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Action Thigh flexion @ hip Lateral rotation

Thigh Abduction (Resisted hip flexion: L1, L2)


Blood Lateral femoral circumflex & Saphenous Iliolumbar




Anterior Thigh

(psoas major & iliacus)

Thigh flexion @ hip

Femoral n. & Ventral primary rami of L3-L4

Quadriceps femoris = Rectus femoris Vastus medialis, lateralis, intermedialis

Leg extension @ knee Lateral rotation


Lateral circumflex femoral & Deep femoral

Avascular necrosis: Femur head fracture cuts off lateral & medial circumflex arteries Damage to femoral nerve: paralysis of quadriceps impaired hip flexion & leg extension Damage to obturator nerve: Weakness of adduction; lateral swinging during walking (due to unopposed abductors)

Adductor longus

Thigh Adduction


Obturator & Deep femoral Medial femoral circumflex Obturator Obturator & deep femoral Obturator, Deep femoral, & Medial femoral circumflex Obturator


Medial Thigh

Gracilis Adductor brevis

Thigh Adduction Thigh flexion & medial rotation @ knee Thigh Adduction Flexes & medially rotates Thigh Adduction

Femoral & Obturator Obturator Obturator

Adductor magnus

Thigh Adduction

Obturator & Tibial

Can occlude femoral artery

Obturator externus

Lateral Rotation

Obturator Sciatic Tibial division

Posterior Thigh

Hamstrings =

Thigh extension @ hip

Semitendinosus & Semimembranous Biceps femoris

Leg flexion @ knee

(Resisted knee flexion: L5-S2)


*Biceps Femoral dual innervation short head: Common Peroneal (fibula)

Deep femoral

Hamstring pull: extend leg @ knee while flexing thigh @ hip Bursitis: from constantly extending thigh @ hip using gluteus maximus & hamstring muscles

Gluteal medius/minimus

Thigh Abduction Medial rotation

Superior gluteal

Superior gluteal
(internal iliac branch)

Gluteal maximus

Thigh extension @ hip Lateral/external rotation Thigh flexion @ hip Medial rotation
Thigh Abduction

Inferior gluteal Superior gluteal Ventral rami of S1-S2 N. to the obturator internus
Superior: Superior

Inferior gluteal
(internal iliac branch)

Damage to Superior Gluteal nerve Positive Trendelenburg Test: hip sagging on unsupported side where foot is lifted Damage unable to extend thigh Bursitis: painful inflammation


Tensor fascia lata Piriformis Obturator internus

Superior gluteal Piriformis Syndrome: sciatic

compression by piriformis; fat wallet syndrome

Lateral rotation
Thigh Abduction

Lateral rotation Abduction



Superior/inferior gemelli

Lateral rotation


N. to quadratus femoris

Inferior gluteal Inferior gluteal

Quadratus femoris

Lateral rotation

N. to quadratus femoris

Popliteal Popliteus Unlocks knee joint by pulling

tibia medially or femur laterally


(continuation of superficial femoral)

Occlusion due to PVD: leg cold, pain while walking Popliteal Artery Aneurysm: large pulsing mass Popliteal (Bakers) Cyst: fluid-filled, non-pulsing mass

Popliteal Area/Knee


Plantar-flexion (Elevates heel)

(Toe walking: S1, S2)

Posterior tibial

Posterior tibial Posterior tibial Popliteal Tibial Tibial & Fibular (peroneal) Tibial & Fibular (peroneal)

Posterior Leg

Injury to S1 or S2: decreased calcaneal tendon reflex & sensation; weak plantar-flexion Achilles Tendon Rupture:
due to forced foot dorsiflexion & extension of leg @ knee

Soleus Plantaris Flexor Digitorum longus Flexor Hallicus longus

Weak Plantar-flexion

Tibial Tibial Tibial Tibial

Plantar-flexion of 4 smaller toes Plantar-flexion big toe Plantar-flexion Foot inversion (towards midline)

Tibialis posterior


Peroneus (Fibularis) longus/brevis

Evert foot (pivot foot laterally)

Can help in plantarflexion

Superficial peroneal

Fibular (peroneal)

Anterior leg/ dorsum of foot

Dorsiflexion (extend foot) Tibialis anterior

(Heel walking: L4, L5) Can help invert foot

Deep peroneal

Anterior tibial
(branch of popliteal)

Damage to common peroneal nerve: foot drop; loss of sensation on dorsum of foot & lateral leg; paralysis of dorsiflexor & everter foot muscles Damage to superficial peroneal nerve: loss of foot eversion but no foot drop Shin splints: excessive stress on tibialis anterior muscle and/or over dorsifleixion Stress fractures: from overuse of bone/muscle pulling on tibia Foot Drop: damage to deep peroneal nerve inability to dorsiflex; loss of sensation in 1st web space Anterior compartment syndrome: may result in weak pulse in dorsalis pedis artery

Lateral Leg

Extensor Digitorum longus Extensor Hallicus longus

Elevates toes Extends big toe

Deep fibular (peroneal) Deep fibular (peroneal)

Anterior tibial Anterior tibial Posterior tibial Lateral & Medial plantar arteries Anterior tibial Dorsalis pedis artery
(continuation of anterior tibial a.)

