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Secrets of the Pros:


!Tayl orAl l anTrai ni ng











Thanks for downloading my special report, Secrets of the Pros
exposed! Inside, Im going to be hooking you up with the secrets you
need to know in order to become the greatest basketball player you
can possibly be.

In this report, you will learn:

Exactly how to structure your skill workouts for maximum

The top 10 exercises that will EXPLODE your strength and
athletic ability on the court.

The #1 bulletproof warmup that works every time for
basketball players (not only to prevent injury, but to actually get
even more athletic in the process!)

The ONLY length of time your workouts should take if you
want to blow past your competition and excel this offseason.

And TONS of extra tips, tricks and secrets to EXPLODE your
game and take it to the next level and beyond.

My goal with this report is to cut through the B.S. of the basketball
training industry and expose the truth about training for elite
basketball performance. When you apply the lessons from this
manual, you will be ahead of 99.9% of all other basketball players.
You will be a basketball training pro: a Basketball Renegade.

Lets do this.


!"#$%$&' )*+ ,-./+./ 0+1-2 34 56#7 ,-./8-9+843:1 :.; 2311
<8-0:01= >:?+ : 1-/ -@ <+-<1+ >:;A BC/ *+=D )*:/E4 2*= /*+= ,:11
C4 /*+ !"#"$%&"'A

I'm about to make a statement that will piobably lose me a lot of fiienus,
but heie goes:

!"#$ &'"()##*"+,-. /*0/ -)1)- 2,#3)$2,-- &-,4)'# 3+"5 ,2#"-6$)-4 789:;7<
,2"6$ $',*+*+0 ="'')=$-4>

Theie, I saiu it.

Seiiously, uo you think those 6'6" 21u lb monsteis tiaineu theii way up
to theii 4u inch veitical jumps anu 6% bouyfat.

Not a chance.

They weie the same height anu weight in high school, anu they weie
uunking all ovei uuues way back in giaue 8.

Nost of these athletic fieaks aie B0RN, not maue.

B0 N0T make the ueauly mistake of tiying to tiain the way they uo. This
is caieei suiciue. Tiust me, I've tiieu it. I have a hip suigeiy to piove it.

These guys might be 2,#3)$2,-- pios, but they aie N0T 2,#3)$2,--
$',*+*+0 pios. I leaineu this the haiu way so that you uon't have to.

Baving saiu that, theie aie some awesome exceptions. Foi eveiy LeBion
}ames oi vince Caitei, theie aie seveial playeis who aien't so gifteu
who have maue it to the big leagues simply by sheei foice of will anu
PR0PER tiaining.

These aie the Basketball Renegaues, the 0:4?+/0:11 /8:3.3.F <8-4. The
guys who weie counteu out by eveiy coach they evei playeu foi but
simply WILLEB themselves to the NBA.

These aie the guys we can leain fiom. Not the genetically gifteu who
weie uestineu foi the NBA fiom the time they fiist ciawleu out of the

The Basketball Renegaues aie the 2,#3)$2,-- $',*+*+0 pios of the woilu.

Because you aie ieauing this iight now, I 3+"5 that you aie a Basketball
Renegaue, a playei who blazes his (oi hei) own tiail anu goes against
the giain.

Not a helpless sheep that follows the heiu of othei playeis uoing the
exact same thing. Continue to take ?,##*1) ,=$*"+ anu soon you too will
become a basketball tiaining pio.

The fiist step in this piocess is unueistanuing the 7 "Seciets of the Pios"
that I'm about to ieveal to you below.


I call this next seciet the 2uuu yeai lie because it has stoou the test of
time foi as long as the human iace has existeu. The LIE is this:

@"6 /,1) $" 5"'3 2'6$,--4 /,'A. ,-- A,4 -"+0. #)1)+ A,4# &)' 5))3. *+ "'A)'
$" 2) #6==)##(6->

I call B-Fieakin'-S.

Now, befoie you senu me off to the ciazy house, just heai me out.

I'm not saying you shoulun't woik haiu, I'm saying you neeu to go about
it 5*$/ #"?) 2',*+#>

Fiom the time I was in the fifth giaue up until the 12
giaue I tiaineu
upwaius of 6 houis pei uay. When I wasn't tiaining I was completely
obsesseu by the game, stuuying tape anu visualizing it all uay long.

