly the
epiphysis and the cuneus. The epiphysis or pineal
gland secretes the hormone that regulates sleep:
melatonin. The cuneus, located on the level of the
occipital hump (the zone responsible for vision), is the
organ that is responsible for the perception of
spontaneous phosphenes, hypnagogic images,
images of dreams and visions.
In the accounts of near-death experiences, people
mainly relate visual scenes rather than the other
sensory perceptions. They do exist though and one can
notice them during experiences of extension of
consciousness: perceptions of rhythms (sways,
rotations, shakings), perceptions of movements (the
sensation of floating, of flying at tremendous speeds,
of ondulations), perceptions of sounds (noises, voices,
celestial musics). There seems to be an equivalent of
the organs responsible for the subjective visual
perceptions on the auditory level (producing
clairaudience) and on the level of the organ of the
sense of balance (producing the perception of
movements of the subtle body: sensations of floating,
of ascending, of descending, of whirling) .
There is actually an inner or subjective equivalent of
each physical sense. Doctor Francis Lefebure, a
French physician and researcher, has discovered these
inner senses by studying cerebral physiology thanks
to the phosphenes. The phosphenes are subjective
visual sensations. He gave the name of phenic system
to this set of inner senses.
The phenic system:
The phosphene corresponds to the sense of sight.
The acouphene corresponds to the sense of hearing.
The olfactophene corresponds to the sense of smell.
The gustatophene corresponds to the sense of taste.
The tactuphene corresponds to the sense of touch.
The pneumophene corresponds to breathing.
The gyrophene corresponds to the sense of balance.
The myophene corresponds to muscular activity.
The osteophene corresponds to the elastic properties
of the skeleton.
To all these phenes, the subjective perception of time
should be added.
Thanks to his discoveries on cerebral physiology, Dr
Lefebure designed a set of techniques of Initiation and
personal development: Phosphenism. Practicing these
techniques is an simple way to produce out-of-body
experiences. Thus, the persons who practice
Phosphenism can discover a new aspect of
themselves and the universe.
Phosphenism and accompanying the dying.
Thanks to the practice of Phosphenism, it is possible
to help the dying by guiding them at the moment of
their death:
by projecting the subtle energies that can densify the
double and create a state of hyperconsciousness;
by projecting rhythmic thinking on the dying person,
mainly by the oscillation of the point of concentration in
the shape of a cross ;
by describing them the different phases of the great
voyage, listed thanks to the testimonies of the people
who have experienced states of near-death;
by helping them to conduct an examination of their
and, finally, by inciting them to go towards the light...
Page 45
ll forms of spirituality use music: from the
ancient shamans to the Celtic bards ; from the
African drummers to Western sacred musics,
the connection is obvious. Everywhere, music is used
as a medium for healing and for communicating with
the sacred.
The discoveries of Doctor LEFEBURE on the
phosphenes and the cerebral rhythms have allowed
him to explain, in a scientific manner, the physiological
processes underlying these practices.
The phosphenes are the colored patches that appear
after focusing on a source of light.
Thanks to the phosphenes, Doctor LEFEBURE has
discovered unknown cerebral rhythms. Indeed, there
is a particular relationship between the phosphenes
and the rhythms of the brain, between light and music.
The phosphenes behave in a rhythmic fashion: they
pulse, vibrate, alternate or oscillate. Produced by the
action of light on the brain, they illustrate the rhythmic
functioning of the nervous system. They adapt
subjectively to the rhythms of thoughts, allowing to
measure these rhythms precisely.
Nevertheless, the phosphenes also have a profound
and mysterious action on the nervous system. Indeed,
if one thinks while observing a phosphene, it is their
thoughts, on the contrary, that will tend to take on the
natural rhythms of the phosphenes.
Thus, the rhythms of the phosphenes induce the
rhythms of prayers, chants, mantras or sacred
musics, generating currents of energy in the body that
are exteriorized in the form of dances and postures.
To sum up, it is the act of praying while focusing on a
source of light that is at the origin of all religious rites.
Music and its rhythms transform the state of
consciousness of the musicians and their audience,
leading them to states of ecstasy.
On a therapeutic level, music can generate various
states of consciousness. From the mothers who sway
their children, singing a lullaby to soothe them, to the
musics of war, meant to give courage to the warriors,
it is a whole range of emotions that music can
The Celtic legends relate that the music of the bards
had the power to heal, to make people cry, sleep or
even to terrorize opponents.
