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Submited By: NOUREEN JAN Submited To: MISS SANA MEHBOOB Class: G5B

T h i s p r o j e c t i n t r o d u c e s r a i l a ! r e s e r " a t i o n s!st e# $ It e% pl ai ns ho reser" at i on is &ei n' done in (a)istan Rail a!s $ The step &! stepp r o ce d u re is e% pl ai n ed $ T h i s p r o j e c t i s de"eloped In #icroso*t access $ All#ost all the *eatures o* access h a " e & e e n u s e d i n t h i s p r o j e c t $ (roper co##ents ha"e &een 'i"en at desired l o c a t i o n s t o # a ) e t h e p r o j e c t u s e r * r i e n d l ! $ +arious *unctions and structures are used to #a)e a co#plete use o* this o**ice$Thos project is e l l " e r s e d i t h t h e a c c e s s $ R a i l a ! res er "at i on can easi l ! acc o# pani ed i t h t he help o* this$ This project ill help in sol"in' all the pro&le#s in e%istin' s!ste# o* rail a! reser"ation s!ste#$In e%istin' s!ste# all data ill &e stored on *iles hich is a) ard #ethod and #an! pro&le#s ill &e *aced &! the user so this project ill help to enter data easil! in co#puter nd no pro&le#s ill &e *aced &! the user$the user can easil! *ind an! data in an! ti#e in a *e seconds$ It includes #odules re,uired to success*ull! operate rail a! re"ersion process s#oothl!$ It has train #aster to add #odi*! train in*or#ation- Train schedule to enter train journe! details include all the station na#e- arri"al ti#e and departure ti#e$ It includes auto#atic *are calculation as per the distance &et een t o stations$ Reser"ation #odule consist o* auto#atic seat no and coach no allocation s!ste#$ .ail! schedule *or updatin' o* not con*ir# seat and coach no$ All #aster li)e train #aster- train schedule- reser"ation *ees- cancellation *ees char'es can &e #odi*ied indi"iduall! *ro# *ront end and chan'es re*lect in all #odules i##ediate$ There*ore proposed /Railway Reservation System0 has &een desi'ned to auto#ate the process o* rail a! *or tic)et reser"ation and &ac) o**ice acti"ities$ S!ste# can #a)e the dail! acti"ities e**icient and pro"idin' the *ast response$

File system data management (or flat-file databases) served as the only method of file storage and retrieval before the advent of database management systems (such as relational databases). While retaining some use, flat-file databases suffer from poor accessibility, data redundancy, lack of standard file access and the inability to organize data. In e isting system of RAIL A! RESER"ATION S!STEM# only file system could be used and the disadvantages of file system can be as follo!. Since *lat1*ile data&ases rel! on *iles that contain records as te%t ithout an! structural data- the! cannot relate data *ro# one *ile to another$ 2or e%a#ple- i* one *ile contains an address record o* Mr$ Johnson- another *ile that uses address in*or#ation on Mr$ Johnson has to recreate that data$ The second *ile #ust duplicate the data$ This #eans that the address data on Mr$ Johnson e%ists in t o *iles at once$ On lar'e scales- this leads to data redundanc! that can ,uic)l! ta)e up space in the data&ase and pro"e cost1ine**icient$ 2lat1*ile s!ste#s usuall! do not support access *or #ultiple users$ This #eans that #ultiple users at di**erent or)stations cannot access the sa#e data si#ultaneousl!- li#itin' access to i#portant data i* #ultiple users search *or the sa#e data at the sa#e ti#e Since a *lat1*ile s!ste# relies on *iles to store data- it necessaril! relies on the *ile s!ste# that de*ines ho those *iles are stored and read$ This ties data to the s!ste# that stores it- and an! so*t are used to access the data #ust con*or# to the s!ste# o* stora'e$ Accordin'l!- an! chan'es to the data&ase re,uire chan'es to all the so*t are that accesses it$ Re,uestin' data *ro# a *lat1*ile data&ase si#pl! retrie"es data *ro# a sin'le *ile$ Re,uestin' and retrie"in' data *ro# "arious *iles at the sa#e ti#e 3called a 4transaction45 is i#possi&le$ This #eans that co#ple% re,uests that #a)e data retrie"al accurate and e**icient si#pl! do not e%ist$


