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5(10/29/1921, Dornach) 83ff. 4645 208-07 rhythmic system / system of nerves and senses In contrast to animals, the human being lifts his head and system of limbs out of the zodiacal forces after the embryonic period. Therefore, he has the possibility to get the forces of the previous earth-life into the form of the head and lay the seed for the future earth-life into the system of limbs by his actions. Seven different levels of human life in which the etheric body is effective: Source of life is the sun. Its forces are modified by the planets. Saturn reduces: (1) life of senses (dying life). If Saturn is covered, the life of senses is stimulated. Jupiter reduces: (2) life of nerves (quiescent, preserving life, echoes, after-effects). Mars reduces: (3) life of breathing (forming life, interrelation with the shape formed by the zodiac; internal organs are formed via the respiratory life at first as pictures. See 216/3 (9/22/1922)). Sun: (4) life of circulation (spreading organ pictures). Mercury covers the sun: (5) metabolic life (matter is inserted into the organ pictures). Venus covers the sun: (6) life of movement (generating power in the organs). Moon: (7) reproductive life (renewing itself).

208-08 5(10/29/1921, Dornach) 98ff. 4647 Language is an echo of the organ pictures that were taken in by the human being from the universe: consonants come more from the signs of the zodiac, vowels from the planets. Blood circulation shows, actually, the planetary life. Therefore, one can also say that the vowels come from the circulatory life, the consonants from the respiratory life. Eurythmy reproduces the peripheral cosmic relationships of the human being: Sensory life (Saturn) and its counter pole, the life of movement, in which man portrays himself outwardly. 208-09 6(10/30/1921, Dornach) 101ff. 4649 In the human head is a centre of a process annihilating matter through which the etheric is released and people become aware of their ideas. A separated etheric principle is effective in the sense organs during perception. That means that the life of nerves is a weakened sensory life. This free etheric life of the head is then permeated only by the astral body and ego, they are able to take part in the thought and idea activity of the etheric body.
6(10/30/1921, Dornach) 107ff. 4649 208-10 In contrast to the head system: Development of the limb end is such that matter is not allowed to reach full cosmic maturity. It is held back. By holding our limbs back we are able to develop the will in them, and this provides the basis for future lives on earth. If we allowed the limb person to reach full maturity, life would consist of one life on earth only. 6(10/30/1921, Dornach) 110ff. 4649 208-11 Matter is not taken up in the thought-life: the human being experiences himself in the etheric body, astral body, and ego, the life of the physical body is cast off. In the realm of feeling the etheric body seizes the glandular life which "resists" by secretion of matter.


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