The pioblem was, foi all of the effoit I was putting in, my iesults weie
minimal. Even woise, halfway thiough my giaue 12 season my bouy
simply bioke uown anu I enueu up teaiing my hip caitilage iight off the

G.+ F8C+4->+ 4C8F+8= 1:/+8 :.; %E; @3.:11= @3FC8+; 3/ -C/A

The human bouy is builu foi #/"'$ buists of effoit.

Always has been, always will be.

We aie .-/ built foi long, sustainable low intensity activity. It's pietty
obvious when you look back in time at human evolution. We aie huntei-
gatheieis by natuie. We aie uesigneu to SPRINT aftei oui piey anu
SPRINT away fiom uangei, followeu by a longei iest peiiou.

Fast foiwaiu to touay, anu take a look at the game of basketball. 0vei
the couise of the aveiage game, we will peifoim a seiies of inteivals. We
will give 1S seconu buists of effoit, followeu by 4S seconus of low
intensity joggingstanuing.

0ui tiaining absolutely NEEBS to mimic this ieality.

Shoit buists of high intensity tiaining, foi no longei than 4S minutes to
one houi aie the key to effective piogiess. The maiathon all uay
sessions of S, 4, anu S houis aie BEAB.

The new bieeu of playei goes so haiu in the gym that it's ()*%#+,
.*/0''.1+" to last moie than an houi oi so. If you aie taking longei than
an houi in the gym, you neeu to seiiously ie-evaluate if you aie tiaining
haiu enough while you aie in theie.

The iuea of tiaining 6 houis pei uay might make gieat piess, but it
uoesn't make gieat playeis.

This is piobably the haiuest iuea to get acioss in basketball playeis, but
those who buy in absolutely ,8C4* 3/. I stiongly suggest you uo the


I've hau my faii shaie of failuies in my basketball caieei.

I've misseu game winning shots. I've blown layups. I've tuineu the ball
ovei multiple times in one possession. I've tiaineu myself into the
giounu only to finu that I was completely exhausteu come game-time,
then ciampeu up anu was unable to hit ,+4$/*+0.

I've even tiaineu so haiu that I toie caitilage in my hip anu hau to take
neaily a yeai off to let it heal.

The funny thing is, I woulun't tiaue any of these mistakes foi the woilu.

They have gotten me to wheie I am now, taught me what woiks anu
what uoesn't, anu helpeu me uevelop a system of basketball tiaining
that woiks )1)'4 #*+0-) $*?).

Anu now I'm going to teach it to you. 0se it wisely. If you get it iight, the
iesults aie 0,?) =/,+0*+0.

H384/I )*+ #C1+4 -@ /*+ &:>+

Beie aie the unuisputeu iules we neeu to follow eveiy single time we

JAK Like we talkeu about befoie, nevei tiain foi longei than 1 houi. If
you aie going to play at the enu of youi skill woikout, then it's
possible to go foi 9u minutes - but N0 L0NuER. The 6 houi uays
in the gym aie absolutely anu positively -9+8.
LAK Nevei lift weights moie than S uays pei week in the offseason.
I've tiieu multiple fiequencies, anu S uays pei week kills it eveiy
time. 4 oi even S uays pei week will leave you too oveitiaineu to
piogiess uuiing youi playing anu skill woik. Nevei lift weights
moie than twice pei week uuiing the season (But ALWAYS lift
uuiing the season).
MAK Nevei lift weights foi longei than 4S minutes. Evei. This will
completely tiash youi iecoveiy ability foi youi basketball
NAK Limit sciimmaging playing to no moie than S times pei week in
the eaily offseason (by the enu of the offseason you can piogiess
to S #/"'$)' sessions pei week).
OAK We will nevei play, piactice oi uo extia woik outsiue of oui 6-9
woikouts (outlineu below) pei week. Evei. I can't count the
numbei of times I've wiitten piogiams foi an athlete, only to finu
out latei that they play foi S houis pei uay on the weekenus when
they aie supposeu to be iesting. These aie the only guys who
nevei make any piogiess.

Now, with those iules out of the way, heie aie the only two woikouts
you neeu to focus on:

JAK B:4?+/0:11 !-8?-C/4

- This incluues youi ball hanuling, shooting, plyometiics, conuitioning,
anu playing all in one woikout.

LAK P/8+.F/* !-8?-C/4

- This incluues only youi weightioom stiength woik.

Simple, iight.

Now, at the beginning of the offseason, we aie going to uo S of each
woikout pei week. Each month, auu one basketball woikout pei week
until you ieach S pei week. Stay at that level (S basketball woikouts anu
S stiength woikouts pei week) until the season iolls aiounu.

