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The US Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity awards a $16,100 contract to D MS !

or M16 to M" conversion #its$ %S&'('rane awards $)0,*+, and $1"-,,00 delivery orders to ./ !or ./ "16 car0ines with 10$"1 0arrels and 2T3 modi!ications$ TA'2M awards an $1*,**1$,4 contract to 3ushmaster !or 1+ 5arminter ri!les and 6arts$ These are !or 7MS to 'olom0ia$ %S&'('rane issues a sole(source solicitation to 8MT !or +,6 rear si9hts$ %S&'('rane awards a $4-,"+0 contract to 8MT !or rear si9hts$ %S&'('rane issues a sources(sou9ht notice !or a '2TS:%D; Miniature Re!le< Si9ht =MRS>$ Technolo9y solutions should include a small, re!le< si9ht !or S27 wea6on a66lications that is relia0le, ru99ed, water6roo!, ad?usta0le !or winda9e and elevation, and economical$ &ei9ht and si@e minimi@ation and 0attery li!e are im6ortant attri0utes$ &ater6roo!in9 to a de6th o! 66 !t !or 4 hours is desired$ %A5;' awards a $6-,*41 delivery order to Tri?icon !or telesco6ic si9hts$ %A5;' awards a $+-,046 contract to Aim6oint$ %A5;' awards a $"+,+00 delivery order to /A' !or rear si9hts$ %A5;' awards a $-4,6,0 delivery order to /A' !or sound su66ressors$ US Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity issues a solicitation !or +, A2Tech ,,+$ US Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity awards a $),64, contract to /A' !or M" RAS Mil ac#s$ 7e0ruary ( TA'2M awards a $",*10,++6$0* delivery order to 'olt !or ",16" M"$ These are 7MS to Bordan$ %S&'('rane awards a $1+,)++ delivery order to Tri?icon !or Doctor MRD$ TA'2M awards a $,4,,64 contract to /A' !or "1 a6iece o! M"CD su66ressor #its and M40+ Cuadrant Si9hts$ These are !or 7MS to Ba6an$ M(Soldier Sensors and 8asers conducts a roduct Avaluation Test o! '2TS &ea6on Mounted 8i9hts$ A'A(7ort 3ra99 awards a $4",-,+ delivery order to Atlantic Divin9 Su66ly ;nc$ !or Tri?icon A'2D$ March ( %S&'('rane awards a $4-,44, delivery order to 'olt !or 'C3R u66er receivers$ TA'2M awards a $1,,-+,"0-$66 delivery order to 'olt !or 1,+"" M" and 1* M"A1$ The !ormer are !or the USA7 and 7MS to Macedonia and Al Salvador, and the latter are !or the USA7$ TA'2M issues a sole(source solicitation to /A' !or additional M" RAS, 5ertical istol Dri6s, and other M&S 6arts$

TA'2M issues a sole(source solicitation to Matech !or 60,000 3U;S !or M16A", M", and M"A1$ 'A'2M 8'M' issues a solicitation !or )00 Tri?icon TA21M"A1 A'2D with Am0er 'enter ;llumination:'rosshair$ These are !or 7MS to ;raq$ USS2'2M issues a solicitation !or 4, Aim6oint Micro T(1 Red Dot Si9hts and -, A2Tech ,,+$ The S2 M2D ro9ram Mana9ement 2!!ice = M2> issues a notice re9ardin9 !ailures o! 0attery contacts in the SU(4+1: AC Re!le< Si9ht$ 7urther !ieldin9 o! the si9ht is sus6ended until su!!icient testin9 has 0een com6leted on si9hts with u69raded 0attery contacts $ As an interim solution, the S2 M2D M2 is testin9 a !ield re6lacea0le 9rommet that