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ESSAY Survival Guide

TOPICS and FOCUS A EAS #Adapted from Cambridge Alevel Syllabus$

Indicated here are the more pertinent issues surrounding the given focus areas that allow you to carry out your own research to build content knowledge and bolster arguments. As far as possible focus on key events/issues and examples from 2010 201!/" to strengthen the currency of your examples. Enjoy the process.

Catholic Junior College 2012 Melissa Olsen, Laureen Toh

!E"IA Co#parisons o$ the uses and $unctions o$ di$$erent #edia $or#s %orms& 'raditional and mainstream vs new media( new media vs social %unctions& 'o inform / educate( watchdog( cultural( to entertain( service the political syste Issues/)vents& *ecline of print readership from online media esponsi%ility o$ the #edia +esponsibilities& ,pholding -ournalistic values/standards( voice of the common people( press as the fourth estate/watchdog Issues / )vents& .uardian / advertising standards/Advertising standards authority( +upert 0urdoch 1ews 2orporation phone hacking scandal 3uly 2011 +ole and impact of the media in creating stereotypes Issues / )vents& %urore over sports advertising of female athletes( greater diversity of characters and minorities on screen( shift in the portrayal of men and male relationships Issues / )vents& +ise of narcissism and 4.eneration 0e5 due to 6outube/0yspace( instant celebrities( role and power of social media 0anipulation( use of( ownership and intervention 7ilvio 8erlusconi media mogul/politician( 8arack 9bama and social media :iolence in video games ;uake( *oom( *ead 7pace( cyber addiction( alternate realities 7econd <ife( shift in nature of social relationships 2urrent Issues& .reat %irewall of 2hina( google pulling out of 2hina saga T.E A TS /CU0TU A0 ISSUES Art $or#s %orms& Architecture( photography( film( traditional art( literature( performing arts Issues& =hotography increasingly accorded status as fine art( place and value of architecture/film( rise and prominence of comics and graphic novels( death of film as art form( blockbuster syndrome. Issues& Art as a cultural construct #ideological/current influences$( as a reflection of social values/ tastes/ norms/ preferences( as a signal of social concerns/struggles( the artist as political hero # ).g.( Ai >ei >ei$ *igital animation( graphic design changing nature of story telling( mixed media artists( ability to showcase art rise of independent artists #website& deviantart$ Art as soft power( recording breaking art prices/sales( increasing investment/corporate funding of the Arts newspapers( death of broadsheets( competition

!edia representation o$ di$$erent &roups

Issues in Advertisin&' Print' T(' Online #edia )#ediu# speci$ic*

Politics and its relation +ith the #edia

!edia,s in$luence on $a#ily and social &roups

Censorship - Control o$ various %ranches o$ the #edia - i#plications

1ature o$ culture and ho+ it is shaped and in$luenced %y various $orces

I#pact o$ #odern technolo&y on the arts

Social status o$ the arts' value / i#portance o$ the Arts

Catholic Junior College 2012 Melissa Olsen, Laureen Toh

0an&ua&e Chan&es to lan&ua&e' accents' dialect' standard En&lish vs. pid&in $or#s .ISTO Y and T.E FUTU E (alue o$ history as a &uide to hu#an %ehavior #A level =2 200?$ 1ature o$ history and the #eans %y +hich it is shaped whom. who writes history( about what( for

Predictions o$ $uture/current events 2 awareness of ma-or shifts in the last century to predict future trends. C I!E' CO1T O00I1G C I!E' CO1F0ICT and (IO0E1CE

The use and a%use o$ po+er in various $or#s Issues/)vents& +evived debate on torture( *1A and racial profiling( surveillance and privacy #.eorge 9rwell5s 8ig 8rother$( culture of fear( rise of police states( police brutality Issues / )vents& +ise of transnational crimes due to increased connectivity( concept of world government( International 2riminal 2ourt #@ague( 1etherlands$( prosecuting of individuals for crimes against humanity( International 2riminal 'ribunal for the former 6ugoslavia #I2'6$( prosecution of +adovan AaradBic( sentencing of Ahmer +ouge prison chief *uch( recent attempt to prosecute <ibya5s 0uammar .adaffi PO(E TY Causes and reasons +ecogniBing the complex relationship between factors that lead to poverty ' poverty in the first world/developed nations( persistent corruption in local government( worsening of environmental factors( exploitation of low wage nations 0icro finance and micro loans( education( international aid( social programs #support from 1.9s$( ,1 0illenium *evelopment .oals 201C >hite man5s burden( neo colonialism( International 0onetary %und/>orld 8ank loans #which come with strings attached$( local vs international responsibility Aid fatigue( misuse of aid( creation of aid dependency

