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Master Boot Record (MBR) partition table

Analysis of the MBR partition table

By Joachim Metz <joachim.metz@gmail.com>

The Master Boot Record (MBR) Partition Table is a artitioning schema mainly !sed on the "amily o" #ntel $%& based com !ters. #t 'as "irst introd!ced on the #BM ersonal com !ter (P(). This doc!ment is intended as a 'or)ing doc!ment "or the MBR artition table s eci"ication. *hich sho!ld allo' e$isting + en ,o!rce "orensic tooling to be able to rocess this artitioning schema.

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Document information
Author(s): Abstract: Joachim Metz <joachim.metz@gmail.com> This doc!ment contains in"ormation abo!t the $%& artition table.

Classification: P!blic Keywords: Master Boot Record- $%& artition table- .+, artition table- #ntel artition table

Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Joachim Metz <joachim.metz@gmail.com>. Permissio is gra te! to copy" !istri#$te a !%or mo!i&y this !oc$me t $ !er the terms o& the '() *ree +oc$me tatio ,ice se" -ersio 1.. or a y later /ersio p$#lishe! #y the *ree 0o&t1are *o$ !atio 2 1ith o 3 /aria t 0ectio s" o *ro t-Co/er 4e5ts" a ! o 6ac7-Co/er 4e5ts. 8 copy o& the lice se is i cl$!e! i the sectio e title! 9'() *ree +oc$me tatio ,ice se9.

Version /./.0 /./.1 /./.4 /./.5 Author J.B. Metz J.B. Metz J.B. Metz J.B. Metz Date J!ly 1/0/ May 1/01 .ecember 1/01 .ecember 1/01 Comments #nitial 2ersion. 3 lied ! dates. 3 lied ! dates. 3dditional in"ormation regarding MBR 2ariants.

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Table of Contents
0. +2er2ie'...........................................................................................................................................0 0.0. .e"initions.................................................................................................................................0 1. The Master Boot Record (MBR)......................................................................................................0 1.0. The classical MBR....................................................................................................................0 1.1. The modern MBR.....................................................................................................................1 1.4. The 3d2anced 3cti2e Partitions (33P) MBR..........................................................................4 1.5. The 67*8.R MBR................................................................................................................4 1.9. The 3,T:67( M,;.+, and , eed,tor MBR........................................................................9 1.&. The .is) Manager MBR...........................................................................................................9 4. The e$tended artition record...........................................................................................................& 3 endi$ 3. Re"erences.......................................................................................................................< 3 endi$ B. =6> ?ree .oc!mentation 8icense..................................................................................< 5. The artition table entry..................................................................................................................04 5.0. Partition "lags..........................................................................................................................05 5.1. Partition ty es.........................................................................................................................05

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1. Overview
The Master Boot Record (MBR) artition table is mainly !sed on the "amily o" #ntel $%& based com !ters. Physical bloc) @> "i$ed location on the storage media de"ined by the storage media. 8ogical bloc) @> abstract location on the storage media de"ined by so"t'are. The MBR artition table consists o"A Master Boot Record (MBR) 7$tended Partition Records (7PR) The MBR artition table !ses little;endian.

1.1. Definitions
The (ylinder Bead ,ector ((B,) address is 15 bits o" size and consists o"A offset size value description /./ 0./ 0.9 % bits & bits 0/ bits Bead ,ector (ylinder

The logical bloc) address (8B3) can be determined "rom the (B, 'ith the "ollo'ing calc!lationA
,68 : ( ( ( cyli !er 5 hea!s per cyli !er ) ; hea! ) 5 sectors per trac7 ) ; sector < 1

2. The Master Boot Record (MBR)

The Master Boot Record (MBR) is a data str!ct!re that describes the ro erties o" the storage medi!m and its artitions. The classical MBR can only contain 5 artition table entries. 3dditional artition entries m!st be stored !sing e$tended artition records (7BR). The classical MBR has e2ol2ed into di""erent 2ariants li)eA The modern MBR The 3d2anced 3cti2e Partitions (33P) MBR The 67*8.R MBR The 3,T:67( M,;.+, and , eed,tor MBR The .is) Manager MBR 3lso see the "ollo'ing aragra hs "or more in"ormation.

2.1. The classical MBR

The classical MBR is 901 bytes o" size and consists o"A offset size value / 55& description The boot (loader) code age 0

offset 55& 5&1 5<% 5C5 90/

size 0& 0& 0& 0& 1


description Partition table entry 0 Partition table entry 1 Partition table entry 4 Partition table entry 5


The (boot) signat!re

2.2. The modern MBR

The modern MBR is 901 bytes o" size and consists o"A offset size value / 21 22! 10% 2 1 !"!!!! description The "irst art o" the boot (loader) code #n$nown%(&eserved) 'ri(inal%physical%drive Contains%a%value%that%ran(es%from%!" !% to%!"ff)%where%!" !%is%the%first%drive)% !" 1%the%second)%etc* +econds Contains%a%value%that%ran(es%from%!%to% ,.inutes Contains%a%value%that%ran(es%from%!%to% ,0ours Contains%a%value%that%ran(es%from%!%to% 2/ The second art o" the boot (loader) code The second art o" the boot (loader) code Dis$%identity%(si(nature) !"!!!! 2addin( Partition table entry 0 Partition table entry 1 Partition table entry 4 Partition table entry 5 DE$99E$aaF The (boot) signat!re

Microsoft Windows 95, 98 and ME. Also see: [SEDORY0 !