will miti9ate the ris# o! !ailure$ 7or those !ield units that have already received the SU(4+1: AC, the S2 M2D M2 stron9ly recommends not usin9 those si9hts until they can 0e re6laced or re6aired$ %S&'('rane issues a solicitation !or a minimum o! 1*4 each o! Tri?icon RE01(10 and RE01(11 Re!le< si9hts$ The 6ro?ected contract will 0e worth !rom $110,"66 to $,,))),000$ %S&'('rane awards a $--,)-0 delivery order to A2Tech !or Model ,,4 si9hts$ The D8A issues a solicitation !or 6,1,+ Tri?icon TA+17 A'2D$ %A5;' awards a $16+,"0" contract to Aim6oint !or re!le< si9hts$ %A5;' awards a $4-,+4) delivery order to /A' !or ri!le 9ri6s$ The %aval A2D Technolo9y Division awards a $1",60" delivery order to A2Tech !or si9hts$ 8ater, $100 is deallocated !rom the order$ The %aval A2D Technolo9y Division awards a $4-,,*1 delivery order to Tactical F Survival S6ecialties !or Tri?icon A'2D$ A'A(7ort 'arson issues a solicitation !or "** Sin9le oint Attachment Rin9s$ The rin9s attach 0etween the 0uttstoc# and the lower receiver o! the M"$ The items are required to 0e am0ide<trous and colla6si0le$ A6ril ( TA'2M awards a $+,0*-,-0,$06 delivery order to 'olt !or *-+ M" and 1,*00 M"A1$ The M" are !or the Army and USA7, and the M"A1 are !or %S&'('rane and 7MS to anama and 3ahrain$ %S&'('rane awards a $1,*"0 delivery order to 'olt !or M"A1$ TA'2M awards a $+01,)4)$-1 contract to 3ushmaster !or +00 5 Match Ri!les with telesco6in9 stoc#s$ These are !or 7MS to 2man$ TA'2M awards a $,,41),4", delivery order to /A' !or 1-,000 M" RAS, 1+,000 ri!le 9ri6s, and other M&S 6arts$ TA'2M issues a sole(source solicitation to Tri?icon !or 4" TA01M"A1 A'2D si9hts, with a +00 6ercent o6tion$ TA'2M later awards a $1*,)00 contract$ TA'2M announces its intent to ma#e a sole(source award to Matech !or 3U;S$

USS2'2M awards a $"),611$-, contract to Milli Micro Systems ;nc$ !or Aim6oint Micro T(1 Red Dot Si9hts and A2Tech ,,+$ %A5;' awards a $1-1,666 delivery order to Aim6oint$ The D8A awards a $1-,"*6 delivery order to Tan9o Down !or !orward 6istol 9ri6s$ %aval S6ecial &ar!are Drou6 4 awards a $4",)0"$*6 contract to 7% Manu!acturin9 !or 'olla6si0le 3uttstoc# Assem0lies$ %aval S6ecial &ar!are Drou6 4 awards a $11,1,6$4, contract to 8MT !or S2 M2D 0uttstoc#s$ %aval S6ecial &ar!are Drou6 4 awards a $4",**0 contract to B Anter6rises !or Microelectronic Re!le< Si9hts and ada6tors$ A'A(7ort 8eonard &ood awards a $1,,1+" delivery order to Atlantic Divin9 Su66ly !or A2Tech .&S$ A'A(7ort Stewart awards a $6,1** delivery order to 3otach Tactical !or Gan#ee .ill M16 Tri6le Mounts$ USA7 Air 'om0at 'ommand, 8an9ley A73 issues a solicitation !or "04 Sure!ire 7A,,6/ su66ressors and M3,,6/ mu@@le 0ra#e ada6ters$ USA7 Air 'om0at 'ommand, Davis Monthan A73 ( +,, '2%S issues a solicitation !or +0 Aim6oints, "" 5(Tac Slin9s, "" Tactical 8atches, and assorted other 9ear$ May ( TA'2M awards a $4,6,4,,6"$*6 delivery order to 'olt !or 4,16* M" and 40 M"A1$ The !ormer are !or the USM' and 7MS to ;raq, while the latter is !or a D2D 'riminal ;nvesti9ation Tas# 7orce$ TA'2M awards a $-,*)6,-*-$64 delivery order to 'olt !or 6,,06 M" !or the USM'$ %S&'('rane awards a $-,,64, delivery order to 'olt !or 'C3R u66er receivers$ %S&'('rane awards a $4+,0+* contract to 8MT !or 8*A rear si9hts$ RDA'2M(%atic# awards a $",1-0 delivery order to A2Tech !or holo9ra6hic si9hts$ %A5;' awards $"0,01"$+) and $101,-+1$,0 delivery orders to Tri?icon$ The D8A issues a solicitation !or Tri?icon RE01M"A1 worth u6 to $,$, million$ USA7 Air 'om0at 'ommand, Davis Monthan A73 ( +,, '2%S issues a solicitation !or 100 /A' M" RAS Mil( ac#s$ Bune ( TA'2M awards a $,,1,0+)$)" delivery order to 'olt !or "-- M" car0ines$ These are !or 7MS to Acuador$ %S&'('rane deallocates $60,,00 !rom a delivery order to 'olt !or 'C3R u66er receivers$

TA'2M awards a $+,1)4,000 delivery order to Matech !or 60,000 3U;S$ icatinny awards a $4*,*16,*4, delivery order to Tri?icon !or M1,0 R'2$ icatinny awards a $1*+,000 delivery order to DDFD !or 'C3 /it 7orward Rail 3rac#ets$ icatinny awards a $1-4,,00 delivery order to Samson M!9$ !or 'C3 /it 7ront Rail 3rac#ets$ %S&'('rane issues a 6resolicitation notice !or Miniature Re!le< Si9hts =MRS>$ They antici6ate a !ive(year contract !or 1,000 to ,0,000 MRS$ %S&'('rane awards a $4+1,)"-$0" delivery order to Daniel De!ense !or R;S ;;$ %S&'('rane awards a $4,,1-,)-, delivery order to A2Tech !or SU(4+1: AC si9hts$ %S&'( 'rane later awards an additional $+1,1,, in a su66lemental a9reement$ %S&'('rane awards a $-0",-60$41 delivery order to Tri?icon !or Doctor MRD$ %S&'('rane awards a $+,6*0,)-*$0" delivery order to A8'A% !or SU(4+0: 5S A'2S('$ %S&DD issues a solicitation !or Deissele SS7 Two Sta9e Tri99ers !or ./ "16:M"$ USA7 aci!ic Air 7orces, 1, '2%S ( .ic#am A73 issues a solicitation !or assorted ;ndividual 'om0at Aqui6ment, includin9 *0 A2Tech ,,+ and Daniel De!ense Tactical HM Sin9le oint Slin9s$ USA7 Air 'om0at 'ommand, +,, '2%S ( Davis Monthan A73 issues a solicitation !or +0 each Aim6oint +E Ma9ni!iers, Aim6oint Twist Mounts, and Aim6oint Universal S6acers, and !ive each Aim6oint 'oncealed An9a9ement Units ='AU> and 'AU .i9h Mounts$ USA7 Air 'om0at 'ommand, 8an9ley A73 awards a $+"0,4,4$*0 contract to Atlantic Divin9 Su66ly, ;nc$ !or M" su66ressors and ada6ters$ USA7 aci!ic Air 7orces, +6 '2%S ( Andersen A73 awards a $6+,6-- contract to Atlantic Divin9 'om6any !or .olo9ra6hic &ea6on Si9hts$ Buly ( TA'2M awards a $++,,01$+* delivery order to 'olt !or 4) M" car0ines !or the Army$ 8ater, TA'2M awards a $,-,**0,-0)$,) delivery order !or "-,),+ M" car0ines !or the Army$ This is !ollowed 0y a $1,,4","",$,6 delivery order !or )+6 M", +-* M"A1, and -,6 e<tra thirty round ma9a@ines$ These are !or ;'A and 7MS to 3ahrain$ TA'2M issues a contract modi!ication to 'olt chan9in9 an order !or 1,,00 M" car0ines to 1,,00 M"A1 instead$ 8ater, TA'2M issues another contract modi!ication switchin9 an additional ,00 M" to M"A1$ %S&'('rane awards a $1++,1*0 delivery order to 'olt !or M# 1* 'C3R$ The DA2 denies A2TechIs 6rotest over icatinnyIs award o! the ''2 contract to Aim6oint$ A2Tech claimed that their si9ht was un!airly eliminated !rom the com6etition over im6ro6er installation o! its M16A4 si9ht mount$ %S&'('rane awards a $4,6*4,+6"$0" delivery order to A8'A% !or SU(4+0: 5S A'2S('$

