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Australian Workplace Leadership Poll

February 2014

ur 8rlgld van Wanrooy
CenLre for Workplace Leadershlp
h. (03) 9033 3892

An onllne poll was conducLed, durlng 6-12 lebruary 2014, of 2,310 AusLrallans Lo gauge Lhelr vlews of
leadershlp ln AusLrallan workplaces. 1he parLlclpanLs were aged 18 years or older and were currenLly

Key Findings
1hree quarLers (73 per cenL) of Lhe workforce agreed LhaL AusLrallan workplaces need beLLer managemenL
and leadershlp. 1hls reafflrms Lhere ls a need for Lhe CenLre for Workplace Leadershlp Lo lmprove
managemenL capablllLy and leadershlp.
Powever, people were more poslLlve when lL came Lo havlng a leadershlp role model ln Lhelr workplace and
Lhelr own poLenLlal Lo be a leader. Cne quarLer (26 per cenL) of Lhe workforce agreed LhaL Lhere was no-one
ln Lhelr workplace LhaL Lhey could look up Lo as a good leader. uesplLe Lhls, over half (36 per cenL) of workers
lndlcaLed Lhere was a leader Lhey could look up Lo. Powever, Lhe slLuaLlon was worse ln Lhe managerlal
ranks: 33 per cenL of people ln senlor or mlddle managemenL poslLlons reporLed noL havlng a leadershlp role
model ln Lhelr workplace.
More encouraglng were workers' assessmenL of Lhelr own capablllLy Lo lead - 73 per cenL of workers
reporLed Lhey had Lhe 'know-how' Lo be a good leader ln Lhelr workplace. 8uL wheLher Lhese workers feel
Lhey have Lhe opporLunlLles Lo puL Lhls 'know-how' lnLo pracLlce ls anoLher maLLer. AusLrallan workers also
demonsLraLed a hlgh level of commlLmenL Lo Lhelr work wlLh 84 per cenL reporLlng LhaL Lhey use Lhelr own
lnlLlaLlve Lo carry ouL Lasks LhaL are noL requlred as parL of Lhelr [ob.
!"#$ &'($) ln 2011-12 8rlLlsh workers were asked Lhe same quesLlon, and whlle noL dlrecLly comparable, lL ls
clear LhaL AusLrallans appear more wllllng Lo go Lhe exLra mlle ln Lhelr [obs. Less Lhan Lhree-quarLers of
8rlLlsh employees ln workplaces wlLh 3 or more employees agreed wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL compared Lo 83 per
cenL of AusLrallan non-managerlal employees.

Young people and leadership
*'($) +,"- .&./0-"- 1$/"$- '& 234 '5-$16.("'&- 71'8 9$'9/$ .:$# 4;<2=
(see Lables ln Lhe appendlx)
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Appendix Data tables

Basic Frequencies

dQGender Are you...?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Valid 1 Male 1257 54.4 54.4 54.4
2 Female 1053 45.6 45.6 100.0
Total 2310 100.0 100.0

dQAgeband What is your age?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Valid 2 18-24 322 13.9 13.9 13.9
3 25-34 550 23.8 23.8 37.7
4 35-44 522 22.6 22.6 60.3
5 45-54 503 21.8 21.8 82.1
6 55+ 414 17.9 17.9 100.0
Total 2310 100.0 100.0

QEmployment What is your employment status?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Valid 1 Work full time 1561 67.6 67.6 67.6
2 Work part time 749 32.4 32.4 100.0
Total 2310 100.0 100.0

Q1 Which of these best describes your role at work?
Frequency Percent
Valid 1 Executive or Senior Management (e.g. CEO, Owner,
General Manager, Partner)
150 6.5 6.5 6.5
2 Middle Management (e.g. Department or Group
373 16.1 16.1 22.6
3 Supervisor of other employees 543 23.5 23.5 46.1
4 No supervisory responsibilities 1145 49.6 49.6 95.7
5 Self-employed with no employees. 99 4.3 4.3 100.0
Total 2310 100.0 100.0