Wit"o#t dis$ identit% 115 115 11! 111 ,o--on 55& 5&1 5<% 5C5 90/ 0& 0& 0& 0& 1 111 10& 1 2 Wit" dis$ identit% & 'E(), Microsoft Windows *+ or later

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2.3. The Advanced Active Partitions (AAP) MBR

The 3d2anced 3cti2e Partitions (33P) MBR is !sed byA PT,;.+, &.&/ .R;.+, <./< The 33P MBR is 901 bytes o" size and consists o"A offset size value / 12 1/! 1/1 1/1 1/, 51% 2 1 / 1 / 34"5 4",67 description The boot (loader) code 8he%AA2%si(nature AA2%physical%drive%( !h9:;h<%!!h:%not% used<%!1h95:h)%::h:%reserved C0+%(start)%address%of%AA2% partition=ima(e%file%or%V>&=;>& &eserved%for%AA2%partition%type%(!!h% if%not%used)%(optional) &eserved%for%C0+%end%address%in%AA2% (optional<%byte%at%offset%?1>,h%is%also% used%for%.>&%chec$sum%(28+%D;)% >oot@izard)<%!!!!!!h%if%not%used) +tart%A>A%of%AA2%ima(e%file%or% V>&=;>&%or%relative%sectors%of%AA2% partition%(copied%to%offset%?!1Ch%in%the% loaded%sector%over%the%Bhidden% sectorsB%entry%of%a%D'+%/*/1%>2>%(or% emulation%thereof)%to%also%support%;>&% bootin() &eserved%for%sectors%in%AA2%(optional<% !!!!!!!!h%if%not%used) Partition table entry 0 Partition table entry 1 Partition table entry 4 Partition table entry 5 DE$99E$aaF The (boot) signat!re


112 55& 5&1 5<% 5C5 90/

1 0& 0& 0& 0& 1

6ote is the 33P o tionalG

2.4. The N !"DR MBR

The 67*8.R MBR is a 2ariant based on the 3d2anced 3cti2e Partitions (33P) MBR and is !sed byA .R;.+, <./< The 67*8.R MBR is 901 bytes o" size and consists o"A

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offset / 2

size 1 6 1

value /$eb- ... 3C;@AD&7

description The initial j!m instr!ction o" the boot (loader) code 8he%C;@AD&%si(nature A'AD;&%physical%drive%and%boot%fla(% ( !h9:;h)%!!h95;h)%::h)%5:h)%(if%not% used)%this%and%followin(%/%bytes%must% be%all%!) C0+%address%of%A'AD;&%boot%sector% or%ima(e%file%(f*e*%D>.>D'*AD&)% (!!!!!!h%if%not%used) allowed%DA%minimum)%else%ta$e%from% partition%table%( !h:%default<%!!h:% always%use%DA<%::h:%always%use%table% entry)


1/ 16 2!

/ 1 2


&eserved A>A%of%A'AD;&%boot%sector%or%ima(e% file%(optional)%!!!!!!!!h%if%not%used) patch%offset%of%V>&%boot%unit%(default% !!!!h%if%not%used)%else%!!21h%or% !1:Dh) chec$sum%(!!!!h%if%not%used) ';.%loader%si(nature%(B.+@DC1B% for%&;AA=/2)%see%also%offset%?!DAh)% corresponds%with%';.%label%at%offset% ?!!/h%in%V>&s%(optional) The boot (loader) code

22 21

2 6

4/ 51% 54/ 540 545 549

4C% 1 0 4 0 4 DE$<%E$9&F

The 33P signat!re 33P hysical dri2e (%/h;?7hH //hA not !sedH /0h;<?h- ??hA reser2ed (B, (start) address o" 33P artition:image "ile or IBR:7BR Reser2ed "or 33P artition ty e (//h i" not !sed) (o tional) Reser2ed "or (B, end address in 33P (o tionalH byte at o""set J0B9h is also !sed "or MBR chec)s!m (PT, .7Boot*izard)H //////h i" not !sed) ,tart 8B3 o" 33P image "ile or IBR:7BR or relati2e sectors o" 33P artition (co ied to o""set J/0(h in the loaded sector o2er the Khidden sectorsK entry o" a .+, 4.40 BPB (or em!lation thereo") to also s! ort 7BR booting) age 5


offset 551 55& 5&1 5<% 5C5 90/

size 5 0& 0& 0& 0& 1


description Reser2ed "or sectors in 33P (o tionalH ////////h i" not !sed) Partition table entry 0 Partition table entry 1 Partition table entry 4 Partition table entry 5