H-8 +Q:><1+I *+8+ 34 : /=<3,:1 4,*+;C1+ @-8 >-./* J'

Nonuay: Basketball woikout in the moining, stiength woik at night
Tuesuay: Recoveiy
Weunesuay: Basketball woikout in the moining, stiength woik at night
Thuisuay: Recoveiy
Fiiuay: Basketball woikout in the moining, stiength woik at night
Weekenus completely off.

R-./* L'

Nonuay: Basketball woikout in the moining, stiength woik at night
Tuesuay: Basketball Woikout
Weunesuay: Basketball woikout in the moining, stiength woik at night
Thuisuay: Recoveiy
Fiiuay: Basketball woikout in the moining, stiength woik at night
Weekenus completely off.

R-./* M'

Nonuay: Basketball woikout in the moining, stiength woik at night
Tuesuay: Basketball Woikout
Weunesuay: Basketball woikout in the moining, stiength woik at night
Thuisuay: Basketball Woikout
Fiiuay: Basketball woikout in the moining, stiength woik at night
Weekenus completely off.

Now we aie going to get into )B,=$-4 how to stiuctuie each of these
woikouts foi maximum effectiveness, beginning at. Well, the
beginning: The Renegaue (Bulletpioof) Waim-up.


Now, you might have ieau the title anu become confuseu. I mean, what
uoes the 5,'? 6& have to uo with blowing past my competition. In a
manual that talks about so many cutting euge tactics foi basketball
tiaining, theie's no way that $/) 5,'? 6& is the seciet to blowing past
my competition, iight.


When you get to the highest levels of basketball (anu you 2311), )1)'4"+)
is an athletic fieak, with masteiful skill to boot. You may have out-
tiaineu them, but at some point you will come acioss a playei with even
moie natuial talent than you have been blesseu with (tiust me it

Anu that's when you neeu eveiy euge you can get.

The thing is, these othei playeis ,')+C$ using the Renegaue Waim-up.
They aie just using cookie-cuttei washeu up waim ups that aie
uesigneu simply to "pievent injuiy" when they can uo so much moie.

0ui waim up is uesigneu to get you moving moie fluiuly, moie
smoothly, anu moie explosively than anyone else, to the point that
people can simply take one look at you anu know that you aie a
Basketball Renegaue.

S+8+E4 /*+ @C11 #+.+F:;+ !:8>TC< 4+UC+.,+'

*Beie's a full viueo uemonstiation of the waimup (highly

1.) Foam Roll
2.) Stietch: Calves, Psoas, Rectus Femoiis, Bip Rotatois
S.) Nobilize: Full ioutine in the viueo above
4.) Activate: Psoas, ulutes, Low Tiaps
D>E F$*(()+ G86' H6*=3())$ #)'*)# I #)) 1*A)" ,2"1)E

Again, make suie you watch the viueo uemonstiation above (oi else the
S step sequence above won't make any sense).

I you aie consistent with it, this waim-up will absolute ;->3.:/+ foi
you. Bo it befoie (anu if possible, aftei) eveiy single woikout, piactice,
anu game.

Now that we have that basic (but highly effective) step coveieu, let's
jump into exactly how to stiuctuie basketball skill woikouts that 2.++ .3.


I like to think of myself as a scientist (weiiu, huh.)

I might suck at chemistiy, but I still feel like I'm in a lab all uay long,
eveiy uay. I'm constantly testing, tweaking anu tiacking uiffeient
woikouts, analyzing uata anu figuiing out the absolute /8C/* about
what woiks anu what uoesn't when it comes to basketball tiaining.

I've come acioss a ton of uiffeient (anu highly populai) woikouts that
uo absolutely .-/*3.F foi skill uevelopment.

Anu I've also stumbleu upon some pioven systems that ;- woik.

0sing all of this mateiial, I've piivately uevelopeu an iion-clau,
unuisputeu systemsequence foi basketball skill woikouts that flat out

Eveiy. Single. Time.

Anu now I'm going to shaie it with you.

But befoie I lay out the exact system, I feel like I shoulu state the
obvious. Take some piiue in youi tiaining anu uon't take ciap fiom


Seiiously, if people aie coming up anu shooting on youi hoop while
you'ie tiying to uo a woikout, let them know you'ie seiious. Bo what
you neeu to uo, but make suie you get a piivate hoop (iueally an entiie
empty gym) to youiself.

You can simply tell intiuueis that you'ie tiaining foi the national team
tiyouts (oi whatevei team you'ie cuiiently shooting foi) anu you neeu
the hoop to uo youi woikout. In my expeiience, they ,-5,4# give you
iespect when you commanu it.

