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Tips for a Job Interview

Your hard work sending out all those cover letters and rsums has finally paid off youve been called in for a face-to-face job interview. Congratulations !ut now is not the time to sit back and think about how youre going to spend your new salary" youve got a lot of work to do. #he better prepared you are beforehand$ the better your chances are of walking out of the interview with a confident smile on your face that says$ %& think & got the job ' (ere are important tips to help your ne)t interview lead to your ne)t job* Know where youre going. +ake sure to find out where the office is and how to get there. ,o you know how long the trip will take- ,o you have the name and phone number of the person youll be meeting with- ,o you know how easy it is to park- .ave yourself time and unnecessary stress by knowing these things before heading to the interview. Look the part. Your clothing should be neat$ pressed$ and professional looking. /s it can be difficult to know the culture of the office environment beforehand$ err on the side of conservative. 0ven if everyones wearing jeans when you arrive$ youre still probably better off having shown up in a suit. (owever$ dont be afraid to inject some personality into your look$ and dont neglect the details. +ake sure to have a fresh haircut and clean$ manicured nails. Rehearse beforehand. 1rior to your interview$ prepare answers to common 2uestions the interviewer is likely to ask$ such as What are your strengths and weaknesses? Why do you want to work here? Why should we hire you? and the ever popular Tell me about yourself. Conduct a mock interview with a trusted friend as practice. Secure your references. 3ind at least three key people former supervisors$ colleagues$ or instructors who are willing to serve as your professional references. !e sure to secure their permission beforehand$ and be certain that they will speak highly of you if contacted by a potential employer. Bring necessary docu entation. +ake a checklist of documents that you will need for the interview$ and make sure that you have them in your briefcase before leaving home. #hese

documents may include e)tra copies of your rsum$ a passport$ drivers license$ .ocial .ecurity card$ or portfolio of writing samples or other professional work. &f you are a recent graduate$ you should also bring along your college transcripts. Se!! yourse!f. #he interview is your chance to shine$ so now is not the time to be humble. ,evelop a 45-second sales pitch that sings your praises. &n business this is called an %elevator speech$' a compelling overview of why you? that can be recited in the time it takes to ride the elevator. &t should include your strengths$ your abilities$ and what sets you uni2uely apart from other applicants. "ont neg!ect to ask #uestions. !ased on your earlier research$ ask how the responsibilities of the open position relate to the companys goals and plans for the future. &nterviewers are often favorably impressed by candidates who show that they are knowledgeable about the organi6ation. $o!!ow up. /fter the interview$ dont forget to send a handwritten note or friendly email thanking the interviewer for his or her time and consideration$ as well as restating your interest and commitment to the position. &f you dont hear anything after one week$ call to politely in2uire when they will be making a final decision.

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