The scope o* #! project is to sol"e all e%istin' pro&le#s in reser"ation s!ste#$ (a)istan has so#e o* the #ost spectacular and un*or'etta&le rail journe!s in the orld$ Here !ou e%perience a si#ple a! $There6s no &etter a! to enjo! (a)istan6s out&ac)- cities- coastal to ns and re'ional areas in co#*ort$ Articles o* house hold e**ects and personal e**ects hich are re,uired &! the passen'ers durin' their journe! or i##ediatel! a*ter the journe! ill onl! &e accepted *or &oo)in' as lu''a'e$ A.+ANTAGES O2 .BMS7 A .BMS allo s lar'e a#ounts o* data to &e stored in the #ost e**icient #anner possi&le$ The data is stored in lists o* independent in*or#ation$ Additional data sets can &e added at an! ti#e$ Relationships &et een the data sets are de*ined in the .BMS- and can &e altered ithout a**ectin' the data$ Ad%a&ta'es In a data&ase s!ste#- the data is #ana'ed &! the .BMS and all access to the data is throu'h the .BMS pro"idin' a )e! to e**ecti"e data processin'$ This contrasts ith con"entional data processin' s!ste#s here each application pro'ra# has direct access to the data it reads or #anipulates$ In a con"entional .( s!ste#- an or'ani8ation is li)el! to ha"e se"eral *iles o* related data that are processed &! se"eral di**erent application pro'ra#s$ i* so#e #ajor chan'es ere to &e #ade to the data- the *ile #a! need to &e re ritten$ In a data&ase s!ste#- the data&ase #ana'e#ent s!ste# pro"ides the inter*ace &et een the application pro'ra#s and the data$ 9hen chan'es are #ade to the data representation- the #etadata #aintained &! the .BMS is chan'ed &ut the .BMS continues to pro"ide data to application pro'ra#s in the pre"iousl! used a!$ The .BMS handles the tas) o* trans*or#ation o* data here"er necessar!$ This independence &et een the pro'ra#s and the data is called data independence$ .ata independence is i#portant &ecause e"er! ti#e so#e chan'e needs to &e #ade to the data structure- the pro'ra#s that ere &ein' used &e*ore the chan'e ould continue to or)$In .BMS- all *iles are inte'rated into one s!ste# thus reducin' redundancies and #a)in' data #ana'e#ent #ore e**icient$ In addition- .BMS pro"ides centrali8ed control o* the operational data$ Redundancies and inconsistencies can &e reduced$In con"entional data s!ste#s- an or'anisation o*ten &uilds a collection o* application pro'ra#s o*ten created &! di**erent pro'ra##ers and re,uirin' di**erent co#ponents o* the operational data o* the or'anisation$ The data in con"entional data s!ste#s is o*ten not centralised$ So#e applications #a! re,uire data to &e co#&ined *ro# se"eral s!ste#s$ These se"eral s!ste#s could ell ha"e data that is redundant as ell as inconsistent 3that is- di**erent copies o* the sa#e data #a! ha"e di**erent "alues5$ .ata inconsistencies are o*ten encoutered in e"er!da! li*e$ 2or e%a#ple- e ha"e all co#e across situations hen a ne address is co##unicated to an or'anisation that e deal ith 3e$'$ a &an)- or Teleco#- or a 'as co#pan!5- e *ind that so#e o* the co##unications *ro# that or'anisation are reci"ed at the ne address hile others continue to &e #ailed to the old address$ :o#&inin' all the data in a data&ase ould in"ol"e reduction in redundanc! as ell as inconsistenc!$ It also is li)el! to reduce the costs *or collection- stora'e and updatin' o* data$ 2le%i&ilit! o* the s!ste# is i#pro"ed $:han'es are o*ten necessar! to the contents o* data stored in an! s!ste#$ These chan'es are #ore easil! #ade in a data&ase than in a con"entional s!ste# in that these chan'es do not need to ha"e an! i#pact on application pro'ra#s$ Standards can &e en*orced $Since all access to the data&ase #ust &e throu'h the .BMS- standards are easier to en*orce$ Standards #a! relate to the na#in' o* the data- the *or#at o* the data- the structure o* the data etc$ Inte'rit! can &e i#pro"ed $Since the data o* the or'ani8ation usin' a data&ase approach is centrali8ed and ould &e used &! a nu#&er o* users at a ti#eit is essential to en*orce inte'rit! controls$ Inte'rit! #a! &e co#pro#ised in #an! a!s$

The rail a! reser"ation s!ste# stored data in *iles$in e%istin' s!ste# the data ill &e #ane'ed usin' *ile processin' s!ste#$In a t!pical *ile processin' s!ste#- each depart#ent in an or'ani8ation has its o n set o* *iles$The *iles are desi'ned speciall! *or their o n applocation$the records in one *ile are not related to the records in sn! other