%S&'('rane awards a $+4),,16$,4 delivery order to Daniel De!ense !or Assem0led U66er Receiver Drou6s =URD>$ %S&'('rane awards $6,0)+$)0 and $"6,4)-$,6 delivery orders to /A' !or Mu@@le 3ra#e:'om6ensators$ 'A'2M 8'M' issues a sources sou9ht notice !or a variety o! o6tical equi6ment includin9 A2Tech ,,4$ The %aval A2D Technolo9y Division deallocates $6-1$+4 !rom a delivery order to Tactical F Survival S6ecialties !or Tri?icon A'2D$ A'A(7ort .ood issues a solicitation !or +0+ ;nsi9ht Technolo9ies M6E !or use with M" car0ines$ A'A(7ort 3ennin9 awards a $4",+"6 contract to RD& Associates !or A2Tech ,,+$ US 72 !or Alas#a awards a $1,,,*" delivery order to Tactical F Survival S6ecialties !or Tri?icon A'2D$ US 72 !or /entuc#y awards a $",-6-$40 contract to Tri?icon !or sco6es$ USA7 Materiel 'ommand, +-- '2%S ( /irtland A73 issues a solicitation !or ,0 Tri?icon TA+1A'2S A'2D with attached Doctor 26tic MRD$ Au9ust ( TA'2M awards a $4,+,",++*$+6 delivery order to 'olt !or 4,0+* M" car0ines$ These are !or 7MS to Bordan$ %S&'('rane awards a $*,4*0 delivery order to 'olt !or M"A1$ The US Army announces that the M" im6roved e<tractor s6rin9 =%S% 100,(01(,0,(4**6> has 0een acce6ted !or use with the M16(series$ %S&'('rane awards a $4,"*- delivery order to ./ !or ./ "16 U66er Receiver /its, with 1"$,1 0arrels and 2T3 modi!ications$ %S&'('rane issues a sole(source solicitation to &ilco< ;ndustries !or 100 ;nte9rated 5ertical Dri6s =;5D>$ These are the Universal 'ontrol Dri6 with 3i6od, which allows quic# attachment to a M;8(STD(1)1+ rail, and 6rovides control o! a variety o! wea6on(mounted lasers and tactical !lashli9hts$ %S&'('rane awards a $"1-,6*1$16 delivery order to A8'A% !or SU(4+0: 5S A'2S('$ %S&'('rane awards a $40),6-+$0) delivery order to Tri?icon !or Doctor Si9ht MRD$ %S&'('rane awards a $),*00 contract to /A' !or M" Am0ide<trous Selectors$ TA'2M issues a sole(source solicitation to Sure!ire !or various accessories, includin9 1-0 M"7A, 7A ,,6A(3 su66ressors and 14* M-+ rail systems$ A'A(7ort Riley awards a $-4,",0 contract to Mountin9 Solutions lus ;nc$ !or Tri?icon A'2D$