International cri#e and justice


Evaluatin& responsi%ility $or alleviatin& &lo%al poverty

Issues surroundin& hu#anitarian aid and/or loans

Catholic Junior College 2012 Melissa Olsen, Laureen Toh

PO0ITICS Governance and leadership %ailing/fragile democracies( ;ualities associated with / desired for political leadership

1ature and e$$ectiveness o$ political syste#s' #eans %y +hich political ends are achieved *emocracy in decline( decreasing confidence in liberal democracies( credibility of soft authoritarian government systems( rise of )ast Asian model of democracy( installation of democracies by the >est #Afghanistan( IraD$( soft revolutions( twitter revolution( Iranian bloggers( fragile democracies 'hailand 7urge of humanitarian aid( rise of philanthropy( prominence of 1.9s during crises #+ed 2ross( +ed 2rescent$ elationship %et+een individual and state )e4tent o$ state intervention* 7upport for 1anny states #7ingapore( 2alifornia$ I1TE 1ATIO1A0 E0ATIO1S Interference by countries into politics of another( national sovereignty 1orth Aorea 1uclear 'esting #200E$( ,1 1A'9 intervention in <ibya( 3ust >ars/3ust war theory( 7outh 2hina 7ea disputes( SOCIA0 ISSUES !A IAGE' FA!I0Y' SI1G0E.OO" A1" PA E1TI1G #changing norms and structure$ o o o o o o o 'raditional family #homosexual$ structures #heterosexual$ vs. rise of alternative lifestyles

E$$ectiveness o$ international or&ani3ations' &overnance

0arriage rights #legal protection$ for homosexual marriages #e.g.( 1etherlands 2001$ :alue of marriage vs. cohabitation +ights of single mothers #maternity leave( childcare benefits. 2ompare 7weden with more conservative countries( e.g.( ,7A( 7ingapore$ %amily <aw who does it protectF +ising divorce rates and normaliBing of multiple marriages as a result of the media/celebrities #celebrities& )liBabeth 'aylor E( <arry Aing G$ =arenting styles / Amy 2hua5s 8attle @ymn of 'he 'iger 0other #in support of less liberal parenting techniDues$

"ISC I!I1ATIO1/ P E5U"ICE o o #reasons for( evidence of( minority groups and their treatment$ +acism #attribution of characteristics according to race$( eugenics( race as an invented concept( discrimination of aborigines #in Australia( 2hina etc$( ,ltra 1ationalism #3apan$

Catholic Junior College 2012 Melissa Olsen, Laureen Toh

E"UCATIO1 For#' varyin& $unction/&oals' criticis#s o$' value o$ su%jects6 e.&. value o$ #athe#atics etc* o 2ynicism about formal education( rise of home schooling( hot housing( education and religious radicalism/liberalism( 0cAinsey report on education SPO T Sport as entertain#ent' relationship +ith pro$it/#oney )xorbitant transfer fees for sports stars( cult of the sports celebrity( selective funding of sports( corporate interest in sport #ownership and control of teams$( rise of televised sport #1%<( %1( 8oxing championships$ 2elebration of human endeavour( inspiration and the stretching of human limits( sport as a political platform to unite #9lympism( nationalism$ CE0E7 ITIES A1" T.EI STATUS 0ichael 3ackson( )liBabeth 'aylor5s passing( invasion of privacy( public misbehaviour / <indsay <ohan( various soccer stars( publicly known addictions #Amy >inehouse$( the rising status( even importance of the paparaBBi( celebrities as cultural icons and signifiers <ady .aga( celebrities using star power to champion causes ,1 .oodwill Ambassadors #8ono( Angelina 3olie$ YOUT. ISSUES - SOCIA0ISATIO1 Impact of social forces #e.g.( media( education( politics( economic climate$ on the development on young people( rise of anti social behaviour( strawberry generation( generation me( rise in political activism( mandate of the young voters O0E A1" SIG1IFICA1CE OF E0IGIO1 +ising influence of religion in civil society( religious extremism/fundamentalism( religion in schools #schools as a secular space$( Issues& +eligious/legal code #7haria law in the ,7$( Islamic center at ground Hero( 'ea =arty I!PO TA1CE OF T A"ITIO1S (E SUS P OG ESS %unctions of tradition globalisation/homegenisation in modern society( tradition competing with

