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VCS 4.

1 Guide
VCS uses two components, LLT and GAB, to share data over private networks among systems. These components provide the performance and re ia!i ity re"uired !y VCS. LLT #Low Latency Transport$ provides fast, kerne %to%kerne communications, and monitors network connections. The system administrator configures LLT !y creating the configuration fi es &etc& thosts, which ists a the systems in the c uster, and &etc& tta!, which descri!es the oca system's private network inks to the other systems in the c uster. GAB #Group (em!ership and Atomic Broadcast$ provides the g o!a message order re"uired to maintain a synchroni)ed state among the systems, and monitors disk communications such as that re"uired !y the VCS heart!eat uti ity. The system administrator configures GAB driver !y creating a configuration fi e #&etc&ga!ta!$. *or the VCS private network, two types of channe s are avai a! e for heart!eating+ network connections and heart!eat regions on shared disks. VCS processes+ had, hashadow Check VCS license vxlicinst Licenses a V,-.TAS product a ready insta ed on a system. vxlicrep ,na! es you to view current y insta ed icenses. vxlictest -etrieves features encoded in a icense key and descri!es them. /pdate system% eve icensing information on a nodes in the c uster+ 0 hasys -updatelic -all VCS Packa es V-TSper V,-.TAS 1er 2.3.4 -edistri!ution V-TSat V,-.TAS Authentication Service V-TS t V,-.TAS Low Latency Transport V-TSga! V,-.TAS Group (em!ership and Atomic Broadcast V-TSv5fen V,-.TAS .&6 *encing V-TSvcs V,-.TAS C uster Server V-TSvcsmg V,-.TAS C uster Server (essage Cata ogs V-TSvcsag V,-.TAS C uster Server Bund ed Agents V-TSvcsmn V,-.TAS C uster Server (an 1ages V-TSvcsdc V,-.TAS C uster Server 7ocumentation V-TS8re V,-.TAS 9ava -untime ,nvironment -edistri!ution V-TScuti V,-.TAS C uster /ti ities V-TScssim V,-.TAS C uster Server Simu ator V-TScscw V,-.TAS C uster Server Configuration :i)ards V-TSwe! V,-.TAS 9ava :e! Server V-TSvcsw V,-.TAS C uster (anager #:e! Conso e$ V-TScscm V,-.TAS C uster Server C uster (anager The optiona packages inc uded with VCS inc ude+ V-TSvcsmn+ manua pages for VCS commands

V-TSvcsdc+ VCS documentation V-TSv5fen+ .&6 fencing V-TSvcssim+ the VCS Simu ator V-TScscm+ the VCS C uster (anager VCS !nstallati"n Pr" ra# .$installvcs can create a response fi e to create unattended insta ations .$uninstallvcs VCS c"n%i urati"n %iles &etc& thosts &etc& tta! &etc&ga!ta! &etc&V-TSvcs&conf&nodename &etc&V-TSvcs&conf&config #main.cf types cf etc$ $etc$llth"sts exa#ple 4 north ; south $etc$lltta& exa#ple set%node north set%c uster < ink "fe4 &dev&"fe+4 % ether % % ink "fe; &dev&"fe+; % ether % % &opt&V-TSvcs&!in vcs agents etc &var&V-TSvcs& og '!S( )*A+TB*AT The i ustrated configuration is specified in a &etc&ga!ta! fi e that resem! es+ &s!in&ga!diskh! %a &dev&dsk&c;t=d4s< %s ;> %p a &s!in&ga!diskh! %a &dev&dsk&c;t=d4s< %s ;?? %p h &s!in&ga!diskh! %a &dev&dsk&c<t=d4s< %s ;> %p a &s!in&ga!diskh! %a &dev&dsk&c<t=d4s< %s ;?? %p h &s!in&ga!config %c %n< The %s option to the ga!diskh! command specifies the start ocation of each ;<3%! ock region. The %p option specifies the port+ the va ue @aA specifies the GAB contro port, and the va ue @hA specifies the VCS port. ! ocks 4%;2+ partition%ta! e ! ocks ;>%;?=+ Seed port a ! ocks ;??%<B;+ VCS port h 0 $s&in$ a&diskh& -l 1ort 7isk (a8or (inor Start Active CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC a &dev&dsk&c;t=d4s< =B 3 ;> 4; h &dev&dsk&c;t=d4s< =B 3 ;?? 4; a &dev&dsk&c<t=d4s< =B B ;> 4; h &dev&dsk&c<t=d4s< =B B ;?? 4;