A'A(7ort 3ra99 issues a solicitation !or 46 Tri?icon TA+1TRD A'2D and mounts$ A'A(7ort 3ra99 later awards a $4),6*+$"4 contract to US Tactical Su66ly ;nc$ US 72 !or Ari@ona awards a $40,)00 contract to /A' !or M" RAS Mil ac#s$ USA7 Air 'om0at 'ommand, 4+ '2%S ( Moody A73 awards a $4),)*0 contract to /A' !or M" RAS$ Se6tem0er ( TA'2M awards a $16,1-+$0* modi!ication to an e<istin9 delivery order to 'olt !or 1" M" car0ines$ These are !or 7MS to 3ahrain$ TA'2M awards a $4",,"-,61+$-6 delivery order to 'olt !or 16,-+- M" and ",+6- M"A1 car0ines$ These are !or the USM', USA7, US %avy, other De!ense A9encies, ;'A, and 7MS to the hili66ines and A!9hanistan$ TA'2M awards a $",161,)**$16 delivery order to 'olt !or 1,1,+ M" and 4,",0 M"A1 car0ines$ These are !or the US Army Reserve, US Army %ational Duard, USA7, D.S('ustoms and 3order rotection, and 7MS to Ton9a and .onduras$ TA'2M awards a $*-,-**$+6 delivery order to 'olt !or -6 M"A1 car0ines$ These are !or 7MS to 3eli@e and Suriname$ TA'2M awards a $+,++,,140$1" delivery order to 'olt !or 4,**- M" car0ines$ These are !or 7MS to A!9hanistan$ TA'2M awards a $60*,-61$+" delivery order to 'olt !or 16- M" and +60 M"A1 car0ines$ These are !or the US %avy and 7MS to .onduras, 3eli@e, and Suriname$ %S&'('rane awards a $1,0,-0, delivery order to 'olt !or M# 1* 'C3R$ TA'2M awards a $1)-,00-$60 contract to ./ !or 100 ./ "16, ,00 thirty round ma9a@ines, and other accessories$ This is !or the De!ense 'riminal ;nvesti9ative Service$ The num0er o! ma9a@ines is later amended to ,,, units, and a corrected 6rice 6er ma9a@ine results in a contract decrease o! $1-$,0$ %S&'('rane awards a $+0",4)*$** delivery order to ./ !or ./ "16 U66er Receiver /its, with 1"$,1 0arrels and 2T3 modi!ications$ TA'2M issues a solicitation !or 161 Tri?icon TA01M"A1 A'2D si9hts$ TA'2M later awards a $141,0,1$0- contract to Tri?icon !or the si9hts$ This 6urchase is on 0ehal! o! the USA7$ icatinny awards a $)"+,000 delivery order to Samson M!9$ !or 'C3 /it 7ront Rail 3rac#ets$ %S&'('rane !ormally issues its solicitation !or Miniature Re!le< Si9hts =MRS>$ As 6redicted earlier, it involve the 6rocurement o! 1,000 to ,0,000 MRS with a ma<imum contract value o! $1,,000,000$ The reticle shall 0e a visi0le dot +$, M2A =Threshold> in diameter, or -$0 M2A in diameter, or allow !or the reticle dot to 0e selecta0le 0etween +$, M2A and - M2A =20?ective>$ %S&'('rane awards $4*1,14*$0) and $4",146$-6 delivery orders to A8'A% !or SU(4+0: 5S A'2S('$ %S&'('rane awards a $46,)-0 delivery order to A2Tech !or SU(4+1: AC$

%S&'('rane awards a $4-*,11*$-4 delivery order to Tri?icon !or Doctor Si9ht MRD$ %S&'('rane awards a $11,,,-$,0 contract to 8MT !or 8*A rear si9hts$ %S&'('rane awards $-,-""$,0 and $41,+06$60 delivery orders to /A' !or Mu@@le 3ra#e:'om6ensators$ %S&'('rane, on 0ehal! o! USAS2', awards a $16,1), delivery order to Daniel De!ense !or R;S( ;;$ A'A(7ort 8ewis awards a $10,++1$"0 delivery order to Tactical F Survival S6ecialties !or Tri?icon Re!le<$ A'A(7ort Mc'oy awards a $))0,1)0$,0 delivery order to A2Tech !or .