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Q2 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There is no-one
in my workplace that I can look up to as a good leader.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Valid 1 Strongly agree 238 10.3 10.3 10.3
2 Agree 366 15.8 15.8 26.1
3 Neither 344 14.9 14.9 41.0
4 Disagree 865 37.5 37.5 78.4
5 Strongly disagree 431 18.7 18.7 97.1
6 Not applicable 67 2.9 2.9 100.0
Total 2310 100.0 100.0

Q3 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? I have the know-
how to be a good leader in my workplace.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Valid 1 Strongly agree 440 19.1 19.1 19.1
2 Agree 1287 55.7 55.7 74.8
3 Neither 430 18.6 18.6 93.4
4 Disagree 131 5.7 5.7 99.1
5 Strongly disagree 21 .9 .9 100.0
Total 2310 100.0 100.0

Q4 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Using my own
initiative I carry out tasks that are not required as part of my job.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Valid 1 Strongly agree 685 29.6 29.6 29.6
2 Agree 1255 54.4 54.4 84.0
3 Neither 244 10.6 10.6 94.6
4 Disagree 80 3.5 3.5 98.1
5 Strongly disagree 17 .7 .7 98.8
6 Not applicable 28 1.2 1.2 100.0
Total 2310 100.0 100.0

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Q5 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Australian
workplaces need better management and leadership.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Valid 1 Strongly agree 631 27.3 27.3 27.3
2 Agree 1097 47.5 47.5 74.8
3 Neither 500 21.6 21.6 96.4
4 Disagree 80 3.5 3.5 99.9
5 Strongly disagree 2 .1 .1 100.0
Total 2310 100.0 100.0

Young People

Q2 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There is no-one in my workplace that I
can look up to as a good leader. * Aged 18-24 yrs Crosstabulation

Aged 18-24 yrs
Total .00 1.00
Q2 To what extent do you
agree or disagree with the
following statement? There is
no-one in my workplace that
I can look up to as a good
1 Strongly agree Count 210 28 238
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 10.6% 8.7% 10.3%
2 Agree Count 333 32 365
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 16.8% 9.9% 15.8%
3 Neither Count 292 52 344
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 14.7% 16.1% 14.9%
4 Disagree Count 750 115 865
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 37.7% 35.7% 37.4%
5 Strongly disagree Count 341 90 431
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 17.2% 28.0% 18.7%
6 Not applicable Count 62 5 67
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 3.1% 1.6% 2.9%
Total Count 1988 322 2310
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

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Q3 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? I have the know-how to be a good
leader in my workplace. * Aged 18-24 yrs Crosstabulation

Aged 18-24 yrs
Total .00 1.00
Q3 To what extent do you
agree or disagree with the
following statement? I have
the know-how to be a good
leader in my workplace.
1 Strongly agree Count 363 77 440
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 18.3% 24.0% 19.1%
2 Agree Count 1123 164 1287
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 56.5% 51.1% 55.7%
3 Neither Count 361 69 430
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 18.2% 21.5% 18.6%
4 Disagree Count 120 11 131
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 6.0% 3.4% 5.7%
5 Strongly disagree Count 21 0 21
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 1.1% 0.0% 0.9%
Total Count 1988 321 2309
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Q4 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Using my own initiative I carry out
tasks that are not required as part of my job. * Aged 18-24 yrs Crosstabulation

Aged 18-24 yrs
Total .00 1.00
Q4 To what extent do you
agree or disagree with the
following statement? Using
my own initiative I carry out
tasks that are not required as
part of my job.
1 Strongly agree Count 591 94 685
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 29.7% 29.3% 29.7%
2 Agree Count 1093 163 1256
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 55.0% 50.8% 54.4%
3 Neither Count 200 45 245
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 10.1% 14.0% 10.6%
4 Disagree Count 63 17 80
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 3.2% 5.3% 3.5%
5 Strongly disagree Count 15 1 16
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 0.8% 0.3% 0.7%
6 Not applicable Count 27 1 28
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 1.4% 0.3% 1.2%
Total Count 1989 321 2310
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