The (boot) signat!re

6ote is the 33P o tionalG

2.#. The A$T%N & M$'D($ and $)eed$tor MBR

The 3,T:67( M,;.+, and , eed,tor MBR is !sed byA 3,T:67( M,;.+, , eed,tor The 3,T:67( M,;.+, and , eed,tor MBR is 901 bytes o" size and consists o"A offset size value description / / ! / 2 /111 1/! 55& 5&1 5<% 5C5 90/ 4%/ 2 16 16 16 16 0& 0& 0& 0& 1 DE$99E$aaF 34",a4"a,7 The boot (loader) code 8he%A+8=C;C%.+9D'+%si(nature Cot%used%by%+peed+tor 2artition%table%entry% 2artition%table%entry%5 2artition%table%entry%6 2artition%table%entry%, Partition table entry 0 Partition table entry 1 Partition table entry 4 Partition table entry 5 The (boot) signat!re

2.*. The Dis+ Mana,er MBR

The .is) Manager MBR is 901 bytes o" size and consists o"A offset size value description / 2,2 2,1 25! 191 2 16 16 34",,4"aa7 The boot (loader) code 8he%Dis$%.ana(er%si(nature 2artition%table%entry 2artition%table%entry

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offset 2 6 /!2 /1 //1 /,! /66 / 2 /111 1/! 55& 5&1 5<% 5C5 90/

size 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 0& 0& 0& 0& 1


description 2artition%table%entry 2artition%table%entry 2artition%table%entry 2artition%table%entry 2artition%table%entry 2artition%table%entry 2artition%table%entry 2artition%table%entry 2artition%table%entry 2artition%table%entry Partition table entry 0 Partition table entry 1 Partition table entry 4 Partition table entry 5


The (boot) signat!re

3. The extended partition record

The e$tended artition record (7BR) starts 'ith a &5 byte (e$tended) artition record (7PR) li)e the MBR. This artition table contains in"ormation abo!t the logical artition (2ol!me) and additional e$tended artition tables. offset / 55& 5&1 5<% size 55& 0& 0& 0& value description >n!sed ,ho!ld contain zero bytes Partition table entry 0 Partition table entry 1 ,ho!ld contain e$tended artition Partition table entry 4 >n!sed ,ho!ld contain zero bytes Partition table entry 5 >n!sed ,ho!ld contain zero bytes DE$99E$aaF ,ignat!re




The second artition entry contains an e$tended artition 'hich oints to the ne$t 7PR. The 8B3 addresses in the 7PR are relati2e to the start o" the 7PR. (*hat abo!t (B, addressesG)

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ppendix . References
LP?#,T7R7R/4M TitleA dis)ty e .ateA 1//4 3!thor(s)A (hristo h P"isterer >R8A htt A::dis)ty e.so!rce"orge.net: L,7.+RN/5M TitleA The Mystery Bytes (or the .ri2e:Timestam Bytes) o" the M,;*indo'sO C9B- C%C%,7 and Me Master Boot Record (MBR) .ateA 1//5 3!thor(s)A .aniel B. ,edory >R8A htt A::thestarman. cministry.com:asm:mbr:mystery.htm L,87>TBP#TM TitleA sle!th)it 3!thor(s)A Brian (arrier >R8A htt A::'''.sle!th)it.org: L*#P#P7.#3M TitleA 7$tended Boot Record >R8A htt A::en.'i)i edia.org:'i)i:7$tendedQBootQRecord TitleA >R8A TitleA >R8A Master Boot Record htt A::en.'i)i edia.org:'i)i:MasterQbootQrecord >ni"ied 7$tensible ?irm'are #nter"ace htt A::en.'i)i edia.org:'i)i:>ni"iedQ7$tensibleQ?irm'areQ#nter"ace

ppendix B. !"# $ree %oc&'entation (icense

Iersion 0.4- 4 6o2ember 1//%
Copyright = 2000" 2001" 2002" 200>" 200? *ree 0o&t1are *o$ !atio " 3 c. <http@%%&s&.org%> A/eryo e is permitte! to copy a ! !istri#$te /er#atim copies o& this lice se !oc$me t" #$t cha gi g it is ot allo1e!.

!*%2&;A.>A; The !r ose o" this 8icense is to ma)e a man!al- te$tboo)- or other "!nctional and !se"!l doc!ment K"reeK in the sense o" "reedomA to ass!re e2eryone the e""ecti2e "reedom to co y and redistrib!te it'ith or 'itho!t modi"ying it- either commercially or noncommercially. ,econdarily- this 8icense reser2es "or the a!thor and !blisher a 'ay to get credit "or their 'or)- 'hile not being considered res onsible "or modi"ications made by others. This 8icense is a )ind o" Kco yle"tK- 'hich means that deri2ati2e 'or)s o" the doc!ment m!st themsel2es be "ree in the same sense. #t com lements the =6> =eneral P!blic 8icense- 'hich is a co yle"t license designed "or "ree so"t'are.