(alue o$ sports

Catholic Junior College 2012 Melissa Olsen, Laureen Toh

FAS.IO1 Fashion as identity' political state#ents' art /as a concept )trends/ +hat is currently popular* *eath of fashion icon Alexander 0c;ueen( rise of fashion as political statement( prominence and reliance on stylists image creation #=atricia %ields( +achel Hoe$( image manipulation( rise of IIt .irlsJ( fashion bloggers( 'he 7artorialist( musicians creating fashion @aus of .aga SCIE1CE' TEC.1O0OGY 8 !E"ICI1E oles o$ Science Science and its relationship to pro&ress' pro$it 8ig pharma( for profit science #space tourism$

Advanta&es and dan&ers o$ scienti$ic develop#ents *evelopment of nuclear technology( biomedical science and ethical dilemmas( surveillance technology( issues surrounding investment in <arge @adron 2ollider 9verreliance( 2ulture of convenience( increasing acceptance of A.I( negative impact on skill level and knowledge acDuisition

I#pact o$ #odern technolo&y on society )7ene$its - ha3ards o$ #odern technolo&y*

esponsi%ilities o$ scientists "evelop#ents in #edical $ield 6 controversies( promises .ene patenting( 1000 dollar genome( ImedicalisationJ of social problems #shyness as 4social anxiety disorder5$ +esponsibility of the state K individual for healthcare 8udget cuts and spending on healthcare #,7A$( passing of the ,7 @ealthcare 8ill vs 0edicare in 7.( 1ational @ealth 7ystem ,A ECO1O!ICS - 7USI1ESS )0I19 TO G0O7A0I:ATIO1* Co#petition and Pro$it #otive/e4pandin& $ocus o$ %usiness 7hifting trends in branding and advertising( rise of the %ortune C00( corporate social responsibility and involvement with charity work( rise of socially conscious businesses #fair trade practices( hiring of intellectually disabled/ elderly workers. e.g.( 4>almart greeters5$( 2ompetition and anti monopoly laws( open source code for software programming #0icrosoft closed( Apple L .oogle open$( 2ulture of consumerism and materialism( increasing consumerism in the younger generation( role of businesses in perpetuating 2L0( industry dependence on consumerist behaviour Influence of corporations on governments and vice versa #strength of industry lobby groups$( role of government as a regulator of businesses( responsibility for public infrastructure )thical dilemmas inherent in some -obs #lawyer( bio genetic research$( high risk -obs #police/firemen$( high powered/paying employment vs. InobleJ professions #teaching/nursing$ Anti globalisation backlash( growing middle class in first world countries( 7ingapore income disparity( growing

Issues involvin& li$e and death #euthanasia( A0* vs =hysician5s ethical code$

Consu#eris# and #aterialis#

ole o$ state in %usiness and corporate in$luence

!erits and disadvanta&es o$ various types o$ e#ploy#ent );<<= A2levels P;*

Senti#ents a%out/ elationship/dyna#ics %et+een rich and poor/&lo%al ine>ualities

Catholic Junior College 2012 Melissa Olsen, Laureen Toh

E1(I O1!E1T A1" GEOG AP.Y Ener&y/resource issues )Crisis' ha3ards' develop#ents/solutions* 2limate change denial/scepticism( 2limategate( failed 2openhagen 7ummit( ,1 7ecurity 2ouncil( clean energy investment/technology( controversy over dangers involved in hydraulic fracturing #natural gas$( biofuels( growing water crisis/deficits( dwindling grain harvests <oss of biodiversity( destruction of reefs( 8= oil spill