*ile$.isad"anta'es o* P*o'*am+Data De,e&de&-e





(ro'ra# data dependence is a relationship &et een data in *iles and pro'ra# re,uired to update and #aintain the *iles $Application pro'ra#s are de"eloped accordin' to a particular *ile *or#at in *ile processin' s!ste#$ I* the *or#at o* *ile is chan'ed the application pro'ra# also needs to &e chan'ed accordin'l!$ 2or e%a#ple- i* there is a chan'e in the len'th o* postal code- it re,uires chan'e in the pro'ra#$ The chan'es #a! &e costl! to i#ple#ent$

Du,li-atio& o. data Applications are de"eloped independentl! in *ile processin' s!ste#s leadin' to unplanned duplicate *iles$ .uplication is aste*ul as it re,uires additional stora'e space and chan'es in one *ile #ust &e #ade #anuall! in all *iles$ This also results in loss o* data inte'rit!$ It is also possi&le that the sa#e data ite# #a! ha"e di**erent na#es in di**erent *iles- or the sa#e na#e #a! &e used *or di**erent data ite#s in di**erent *iles$ Limited data s/a*i&'
Each application has its own private files with little opportunity to share data outside their own applications. A requested report may require data from several incompatible files in separate systems. Le&'t/y De%elo,me&t Times There is little opportunity to leverage previous development efforts. Each new application requires the developer to start from scratch by designing new file formats and descriptions E0-essi%e P*o'*am Mai&te&a&-e The preceding factors create a heavy program maintenance load. I&-o&sista&-e data *ile s!ste# approch can also result incosistance #eans that t o *iles #a! contain di**erent data o* the sa#e student$2or e%a#ple-i* the address o* a student is chan'ed-it #ust &e chan'ed in &oth *iles$There is a possi&ilit! that it is chan'ed in the /students0 *ile and not *ro# /li&rar!0 *ile$the data &eco#es incosistance in this situation$ se-u*ity ,*oblems

2ile processin' s!ste# does not pro"ide ade,uate securit! on data$In so#e situations it is re,uired to pro"ide di**erent t!pe o* access to data *or di**erent users$2or e%a#ple-a data entr! operator should onl! &e allo ed to entr! data$The chair#an o* the or'ani8ation should &e a&le to access or delte the co#pletel!$Such t!pe o* securit! options are not a"aila&le in *ile processin' s!ste#$ I&te'*ity ,*oblems

Inte'rit! #eans relia&ilit! and accurac! o* data$The stored data #ust satis*! certain t!pes o* consistenc! constrains$2or e%a#ple Roll no and Mar)s o* students should &e nu#eric "alue$It is "er! di**icult to appl! these constrains on *iles in *ile processin' s!ste#$ La-1 o. .le0ibility The *ile processin' s!ste# id not "er! *le%i&le$It cannot easil! 'enerate the in*or#ation that is di**erent *ro# routine$It can ta)e a lot o* ti#e to coleect the data *ro# di**erent *iles and rite pro'ra#s to produce the desired in*or#ation$ PROPOSED S!STEM
The proposed s!ste# is access and this project is #ade in .BMS$ In .BMS- all *iles are inte'rated into one s!ste# thus reducin' redundancies and #a)in' data #ana'e#ent #ore e**icient$ In addition- .BMS pro"ides centrali8ed control o* the operational data$ So#e o* the ad"anta'es o* data independence- inte'ration and centrali8ed control are7

