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of this document. Since there is already a Table of Contents this o!er!ie" "ill be less for#al b$t #ore infor#ati!e. Describe the t"o basic re#aining sections the O!erall Descri%tion and the Re&$ire#ents S%ecification.


M an ua l P roce

u er

Selec# %o'(e

Select Theatre

W!" #!e ne$ " #e%& With the ne" syste# the follo"ing acti!ities get #ore #o#ent$#. '. The act$al %rocess of the organization can be #od$larized into t"o Display ticket different inde%endent !ie"s (ser !ie" Syste# ad#inistrators !ie"

)oo* #(c*e#


The $ser at any ti#e can !ie" the re&$ired infor#ation "hether

seats a!ailable for %artic$lar #o!ie in a %artic$lar theatre.*e can collect all infor#ation li+e as ,o!ie Details theatre Details.

-. The infor#ation "hile it is collected can referentially be segregated into their res%ecti!e databases fro# single "indo" sa!ing the ti#e of #$lti%le data entries.

.. If %lanned in an organized #anner the $sers can be %ro!ided an online ter#inal "here they can access the infor#ation at their o"n hands "ith o$t the basic inter!ention #an$ally. /. The $ser can first Registration in enter the Personal details and (ser login and If yo$ "ant to $%date %ersonal Details and yo$ and $%date. 0.The (ser Can boo+ tic+ets and 1fter insert #o!ie and theatre Details and dis%lay Pay#ent Details. 2. The $ser collect all infor#ation li+e as theatre Details and #o!ie 3. 1d#inistrator is #aintain the ,o!ie Details Theatre details Chec+ the $ser details . and

4. The 1d#inistrator chec+ the $ser acco$nt details ad#in got the DD5Chec+ Offer clear the Pay#ent in ban+. 1d#inistrator is 1cti!e the $ser for tic+ets +. SCOPE OF T,E PROJECT The sco%e of %ro6ect 7,o!ie World8 is to enable the (ser to select theatre and then boo+ the desired seatnos in a!ailable seates.,oti!e of this is to boo+ing tic+ets online

-. PROJECT OVERVIEW It is a "eb based online %ro6ect . The #ain ai# of the %ro6ect is any $ser they can access the syste# thro$gh "ebsite at any ti#e "itho$t going to the co#%any. 1s a ne" $ser also he can collect all infor#ation li+e as a #o!ies 1!ailable list of theatres
1. +. -.

A.%(n( #ra#or %o.ule U er %o.ule T(c*e# /oo*(n0 %o.ule

11A.%(n( #ra#or %o.ule9 The 1d#inistrator is #aintain the $ser Details ,o!ie details Theatre details and Chec+ the :o of seats a!ailable . .

+. U er %o.ule The $ser can first Registration in enter the Personal details and (ser login and If yo$ "ant to $%date %ersonal Details and yo$ and $%date. The $ser collect all infor#ation li+e ,o!ies details Theatre Details. -. )oo*(n0 %o.ule2 The (sers "ill search for the #o!ie and then go for theatre then boo+ing the tic+ets online

FUNCTIONAL COMPONENTS OF T,E PROJECT ;ollo"ing is the list of f$nctionalities "hich is e<%ected to be %ro!ided by the syste#9 '. (ser "ill log on to the a%%lication and the login "ill be based on the role of the $ser. ). The access to the syste# "ill be based on the roles. The roles are9 i. 1d#in ii. (ser -. 1ny $ser can create its Personal Page in the syste# the %ara#eters for creating the Personal %age at first ti#e "ill be9 :a#e of the $ser Personal Details of the $ser Contact Details of the $ser