&S$ A'A(7ort 'arson issues a solicitation !or 11, Tri?icon TA01A'2S A'2D si9hts$ A'A(7ort Stewart issues three se6arate solicitations !or various tactical equi6ment, includin9 11, Tri?icon TA01A'2S A'2D, )0 TA01%S% A'2D, and 100 TA+17 A'2D si9hts$ 8ater in the month, A'A(7ort Stewart awards a $64,"1, contract to Tactical F Survival S6ecialties, ;nc$ !or the )0 TA01%S% A'2D$ US 72 !or 'olorado issues a solicitation !or various tactical equi6ment, includin9 11 Sure!ire Millennium M)00A 5ertical 7ore9ri6:&ea6on 8i9hts$ US 72 !or 'olorado awards a $16,400 contract to 3otach Tactical !or A2Tech ,,+$ US 72 !or ;llinois awards a $1,,4,)$,* contract to /A' !or M" RAS$ USA7 Air 'om0at 'ommand, 4+ '2%S ( Moody A73 issues a solicitation !or -,0 3lue 7orce Dear &ea6on Slin9s !or the M" car0ine$ 2cto0er ( %S&'('rane issues a solicitation !or a ,$,6mm su0sonic round$ otential ,$,6mm su0sonic rounds must 0e a0le to !eed, !ire, and cycle in su66ressed versions o! the M" 'ar0ine and the ./ "16$ TA'2M issues a solicitation !or a minimum o! 4,,000 Anhanced Slidin9 3uttstoc# Assem0lies !or the M":M"A1 car0ine$ The %S% 9iven !or the assem0ly is the same as the 8MT S2 M2D stoc#$ TA'2M awards a $"6,,00 delivery order to F S roducts !or +1,000 M&S 5ertical istol Dri6s$

TA'2M awards a $4,--0,"60 delivery order to Desi9n &est Aratech !or )*,000 3U;S !or the M16A" and M"$ TA'2M awards a $1**,064$,0 contract modi!ication to Sure!ire !or 1-0 7A,,6 su66ressors$ These are !or 7MS to ;ndia$ %A5;' issues a solicitation !or one S2 M2D #it sound su66ressor$ %ovem0er ( TA'2M awards a $",,41,,-*)$), delivery order to 'olt !or +-,"1, M" car0ines$ These are !or the USM' and US Army$

The US Army hosts an invitation(only ;ndustry Day re9ardin9 a 6otential !uture re6lacement !or the M" 'ar0ine$ The 9oal o! the ;ndustry Day is to 6rovide o!!icials with #nowled9e as to the current state o! the art, which will assist the writin9 o! a !ormal requirements document$ %ineteen com6anies dis6lay wea6ons and 6rovide 0rie!in9s to military o!!icials$ These include 'olt, 7%, ./, /A', AA;, S;D Sauer, Smith F &esson, 3ushmaster:Remin9ton, Sa0re De!ence, 3arrett, R;, Ro0inson Armament, 8&R' ;nternational, Troy ;ndustries, atriot 2rdnance, Armwest, olytech, and Su6erior Arms$ 2!!icials ho6e to have the u6dated car0ine requirements document com6leted 0y the end o! the year and a66roved 0y Summer 400)$ A com6etitive R7 is not e<6ected to 0e issued until Se6tem0er 400), and any new car0ine would not 0e li#ely to 0e issued to troo6s 0e!ore 4014$ TA'2M announces a sole(source solicitation to 3ushmaster !or 1+, M"A4 car0ines with 161 0arrels, and "* M"A+ car0ines with 1"$,1 0arrels$ These are !or 7MS to Thailand$ The US Army 'ontractin9 'ommand Boint Munitions and 8ethality =BMF8> 'ontractin9 'enter announces its intent to issue a sole source solicitation to Aim6oint !or *,,1+" ''2$ Decem0er ( icatinny awards a $44,*0-,+)* delivery order to Aim6oint$ %S&'('rane issues a sole(source solicitation to R; !or "4" Das 3uster 'har9in9 .andle with the Military(style 3i9 8atch$ M'3 'am6 8e?eune issues a solicitation !or 400 each o! sin9le 6oint slin9s !or the M" and end 6late slin9 ada6ters$


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