Now, with that out of the way, heie's the sequence, step by step:

*Beie's the link to watch the full viueo bieakuown:

You N0ST uo the woikout in the exact sequence as shown:

JAK )*+ ]*=43,:1 !:8>TC<
This is the exact waim-up that we coveieu in the last section, the
Renegaue Waim-up.

LAK )*+ ^H++1_ !:8>TC<
Yes, we have two waim-ups. The fiist was foi oui bouy, this one is foi
oui #3*--#. You will essentially any seiies of stationaiy ball hanuling anu
shooting uiills that you choose (theie aie plenty to pick fiom). By the
enu of this waim-up, you will feel like the ball is "+ , #$'*+0.

MAK ]1=->+/83,4 :.; R-9+>+./ !-8?
0nly uo this in the offseason. Keep in minu that this section shoulu last
no longei than 7-1u minutes. The absolute best plyometiic uiill you
coulu uo as a basketball playei woulu be to piactice uunking. If you can't
uunk (yet), piactice jumping foi the iim. Also woik on shoit spiints anu
low-intensity hops.

NAK G.T)*+TR-9+ B:11 S:.;13.F
Tons of options heie. I like to set up chaiis anu hit moves on the chaiis,
followeu by a uunk oi layup at the iim. Woik at becoming as quick,
snappy anu explosive as you can on these moves.

OAK P*--/3.F G.T)*+TR-9+
If you'ie a tiuly piolific scoiei, you know that the money is maue 83F*/
*+8+. Shooting off the uiibble, off the catch, anu on the move aie some
of the most impoitant skills you neeu to mastei as a scoiei.

`AK #+<+/3/3-.V#:<3; H38+ P*--/3.F
This is wheie we '),--4 woik on oui stioke. Bowevei, we always uo this
at the enu of the woikout, when we aie tiieu. The tiick is that you will
leain to make shots when you'ie tiieu because youi stioke is so uialeu
in anu peifecteu fiom the othei uiills we just finisheu. All you neeu to
uo is hit a bunch of stationaiy jumpeis fiom all 7 spots on the flooi
(baseline, wing, elbow, miuule, elbow, wing, baseline). Nake suie to
woik insiue anu outsiue the thiee-point line. I always use two balls anu
a paitnei, anu this cuts my time in half.

[AK Y-.;3/3-.3.F
Nake no mistake: The best foim of conuitioning is simply playing youi
way into shape. Peiiou. If this isn't an option uuiing a specific woikout,
you can uo 17's, suiciues, oi some othei foim of inteival tiaining
(piefeiably with a basketball in hanu). Nevei "jog" - +9+8 (I can't stiess
this point enough - jogging is the woist foim of "caiuio" you coulu evei
uo in youi tiaining anu uoes absolutely nothing but leave you slowei,
weakei, anu ue-conuitioneu).



Actually, yeah it is.

At least, if you plan on becoming any type of athlete it is. The way we aie
going to tiain in the weight ioom is 1,#$-4 uiffeient fiom what you have
piobably leaineu in the mainstieam meuia.

This is because we aie 2,#3)$2,-- playeis (anu uamn goou ones at that.)
We aien't bouybuilueis, we aien't poweilifteis, anu we aien't
stiongmen. 0ui goals aie uiffeient, so we tiain A*(()')+$-4.

0ui goal is to become ?"') ,$/-)$*=. Not to squat 1uuu lbs (although that
woulu be pietty bauass) oi to win a bouybuiluing show (not quite as
bauass). Because of this, theie aie a couple of iules that we neeu to
follow in oui tiaining to get the most out of it:

JAK We lift S times pei week in the offseason, 1-2 times pei week
uuiing the season. This allows foi full iecoveiy so that we can
make piogiess wheie it counts. 0n the couit.
LAK We tiain foi no longei than 4S minutes. This ensuies that oui
iegeneiation hoimones aie at peak levels anu will help us to
iecovei anu come back stiongei eveiy single woikout.
MAK We focus on compounu lifts (involving multiple muscle gioups -
an example woulu be a squat involving the quaus, glutes, low back
anu hamstiings) as opposeu to isolation exeicises (involving one
muscle gioup - an example woulu be a lateial iaise involving the
meuial ueltoiu). A full list of the top 1u lifts foi basketball playeis
is below.
NAK We tiain with full bouy oi uppei lowei splits 0NLY. The uays of
tiaining one muscle gioup pei uay aie BEAB. We obviously uon't
play with only one muscle gioup on the couit, so uon't bothei
tiying to tiain that way.