=ogin Detail > $serna#e and Pass"ord .. 1fter creating Personal Page $ser can #aintain its all the tas+ li+e9 ,anage its Personal Details ,anage 1ddress boo+ ,anage 1nni!ersary and ?irthday =ist "rite and Chec+ :otes (se 1%%oint#ents facility ,anage its #eetings send e#ail $sing E#ail ;acility Search Records 1d#in is res%onsible for #aintaining all the login %ara#eters and he5she sho$ld #aintain all $sers@ records according to its %ersonal %age. SDLC MET,ODOLO3IES This doc$#ent %lay a !ital role in the de!elo%#ent of life cycle ASD=CB as it describes the co#%lete re&$ire#ent of the syste#. It #eans for $se by de!elo%ers and "ill be the basic d$ring testing %hase. 1ny changes #ade to the re&$ire#ents in the f$t$re "ill ha!e to go thro$gh for#al change a%%ro!al %rocess. SPIR1= ,ODE= "as defined by ?arry ?oeh# in his '433 article 71 s%iral ,odel of Soft"are De!elo%#ent and Enhance#ent. first #odel to e<%lain "hy the iteration #odels. 1s originally en!isioned the iterations "ere ty%ically 0 #onths to ) years long. Each %hase starts "ith a design goal and ends "ith a client re!ie"ing the %rogress th$s far. 1nalysis and engineering efforts are This #odel "as not the first #odel to disc$ss iterati!e de!elo%#ent b$t it "as the

a%%lied at each %hase of the %ro6ect "ith an eye to"ard the end goal of the %ro6ect. The ste%s for S%iral ,odel can be generalized as follo"s9 The ne" syste# re&$ire#ents are defined in as #$ch details as %ossible. This $s$ally in!ol!es inter!ie"ing a n$#ber of $sers re%resenting all the e<ternal or internal $sers and other as%ects of the e<isting syste#. 1 %reli#inary design is created for the ne" syste#. 1 first %rototy%e of the ne" syste# is constr$cted fro# the %reli#inary design. %rod$ct. 1 second %rototy%e is e!ol!ed by a fo$rfold %roced$re9 '. E!al$ating the first %rototy%e in ter#s of its strengths "ea+ness and ris+s. ). Defining the re&$ire#ents of the second %rototy%e. -. Planning an designing the second %rototy%e. .. Constr$cting and testing the second %rototy%e. 1t the c$sto#er o%tion the entire %ro6ect can be aborted if the ris+ is dee#ed too great. Ris+ factors #ight in!ol!ed de!elo%#ent cost o!err$ns o%eratingCcost #iscalc$lation or any other factor that co$ld in the c$sto#er@s 6$dg#ent res$lt in a lessCthanCsatisfactory final %rod$ct. The e<isting %rototy%e is e!al$ated in the sa#e #anner as "as the %re!io$s %rototy%e and if necessary another %rototy%e is de!elo%ed fro# it according to the fo$rfold %roced$re o$tlined abo!e. This is $s$ally a scaledCdo"n syste# and re%resents an a%%ro<i#ation of the characteristics of the final

The %receding ste%s are iterated $ntil the c$sto#er is satisfied that the refined %rototy%e re%resents the final %rod$ct desired. The final syste# is constr$cted based on the refined %rototy%e. The final syste# is thoro$ghly e!al$ated and tested. Ro$tine #aintenance is carried on a contin$ing basis to %re!ent large scale fail$res and to #ini#ize do"n ti#e.

F(0 1.45S6(ral Mo.el

The de!elo%er is res%onsible for9 De!elo%ing the syste# "hich #eets the SRS and sol!ing all the

re&$ire#ents of the syste#D De#onstrating the syste# and installing the syste# at clientEs location after the acce%tance testing is s$ccessf$l. S$b#itting the re&$ired $ser #an$al describing the syste# interfaces to "or+ on it and also the doc$#ents of the syste#. Cond$cting any $ser training that #ight be needed for $sing the syste#. ,aintaining the syste# for a %eriod of one year after installation. INPUT DESI3N In%$t design is a %art of o!erall syste# design. The #ain ob6ecti!e d$ring the in%$t design is as gi!en belo"9 To %rod$ce a costCeffecti!e #ethod of in%$t. To achie!e the highest %ossible le!el of acc$racy. To ens$re that the in%$t is acce%table and $nderstood by the $ser. INPUT STA3ES2 The #ain in%$t stages can be listed as belo"9 Data recording Data transcri%tion Data con!ersion Data !erification Data control Data trans#ission Data !alidation

