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JOB DESCRIPTION Exams Operations Manager Islamabad PB6ISB Job Title and Reference Number Exams Operations Manager a!ore PB6LHR Exams Operations Manager "ara#!i PB6KHI Directorate or Region Location of #ost Re#orts to Pakistan Sout! "sia ) #ositions in Islamabad La!ore and Karac!i eac! Pro.incial Head /f '(ams /#erations De#artment$%ountr& Pa& Band Duration of 0ob '(aminations$Pakistan 6* PKR +,- --Indefinite 'm#lo&ment %ontract

P$RPOSE O% JOB To manage and ensure t!e effecti.e deli.er& of 1K e(aminations2 In #articular to be res#onsible for* %onsistentl& #ro.iding e(cellent le.el of o#erational ser.ice to customers and clients 'nsuring e(ams are conducted according to '(aminations 3ualit& Standards and '(am Board re4uirements To build and maintain relations!i#s 5it! Sc!ools '(am Boards 6 7endors to su##ort t!e effecti.e deli.er& of e(ams CONTE&T AND EN'IRONMENT Examinations Ser(i#es Department T!e Britis! %ouncil8s '(ams De#artment !as set in #lace an ambitious #lan to ensure its gro5t! and greater im#act in a fast c!anging global en.ironment2 To do t!is t!e de#artment 5ill be engaging and 5orking more directl& 5it! #artners bot! internal and e(ternal from all sectors2 T!e '(ams De#artment !as gro5n into a significantl& large re.enue business2 It is no5 one of t!e largest o#erations 5it!in t!e Britis! %ouncil global net5ork Team Str)#t)re 'ac! region 9Islamabad La!ore and Karac!i: !as one Head '(ams /#erations eac! re#orting to t!e Director '(ams /#erations2 'ac! Head '(ams /#erations manages a team consisting of t!ree '(am /#erations ;anagers 9I'LTS <%S' and Professional '(ams: and a #ool of '(ams /#erations /fficers o#erating as one integrated team for all #roduct ser.ice functions2 T!e '(ams /#erations team 5ill be su##orted b& t!e national %om#liance 6 %ustomer Ser.ice =inancial Planning and "nal&sis and Business De.elo#ment Team2 ACCO$NTABI ITIES* RESPONSIBI ITIES AND MAIN D$TIES +. Exams Deli(er, - B)siness .ro/t! ;anage da& to da& as#ects related to t!e deli.er& of e(ams on an on>going basis to ensure com#liance 5it! securit& and e(am bod& standards as 5ell as !ig! le.els of customer ser.ice to ensure business success2 Identif& an& associated risks to ac!ie.ing business gro5t! targets Deal 5it! com#le( o#erational deli.er& issues 5it! a##ro#riate management decision su##ort and guidance

+ of )

0. People Management and S)pport Su##ort indi.idual team members 5it! da&>to>da& o#erational issues including effecti.e !uman resource allocation across .arious teams Build and moti.ate an effecti.e team including su##orting bu&>in to a single .ision or #ur#ose2 ;anage team #erformance in line 5it! Britis! %ouncil8s #erformance management #rocedures 1. Sta2e!older Management 'ffecti.el& manage relations!i#s 5it! ke& stake!olders im#ortant to t!e e(ams business bot! in> countr& and globall&* sc!ool #rinci#als teac!ers .endors e(amination boards etc2 3. C)stomer Ser(i#es - Complian#e ?ork effecti.el& and collaborati.el& 5it! t!e customer ser.ice teams to ensure collection and action on ob0ecti.e customer feedback and using t!is to make im#ro.ements to o#erational deli.er& models Deal 5it! com#laints t!roug! effecti.e liaison 5it! t!e %ustomer Ser.ice team ?ork to rele.ant e(am bod&$I'LTS regulations and '3S standards 5orking in s&nerg& 5it! t!e %om#liance team 4. %inan#ial S)pport ?!en and 5!ere re4uired to ensure necessar& o#erational data is #ro.ided to t!e Head of /#erations 5it!in timeframes "E5 RE ATIONS6IPS ;anage relations!i#s 5it! ke& e(am contacts including 9but not limited to: su##lier sc!ools and e(amination boards and outsourcing #artners OT6ER IMPORTANT %EAT$RES AND RE7$IREMENTS O% JOB ?orking unsociable !ours and $or at 5eekends is 4uite often re4uired Please s#ecif& an& #ass#ort$.isa and$or nationalit& re4uirement2 Please indicate if an& securit& or legal c!ecks are re4uired for t!is role2 Rig!t to 5ork in Pakistan Local #olice c!ecks

, of )

Essential Be!a(io)rs assessed d)ring inter(ie/ stage o8 re#r)itment pro#ess %onnecting ?it! /t!ers @ More demanding level Being "ccountable@ More demanding level ?orking Toget!er @ Essential level Be!a(io)rs not assessed d)ring re#r)itment pro#ess %reating S!ared Pur#ose> Essential level S!a#ing t!e =uture @ Essential level ;aking it Ha##en @ More demanding level %ommunication Skills 9L,: S2ills and "no/ledge See The Generic Skills Dictionary for details Business ;anagement and De.elo#ment


Assessment stage

Be!a(io)rs Please see The Behaviours Dictionary for behaviour definitions and levels

T!e #osition !older 5ill be re4uired to demonstrate all si( be!a.iours on t!e 0ob2 T!ese 5ill be assessed during &ear end #erformance e.aluations2 Be!a.iours to be assessed during t!e inter.ie5 stage of recruitment are mentioned2

Kno5ledge of Britis! e(aminations and education s&stem Kno5ledge of data #rotection #olicies and information management

Resource management for business development and implementation !": Managing Relationships #ith clients and stakeholders "$

S!ort listing %ommunications Test and Inter.ie5


/ne &ear rele.ant 5ork e(#erience

Prior e(#erience in a customer ser.ices role Prior e(#erience in e.ent management

S!ort listing and Inter.ie5

+6 &ears of education 7)ali8i#ations +A &ears educations Professional 4ualification in a related field S!ort listing

S)bmitted b,

Recruitment Team


Jul& ,-+)

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