23Redu&da&-ies a&d i&-o&siste&-ies -a& be *edu-ed In con"entional data s!ste#s- an or'anisation o*ten &uilds a collection o* application pro'ra#s o*ten created &! di**erent pro'ra##ers and re,uirin' di**erent co#ponents o* the operational data o* the or'anisation$ The data in con"entional data s!ste#s is o*ten not centralised$ So#e applications #a! re,uire data to &e co#&ined *ro# se"eral s!ste#s$ These se"eral s!ste#s could ell ha"e data that is redundant as ell as inconsistent 3that is- di**erent copies o* the sa#e data #a! ha"e di**erent "alues5$ .ata inconsistencies are o*ten encoutered in e"er!da! li*e$ 2or e%a#ple- e ha"e all co#e across situations hen a ne address is co##unicated to an or'anisation that e deal ith 3e$'$ a &an)- or Teleco#- or a 'as co#pan!5- e *ind that so#e o* the co##unications *ro# that or'anisation are reci"ed at the ne address hile others continue to &e #ailed to the old address$ :o#&inin' all the data in a data&ase ould in"ol"e reduction in redundanc! as ell as inconsistenc!$ It also is li)el! to reduce the costs *or collectionstora'e and updatin' o* data$ 43Bette* se*%i-e to t/e Use*s A .BMS is o*ten used to pro"ide &etter ser"ice to the users$ In con"entional s!ste#sa"aila&ilit! o* in*or#ation is o*ten poor since it nor#all! is di**icult to o&tain in*or#ation that the e%istin' s!ste#s ere not desi'ned *or$ Once se"eral con"entional s!ste#s are co#&ined to *or# one centralised data &ase- the a"aila&ilit! o* in*or#ation and its up1to1dateness is li)el! to i#pro"e since the data can no &e shared and the .BMS #a)es it eas! to respond to un*orseen in*or#ation re,uests$:entrali8in' the data in a data&ase also o*ten #eans that users can o&tain ne and co#&ined in*or#ation that ould ha"e &een i#possi&le to o&tain other ise$ Also- use o* a .BMS should allo users that do not )no pro'ra##in' to interact ith the data #ore easil!$ :han'es are o*ten necessar! to the contents o* data stored in an! s!ste#$ These chan'es are #ore easil! #ade in a data&ase than in a con"entional s!ste# in that these chan'es do not need to ha"e an! i#pact on application pro'ra#s$ 53Cost de%elo,i&' a&d mai&tai&i&' systems is lo6e* It is #uch easier to respond to un*orseen re,uests hen the data is centrali8ed in a data&ase than hen it is stored in con"entional *ile s!ste#s$ Althou'h the initial cost o* settin' up o* a data&ase can &e lar'e- one nor#all! e%pects the o"erall cost o* settin' up a data&ase and de"elopin' and #aintainin' application pro'ra#s to &e lo er than *or si#ilar ser"ice usin' con"entional s!ste#s since the producti"it! o* pro'ra##ers can &e su&stantiall! hi'her in usin' non1procedural lan'ua'es that ha"e &een de"eloped ith #odern .BMS than usin' procedural lan'ua'es$ o.


-a& be e&.o*-ed Since all access to the data&ase #ust &e throu'h the .BMS- standards are easier to en*orce$ Standards #a! relate to the na#in' o* the data- the *or#at o* the data- the structure o* the data etc$ The disad"anta'es o* .BMs are as *ollo 7 .ata&ase s!ste#s are co#ple%- di**icult- and ti#e1consu#in' to desi'n Su&stantial hard are and so*t are start1up costs $ .a#a'e to data&ase a**ects "irtuall! all applications pro'ra#s $ E%tensi"e con"ersion costs in #o"in' *or# a *ile1&ased s!ste# to a data&ase s!ste# $ Initial trainin' re,uired *or all pro'ra##ers and


The #ain o&jecti"es o* this project RAIL A! RESER"ATION S!STEM# in .BMs are as *ollo 7

.BMS 'i"e #ulti user access Gi"e 'ood securit! to data&ase$ Gi"e *ull control to .ata Gi"es &etter hope o* portin' the code to other .BMS products$ (lat*or# independent$ Support online docu#entation ;eep and #aintain proper &ac)ups$ :oncurrenc! control$ crash reco"er! :o#ple% ,uer! support Redundancies and inconsistencies can &e reduced Better ser"ice to the Users 2le%i&ilit! o* the s!ste# is i#pro"ed :ost o* de"elopin' and #aintainin' s!ste#s is lo er Standards can &e en*orced Securit! can &e i#pro"ed Inte'rit! can &e i#pro"ed


Berth no Seat no Source

.estinatio n

Train i$d Source Train na#e Route i$d :lass

.estinatio n .istance





:lass Ti#e .ate i#e Total *are Train i$d (ersonal i$d


CONFIR M 2ar e Seat *are Tic)et no


Berth no

I$. Na# e A' e

Ba''ie no Route i$d Berth *are .estinatio n Source

N$I$: No


There are *our #ain o&jects o* data&ase hich are as *ollo 7 Ta&les 2or#s Reports <ueries