Veri%y $etc$V+TSvcs$c"n%$c"n%i $#ain.c% ,hac% -veri%y Veri%y lltstat Syste# 1 0 lltstat -n 6utput resem! es+ LLT node information+ Dode State Links E4 north 61,D < ; south 61,D < Syste# . 0 lltstat -n 6utput resem! es+ LLT node information+ Dode State Links 4 north 61,D < E; south 61,D < 0 lltstat -nvv / #"re The output resem! es+ Dode State Link Status Address E4 north 61,D "fe+4 /1 43+44+<4+F=+4,+=? "fe+; /1 43+44+<4+F=+4,+=2 ; south 61,D "fe+4 /1 43+44+<4+3*+7;+*< "fe+; 76:D < C6DD:A.T "fe+4 76:D "fe+; 76:D C6DD:A.T "fe+4 76:D "fe+; 76:D . . . ; C6DD:A.T "fe+4 76:D "fe+; 76:D ,lltstat -p Verify ga! 0 $s&in$ a&c"n%i -a .f GAB is operating, the fo owing GAB port mem!ership information returns+ GAB 1ort (em!erships 1ort a gen a=>e444= mem!ership 4; 1ort h gen fd2B444< mem!ership 4; A so to see more info ,hastatus -su# ,hasys -display

&s!in& tconfig Gc % oad t &s!in& tconfig G/ G reset t&un oad it &s!in&ga!config Gc G oad ga! &s!in&ga!config G/ G un oad ga! *or oad and un oad of ga!& t use a so+ #"dl"ad #"dunl"ad a& "r llt ha rp -#"di%y r"up1 Syste#List -delete sysa sys& 0-sys system1 To c ear resources in A7(.DH:A.T state in a service group 0 ha rp -clearad#in2ait 0-%ault1 service_group -sys system 0 ha rp -#"di%y group Syste#List -add sysB 1 0 ha rp -un%ree3e group -persistent /pdate system% eve icensing information on a nodes in the c uster+ 0 hasys -updatelic -all 4ueryin +es"urce Types I *or a ist of resource types 0 hatype -list I *or a ist of a resources of a particu ar type 0 hatype -res"urces resource_type I 5"r in%"r#ati"n a&"ut a res"urce type 0 hatype %disp ay resource_type Addin 6 'eletin 6 and 7"di%yin +es"urce Attri&utes I To add a resource attri!ute 0 haattr -add resource_type attribute 0value10dimension10default ...1 The varia! e value is a %string #defau t$, %integer, or %!oo ean. The varia! e dimension is %sca ar #defau t$, %key ist, %assoc, or %vector. The varia! e default is the defau t va ue of the attri!ute and must !e compati! e with the value and dimension. Dote that this may inc ude more than one item, as indicated !y e ipses #...$. I To de ete a resource attri!ute 0 haattr -delete resource_type attribute I To add a static resource attri!ute 0 haattr -add -static resource_type static_attribute 0value10dimension1 0default ...1 I To de ete a static resource attri!ute 0 haattr -delete -static resource_type static_attribute I To add a temporary resource attri!ute 0 haattr -add -te#p resource_type attribute 0value10dimension1 0default ...1 I To de ete a temporary resource attri!ute 0 haattr -delete -te#p resource_type attribute I To modify the defau t va ue of a resource attri!ute , haattr -de%ault resource_type attribute new_value ... The varia! e new_value refers to the attri!ute's new defau t va ue. 4ueryin L" 'ata 5iles 8L'5s9 Log data fi es #L7*s$ contain data regarding messages written to a corresponding ,ng ish anguage fi e. Typica y, for each ,ng ish fi e there is a corresponding L7*. I T" display the ha#s usa e list 0 ha#s -help

