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Scenario Alpha Derelict: Any deployment type, Night Fighting, Reserves, Victory Points, standard secondary objectives with

h the following specials: Artifact KX-459: The artifact lies in the center building and follows the standard rules for the Relic (main rulebook: pg.131) with the following exception- A model which gains control of the artifact immediately gains LD10, Psyker Mastery Level 2 and rolls for 2 psychic disciplines on the Telepathy table (even if their chosen army cannot normally access them). Note both these powers may be used in addition to any Psychic Disciplines already possessed by the model. (+++ Just a little spice added to the Relic mission to make it more interesting) Scenario Beta Ymgarl Moon: Any deployment, Night Fighting, Reserves, place D3+2 Objectives (Mysterious objectives). standard secondary objectives with the following special: Dormant Killers: Before the game begins each player secretly records a piece of area terrain in which a brood of 7 Genestealers are lying dormant in on a piece of paper. Both players roll for a Brood as normally from reserves. When available the Brood is placed in said terrain (any models that cannot be placed because impassible terrain or units within 1 are destroyed.). The Brood will move toward and assault the nearest unit the turn they arrive. A Brood will continue in this manner in each players phase until it is destroyed. Note that the Broods ignore each other for these purposes. Ymgarl Genestealer WS BS S T W I A LD Sv 6 0 4 4 1 6 2 10 4 Brood Special Rules: Rending, Fleet, Move Through Cover, Fearless, Furious Charge (+++ I love the in-game paranoia Ymgarls create, feel free to tweak the brood size as you see fit. I figure its pretty even if both sides are being stalked by them. Imagine fighting in a bug infested base, Aliens FTW. ) Scenario Gamma Death Before Dishonor

Any deployment, Night Fighting, Reserves, place D3+2 Objectives (Not mysterious). NO secondary objectives and the following special rule: Primary Mission: Before the deployment phase each player draws one of six random objective cards, do not reveal it to your opponent, this objective is worth 3 Victory Points: 1) Extermination: Your forces destroyed more units than your opponent. 2) Decapitation: Your forces killed the enemy warlord. 3) Domination: You have more scoring units on objectives than your opponent. 4) Recon: You have more scoring units in the opponents deployment zone than they have in yours. 5) Defence: You have more scoring units in your deployment zone than your opponent. 6) Cleanse: Control the most table quarters (More units than your opponent per quarter) (+++ Always loved the secret objective scenario) Scenario Delta Citadel Dawn of War deployment, Night Fighting, Reserves, standard secondary objectives with the following special rule: Citadel: The Central Comms station is a critical objective, the player who deploys first is the defender. The station can only be destroyed by an enemy infantry unit spending an entire game turn in contact with it and not engaged in assault. The survival or destruction of the station is worth 3 Victory Points at the end of the game. Any defending unit within 6 of the station gains the Stubborn (if they are not Fearless) and Counter-attack special rules. (+++ The center building would be placed to one deployment zone for the purposes of this mission.)

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