The Blues, music of the Black slaves of America, is
based on a sway or a swing. It is thanks to this sway
that the blues musicians give to themselves and to
their audience the courage to live, even in the worst
All musicians feel the power of music, and it is during
concerts that it explodes and becomes meaningful,
resulting in a genuine communion. Bruce Springsteen
expresses this very accurately: "Doing a concert is like
taking a train, going on a trip. Every time, I wonder
where this train will take us, the public and myself.
And the band and myself do everything we can so that
it takes us as far as possible".
Choose one of your favorite pieces of music.
Do a phosphene.
Close your eyes and sing the rhythm or the melody
Repeat this operation during 15 to 45 minutes and you
will perceive the energy of music.
Page 46
Page 47
The drum is a sacred instrument for
many traditions as it triggers a variety of
eurosciences include all the sciences that are
necessary for the study of the anatomy and the
functioning of the nervous system.
The different disciplines that make up neurosciences
neurophysiology, the study of the physiological
functioning of the basic units of the nervous system:
the neurons
neuroanatomy, the study of the anatomical structure
of the nervous system
neurology, the branch of medicine that studies the
clinical consequences of the pathologies of the
nervous system and their treatment.
neuropsychology, that studies the clinical
consequenses of the pathologies of the nervous
system on cognition, intelligence and emotions.
neuroendrocrinology, the study of the connections
between the nervous system and the hormonal
cognitive neurosciences, that try to establish the
connections between the nervous system and
computer neurosciences, which try to create a
model of the functioning of the nervous system
through computerized simulations.
neuroeconomy, that studies the decision processes
of economical factors, mainly the study of the
respective roles that emotions and cognition play in
Dr LEFEBUREs research belongs to the domain of
neurosciences, and more particularly to the domain of
cerebral physiology, though its framework reaches
beyond the purely materialistic point of view of
Dr LEFEBUREs works, based on the systematic use of
the phosphenes, have allowed the detection of various
unknown cerebral rhythms. The starting point of these
discoveries is a surprising cerebral phenomenon, that
Doctor Lefebure discovered by chance in 1959 and that
he called "THE SUBUD EFFECT".
The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of
light that are not directly generated by light stimulating
the retina. They correspond to what ophtalmologists
call images of retinal persistancy or post-images.
Extract from Exploring the Brain with the Study of the
Oscillations of the Double Phosphenes:
"We have discovered an absolutely surprising and
certainly unpredictable phenomenon; as far as we
know, it has never been reported by any author,
though a child could have discovered it as a game.
At a distance of three meters, focus on an ordinary
lamp for a minute, then switch it off and remain in the
dark. Wait for a few seconds until the phosphene
appears. Then, sway your head at an average speed:
you will notice that the phosphene sways at the same
speed as your head.
Try the experiment again, but, this time, sway your
your head very slowly: the phosphene seems to sway
Thus, the association between the movements of the
head and the movements of the phosphene only takes
place at a certain rhythm, while other rhythms
diminish or distrupt this association. We have named
this unexpected opposition of the movements of the
Page 48
phosphenes, according to the rhythm of the head
sways, THE SUBUD EFFECT, as a memory of the
circumstances of its discovery (it was discovered
thanks to the analysis of head sways practiced by
Indonesian mystic Pak Subuh).
The Subud effect is the dissociation of the movements
of the head and of the movements of the phosphene
when the movements of the head are fast.
This simple fact has a considerable neurological and
educational significance. It is the starting point of a
new branch of study of humankind: neuro-education,
i.e. teaching and learning according to the reality of
cerebral physiology."
Thanks to this discovery of the rhythmic functions of
the brain, Dr LEFEBURE designed a revolutionary
protocol of cerebral exploration: cerebroscopy. The
principle of cerebroscopy lays in measuring cerebral
rhythms with the oscillations of the double
phosphenes (the mode of operation is fully described
below). Cerebroscopy efficiently complements today's
techniques of brain imagery.
Brain imagery plays a major role in the study of the
functioning of the brain. Several techniques are used
by neurosciences:
positron emission tomography (or scanner) uses
radioactive isotopes injected in the blood of the
subjects. Their concentration in different zones of the
brain permits the visualization of the most active
electroencephalograpy (or EEG) measures the
electrical fields generated by the neurons of the
subjects by placing electrodes on their scalp.
functional magnetic resonance imagery (or fMRI)
measures the relative quantity of oxygenated blood
that circulates in the various parts of the brain, allowing
the localization of the active zones.
optical imagery uses infrared transmissions to
measure their reflection by the blood in different parts
of the brain. Oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
reflecting light in a different manner, this process can
measure the zones of activity.
magnetoencephalography measures the magnetic
fields that result from the activity of the cortex.