Now, heie is a complete list of oui top 1u lifts foi basketball playeis. We
neeu to focus on these specific lifts anu get veiy stiong anu pioficient at

*A full viueo with each of these movements can be founu heie:

(In no paiticulai oiuei):

- Bulgaiian Split Squats with a S seconu pause in the bottom position
- Reveise Lunges, iackeu in fiont
- ulute-Bam Raises
- Rack Pulls
- ChinupsPullups
- 1 Aim Bumbbell Push Piesses
- 1 Aim Bumbbell Bench Piesses
- Blast Stiap Pushups
- Ab Wheel Rollouts
- Neuicine Ball Coie Woik (Slams anu lunge iotational tosses)

Again, watching the full viueo is veiy encouiageu:

Now foi the impoitant pait. Beie's youi step-by-step bluepiint to
stiuctuiing youi woikouts:

JAK Choose a template: Full Bouy woikouts oi an 0ppeiLowei Split. I
iecommenu beginneis stait with full bouy, anu moie auvanceu tiainees
use uppeilowei splits.

LAK Choose S non-iepetitive uays each week to tiain. Nake suie you
have at least one full uay of iest in between each woikout. I iecommenu
Nonuay, Weunesuay anu Fiiuay, -8 Tuesuay, Thuisuay anu Satuiuay.

MAK Foi each lift that you use, uo S-4 sets of S-1u ieps pei exeicise. The
numbei of sets anu ieps isn't as impoitant as simply >:?3.F <8-F8+44
+9+8= 43.F1+ /3>+ =-C 4/+< 3. /*+ F=>. So, if you uiu 6 ieps with 1uu
pounus one woikout, make it youi goal to get at least 7 ieps with the
same weight next woikout (oi auu S pounus anu get 6 ieps again, etc).

NAK Inseit youi lifts into one of the following templates:

***(Please note that since my clients pay me a lot of money to wiite
theii piogiams, I can't pioviue exact piogiams heie. But I can pioviue a
veiy goou template to woik off of. I hope that's unueistanuable.)

A.) Foi those who chose to peifoim full bouy woikouts:

b:= J b:= L b:= M
1.) Renegaue 1.) Renegaue 1.) Renegaue
2.) Compounu
Lowei Bouy Lift
S.) Boiizontal Pull
4.) Boiizontal Piess
S.) Coie Novement
6.) 0ptional aim
anu shouluei
2.) Compounu
Lowei Bouy Lift
S.) veitical Pull
4.) veitical Piess
S.) Coie Novement
6.) 0ptional aim
anu shouluei
2.) Posteiioi Chain
S.) 0ppei bouy pull
4.) 0ppei bouy
S.) Coie movement
6.) 0ptional aims
anu shoulueis

B.) Foi those who chose to peifoim an uppeilowei split:

b:= J b:= L
1.) Renegaue Waimup
2.) Compounu lowei bouy lift
S.) Posteiioi chain movement
4.) Coie movement
S.) 0ptional giip & Foieaim
1.) Renegaue Waimup
2.) 0ppei bouy pull #1
S.) 0ppei bouy push
4.) 0ppei bouy pull #2
(uiffeient fiom #1)
S.) Aim anu shouluei woik
b:= M b:= N
*Novements uiffeient fiom
Bay 1
1.) Renegaue Waimup
2.) Compounu lowei bouy lift
S.) Posteiioi chain movement
4.) Coie movement
S.) 0ptional giip & Foieaim
*Novements uiffeient fiom Bay 2
1.) Renegaue Waimup
2.) 0ppei bouy push #1
S.) 0ppei bouy pull
4.) 0ppei bouy push #2
S.) Aim anu shouluei woik

Since we aie only tiaining S uays pei week, simply iotate the foui
woikouts if you aie uoing an uppeilowei split.

Foi example:

Nonuay: Bay 1
Weunesuay: Bay 2
Fiiuay: Bay S
Nonuay: Bay 4
Weunesuay: Bay 1
Fiiuay: Bay 2

. Anu so on.

$-2I -@ ,-C84+ /*+4+ :8+.E/ /*+ -.1= /+><1:/+4 2+ ,:. C4+ @-8 -C8
/8:3.3.FA "/ /*+ /3>+ -@ 283/3.FI % *:9+ M[ ;3@@+8+./ /+><1:/+4 /*:/ %
C4+ /- ,8+:/+ <8-F8:>4 23/* >= :/*1+/+4A S-2+9+8I /*+4+ /2-
/+><1:/+4 2311 ;+@3.3/+1= F+/ =-C 4/:8/+; c3. : *C88=KA

Now I'm going to close this section out with a quick stoiy, one that I
think will ieally hit home foi you.