Data correction INPUT TYPES2 It is necessary to deter#ine the !ario$s ty%es of in%$ts. categorized as follo"s9 E<ternal in%$ts "hich are %ri#e in%$ts for the syste#. Internal in%$ts "hich are $ser co##$nications "ith the syste#. O%erational "hich are co#%$ter de%art#ent@s co##$nications to the syste#D Interacti!e "hich are in%$ts entered d$ring a dialog$e. INPUT MEDIA2 1t this stage choice has to be #ade abo$t the in%$t #edia. concl$de abo$t the in%$t #edia consideration has to be gi!en toF Ty%e of in%$t ;le<ibility of for#at S%eed 1cc$racy Verification #ethods Re6ection rates Ease of correction Storage and handling re&$ire#ents Sec$rity Easy to $se Portabilility Gee%ing in !ie" the abo!e descri%tion of the in%$t ty%es and in%$t #edia it can be said that #ost of the in%$ts are of the for# of internal and interacti!e. 1s To In%$ts can be

In%$t data is to be the directly +eyed in by the $ser the +eyboard can be considered to be the #ost s$itable in%$t de!ice. OUTPUT DESI3N O$t%$ts fro# co#%$ter syste#s are re&$ired %ri#arily to co##$nicate the res$lts of %rocessing to $sers. They are also $sed to %ro!ide a %er#anent co%y of the res$lts for later cons$ltation. The !ario$s ty%es of o$t%$ts in general are9 E<ternal O$t%$ts "hose destination is o$tside the organization. Internal O$t%$ts "hose destination is "ith in organization and they are the (ser@s #ain interface "ith the co#%$ter. O%erational o$t%$ts "hose $se is %$rely "ith in the co#%$ter de%art#ent. Interface o$t%$ts "hich in!ol!e the $ser in co##$nicating directly "ith OUTPUT DEFINITION The o$t%$ts sho$ld be defined in ter#s of the follo"ing %oints9 Ty%e of the o$t%$t Content of the o$t%$t ;or#at of the o$t%$t =ocation of the o$t%$t ;re&$ency of the o$t%$t Vol$#e of the o$t%$t Se&$ence of the o$t%$t

It is not al"ays desirable to %rint or dis%lay data as it is held on a co#%$ter. It sho$ld be decided as "hich for# of the o$t%$t is the #ost s$itable. ;or E<a#%le Will deci#al %oints need to be inserted Sho$ld leading zeros be s$%%ressed. OUTPUT MEDIA2 In the ne<t stage it is to be decided that "hich #edi$# is the #ost a%%ro%riate for the o$t%$t. The #ain considerations "hen deciding abo$t the o$t%$t #edia are9 The s$itability for the de!ice to the %artic$lar a%%lication. The need for a hard co%y. The res%onse ti#e re&$ired. The location of the $sers The soft"are and hard"are a!ailable. Gee%ing in !ie" the abo!e descri%tion the %ro6ect is to ha!e o$t%$ts #ainly co#ing $nder the category of internal o$t%$ts. The #ain o$t%$ts desired according to the re&$ire#ent s%ecification are9 The o$t%$ts "ere needed to be generated as a hot co%y and as "ell as &$eries to be !ie"ed on the screen. Gee%ing in !ie" these o$t%$ts the for#at for the o$t%$t is ta+en fro# the o$t%$ts "hich are c$rrently being obtained after #an$al %rocessing. co%ies. The standard %rinter is to be $sed as o$t%$t #edia for hard


APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT2 N5T(er A66l(ca#(on 2 :CTier 1%%lications can easily i#%le#ent the conce%ts of Distrib$ted 1%%lication Design and 1rchitect$re. The :CTier 1%%lications %ro!ide strategic benefits to Enter%rise Sol$tions. While )Ctier clientCser!er can hel% $s create &$ic+ and easy sol$tions and #ay be $sed for Ra%id Prototy%ing they can easily beco#e a #aintenance and sec$rity night #are