age <

*e ha2e designed this 8icense in order to !se it "or man!als "or "ree so"t'are- beca!se "ree so"t'are needs "ree doc!mentationA a "ree rogram sho!ld come 'ith man!als ro2iding the same "reedoms that the so"t'are does. B!t this 8icense is not limited to so"t'are man!alsH it can be !sed "or any te$t!al 'or)- regardless o" s!bject matter or 'hether it is !blished as a rinted boo). *e recommend this 8icense rinci ally "or 'or)s 'hose !r ose is instr!ction or re"erence. 1*%A22ADCA>DAD8E%ACD%D;:DCD8D'C+ This 8icense a lies to any man!al or other 'or)- in any medi!m- that contains a notice laced by the co yright holder saying it can be distrib!ted !nder the terms o" this 8icense. ,!ch a notice grants a 'orld;'ide- royalty;"ree license- !nlimited in d!ration- to !se that 'or) !nder the conditions stated herein. The K.oc!mentK- belo'- re"ers to any s!ch man!al or 'or). 3ny member o" the !blic is a licensee- and is addressed as Kyo!K. No! acce t the license i" yo! co y- modi"y or distrib!te the 'or) in a 'ay reR!iring ermission !nder co yright la'. 3 KModi"ied IersionK o" the .oc!ment means any 'or) containing the .oc!ment or a ortion o" iteither co ied 2erbatim- or 'ith modi"ications and:or translated into another lang!age. 3 K,econdary ,ectionK is a named a endi$ or a "ront;matter section o" the .oc!ment that deals e$cl!si2ely 'ith the relationshi o" the !blishers or a!thors o" the .oc!ment to the .oc!mentSs o2erall s!bject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that co!ld "all directly 'ithin that o2erall s!bject. (Th!s- i" the .oc!ment is in art a te$tboo) o" mathematics- a ,econdary ,ection may not e$ lain any mathematics.) The relationshi co!ld be a matter o" historical connection 'ith the s!bject or 'ith related matters- or o" legal- commercial- hiloso hical- ethical or olitical osition regarding them. The K#n2ariant ,ectionsK are certain ,econdary ,ections 'hose titles are designated- as being those o" #n2ariant ,ections- in the notice that says that the .oc!ment is released !nder this 8icense. #" a section does not "it the abo2e de"inition o" ,econdary then it is not allo'ed to be designated as #n2ariant. The .oc!ment may contain zero #n2ariant ,ections. #" the .oc!ment does not identi"y any #n2ariant ,ections then there are none. The K(o2er Te$tsK are certain short assages o" te$t that are listed- as ?ront;(o2er Te$ts or Bac); (o2er Te$ts- in the notice that says that the .oc!ment is released !nder this 8icense. 3 ?ront;(o2er Te$t may be at most 9 'ords- and a Bac);(o2er Te$t may be at most 19 'ords. 3 KTrans arentK co y o" the .oc!ment means a machine;readable co y- re resented in a "ormat 'hose s eci"ication is a2ailable to the general !blic- that is s!itable "or re2ising the doc!ment straight"or'ardly 'ith generic te$t editors or ("or images com osed o" i$els) generic aint rograms or ("or dra'ings) some 'idely a2ailable dra'ing editor- and that is s!itable "or in !t to te$t "ormatters or "or a!tomatic translation to a 2ariety o" "ormats s!itable "or in !t to te$t "ormatters. 3 co y made in an other'ise Trans arent "ile "ormat 'hose mar)! - or absence o" mar)! - has been arranged to th'art or disco!rage s!bseR!ent modi"ication by readers is not Trans arent. 3n image "ormat is not Trans arent i" !sed "or any s!bstantial amo!nt o" te$t. 3 co y that is not KTrans arentK is called K+ aR!eK. 7$am les o" s!itable "ormats "or Trans arent co ies incl!de lain 3,(## 'itho!t mar)! - Te$in"o in !t "ormat- 8aTeT in !t "ormat- ,=M8 or TM8 !sing a !blicly a2ailable .T.- and standard; con"orming sim le BTM8- Post,cri t or P.? designed "or h!man modi"ication. 7$am les o" trans arent image "ormats incl!de P6=- T(? and JP=. + aR!e "ormats incl!de ro rietary "ormats that can be read and edited only by ro rietary 'ord rocessors- ,=M8 or TM8 "or 'hich the .T. and:or rocessing tools are not generally a2ailable- and the machine;generated BTM8- Post,cri t or P.? rod!ced by some 'ord rocessors "or o!t !t !r oses only. age %