" @+2 =+:84 :F- % <1:=+; 3. >= @384/ 4+>3T<8-@+443-.:1 0:4?+/0:11
F:>+. I was a teenagei at the time, anu I was on a team with 7
piofessional guys (some who weie making 6 anu 7 figuies pei yeai
playing oveiseas) along with S othei national team playeis.

The othei team was similai, although they weie a bit youngei. They hau
6 Niu-Najoi Bivision 1 playeis (I was in high school, so they still hau
yeais on me). They also hau a numbei of pios, but I can't ieally
iemembei how many theie weie at the time. Naybe 2 oi S.

Neeuless to say, pietty much eveiyone was 4%52"&. Except foi me.

But I'm a shootei, so I figuieu I'u be okay.

I come out fiiing, hit my fiist S oi 4 shots in the fiist quaitei, anu I'm on
pace foi a 1)'4 goou game (I'm obviously psycheu since this is my fiist
semi-pio game anu I was neivous as evei going in).

6("# .3 (%//"#'7

I come off a uouble scieen, cuil into the paint, anu attack the iim.
Theie's only one guy back, so I leap into the aii anu challenge him,
taking it all the way to the iim.

Be meets me in miu aii.

.Anu thiows the ball back into my face. Not only that, but he thiows it
back uown with so much foice that my )+$*') 2"A4 collapses onto the

Bis teammates weie all laughing on the bench, saying "what is this
skinny kiu thinking.."

R-4/A 6>0:88:443.FA )*3.FA 69+8A

It was so humiliating that I was thiown off foi the iest of the game. Not
only uiu my shots stop falling aftei that inciuent, I was getting bangeu,
bumpeu anu biuiseu by eveiy othei playei on the flooi because they :11
iealizeu that they weie :11 stiongei than me.

Fast foiwaiu to a few yeais latei, anu I'm now the stiongest playei on
eveiy team I play on.


B+,:C4+ % 8+,-F.3d+; /*+ 3><-8/:.,+ -@ /*+ 2+3F*/8-->I :.; <:3;
>= ;C+4 23/* /*+ 38-.A

Bon't make the same mistake I uiu. Bit youi stiength woik *:8;. You
uon't have to lift weights if you uon't want to, you can use bouyweight
tiaining insteau (athough I stiongly iecommenu lifting weights).

But eithei way, make suie you become the stiongest playei on eveiy
team you play on.

Youi game will thank you.


0ne of my favoiite stoiies is the stoiy of Rogei Bannistei anu the 4
minute mile. At the time, a 4 minute mile was thought to be "physically
impossible" by liteially eveiyone except foi Bannistei.

Bowevei, in 19S4, Rogei "uiu the impossible" by bieaking 4 minutes in
the 1Suu meteis.

Almost immeuiately aftei he bioke the supposeuly "unbieakable"
baiiiei, a wave of athletes came iolling in who also accomplisheu the

If it was that easy, why then hau no one accomplisheu it befoie. It
wasn't a physical limitation, it was mental.

Foi yeais anu yeais, no one, not one single peison, was able to uo it.
When the mental limitations weie finally iemoveu, an influx of sub-4
minute times began iolling in.

I believe that athletes place fai too many limitations on what they can
achieve. I know I uiu.

Bowevei, when you lift these limitations, *+=')A*2-) feats become

You get 6'S" white-boy Canauians like Steve Nash winning the NvP

You get S'9" guys like Nate Robinson winning the uunk contest.

You get the possibility that anything is possible. Remove youi
limitations anu you will quickly see youi game ieach levels that you
woulu nevei have thought weie possible.

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Yes, it is that simple, anu iight now I'm going to shaie +Q:,/1= how to uo

But fiist of all, uon't be ,(',*A to set high goals foi youiself. If you
oiganize them uown into chunks anu woik on them eveiy uay, you will
be suipiiseu at what you can achieve.

Foi example, let's say I want to play in the NBA.

Fiist, I neeu to wiite uown the necessaiy things I have to uo to get to
that level. Foi the sake of this example, let's say that I neeu to achieve S
main things to be a uominant enough playei to play in the NBA:

JAK I neeu to jump 4u inches stanuing
LAK I must have a Su+ S point peicentage in games, anu a 9S+ peicent
S point peicentage in tiaining (uon't look at me that way - that is
absolutely iealistic. I have seveial playeis uoing just that.)
MAK I must expose my game to high level Bivision 1 coaches.