I To disp ay the ist of L7*s avai a! e on the current system 0 ha#s -list I To disp ay genera L7* data 0 ha#s -in%" 0-path path_name1 (ove a service groups from the system you are upgrading to another system and keep services from fai ing over to this server. 6n the system you are upgrading, type+ 0 hasys -%ree3e -persistent -evacuate upgrade_server $etc$lltta& 2ith udp links set%node Dode4 set%c uster ; 0configure Links 0 ink Jtag%nameK JdeviceK Jnode%rangeK J ink%typeK Judp portK J(T/K J.1%addressK J!cast%addressK ink ink; &dev&udp % udp 24444 % ;F<.;.<.; ;F<.;.<.<22 ink ink< &dev&udp % udp 2444; % ;F<.;.=.; ;F<.;.=.<22 The configuration represented !y the fo owing &etc& tta! fi e for Dode ; has inks crossing .1 routers. Dotice that .1 addresses are shown for each ink on each peer node. The !roadcast features are disa! ed !ecause LLT is una! e to !roadcast re"uests for addresses across routers. Since !roadcasts are disa! ed, the !roadcast address does not need to !e set in the in the ink command of the &etc& tta! fi e. set%node Dode; set%c uster ; ink ink; &dev&udp % udp 24444 % ;F<.;.=.; % ink ink< &dev&udp % udp 2444; % ;F<.;.?.; % 0set address of each ink for a peer nodes in the c uster 0format+ set%addr Jnode%idK J ink tag%nameK JaddressK set%addr 4 ink; ;F<.;.;.; set%addr 4 ink< ;F<.;.<.; set%addr < ink; ;F<.;.2.< set%addr < ink< ;F<.;.>.< set%addr = ink; ;F<.;.B.= set%addr = ink< ;F<.;.3.= 0disa! e LLT !roadcasts set%!casth! 4 set%arp 4 0 rep vx $etc$na#e:t":#a;"r 6utput on System A wou d resem! e+ v5dmp =4 vxi" <. vxspec << v5fen 3B v5g m F; 6n System B+ v5dmp =4 vxi" <= vxspec <> v5fen 3B v5g m F; To change System B's ma8or num!ers for v5io and v5spec to match those of System A, use the command+

hare#a;"r -vx major_number_vxio major_number_vxspec *or e5amp e, enter+ 0 hare#a;"r -vx <. << .f no v5vm+ 0 hare#a;"r -sd <. ,hauser -add %de ete %update % ist %disp ay 0 hauser -update s#ith ,nter Dew 1assword+???????? ,nter Again+???????? <. Log on to VCS+ 0 hal" in vcsusername password To end a session for a host 0 hal" in -endsessi"n hostname I To end a sessions 0 hal" in -endallsessi"ns To assign privi eges to an Administrator or 6perator 0 hauser -addpriv user Ad#instrat"r/@perat"r0- r"up service_groupsL I To remove privi eges from an Administrator or 6perator 0 hauser -delpriv user Ad#instrat"r/@perat"r0- r"up service_groups1 ,na! e VCS security 0 installvcs -security To encrypt a VCS user password+ 0 vcsencrypt -a ent 0 vcsencrypt -vcs -eview the fo owing samp e configuration+ cluster vcs-india 8 *n ineClass A B+TB *n inePri"rity A B.CB Pr"cessClass A BTSB Pr"cessPri"rity A B4CB $ To update the ,ngineC ass 0 haclus -#"di%y *n ineClass value *or e5amp e, to set the ,ngineC ass attri!ute to -ea Time++ 0 haclus -#"di%y *n ineClass B+TB I T" update the *n inePri"rity 0 haclus -#"di%y *n inePri"rity value *or e5amp e, to set the ,ngine1riority to <4++ 0 haclus -#"di%y *n inePri"rity B.CB


