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Alejandro Prez, Csar Navarro, Edward Quiroga


Abstract -Now we are going to present the first advance of project at signal and system analysis, in this project we want acquire the signals of an arm and this analyzer this signal, after this signal we are going to use for move a robotic arm. In this report we find a proposal of work, in this proposal we show an introduction with the objectives that we need do, a short theoretical framework when we will can the concepts that help us to know how do the project, and problematic that we need solve, also a methodology to follow with materials that we need use for the realization of this project, we are going to do this project and in this document we find an alternative to do for solve the practice.





When started with the study of signals we need know that this study does not a study of board and must be a study practical, with components theoretical and practical, so in this class we need know the comportment of the signals and that best that the signals of the body that is a team much studied, the signals is a language so big that we can analyzer anything, for this reason the analysis of body and the implementation of this knowledge is so important in our profession and in the knowledge area. II. PROBLEM

For this project we are going to the next methodology that help us to do the project, fist we need Investigate about mimeographed signals and its ideal comportment and real comportment, also we need know a form for acquire the signal for analyzer, we need amplifier the signal, with an operational transistor or a circuit of transistors, this depends of the frequency of the signal in the arm, but also we can filter with MATLAB that is a software very flexible, after of acquire, amplifier and filter the signal we need use this signal with a controller, for example a PLC or microcontroller that help us to controller the robotic arm with the signal that we send since of the computer, with the software MATLAB. IV. V. VI. SOFTWARE TO USE MATLAB 2010 Labview MATERIALS TO USE Computers Electrodes Cables INA128 Bread board Various electronics components THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

The problem in this project is acquire analyzer and use the signal of an robotic arm, we need do treatment to this signal because the signals in the environmental generate noise that affect the comportment of the signal, that the signal acquired is very different to the real signal, is necessary use filters and amplifiers that help us to improve the quality of the signal and can use in an application most robust as a robotic arm; this signal we need acquire with the help to electrode and a DAQ, network analyzer or a oscilloscope that is help us to acquire signals and analyzers in the computer.

Electromyography signals The studies of the signals EMG was has a great importance and interesting in the technologic advances because this advances help them to the people that have some one problem and incapacity for the realization of activities with someone These signals began in the 70's with Graupe and Cline, in the 80's with Doershuck I apply correlation techniques, in the 90's with Kang, the

UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE. Alejandro Prez, Csar Navarro, Edward Quiroga

use cepstral coefficients, in 99 NASA technical development pattern recognition EMG through neural networks and hidden Markov models, in 2002 Dunlop Fergusson and characterization techniques developed EMG signals, were developed in 2003 also works for the prosthesis training, and prediction of fatigue in the muscles. EMG signals have a long time which has been devoted to studying. But the EMG are electrical signals obtained from a muscle contraction in the period, thanks to these muscle signals can analyze and identify that arm going to use. In the project, it is necessary to buy electrodes, amplifiers, filters and other elements that are necessary for the development of the project. It is essential to identify the most ideal electrodes to capture the EMG signals as these are very fragile and can get from 0 6mV and a frequency from 0 to 520Hz where most energy is concentrated between 50 and 150Hz. Electrodes: The electrodes are sensors to use in the project are bipolar surface electrodes. The most important aspects regarding the sensors are: the type of electrode, distance between electrodes, and the location of the electrodes.

Electronic filters can be: passive or active, analog or digital high-pass, low-pass, band pass, bandreject (band reject; notch), or all-pass; discretetime (sampled) or continuous-time linear or nonlinear infinite impulse response (IIR type) or finite impulse response (FIR type) The most common types of electronic filters are linear filters, regardless of other aspects of their design. See the article on linear filters for details on their design and analysis. Filter Band pass A band-pass filter is a device that passes frequencies within a certain range and rejects (attenuates) frequencies outside that range; Optical band-pass filters are of common usage. An example of an analogue electronic band-pass filter is an RLC circuit (a resistorinductor capacitor circuit). These filters can also be created by combining a low-pass filter with a high-pass filter.
L1 10uH V1 R1 1k C1 1n

Graph 2: Pass band Filter Band pass is an adjective that describes a type of filter or filtering process; it is to be distinguished from pass band, which refers to the actual portion of affected spectrum. Hence, one might say "A dual band pass filter has two pass bands." A band pass signal is a signal containing a band of frequencies away from zero frequency, such as a signal that comes out of a band pass filter. An ideal band pass filter would have a completely flat pass band (e.g. with no gain/attenuation throughout) and would completely attenuate all frequencies outside the pass band. Additionally, the transition out of the pass band would be instantaneous in frequency. In practice, no band pass filter is ideal. The filter does not attenuate all frequencies outside the desired frequency range completely; in particular, there is a region just outside the intended pass band where frequencies are attenuated, but not rejected. This is known as

Graph 1: Electrodes Filters: Electronic filters are analog circuits which perform signal processing functions, specifically to remove unwanted frequency components from the signal, to enhance wanted ones, or both.

UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE. Alejandro Prez, Csar Navarro, Edward Quiroga

the filter roll-off, and it is usually expressed in dB of attenuation per octave or decade of frequency. Generally, the design of a filter seeks to make the roll-off as narrow as possible, thus allowing the filter to perform as close as possible to its intended design. Often, this is achieved at the expense of pass-band or stop-band ripple. The bandwidth of the filter is simply the difference between the upper and lower cutoff frequencies. The shape factor is the ratio of bandwidths measured using two different attenuation values to determine the cutoff frequency, e.g., a shape factor of 2:1 at 30/3 dB means the bandwidth measured between frequencies at 30 dB attenuation is twice that measured between frequencies at 3 dB attenuation. Outside of electronics and signal processing, one example of the use of band-pass filters is in the atmospheric sciences. It is common to band-pass filter recent meteorological data with a period range of, for example, 3 to 10 days, so that only cyclones remain as fluctuations in the data fields. In neuroscience, visual cortical simple cells were first shown by David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel to have response properties that resemble Gabor filters, which are band-pass. Movement to do: For the realization of this project is necessary obtain the electromyography signals with various movement of the hand, then goes to presented the movement necessaries for the realization of this project:

Hand open: will wait that in this first movement will obtain the basic signal that allow know an of the various signals in this project.

Graph 4: Hand close Hand Close: will wait that in this first movement will obtain the basic signal that allow know an of the various signals in this project, this signal is different and stronger that the movement with the hand open, for this reason in this movement expected a signal higher that first signal.

Graph 5: Hand resting Hand resting: In this position of the hand is expected a signal very small that can considerate as noise does not desired. Possible position of the electrodes:

Graph 3: Hand open

Graph 6: Hand resting.

UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE. Alejandro Prez, Csar Navarro, Edward Quiroga

software flexible and use in the industry because have robust applications and with easy programming. After of do the acquisition of the signals is necessary controller a robotic arm with the signals electromyography, but before to this is obtain a data base of the signals electromyography and according of signal send to robot the robot does a movement similar to the hand. Now we are going to the second part of the project that is the acquisition the signals in the computer for be treat with MATLAB, in MATLAB we are going to a new filter in the signal for obtain a signal as clean as possible, the acquisition of the signal will with the DAQ USB 6212 that is a flexible and easy to use. To next going to watch the advance of the project when is possible see that the first part of project is terminated and with the approval of the engineer is continue with the second part of the project that although there is an advance does not a formal advance. Graph 8: Schematic of INA128 The advanced of the project, with first part:

Graph 7: Hand in Forearm Integrated circuit INA128: The integrated circuit INA128 is a circuit of instrumentation amplifier that allow obtain a gain very big of a signal very small, is a circuit very delicate because has current very short, however, to continuation the schematic of the circuit INA128:

V. PROCEDURE For this project is necessary know the comportment of the electromyography signals as that these signals are very small so the noise is a problem necessary for right in when acquire the signal, for the amplification of the signals is necessary select an amplifier that does not retain noise in the frequency of the electromyography signals, for this reason is selected an operational amplifier INA128 that amplifies signals very small; after of selected an amplifier that generate a amplification with an amplitude measurable is necessary do a filter for eliminate the noise in signal, in this case is selected a filter band pass into 40 and 80 Hz with a resonance frequency of 60 Hz that is the normal frequency of the electromyography signals. The calculus of the filter in ANEX 1 After of selected the filter and do the amplification of the signal is necessary obtain the signals in the computer with a board of acquisition that in this case is the National Instrument DAQ USB 6212 with the help of Labview that is a

Graph 9: Circuit in the Bread board In the graph 9 is possible see the circuit in the bread board that help to obtain the signal electromyography.

UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE. Alejandro Prez, Csar Navarro, Edward Quiroga

In the graph 12 is possible see the FFT of the signal when the fundamental harmonic is in 59 Hz.

Graph 10: Signal electromyography In the graph 10 is possible see the signal electromyography. Graph 13: electromyography signal

The diagram block of the Project is:

Graph 11: position electrodes In the graph 11 is possible see the position of the electrodes. Graph 14: Diagram of block

The simulation of the filter is:

Graph 12: FFT of the signal Graph 15: Comportment of a filter band pass

UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE. Alejandro Prez, Csar Navarro, Edward Quiroga

If we use a filter band pass is necessary use values of 1mF and 0.1 ohm, which are values absurd, for this reason we use a filter pass low and the comportment is:

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Graph 16: Comportment a filter low pass With a filter low pass is possible does a treatment of the signal because the values of its components are 100uF and 83 ohms, that is possible use this values of components, when we use the filter we obtain the next comportment:

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UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE. Alejandro Prez, Csar Navarro, Edward Quiroga


Filtro RLC Pasa banda Lwc= W2= Sir=

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UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE. Alejandro Prez, Csar Navarro, Edward Quiroga

lC-1=wRC lRC-C=

lRC w R2C-R=0



S= SMI= Y (w)= tan-1(

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