The KTitle PageK means- "or a rinted boo)- the title age itsel"- l!s s!ch "ollo'ing ages as are needed to hold- legibly- the material this 8icense reR!ires to a ear in the title age. ?or 'or)s in "ormats 'hich do not ha2e any title age as s!ch- KTitle PageK means the te$t near the most rominent a earance o" the 'or)Ss title- receding the beginning o" the body o" the te$t. The K !blisherK means any erson or entity that distrib!tes co ies o" the .oc!ment to the !blic. 3 section K7ntitled TNUK means a named s!b!nit o" the .oc!ment 'hose title either is recisely TNU or contains TNU in arentheses "ollo'ing te$t that translates TNU in another lang!age. (Bere TNU stands "or a s eci"ic section name mentioned belo'- s!ch as K3c)no'ledgementsKK.edicationsK- K7ndorsementsK- or KBistoryK.) To KPreser2e the TitleK o" s!ch a section 'hen yo! modi"y the .oc!ment means that it remains a section K7ntitled TNUK according to this de"inition. The .oc!ment may incl!de *arranty .isclaimers ne$t to the notice 'hich states that this 8icense a lies to the .oc!ment. These *arranty .isclaimers are considered to be incl!ded by re"erence in this 8icense- b!t only as regards disclaiming 'arrantiesA any other im lication that these *arranty .isclaimers may ha2e is 2oid and has no e""ect on the meaning o" this 8icense. 2*%V;&>A8D.%C'2EDCF No! may co y and distrib!te the .oc!ment in any medi!m- either commercially or noncommerciallyro2ided that this 8icense- the co yright notices- and the license notice saying this 8icense a lies to the .oc!ment are re rod!ced in all co ies- and that yo! add no other conditions 'hatsoe2er to those o" this 8icense. No! may not !se technical meas!res to obstr!ct or control the reading or "!rther co ying o" the co ies yo! ma)e or distrib!te. Bo'e2er- yo! may acce t com ensation in e$change "or co ies. #" yo! distrib!te a large eno!gh n!mber o" co ies yo! m!st also "ollo' the conditions in section 4. No! may also lend co ies- !nder the same conditions stated abo2e- and yo! may !blicly dis lay co ies. /*%C'2EDCF%DC%G#AC8D8E #" yo! !blish rinted co ies (or co ies in media that commonly ha2e rinted co2ers) o" the .oc!ment- n!mbering more than 0//- and the .oc!mentSs license notice reR!ires (o2er Te$ts- yo! m!st enclose the co ies in co2ers that carry- clearly and legibly- all these (o2er Te$tsA ?ront;(o2er Te$ts on the "ront co2er- and Bac);(o2er Te$ts on the bac) co2er. Both co2ers m!st also clearly and legibly identi"y yo! as the !blisher o" these co ies. The "ront co2er m!st resent the "!ll title 'ith all 'ords o" the title eR!ally rominent and 2isible. No! may add other material on the co2ers in addition. (o ying 'ith changes limited to the co2ers- as long as they reser2e the title o" the .oc!ment and satis"y these conditions- can be treated as 2erbatim co ying in other res ects. #" the reR!ired te$ts "or either co2er are too 2ol!mino!s to "it legibly- yo! sho!ld !t the "irst ones listed (as many as "it reasonably) on the act!al co2er- and contin!e the rest onto adjacent ages. #" yo! !blish or distrib!te + aR!e co ies o" the .oc!ment n!mbering more than 0//- yo! m!st either incl!de a machine;readable Trans arent co y along 'ith each + aR!e co y- or state in or 'ith each + aR!e co y a com !ter;net'or) location "rom 'hich the general net'or);!sing !blic has access to do'nload !sing !blic;standard net'or) rotocols a com lete Trans arent co y o" the .oc!ment- "ree o" added material. #" yo! !se the latter o tion- yo! m!st ta)e reasonably r!dent ste s- 'hen yo! begin distrib!tion o" + aR!e co ies in R!antity- to ens!re that this Trans arent co y 'ill remain th!s accessible at the stated location !ntil at least one year a"ter the last time yo! distrib!te an + aR!e co y (directly or thro!gh yo!r agents or retailers) o" that edition to the !blic. age C