Oceans - their role

0and use )Ur%anisation' city li$e* .reen cities( Bero waste systems( greener living in cities compared to countryside

1atural disasters and their i#pact Aftermath of 8= gulf coast oil spill( %ukushima nuclear explosion( =akistan floods( @aiti earthDuake #outpouring of humanitarian aid$( ,1 declared famine #7omalia 3uly 2011$. M1ote also the outpouring of aid as a result of social media and the ineDuality in the distribution of aid #@aiti vs =akistan$

I#portance o$ &eo&raphical location Issues relatin& to $ood and its production %ood safety issues/global food scares #2hina( 3apan$( radiation contamination( bovine/avain flu/diseases( panic buying of staples( eDuitable distribution of food( food crisis #as a result of investment in 8iofuels$ 0ove to allow member states to ban cultivation of .0 crops in the ), #3ul 2011$( concerns over corporate farming environmentally unsustainable( criticisms against 0onsanto .0 food corporation( controversial food production methods( food label laws( organic and raw food movement. P.I0OSOP.Y Freedo# and culture );<<? P; A level* Importance of upholding liberty/freedom( constraints to liberty #for the greater good$

Or&anic $ood/G! crops

(alue o$ li$e *evelopments that Duestion the value/sanctity of life #euthanasia( stem cell research( cloning( genetic manipulation$ Importance of upholding basic inalienable rights #,1*@+$( ,1 resolution protect #+to=$ responsibility to

.u#an ri&hts

Ani#al i&hts +ising awareness of unethical farming and food production practices( veganism in response to championing animal rights( fashion companies #e.g %orever 21$/celebrities boycotting use of fur( more stringent anti hunting/poaching laws #not strictly animal rights but related to the issue of protection of endangered wildlife$ moral and ethical debate behind truth telling( making or breaking promises( post modernist challenge to 'ruth #as an absolute$ Also likely to emerge as part of A; awareness( activism etc Duestioning of personal and social values like empathy(

Truth - "ishonesty

Ideal +ay o$ leadin& one,s li$e/ personal - social values

Catholic Junior College 2012 Melissa Olsen, Laureen Toh

SI1GAPO E 7ASE" @UESTIO1S I#pact o$ &lo%al events/#ove#ents in Sin&apore 2 significant events that have had a ripple effect on our economy( socio cultural fabric and in terms of policy making Asian %inancial 2risis( 200? .lobal %inancial 2risis( E/11 and 'he >ar on 'error( global pandemics( growing homosexual rights movement( shift of power to the )ast

Si&ni$icance or i#portance o$ &eo&raphical location !i&ration and its policies .rowing proportion of foreigners( stiffer competition across all aspects( dissatisfaction with policies on foreign talent( recent policies to reduce tension #more stringent criteria for immigrants$( integration policies for foreigners( prevention of enclaves

.istory and its repercussions );<<A P; A@* Social trends #<ook at Aey Annual Indicators from 7tatistics 7ingapore website$ Income ineDuality( growing influence of women5s rights groups( higher incidence of affluence related diseases( social media usage in politics( increasing affluence of the young( tensions between the young and old political leanings/beliefs( Aey study 7ingapore 2ultural 7tatistics 2011( 2ultural policies doubling in the number of arts companies #200! 2010$( rise in number of museums( rise in enrollment in arts education( rise in employment in the arts Keconomic contribution of the arts( rise in patronage of the arts performing arts sector( bId to turn 7. into regional fashion hub #7ingapore %ashion %estival/%ashion >eek$( tension between developing a progressive cultural/arts scene and censorship/98 markers( growing international architectural influence. Econo#y' co#petitiveness <oses 1o. 1 economic competitiveness in 2011 #1 ,7( 2nd @ong Aong( !rd 7.$ due to rising cost of living( excellent rankings for best protection of intellectual property( open economy( investment potential( skilled labour( first choice for foreign talent etc #)*8 website( 7. rankings$( economic boom widening income gap #2nd highest among advanced economies$( recent Duestioning of transparency and politiciBation of sovereign wealth funds #'emasek @oldings( .I2$

Cultural develop#ents - in$luence

Catholic Junior College 2012 Melissa Olsen, Laureen Toh

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