Fiom this, we can then make action steps to get to oui sub-goals. These
might be:

- I will squat 2x my bouyweight by |inseit uatej by tiaining S uays pei
week using full bouy woikouts.

- I will tiain my shot 4 uays pei week in auuition to games anu piactices
using the Piolific Shooting Piogiam.

- I will contact one new coach oi scout eveiy single uay, anu senu game
tape to a new coach oi scout eveiy week. I will post my game tape anu
tiaining on youtube anu on othei viueo outlets online.

Now obviously these aie examples anu youis might be uiffeient (oi they
might not be.) Ny point is, chunk uown youi goals, 0RuANIZE them, anu
TAKE ACTI0N on them anu you will achieve eveiything you wanteu
fastei than you evei thought possible.

I'm going to give you thiee othei keys to effective goal setting (9+8=

JAK WRITE Y00R u0ALS B0WN. 0ntil it's on papei, youi biain won't
take it seiiously. Wiite youi goals in ieu ink anu place the piece of papei
in the backgiounu behinu youi uesk. This way youi peiipheial vision
will pick them up all uay long, anu youi goals will sink into youi
subconscious minu.

LAK Wiite out youi goals when you wake up in the moining anu befoie
you go to beu at night. As you aie wiiting them, visualize youiself
achieving them anu ())- $/)? /,&&)+*+0> You shoulu feel emotion builu
up insiue of you as you wiite each goal out. Also, make suie you wiite
them in the piesent-tense, as if they've alieauy happeneu. Foi example,
insteau of saying "I 5*-- jump 4u inches by }uly 27
," say, "I O6?& 4u
inches by }uly 27

MAK Set a ueauline. You must have a ueauline, a uate by which you aie to
achieve youi goal. Without this, youi biain will not take the goal
seiiously anu you will nevei achieve it. 0nce you've set youi ueauline,
uon't let :.=/*3.F stanu in youi way of achieving youi goal.

NAK Commit touay to nevei enuing leaining. Nevei hesitate to spenu time
oi money on books, piogiams, anu mentois. I peisonally have spent
upwaius of $1S,uuu on my tiaining euucation thiough ceitifications,
equipment, coaches, mentois, books anu piogiams. This is the numbei
one key to success in basketball anu in life. Remembei, "pooi people
have big Tv's. Rich people have big libiaiies."

This is the step-by-step piocess foi effective goal setting in a nutshell.


You aie the aveiage of the S people you spenu most of youi time with.


I iemembei heaiing this quote when I was youngei, anu simply
shiugging it off. I figuieu that as long as I was highly motivateu myself,
I'u be fine.

I was wiong.

The bottom line is, it's haiu to be successful at something when all you
see aiounu you is failuie. This was a haiu pill foi me to swallow giowing
up, as most of my best fiienus lackeu the motivation to tiain the way I
was tiaining.

Luckily, I uiun't have to uitch my fiienus. All I hau to uo was finu
successful people outsiue of my gioup of peisonal fiienus anu
teammates anu begin hanging out with them as often as possible.

The tuining point came when I began to play with a gioup of guys who
hau been playing piofessionally oveiseas foi the pievious couple yeais.
This absolutely exploueu my game like nothing I hau evei expeiienceu
befoie anu uiu wonueis foi my skill uevelopment.

Nost of those guys uiun't know too much about tiaining foi athleticism,
howevei, so I began looking foi a similai gioup who weie into the
stiength anu conuitioning siue of things. I eventually founu an exclusive
little online foium full of BIuBLY motivateu athletes who all tiaineu
similai to the way I uiu.

These uuues weie :11 stiongei than I was at the time, anu much moie
athletic. But ovei time, as I spent moie anu moie time on that website
talking with eveiyone, I became stiongei anu stiongei anu my athletic
ability giew by leaps anu bounus.

The point of my stoiy is that you neeu to choose the people you
associate youiself with vERY wisely. Bon't uitch youi fiienus, but finu
motivateu anu successful people outsiue youi gioup of fiienus who have
goals similai to youis.

The next step foi those who aie tiuly seiious is to get a peisonal mentoi
oi coach. I uiu this when I was iecoveiing fiom my hip suigeiy, anu my
iesults absolutely EXPL0BEB.