Rather than a principle of imagery, cerebroscopy is
rather a mode of cerebral exploration. It measures the
alternation of the double phosphenes. The mode of
operation is the following: using a sheet of cardboard
or plastic, placed between the eyes to separate their
field of vision, a phosphene is produced in each eye
separatly, by switching on and off two lamps at a
rhythm of two seconds per side. The phosphenes thus
produced are not constant, but alternate. Unlike what
one might think, this alternation does not follow the
rhythm of two seconds of the lighting, but a RHYTHM
rhythm is of six seconds per side, and the alternation
lasts from four to six minutes. The object of this
method is to study the regularity of the alternation.
Indeed, a regular cerebral alternation shows that the
brain is in a good condition, when an irregular or
absent alternation shows the opposite. The cerebral
alternation of a given person can vary greatly
throughout the day. In the morning, after a good night's
sleep, cerebral alternation is much more regular than in
the evening, after a hard day's work. In a constant
manner for a given subject, certain situations improve
cerebral alternation when others disturb it. This study
can measure the impact on the brain of various
parameters (physical activity, diet, the use of
medicines, etc.) and has allowed Dr LEFEBURE to
determine a new law of cerebral physiology:
Dr LEFEBURE then transposed his discoveries on the
sense of sight to the other sensory organs, thus
revolutionizing our comprehension of the mecanisms of
Perception is the capacity to receive information by the
sensory organs and to interpret it with the brain. Sight
and audition are the two main senses that human
beings use for perceiving the environement, but the
sense of touch, smell, taste and also the sense of
balance have their role to play.
In the course of his studies, Dr LEFEBURE has
demonstrated that there are inner equivalents to
physical perception. The phosphene, for example,
corresponds to sight. It seems to be a kind of
neurological echo of the visual perception.
The same way, all the other physical senses have
inner equivalents, Dr LEFEBURE called them
"physiological phenes" and together, they form the
"phenic system" of the person.
A phene is a physiological intermediary between the
physical sense to which it corresponds and an
equivalent spiritual sense. When that spiritual sense is
awakened, intangible energies and events are
perceived (i.e. aspects of the universe that cannot be
perceived by the physical senses).
When it is stimulated, the phenic system provokes the
perception of the spiritual planes, that the traditions
call "beyond", "invisible worlds" or "subtle planes".
The phenic system is constituated by:
the phosphene, that corresponds to the sense of
the acouphene, that corresponds to the sense of
the gustatophene, that corresponds to the sense of
the olfactophene, that corresponds to the sense of
the pneumophene, the phene of breathing.
the osteophene, that is connected to the vibration of
the bones and the tendons.
the gyrophene or statophene, the phene of the sense
of balance.
the tactuphene, that corresponds to the sense of
the subjective perception of time.
Page 49
All these phenes, and probably other ones that have
not been detected yet, are all connected together. This
is why, when a particular phene is stimulated,
sensations related to a different phene can be
Moreover, there is a third sensory system that, until
now, is usually refered to as "psychic centers" or
chakras. This third sensory system is connected to the
phenic system and to consciousness. These psychic
centers or chakras could be, in a certain way, the
organs of consciousness.
Dr LEFEBUREs discoveries are major advances in the
domain of neurosciences and, without a doubt, will
inspire new discoveries to the researchers of the
Page 50
An example of the alternation of the double phosphenes, the
phosphenes appear in turns at a rhythm of eight seconds per
side. Notice the double phosphene that appears at the beginning
and at the end. The phosphenes are barely longer than the
filaments of the lamp, though they are much wider. Their edge is
irregular. Their size diminishes with time, but without any
periodical variation of surface.
Picture extractred from Exploring the Brain with
the Study of the Double Phosphenes.
uch has been written about the prophecies of
Nostradamus (1503-1566). Their interpretation
is still difficult and confusing and seems to be
a waste of time. Nevertheless, the Centuries (the
compilation of Nostradamus' prophecies) comprise
some interesting passages that describe the mode of
operation that he used to produce visions. Visions that
he not only perceived himself, but that the queen
Catherine of Medici perceived too.
We will study the instructions provided by
Nostradamus in the light of the discoveries of Doctor
Francis LEFEBURE, a French physician and researcher.
He designed a method of personal development based
on the systematic use of the phosphenes:
The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of
light, i.e. those which are not directly provoked by light
stimulating the retina. The discoveries of Doctor
LEFEBURE in cerebral physiology bring a full
understanding of the cerebral mecanisms that are
involved in clairvoyance phenomena, and allow to
reproduce them at will.