#t is reR!ested- b!t not reR!ired- that yo! contact the a!thors o" the .oc!ment 'ell be"ore redistrib!ting any large n!mber o" co ies- to gi2e them a chance to ro2ide yo! 'ith an ! dated 2ersion o" the .oc!ment. 1*%.'DD:DCA8D'C+ No! may co y and distrib!te a Modi"ied Iersion o" the .oc!ment !nder the conditions o" sections 1 and 4 abo2e- ro2ided that yo! release the Modi"ied Iersion !nder recisely this 8icense- 'ith the Modi"ied Iersion "illing the role o" the .oc!ment- th!s licensing distrib!tion and modi"ication o" the Modi"ied Iersion to 'hoe2er ossesses a co y o" it. #n addition- yo! m!st do these things in the Modi"ied IersionA 3. >se in the Title Page (and on the co2ers- i" any) a title distinct "rom that o" the .oc!mentand "rom those o" re2io!s 2ersions ('hich sho!ld- i" there 'ere any- be listed in the Bistory section o" the .oc!ment). No! may !se the same title as a re2io!s 2ersion i" the original !blisher o" that 2ersion gi2es ermission. B. 8ist on the Title Page- as a!thors- one or more ersons or entities res onsible "or a!thorshi o" the modi"ications in the Modi"ied Iersion- together 'ith at least "i2e o" the rinci al a!thors o" the .oc!ment (all o" its rinci al a!thors- i" it has "e'er than "i2e)- !nless they release yo! "rom this reR!irement. (. ,tate on the Title age the name o" the !blisher o" the Modi"ied Iersion- as the !blisher. .. Preser2e all the co yright notices o" the .oc!ment. 7. 3dd an a ro riate co yright notice "or yo!r modi"ications adjacent to the other co yright notices. ?. #ncl!de- immediately a"ter the co yright notices- a license notice gi2ing the !blic ermission to !se the Modi"ied Iersion !nder the terms o" this 8icense- in the "orm sho'n in the 3ddend!m belo'. =. Preser2e in that license notice the "!ll lists o" #n2ariant ,ections and reR!ired (o2er Te$ts gi2en in the .oc!mentSs license notice. B. #ncl!de an !naltered co y o" this 8icense. #. Preser2e the section 7ntitled KBistoryK- Preser2e its Title- and add to it an item stating at least the title- year- ne' a!thors- and !blisher o" the Modi"ied Iersion as gi2en on the Title Page. #" there is no section 7ntitled KBistoryK in the .oc!ment- create one stating the titleyear- a!thors- and !blisher o" the .oc!ment as gi2en on its Title Page- then add an item describing the Modi"ied Iersion as stated in the re2io!s sentence. J. Preser2e the net'or) location- i" any- gi2en in the .oc!ment "or !blic access to a Trans arent co y o" the .oc!ment- and li)e'ise the net'or) locations gi2en in the .oc!ment "or re2io!s 2ersions it 'as based on. These may be laced in the KBistoryK section. No! may omit a net'or) location "or a 'or) that 'as !blished at least "o!r years be"ore the .oc!ment itsel"- or i" the original !blisher o" the 2ersion it re"ers to gi2es ermission. P. ?or any section 7ntitled K3c)no'ledgementsK or K.edicationsK- Preser2e the Title o" the section- and reser2e in the section all the s!bstance and tone o" each o" the contrib!tor ac)no'ledgements and:or dedications gi2en therein. 8. Preser2e all the #n2ariant ,ections o" the .oc!ment- !naltered in their te$t and in their titles. ,ection n!mbers or the eR!i2alent are not considered art o" the section titles. M. .elete any section 7ntitled K7ndorsementsK. ,!ch a section may not be incl!ded in the Modi"ied Iersion. 6. .o not retitle any e$isting section to be 7ntitled K7ndorsementsK or to con"lict in title 'ith any #n2ariant ,ection. +. Preser2e any *arranty .isclaimers. age 0/

#" the Modi"ied Iersion incl!des ne' "ront;matter sections or a endices that R!ali"y as ,econdary ,ections and contain no material co ied "rom the .oc!ment- yo! may at yo!r o tion designate some or all o" these sections as in2ariant. To do this- add their titles to the list o" #n2ariant ,ections in the Modi"ied IersionSs license notice. These titles m!st be distinct "rom any other section titles. No! may add a section 7ntitled K7ndorsementsK- ro2ided it contains nothing b!t endorsements o" yo!r Modi"ied Iersion by 2ario!s artiesV"or e$am le- statements o" eer re2ie' or that the te$t has been a ro2ed by an organization as the a!thoritati2e de"inition o" a standard. No! may add a assage o" ! to "i2e 'ords as a ?ront;(o2er Te$t- and a assage o" ! to 19 'ords as a Bac);(o2er Te$t- to the end o" the list o" (o2er Te$ts in the Modi"ied Iersion. +nly one assage o" ?ront;(o2er Te$t and one o" Bac);(o2er Te$t may be added by (or thro!gh arrangements made by) any one entity. #" the .oc!ment already incl!des a co2er te$t "or the same co2er- re2io!sly added by yo! or by arrangement made by the same entity yo! are acting on behal" o"- yo! may not add anotherH b!t yo! may re lace the old one- on e$ licit ermission "rom the re2io!s !blisher that added the old one. The a!thor(s) and !blisher(s) o" the .oc!ment do not by this 8icense gi2e ermission to !se their names "or !blicity "or or to assert or im ly endorsement o" any Modi"ied Iersion. ,*%C'.>DCDCF%D'C#.;C8+ No! may combine the .oc!ment 'ith other doc!ments released !nder this 8icense- !nder the terms de"ined in section 5 abo2e "or modi"ied 2ersions- ro2ided that yo! incl!de in the combination all o" the #n2ariant ,ections o" all o" the original doc!ments- !nmodi"ied- and list them all as #n2ariant ,ections o" yo!r combined 'or) in its license notice- and that yo! reser2e all their *arranty .isclaimers. The combined 'or) need only contain one co y o" this 8icense- and m!lti le identical #n2ariant ,ections may be re laced 'ith a single co y. #" there are m!lti le #n2ariant ,ections 'ith the same name b!t di""erent contents- ma)e the title o" each s!ch section !niR!e by adding at the end o" it- in arentheses- the name o" the original a!thor or !blisher o" that section i" )no'n- or else a !niR!e n!mber. Ma)e the same adj!stment to the section titles in the list o" #n2ariant ,ections in the license notice o" the combined 'or). #n the combination- yo! m!st combine any sections 7ntitled KBistoryK in the 2ario!s original doc!ments- "orming one section 7ntitled KBistoryKH li)e'ise combine any sections 7ntitled K3c)no'ledgementsK- and any sections 7ntitled K.edicationsK. No! m!st delete all sections 7ntitled K7ndorsementsK. 6*%C'AA;C8D'C+%':%D'C#.;C8+ No! may ma)e a collection consisting o" the .oc!ment and other doc!ments released !nder this 8icense- and re lace the indi2id!al co ies o" this 8icense in the 2ario!s doc!ments 'ith a single co y that is incl!ded in the collection- ro2ided that yo! "ollo' the r!les o" this 8icense "or 2erbatim co ying o" each o" the doc!ments in all other res ects. No! may e$tract a single doc!ment "rom s!ch a collection- and distrib!te it indi2id!ally !nder this 8icense- ro2ided yo! insert a co y o" this 8icense into the e$tracted doc!ment- and "ollo' this 8icense in all other res ects regarding 2erbatim co ying o" that doc!ment. 5*%AFF&;FA8D'C%@D80%DCD;2;CD;C8%@'&K+ 3 com ilation o" the .oc!ment or its deri2ati2es 'ith other se arate and inde endent doc!ments or 'or)s- in or on a 2ol!me o" a storage or distrib!tion medi!m- is called an KaggregateK i" the age 00