In relational data&ases and *lat *ile data&ases- a table is a set o* data ele#ents 3"alues5 that is or'ani8ed usin' a #odel o* "ertical colu#ns 3 hich are identi*ied &! their na#e5 and hori8ontal ro s$ A ta&le has a speci*ied nu#&er o* colu#ns- &ut can ha"e an! nu#&er o* ro s $ Each ro is identi*ied &! the "alues appearin' in a particular colu#n su&set hich has &een identi*ied as a candidate )e!$ Ta&le is another ter# *or relations= althou'h there is the di**erence in that a ta&le is usuall! a #ulti1set 3&a'5 o* ro s hereas a relation is a set and does not allo duplicates$ Besides the actual data ro s- ta&les 'enerall! ha"e associated ith the# so#e #eta1in*or#ation- such as constraints on the ta&le or on the "alues ithin particular colu#ns$ The data in a ta&le does not ha"e to &e ph!sicall! stored in the data&ase$ +ie s are also relational ta&les- &ut their data are calculated at ,uer! ti#e$ Another e%a#ple are nic)na#eshich represent a pointer to a ta&le in another data&ase$ There are *our ta&les in this project hich are as *ollo 7 Train Route (assen'er Reser"ation

S$NO @ A B C 5 D E 2IE>. NAME Seat no I$. :lass Train na#e Berth no Source .estination .ATA T?(E Nu#&er Te%t Te%t Te%t Te%t Te%t Te%t

S$NO @ A B C 2IE>. NAME Route i$d .istination Source .istance .ATA T?(E Te%t Te%t Te%t Nu#&er

S$NO @ A B C 5 2IE>. NAME (assen'er I$. Na#e A'e NI: NO 2are .ATA T?(E Nu#&er Te%t Nu#&er Te%t Nu#&er

S$NO @ A B C 5 D E F G @I @@ @A 2IE>. NAME .istination Route i$d Berth *are Tic)et no Bo''ie no Seat *are Seat no Berth no .ate Ti#e Total *are Train i$d .ATA T?(E Te%t Me#o Te%t Nu#&er Nu#&er Te%t Te%t Te%t .ateHti#e .ateHti#e Nu#&er Te%t

@B @C @5

(ersonal i$d Source :lass

Nu#&er Te%t Te%t

In 'eneral- a ,uer! is a ,uestion- o*ten re,uired to &e e%pressed in a *or#al a!$ The ord deri"es *ro# the >atin queerer 3the i#perati"e *or# o* queerer- #eanin' to as) or see)5$ In co#puters- hat a user o* a search en'ine or data&ase enters is so#eti#es called the ,uer!$ To ,uer! #eans to su&#it a ,uer! 3noun5$ A data&ase ,uer! can &e either a select query or an action query$ A select ,uer! is si#pl! a data retrie"al ,uer!$ An action ,uer! can as) *or additional operations on the data- such as insertion- updatin'- or deletion$ >an'ua'es used to interact ith data&ases are called query language o* hich the Structured <uer! >an'ua'e 3S<>5 is the ell1)no n standard$ There are three ,ueries in this project are as *ollo $

A 'raphical inter*ace used to interact ith the data&ase is called *or#$ 2or#s are used to enter data in the data&ase$ A *or# consists o* te%t&o%es- la&els- &uttons and other 'raphical o&jects$ These o&jects ena&le the user to interact ith the data&ase easil!$ The user can also retrie"e- chan'e-delete and update data &! usin' *or#s$ The application pro'ra##ers create the user inter*ace &! desi'nin' the *or#s in di**erent a!s$ 2or#s are eas! to use$ 2or#s are 'raphical inter*ace that is attracti"e$ The user can interact ith the

data&ase ithout technical )no led'e$ The data in the *or#s cannot &e *or#atted$ The *or#s are onl! use on co#puter screen$ There are *our *or#s in this project are as *ollo 7 (assen'er *or# Reser"ation *or# Route *or# Train *or#

Passe&'e* .o*m:

Rese*%atio& .o*m:


T*ai& .o*m:

Reports are the outputs o* data&ase application$ Reports are used to retrie"e and present data in *or#atted a!$ The in*or#ation on reports is arran'ed in di**erent a!s$ A report #a! also contain 'raphs- charts-

ta&leJs etc$The user can 'enerate di**erent t!pes o* reports &! #anipulatin' data&ase$ So#e reports are si#ple a list o* the record in data&ase$ Reports are "er! i#portant in #a)in' )e! decisions$ The user can print reports to send the# *or di**erent people$ The output o* a ,uer! can also &e used a source *or reports$ Most o* the .BMS pro"ide the *acilit! o* reports$ Reports pro"ide ,uic) result *ro# data&ase$ Reports help in #a)in' i#portant decisions$ Reports can displa! processed data usin' 'raphs and charts etc$Reports can &e printed or e#ailed easil!$ The data in the report cannot &e #odi*ied$ The user cannot add ne data usin' report$ The data in the report cannot &e deleted$ There are *our reports in this project are as *ollo 7 (assen'er Reser"ation Route Train





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