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Q5 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Australian workplaces need better
management and leadership. * Aged 18-24 yrs Crosstabulation

Aged 18-24 yrs
Total .00 1.00
Q5 To what extent do you
agree or disagree with the
following statement?
Australian workplaces need
better management and
1 Strongly agree Count 561 70 631
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 28.2% 21.8% 27.3%
2 Agree Count 945 151 1096
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 47.5% 47.0% 47.5%
3 Neither Count 413 87 500
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 20.8% 27.1% 21.7%
4 Disagree Count 67 13 80
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 3.4% 4.0% 3.5%
5 Strongly disagree Count 2 0 2
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 0.1% 0.0% 0.1%
Total Count 1988 321 2309
% within Aged 18-24 yrs 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%


Q2 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There is no-one in my
workplace that I can look up to as a good leader. * dQGender Are you...? Crosstabulation

dQGender Are you...?
Total 1 Male 2 Female
Q2 To what extent do you
agree or disagree with the
following statement? There
is no-one in my workplace
that I can look up to as a
good leader.
1 Strongly agree Count 158 80 238
% within Gender 12.6% 7.6% 10.3%
2 Agree Count 227 138 365
% within Gender 18.1% 13.1% 15.8%
3 Neither Count 200 143 343
% within Gender 15.9% 13.6% 14.8%
4 Disagree Count 444 421 865
% within Gender 35.3% 40.0% 37.4%
5 Strongly disagree Count 191 241 432
% within Gender 15.2% 22.9% 18.7%
6 Not applicable Count 37 30 67
% within Gender 2.9% 2.8% 2.9%
Total Count 1257 1053 2310
% within Gender 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

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Q3 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? I have the know-how to be a
good leader in my workplace. * dQGender Are you...? Crosstabulation

dQGender Are you...?
Total 1 Male 2 Female
Q3 To what extent do you
agree or disagree with the
following statement? I have
the know-how to be a good
leader in my workplace.
1 Strongly agree Count 275 165 440
% within Gender 21.9% 15.7% 19.0%
2 Agree Count 705 583 1288
% within Gender 56.1% 55.3% 55.7%
3 Neither Count 207 224 431
% within Gender 16.5% 21.3% 18.6%
4 Disagree Count 56 75 131
% within Gender 4.5% 7.1% 5.7%
5 Strongly disagree Count 14 7 21
% within Gender 1.1% 0.7% 0.9%
Total Count 1257 1054 2311
% within Gender 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Q4 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Using my own initiative I carry
out tasks that are not required as part of my job. * dQGender Are you...? Crosstabulation

dQGender Are you...?
Total 1 Male 2 Female
Q4 To what extent do you
agree or disagree with the
following statement? Using
my own initiative I carry out
tasks that are not required
as part of my job.
1 Strongly agree Count 371 314 685
% within Gender 29.5% 29.8% 29.7%
2 Agree Count 657 598 1255
% within Gender 52.3% 56.8% 54.3%
3 Neither Count 151 93 244
% within Gender 12.0% 8.8% 10.6%
4 Disagree Count 44 36 80
% within Gender 3.5% 3.4% 3.5%
5 Strongly disagree Count 15 2 17
% within Gender 1.2% 0.2% 0.7%
6 Not applicable Count 19 10 29
% within Gender 1.5% 0.9% 1.3%
Total Count 1257 1053 2310
% within Gender 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

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Q5 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Australian workplaces need
better management and leadership. * dQGender Are you...? Crosstabulation

dQGender Are you...?
Total 1 Male 2 Female
Q5 To what extent do you
agree or disagree with the
following statement?
Australian workplaces need
better management and
1 Strongly agree Count 359 272 631
% within Gender 28.6% 25.9% 27.3%
2 Agree Count 610 487 1097
% within Gender 48.5% 46.3% 47.5%
3 Neither Count 251 248 499
% within Gender 20.0% 23.6% 21.6%
4 Disagree Count 35 45 80
% within Gender 2.8% 4.3% 3.5%
5 Strongly disagree Count 2 0 2
% within Gender 0.2% 0.0% 0.1%
Total Count 1257 1052 2309
% within Gender 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Managers (Executive and Middle) v. Non-managers (excl. solo