Plantar Surface

Medial & Lateral plantar n. (Tibial division

of Sciatic)

S1 compression back of thigh & leg to little toe: Weakness in plantarflexion of foot, big toe; difficulty walking on toes


Superficial peroneal nerve Dorsal Surface

1st web space is from Deep peroneal nerve

L5 compression lateral leg & dorsal foot: Weakness in dorsiflexion of foot and big toe; difficulty walking on heels

Muscles Pectoralis Major


Pectoralis Minor Subclavius

Action Adducts & medially rotates humerus Anteriorly & inferiorly draws scapula Protraction & downward rotation of scapula Stabilizes the clavicle Adducts Extends & Medially rotates humerus Adducts Extends & Medially rotates humerus Protracts scapula Assists in superior rotation

Nerve Dual: Medial & Lateral pectoral Medial pectoral N. to subclavius

Blood Thoracoacromial


Lateral thoracic Clavicular br. of thoracoacromial trunk Circumflex scapula Thoracodorsal

(subscapular a. branch)

Posterior Axilla

Teres major

Lower subscapular Thoracodorsal C6, 7, 8

Latissimus dorsi

Serratus anterior

Long Thoracic C5, 6, 7

Lateral thoracic

Winged Scapula: damage to long thoracic nerve paralyzes serratus anterior

Medial Axilla


Elevates scapula Retracts scapula Depresses scapula Anterior: Flexes arm Middle: Abducts arm up to ~100 o Posterior: Extends arm

Spinal Accessory (CN XI)

Transverse cervical Inferior shoulder dislocation: damage to axillary nerve paralyzes teres minor & deltoid; difficulty abducting




Posterior humeral circumflex (3rd

segment of axillary a. branch)

Rhomboids Teres major Triceps (long head)

Retracts scapula Medially rotates & Adducts arm Extends humerus @ shoulder Extends arm & forearm

Dorsal scapular C5 Lower subscapular Radial

Dorsal scapular Scapular anastomoses Profunda brachii Rotator cuff injuries: lateral rotation puts stress on supraspinatus, infraspinatus, & teres minus supraspinatus tear

Rotator Cuff muscles (SITS)


Abducts arm (initiator for first 15o)



Infraspinatus Teres minor Subscapularis

Laterally rotates arm Laterally rotates Adducts arm Medially rotates Adducts arm

Suprascapular Axillary Upper & lower subscapular

Suprascapular Scapular anastomoses Subscapular artery

Anterior Arm FLEXION


Flexes Adducts arm

Musculocutaneous C5, 6


Biceps brachii (short & long heads)

Supinates Flexes forearm



Damage to Musculocutaneous nerve: unable to flex forearm and loss of cutaneous innervation on lateral forearm Biceps tendon rupture: due to forceful flexion at elbow joint against resistance


Flexes forearm


Brachial & Radial recurrent Fractured humerus may transect radial nerve, paralyzing forearm extensor; will definitely result in Wrist Drop and numbness on back of forearm & hand

Posterior Arm - EXTENSION

Triceps brachii (lateral, medial, long heads)

Extends forearm

Radial C6, 7, 8

Profundi (deep) brachii


Pronator teres Flexor carpi radialis longus Palmaris longus

Laterally rotates arm into pronation Flex hand @ wrist & Radial (lateral) deviation (abduction) Flex hand Flexion & ulnar (medial) deviation Adducts hand


Ulnar & Anterior ulnar recurrent Ulnar Ulnar

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: compression of ulnar numbness, tingling along 5th digit, medial side of 4th digit, hand Hand of Benediction: median nerve injury FDS, FDP, FPL paralyzed

Median Median

Flexor carpi ulnaris



Flexor digitorum superficialis Flexor pollicis longus

Flex digits at PIP Flex thumb at IP

Median Anterior interosseous Index & Middle: Interosseous nerve Ring & Pinky: Ulnar nerve Anterior interosseous

Ulnar Anterior interosseous Anterior interosseous Ulnar Anterior interosseous

Flexor digitorum profundus

Flexes distal phalanxes

Pronator quadratus

Pronates forearm


Abductor pollicis longus Extensor pollicis brevis Extensor pollicis longus Extensor carpi radialis longus Extensor carpi radialis brevis Extensor digitorum Extensor indicis Extensor digiti minimi Extensor carpi ulnaris Supinator

Abducts thumb Extends thumb Extends thumb Extends & abducts hand Extends & abducts hand Extends fingers Extends index finger Extends little finger Extends & adducts hand Supinates forearm

Radial nerve deep branch = PIN Posterior interosseous Posterior interosseous Radial Deep radial Deep radial Posterior interosseous Deep radial Deep radial Deep radial

Posterior interosseous Posterior interosseous Posterior interosseous Radial Radial Interosseous recurrent & posterior Posterior interosseous Interosseous recurrent Ulnar Recurrent interosseous

Thenar eminence

Abductor pollicis brevis

Abducts thumb

Median recurrent branch

Superficial palmar branch

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: median n compress weak opposing, flexing, abducting thumb & flexing index & ring at MP joints

Flexor pollicis brevis Opponens pollicis

Flexes thumb at MP Opposes the thumb

Median recurrent branch Median recurrent branch

Superficial palmar branch Superficial palmar arch

Claw hand: ulnar nerve injury weak flexing wrist, little, and ring fingers, hyperextended MP joints; hypothenar eminence atrophy



Abductor digiti minimi

Abducts pinky


Ulnar a.

Flexor digiti minimi Opponens digiti minimi 4 lumbricals 3 palmar interossei 4 dorsal interossei Adductor pollicis Palmaris brevis

Flexes pinky Flex & laterally rotate pinky

Ulnar Ulnar
Index & Middle: Median

Ulnar a. Ulnar a. Superficial & deep palmar arches Palmar metacarpal Dorsal & palmar metacarpal Deep palmar arch Superficial branch of Ulnar
Claw hand: ulnar nerve damage; FDP to 4th & 5th digits & lumbricals paralyzed

Hand - other

Flex digits at MP
Adduct index, middle, ring {PAD} Abduct index, middle, ring {DAB}

Ring & Pinky: Ulnar

Ulnar deep branch Ulnar deep branch Ulnar deep branch

Adducts thumb
Folds the skin of the hypothenar eminence transversely

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