The :Ctier 1%%lications %ro!ide s%ecific ad!antages that are !ital to the b$siness contin$ity of the enter%rise. Ty%ical feat$res of a real life nCtier #ay incl$de the follo"ing9 Sec$rity 1!ailability and Scalability ,anageability Easy ,aintenance Data 1bstraction The abo!e #entioned %oints are so#e of the +ey design goals of a s$ccessf$l nCtier a%%lication that intends to %ro!ide a good ?$siness Sol$tion. De8(n(#(on2 Si#%ly stated an nCtier a%%lication hel%s $s distrib$te the o!erall f$nctionality into !ario$s tiers or layers9 Presentation =ayer ?$siness R$les =ayer Data 1ccess =ayer Database5Data Store Each layer can be de!elo%ed inde%endently of the other %ro!ided that it adheres to the standards and co##$nicates "ith the other layers as %er the s%ecifications. This is the one of the biggest ad!antages of the nCtier a%%lication. layer can %otentially treat the other layer as a H?loc+C?o<@. Each

In other "ords each layer does not care ho" other layer %rocesses the data as long as it sends the right data in a correct for#at.

F(0 1.15N5T(er Arc!(#ec#ure 1. T!e Pre en#a#(on La"er2 1lso called as the client layer co#%rises of co#%onents that are dedicated grids etc. +. T!e )u (ne Rule La"er2 to %resenting the data to the $ser. ;or e<a#%le9 labels Windo"s5Web ;or#s and b$ttons edit bo<es Te<t bo<es

This layer enca%s$lates the ?$siness r$les or the b$siness logic of the enca%s$lations. To ha!e a se%arate layer for b$siness logic is of a great ad!antage. This is beca$se any changes in ?$siness R$les can be easily handled in this layer. 1s long as the interface bet"een the layers re#ains the sa#e any changes to the f$nctionality5%rocessing logic in this layer can be #ade "itho$t i#%acting the others. 1 lot of

clientCser!er a%%s failed to i#%le#ent s$ccessf$lly as changing the b$siness logic "as a %ainf$l %rocess. -. T!e Da#a Acce La"er2

This layer co#%rises of co#%onents that hel% in accessing the Database. If $sed in the right "ay the database tables this layer %ro!ides a le!el of abstraction for the database str$ct$res. Si#%ly %$t changes #ade to etc do not affect the rest of the a%%lication beca$se of the Data 1ccess layer. The different a%%lication layers send the data re&$ests to this layer and recei!e the res%onse fro# this layer. 9. T!e Da#a/a e La"er2 This layer co#%rises of the Database Co#%onents s$ch as D? ;iles Tables Vie"s etc. The 1ct$al database co$ld be created $sing SI= In Ser!er an nCtier Oracle a%%lication ;lat the entire files a%%lication etc. can be

i#%le#ented in s$ch a "ay that it is inde%endent of the act$al Database. ;or instance yo$ co$ld change the Database =ocation "ith #ini#al changes to Data 1ccess =ayer. The rest of the 1%%lication sho$ld re#ain $naffected

PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS2 Perfor#ance is #eas$red in ter#s of the o$t%$t %ro!ided by the a%%lication. Re&$ire#ent s%ecification %lays an i#%ortant %art in the analysis of a syste#. Only "hen the re&$ire#ent s%ecifications are %ro%erly gi!en it is %ossible to design a syste# "hich "ill fit into re&$ired en!iron#ent. It rests largely in the %art of the $sers of the e<isting syste#

to gi!e the re&$ire#ent s%ecifications beca$se they are the %eo%le "ho finally $se the syste#. This is beca$se the re&$ire#ents ha!e to be +no"n d$ring the initial stages so that the syste# can be designed according to those re&$ire#ents. It is !ery diffic$lt to change the syste# once it has been designed and on the other hand designing a syste# "hich does not cater to the re&$ire#ents of the $ser is of no $se. The re&$ire#ent s%ecification for any syste# can be broadly stated as gi!en belo"9 The syste# sho$ld be able to interface "ith the e<isting syste# The syste# sho$ld be acc$rate The syste# sho$ld be better than the e<isting syste# The e<isting syste# is co#%letely de%endent on the $ser to %erfor# all the d$ties. FEASI)ILITY REPORT Preli#inary in!estigation e<a#ine %ro6ect feasibility the li+elihood the syste# "ill be $sef$l to the organization. The #ain ob6ecti!e of the feasibility st$dy is to test the Technical O%erational and Econo#ical feasibility for adding ne" #od$les and deb$gging old r$nning syste#. 1ll syste# is feasible if they are $nli#ited reso$rces and infinite ti#e. There are as%ects in the feasibility st$dy %ortion of the %reli#inary in!estigation9 Technical ;easibility O%eration ;easibility Econo#ical ;easibility Tec!n(cal Fea (/(l(#" The technical iss$e $s$ally raised d$ring the feasibility stage of the in!estigation incl$des the follo"ing9