Q2 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There is no-one in my workplace that I
can look up to as a good leader. * Non-managerial employees Crosstabulation

Non-managerial employees
Total .00 1.00
Q2 To what extent do you
agree or disagree with the
following statement? There is
no-one in my workplace that I
can look up to as a good
1 Strongly agree Count 77 141 218
% within Non-mgrl 14.8% 8.3% 9.9%
2 Agree Count 107 244 351
% within Non-mgrl 20.5% 14.4% 15.9%
3 Neither Count 75 254 329
% within Non-mgrl 14.4% 15.0% 14.9%
4 Disagree Count 172 677 849
% within Non-mgrl 33.0% 40.1% 38.4%
5 Strongly disagree Count 80 343 423
% within Non-mgrl 15.3% 20.3% 19.1%
6 Not applicable Count 11 30 41
% within Non-mgrl 2.1% 1.8% 1.9%
Total Count 522 1689 2211
% within Non-mgrl 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
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Q3 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? I have the know-how to be a good leader
in my workplace. * Non-managerial employees Crosstabulation

Non-managerial employees
Total .00 1.00
Q3 To what extent do you
agree or disagree with the
following statement? I have
the know-how to be a good
leader in my workplace.
1 Strongly agree Count 169 237 406
% within Non-mgrl 32.3% 14.0% 18.4%
2 Agree Count 304 936 1240
% within Non-mgrl 58.1% 55.4% 56.1%
3 Neither Count 40 375 415
% within Non-mgrl 7.6% 22.2% 18.8%
4 Disagree Count 8 122 130
% within Non-mgrl 1.5% 7.2% 5.9%
5 Strongly disagree Count 2 19 21
% within Non-mgrl 0.4% 1.1% 0.9%
Total Count 523 1689 2212
% within Non-mgrl 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Q4 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Using my own initiative I carry out tasks
that are not required as part of my job. * Non-managerial employees Crosstabulation

Non-managerial employees
Total .00 1.00
Q4 To what extent do you
agree or disagree with the
following statement? Using
my own initiative I carry out
tasks that are not required as
part of my job.
1 Strongly agree Count 227 426 653
% within Non-mgrl 43.4% 25.2% 29.5%
2 Agree Count 240 967 1207
% within Non-mgrl 45.9% 57.3% 54.6%
3 Neither Count 44 196 240
% within Non-mgrl 8.4% 11.6% 10.9%
4 Disagree Count 5 72 77
% within Non-mgrl 1.0% 4.3% 3.5%
5 Strongly disagree Count 3 14 17
% within Non-mgrl 0.6% 0.8% 0.8%
6 Not applicable Count 4 13 17
% within Non-mgrl 0.8% 0.8% 0.8%
Total Count 523 1688 2211
% within Non-mgrl 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

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Q5 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Australian workplaces need better
management and leadership. * Non-managerial employees Crosstabulation

Non-managerial employees
Total .00 1.00
Q5 To what extent do you
agree or disagree with the
following statement?
Australian workplaces need
better management and
1 Strongly agree Count 173 426 599
% within Non-mgrl 33.2% 25.2% 27.1%
2 Agree Count 251 804 1055
% within Non-mgrl 48.2% 47.6% 47.7%
3 Neither Count 81 400 481
% within Non-mgrl 15.5% 23.7% 21.8%
4 Disagree Count 15 59 74
% within Non-mgrl 2.9% 3.5% 3.3%
5 Strongly disagree Count 1 0 1
% within Non-mgrl 0.2% 0.0% 0.0%
Total Count 521 1689 2210
% within Non-mgrl 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

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