co yright res!lting "rom the com ilation is not !sed to limit the legal rights o" the com ilationSs !sers beyond 'hat the indi2id!al 'or)s ermit. *hen the .oc!ment is incl!ded in an aggregate- this 8icense does not a ly to the other 'or)s in the aggregate 'hich are not themsel2es deri2ati2e 'or)s o" the .oc!ment. #" the (o2er Te$t reR!irement o" section 4 is a licable to these co ies o" the .oc!ment- then i" the .oc!ment is less than one hal" o" the entire aggregate- the .oc!mentSs (o2er Te$ts may be laced on co2ers that brac)et the .oc!ment 'ithin the aggregate- or the electronic eR!i2alent o" co2ers i" the .oc!ment is in electronic "orm. +ther'ise they m!st a ear on rinted co2ers that brac)et the 'hole aggregate. *%8&AC+AA8D'C Translation is considered a )ind o" modi"ication- so yo! may distrib!te translations o" the .oc!ment !nder the terms o" section 5. Re lacing #n2ariant ,ections 'ith translations reR!ires s ecial ermission "rom their co yright holders- b!t yo! may incl!de translations o" some or all #n2ariant ,ections in addition to the original 2ersions o" these #n2ariant ,ections. No! may incl!de a translation o" this 8icense- and all the license notices in the .oc!ment- and any *arranty .isclaimers- ro2ided that yo! also incl!de the original 7nglish 2ersion o" this 8icense and the original 2ersions o" those notices and disclaimers. #n case o" a disagreement bet'een the translation and the original 2ersion o" this 8icense or a notice or disclaimer- the original 2ersion 'ill re2ail. #" a section in the .oc!ment is 7ntitled K3c)no'ledgementsK- K.edicationsK- or KBistoryK- the reR!irement (section 5) to Preser2e its Title (section 0) 'ill ty ically reR!ire changing the act!al title. -*%8;&.DCA8D'C No! may not co y- modi"y- s!blicense- or distrib!te the .oc!ment e$ce t as e$ ressly ro2ided !nder this 8icense. 3ny attem t other'ise to co y- modi"y- s!blicense- or distrib!te it is 2oid- and 'ill a!tomatically terminate yo!r rights !nder this 8icense. Bo'e2er- i" yo! cease all 2iolation o" this 8icense- then yo!r license "rom a artic!lar co yright holder is reinstated (a) ro2isionally- !nless and !ntil the co yright holder e$ licitly and "inally terminates yo!r license- and (b) ermanently- i" the co yright holder "ails to noti"y yo! o" the 2iolation by some reasonable means rior to &/ days a"ter the cessation. Moreo2er- yo!r license "rom a artic!lar co yright holder is reinstated ermanently i" the co yright holder noti"ies yo! o" the 2iolation by some reasonable means- this is the "irst time yo! ha2e recei2ed notice o" 2iolation o" this 8icense ("or any 'or)) "rom that co yright holder- and yo! c!re the 2iolation rior to 4/ days a"ter yo!r recei t o" the notice. Termination o" yo!r rights !nder this section does not terminate the licenses o" arties 'ho ha2e recei2ed co ies or rights "rom yo! !nder this 8icense. #" yo!r rights ha2e been terminated and not ermanently reinstated- recei t o" a co y o" some or all o" the same material does not gi2e yo! any rights to !se it. 1!*%:#8#&;%&;VD+D'C+%':%80D+%ADC;C+; The ?ree ,o"t'are ?o!ndation may !blish ne'- re2ised 2ersions o" the =6> ?ree .oc!mentation 8icense "rom time to time. ,!ch ne' 2ersions 'ill be similar in s irit to the resent 2ersion- b!t may di""er in detail to address ne' roblems or concerns. ,ee htt A::'''.gn!.org:co yle"t:. 7ach 2ersion o" the 8icense is gi2en a disting!ishing 2ersion n!mber. #" the .oc!ment s eci"ies that a artic!lar n!mbered 2ersion o" this 8icense Kor any later 2ersionK a lies to it- yo! ha2e the o tion o" "ollo'ing the terms and conditions either o" that s eci"ied 2ersion or o" any later 2ersion that has age 01