Nostradamus wrote his prophecies at night in his
house in Salon-de-Provence (France), by the light of a
candle, often facing a silver mirror or a crystal ball.
That way, he used to produce phosphenes with
polarized light. At other times, he would focus on the
reflection of the moon in a silver tray. It is interesting
to note that the light reflected by the moon is already
Any light that is reflected on a surface is polarized.
Polarized light develops intuition and eventually
clairvoyance, if one practices regularily. Is the moon
not supposed to inspire poets? Yes, but only if it is
focused on. For a more complete explanation, check
Dr LEFEBUREs book: The Key to Supernatural
When Catherine of Medici asked Nostradamus to
perform a clairvoyance in order to know how long the
reign of her heirs would last, she demanded to
experience this vision herself. The clairvoyant then
practiced focusing on the reflection of the moon on a
silver tray. A month later, when he felt ready to comply
with the queen's wishes, he had to perform a mental
effort in order to let her perceive characters moving
around the tray. The number of laps the characters did
around the tray was supposed to correspond to the
number of years her sons would reign.
The vision took place within a cloud of light. Obvioulsy,
Nostradamus could not focus on the reflection of the
moon every night for a whole month. It was much
more simple for him to focus on the reflection of the
sun during the day, or on the bright sky. In the
evening, he could use the flame of candles or, even
better, the fire in his chimney.
Page 51
When this story is commented, authors usually
emphasize on the importance of the astrological signs
that decorated the silver tray. But, it seems only
obvious that an object that belonged to a renowned
astrologer would bear a mark of his quality; the same
way the knights' coat of arms would decorate their
shields. Before Dr Lefebure, no one showed any
interest in the fact that Nostradamus used to focus on
the reflection of the moon on a silver tray. If many
commentators insisted so much on the decoration of
the tray, and on the symbolic interpretation it implies,
it is because they were completely ignorant of the
physiological reality that underlined Nostradamus'
practices. Though he always explained how he
proceeded, Nostradamus ended up shrouded in
mystery. Indeed, in the first quatrain of the Centuries,
Michel de Nostre-Dame describes the technique he
used to produce visions.
The astrological symbols and the "lunar" aspect
(wrongly associated to witchcraft) of Nostradamus'
practices have hidden the essential and confused
commentators, stuck in would-be occult
considerations. Under the guise of a mysterious
operation realised with the complicity of a character
called Slne (actually the greek word for "the
moon"), a constant of Nostradamus' techniques of
clairvoyance appears: focusing on a direct or indirect
source of light, and thus using the phosphenes.
So, why speculate so much on Nostradamus'
Centuries? If all the books on the subject had dealt
with the phosphenes, humankind might have evolved
Exercise: Developing clairvoyance by concentrating on
a detail of the visual chaos
The visual chaos is the name of the tiny lights that
keep dancing in your field of vision, even if you have
remained in the dark for a long time.
In a dark room, place an eyepatch over your eyes, in
order to create optimal conditions of darkness.
Observe your visual chaos.
Focus your attention on one of those little lights and,
at soon as it has disappeared, on another one, and so
on, always maintaining your concentration in the
center of your field of vision.
After practicing this exercise for 4 or 5 minutes, you
will notice that the region you are concentrating on has
become brighter, more luminous. This brightness is
the third phase of the phosphene: the diffuse glow,
that you have produced without focusing on a light
source, thanks to this exercise.
If you keep searching for a detail within this glow, it
will become more and more precise. On the other
hand, if you let your attention spread to the whole of
the luminous mass, it will blur.
If you keep "chasing for details", you perceive
something stirring within the glow: maybe a whirling
vortex or tiny blots reminding of lightning bolts.
Focus on a detail of this stir, the angle of a bolt or a
line within a vortex, for example. Keep concentrating
on details, rather than on the glow as a whole.
Suddenly, the cloud turns into a vision. This
phenomenon might appear straight away or after
practicing this exercise regularily (every day for a few
weeks, for example).
The visions that are generated by this process can be
prophetic: in this case, they occur a few days later.
Page 52
Cerebral Develoment and Activation
How to transform the energy of light into mental energy. Using the phosphenes for
developing memory, intelligence and creativity.
Individual Development through the Application of Phosphenism in everyday life.
Get a positive effect on your destiny.
Practicing Initiatory Techniques
Practical workshop: Fast access to advanced phenomena.
continuous training
Special training in
We can give conferences and conduct
workshops in English. If you wish to
organize such an event, please send us an
e-mail via the contact page of this site.
Becoming a teacher.

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