Does the necessary technology e<ist to do "hat is s$ggestedD Do the %ro%osed e&$i%#ents ha!e the technical ca%acity to hold the data re&$ired to $se the ne" syste#D Will the %ro%osed syste# %ro!ide ade&$ate res%onse to in&$iries regardless of the n$#ber or location of $sersD Can the syste# be $%graded if de!elo%edD 1re there technical g$arantees of acc$racy reliability ease of access and data sec$rityD Earlier no syste# e<isted to cater to the needs of HSec$re Infrastr$ct$re I#%le#entation Syste#@. The c$rrent syste# de!elo%ed is technically feasible. It is a "eb based $ser interface for a$dit "or+flo" at :ICCCSD. Th$s it %ro!ides an easy access to the $sers. The database@s %$r%ose is to create establish and #aintain a "or+flo" a#ong !ario$s entities in order to facilitate all concerned $sers in their !ario$s ca%acities or roles. Per#ission to the $sers "o$ld be granted based on the roles s%ecified. Therefore it %ro!ides the technical g$arantee of acc$racy reliability and sec$rity. The soft"are and hard re&$ire#ents for the de!elo%#ent of this %ro6ect are not #any and are already a!ailable inCho$se at :IC or are a!ailable as free as o%en so$rce. The "or+ for the %ro6ect is done "ith the c$rrent e&$i%#ent and e<isting soft"are technology. :ecessary band"idth e<ists for %ro!iding a fast feedbac+ to the $sers irres%ecti!e of the n$#ber of $sers $sing the syste#. O6era#(onal Fea (/(l(#" Pro%osed %ro6ects are beneficial only if they can be t$rned o$t into infor#ation syste#. That "ill #eet the organization@s o%erating re&$ire#ents. O%erational feasibility as%ects of the %ro6ect are to be ta+en as an i#%ortant %art of the %ro6ect i#%le#entation. So#e of the i#%ortant

iss$es raised are to test the o%erational feasibility of a %ro6ect incl$des the follo"ing9 C Is there s$fficient s$%%ort for the #anage#ent fro# the $sersD Will the syste# be $sed and "or+ %ro%erly if it is being de!elo%ed and i#%le#entedD Will there be any resistance fro# the $ser that "ill $nder#ine the %ossible a%%lication benefitsD This syste# is targeted to be in accordance "ith the abo!eC#entioned iss$es. ?eforehand the #anage#ent iss$es and $ser re&$ire#ents ha!e been ta+en into consideration. So there is no &$estion of resistance fro# the $sers that can $nder#ine the %ossible a%%lication benefits. The "ellC%lanned design "o$ld ens$re the o%ti#al $tilization of the co#%$ter reso$rces and "o$ld hel% in the i#%ro!e#ent of %erfor#ance stat$s. Econo%(c Fea (/(l(#" 1 syste# can be de!elo%ed technically and that "ill be $sed if installed #$st still be a good in!est#ent for the organization. In the econo#ical feasibility the de!elo%#ent cost in creating the syste# is e!al$ated against the $lti#ate benefit deri!ed fro# the ne" syste#s. ;inancial benefits #$st e&$al or e<ceed the costs. The syste# is econo#ically feasible. It does not re&$ire any addition hard"are or soft"are. Since the interface for this syste# is de!elo%ed $sing the e<isting reso$rces and technologies a!ailable at :IC There is no#inal e<%endit$re and econo#ical feasibility for certain.

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