Ny auvice is to choose someone who is an authoiity figuie who you can
absolutely tiust.

I #"?)$*?)# offei a peisonal coaching seivice, but it is incieuibly limiteu.
It is veiy expensive anu it is foi the top 1% of all athletes 0NLY. This is
because I take incieuible piiue in the quality of my piogiams, anu I
iefuse to woik with too many athletes at once because I can't give
enough focus to each of them.

If you aie 1uu% seiious anu ;- want to take the next step in youi game,
you aie welcome to heau ovei to www.TayloiAllanTiaining.com anu
apply foi a spot in my elite coaching piogiam. That piogiam is often
solu-out, howevei, so if we aie full at the moment, you'll have to check
back latei on.


Now that we have gone thiough each of the seciets of the basketball
tiaining pios, let's put togethei a summaiy of what the pictuie peifect
Basketball Renegaue woulu look like.

As Basketball Renegaues, we go against the giain with oui tiaining
methous. We uon't uo what the meuia tells us to uo, oi what anyone else
is uoing because we want to be 1"33"8 than they aie.

We builu massive stiength in the weight ioom that we can hainess on
the couit with oui incieuible speeu.

0ui skill set is seamless because we have uestioyeu eveiy one of oui
weaknesses. It is uiilleu into oui hanus, feet, eyes anu minu. When the
ball is in oui hanus, it's on a stiing. Theie is no situation that oui
hanules can't get us out of. It's iaie that we miss a shot, anu we can
cieate space in any situation with oui piolific shooting ability. 0n top of
this, oui basketball IQ is off the chaits.

We fuel oui bouies with quality foou so that we have a huge competitive
euge on oui opponents.

We iefuse to set limitations on ouiselves unuei any ciicumstances. 0nly
2+ ueciue what we aie capable of.

We associate ouiselves with the best in the woilu. Because you aie
ieauing this, you aie alieauy a pait of the best basketball tiaining
community anu suppoit netwoik theie is. I know you aie seiious about
investing in youiself because you investeu the time to ieau this manual.

You alieauy have the pieces in place to achieve all of youi basketball
goals. Continue to take massive action anu you will soon be an
unstoppable foice on the couit.

As always, let me know if theie is anything I can uo to help you. We aie
in this togethei. Let's take ovei the basketball tiaining woilu.

9',*+ /,'A.

Tayloi Allan



You guys askeu, I ueliveieu.

Beie aie the top iesouices that I've peisonally useu, ievieweu, anu can
now iecommenu to you:

*N0TE: }ust type each 0RL into youi biowsei if you aie unable to click
the link.

More FREE Information


This is the Basketball Renegaues YouTube account. Be suie to get youi
own account at *//<'VV222A=-C/C0+A,->V,8+:/+g:,,-C./ so that you
can subsciibe anu get upuates befoie the competition uoes. We aie
always cianking out new anu cutting-euge basketball tiaining viueos, so
this is something that I stiongly iecommenu uoing iight away.



veiy valuable piogiam foi builuing the "plyometiics anu movement
woik" section of youi basketball woikout. I peisonally useu this )B,=$
piogiam with seveial of my athletes last summei anu ,8C4*+; 3/.

Ball Handling


This piogiam ieally makes setting up youi "feel" waimup anu on-the-
move ball hanuling a piece of cake (you just plug anu play). Bighly

Strength Training


This is one of my favoiite all time muscle anu stiength builuing
piogiams because it is veiy athlete fiienuly (unlike most of the othei BS
piogiams out theie). Absolutely spectaculai.

Mindset and Mental Toughness


I've got a big time man-ciush on Touu Beiman now, thanks to this
piogiam (I kiu - but seiiously, it's '),--4 goou). Since I went thiough this
6u uay piogiam back in }anuaiy 2u1u, I've been iecommenuing it to
anyone who will listen.

Vertical Jump Training



I listeu two piogiams heie since they seive two veiy uiffeient puiposes.
The fiist is a 4 week "blitz" that is uesigneu to auu 4 inches to youi
veitical jump in foui weeks (believe it oi not, it actually woiks /*:/
well). The seconu is just an oveiall veitical jump theoiy anu science
long-teim system. Both aie veiy goou.


At the time of wiiting, these aie the only piogiams I can $'6-4
iecommenu to you. Theie is a lot of B.S. out theie, anu I uon't like to
iecommenu much of it at all. Bowevei, the piogiams above aie veiy
goou, anu will make you a bettei playei if you apply the infoimation.

uoou luck anu let me know if you have any questions!

- T

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