been !blished (not as a dra"t) by the ?ree ,o"t'are ?o!ndation. #" the .oc!ment does not s eci"y a 2ersion n!mber o" this 8icense- yo! may choose any 2ersion e2er !blished (not as a dra"t) by the ?ree ,o"t'are ?o!ndation. #" the .oc!ment s eci"ies that a ro$y can decide 'hich "!t!re 2ersions o" this 8icense can be !sed- that ro$ySs !blic statement o" acce tance o" a 2ersion ermanently a!thorizes yo! to choose that 2ersion "or the .oc!ment. 11*%&;ADC;C+DCF KMassi2e M!ltia!thor (ollaboration ,iteK (or KMM( ,iteK) means any *orld *ide *eb ser2er that !blishes co yrightable 'or)s and also ro2ides rominent "acilities "or anybody to edit those 'or)s. 3 !blic 'i)i that anybody can edit is an e$am le o" s!ch a ser2er. 3 KMassi2e M!ltia!thor (ollaborationK (or KMM(K) contained in the site means any set o" co yrightable 'or)s th!s !blished on the MM( site. K((;BN;,3K means the (reati2e (ommons 3ttrib!tion;,hare 3li)e 4./ license !blished by (reati2e (ommons (or oration- a not;"or; ro"it cor oration 'ith a rinci al lace o" b!siness in ,an ?rancisco- (ali"ornia- as 'ell as "!t!re co yle"t 2ersions o" that license !blished by that same organization. K#ncor orateK means to !blish or re !blish a .oc!ment- in 'hole or in art- as art o" another .oc!ment. 3n MM( is Keligible "or relicensingK i" it is licensed !nder this 8icense- and i" all 'or)s that 'ere "irst !blished !nder this 8icense some'here other than this MM(- and s!bseR!ently incor orated in 'hole or in art into the MM(- (0) had no co2er te$ts or in2ariant sections- and (1) 'ere th!s incor orated rior to 6o2ember 0- 1//%. The o erator o" an MM( ,ite may re !blish an MM( contained in the site !nder ((;BN;,3 on the same site at any time be"ore 3!g!st 0- 1//C- ro2ided the MM( is eligible "or relicensing.

). The partition table entr*

The artition table entry is 0& bytes o" size and consists o"A offset size value description / 0 0 4 Partition "lags ,ee sectionA 5.0 Partition "lags The artition start address Ial!e in (B, relati2e "rom the start o" the harddis) Partition ty e ,ee sectionA 5.1 Partition ty es The artition end address Ial!e in (B, relati2e "rom the start o" the harddis) The artition start address Ial!e in 8B3 relati2e "rom the start o" the harddis) ,ize Ial!e in sectors age 04

5 9

0 4


4.1. Partition fla,s

The artition "lags consist o" the "ollo'ing 2al!esA Value(s) Description /$%/ Partition is boot;able

4.2. Partition t-)es

The artition ty es consist o" the "ollo'ing 2al!esA Value(s) Description /$// /$/0 /$/1 /$/1 /$/5 /$/9 /$/& /$/< /$/% /$/C /$/a /$/b /$/c /$/e /$/" /$0/ /$00 /$01 /$05 /$0& /$0< /$0% /$0b 7m ty ?3T01 ((B,) T76#T root T76#T !ser ?3T0& (0& MiB ;41 MiB (B,) 7$tended ((B,) ?3T0& (41 MiB W 1 =iB (B,) BP?,:6T?, 3#T 3#T bootable +,:1 Boot Manager ?3T41 ((B,) ?3T41 (8B3) ?3T0& (41 MiB W 1 =iB 8B3) 7$tended (8B3) +P>, Bidden ?3T01 ((B,) (om aR diagnostics Bidden ?3T0& (0& MiB ;41 MiB (B,) Bidden ?3T0& (41 MiB W 1 =iB (B,) Bidden BP?,:6T?, 3,T ,mart,lee Bidden ?3T41 ((B,) age 05

Value(s) /$0c /$0e /$15 /$4C /$4c /$5/ /$50 /$51

Description Bidden ?3T41 (8B3) Bidden ?3T0& (41 MiB W 1 =iB 8B3) 67( .+, Plan C PartitionMagic reco2ery Ieni$ %/1%& PP( PReP Boot ,?, 8.MA Microso"t MBR (.ynamic .is)) X6T5.$ X6T5.$ 1nd art X6T5.$ 4rd art +nTrac) .M +nTrac) .M& 3!$0 (P:M +nTrac) .M& 3!$4 +nTrac).M& 7U;.ri2e =olden Bo' Priam 7dis) , eed,tor =6> B>R. or ,ysI 6o2ell 6et'are 1%& 6o2ell 6et'are 4%& .is),ec!re M!lti;Boot

/$5d /$5e /$5" /$9/ /$90 /$91 /$94 /$95 /$99 /$9& /$9c /$&0 /$&4 /$&5 /$&9 /$</

age 09

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