I T" update the Pr"cessClass 0 haclus -#"di%y Pr"cessClass value *or e5amp e, to set the 1rocessC ass to TimeSharing+ 0 haclus -#"di%y Pr"cessClass BTSB I To update the 1rocess1riority , haclus -#"di%y Pr"cessPri"rity value *or e5amp e, to set the 1rocess1riority to ?4+ , haclus -#"di%y Pr"cessPri"rity B4CB Backin up and rest"rin vcs c"n%i urati"n @pti"n Acti"n )asnap -&ackup Backs up fi es in a snapshot format. )asnap -rest"re -estores a previous y created snapshot. hasnap -display 7isp ays detai s of previous y created snapshots. hasnap -sdi%% 7isp ays fi es that were changed on the oca system after a specific snapshot was created. hasnap -%di%% 7isp ays the differences !etween a fi e in the c uster and its copy stored in a snapshot. hasnap -exp"rt ,5ports a snapshot from the oca , predefined directory to the specified fi e. hasnap -include Configures the ist of fi es or directories to !e inc uded in new snapshots, in addition to those inc uded automatica y !y the %!ackup command. hasnap -exclude Configures the ist of fi es or directories to !e e5c uded from new snapshots when !acking up the configuration using the %!ackup command. hasnap -delete 7e etes snapshots from the predefined oca directory on each node. The %wait option is for use in scripts using VCS commands to change attri!ute va ues. The option ! ocks the VCS command unti the va ue of the specified attri!ute is changed or unti the timeout, if specified, e5pires. Specify the timeout in seconds. The option can !e used on y with changes to sca ar attri!utes. The -2ait option is supported with the fo owing commands+ haclus hac us %wait attribute value M%c us clusterL M%time timeoutL /se the %c us option in a g o!a c uster environment. ha rp hagrp %wait group attribute value M%c us clusterL M%sys systemL M%time timeoutL /se the %sys option when the scope of the attri!ute is oca . /se the %c us option in a g o!a c uster environment. hares hares %wait resource attribute value M%c us clusterL M%sys systemL M%time timeoutL /se the %sys option when the scope of the attri!ute is oca . /se the %c us option in a g o!a c uster environment. hasys hasys %wait system attribute value M%c us clusterL M%time timeoutL /se the %c us option in a g o!a c uster environment. VCS DAVA C@ES@L* GF! @E FE!G SHST*7S 0 $"pt$V+TSvcs$&in$ha ui VCS E**'S *!T)*+ TI@ C)AEE*LS 5@+ )*A+TB*AT @+ !$@ 5*EC!EG T" set 8ena&le9 the 4u"ru# %la

1. -un the ga!config command with the %" option+ .. a&c"n%i -J .. Verify that the %" f ag appears in the fi e &etc&ga!ta!. I T" disa&le the 4u"ru# %la 1. -un the ga!config command with the %d option+ .. a&c"n%i -d Check the ga!config configuration , a&c"n%i -l To disp ay the state of a service group across c usters 0 ha rp -state 0service_groups -sys systems1 0-clus cluster / -l"calclus1 The option %c us disp ays the state of a service groups on a c uster designated !y the varia! e clusterN the option % oca c us specifies the oca c uster. I To disp ay service group information across c usters 0 ha rp -display 0service_groups1 0-attri&ute attributes10-sys systems1 0-clus cluster / -l"calclus1 The option %c us app ies to g o!a groups on y. .f the group is oca , the c uster name must !e the oca c uster name, otherwise no information is disp ayed. I To disp ay service groups in a c uster 0 ha rp -list 0conditionals1 0-clus cluster / -l"calclus1 5"r a list "% heart&eats c"n%i ured "n the l"cal cluster 0 hah& -list 0conditionals1 The varia! e conditionals represents the conditions that must !e met for the heart!eat to !e isted. I To disp ay information on heart!eats configured in the oca c uster 0 hah& -display 0heartbeat ...1 .f heartbeat is not specified, information regarding a heart!eats configured on the oca c uster is disp ayed. I To disp ay the state of the heart!eats in remote c usters 0 hah& -state 0heartbeat1 0-clus cluster1 *or e5amp e, to get the state of heart!eat .C(1 from the oca c uster to the remote c uster phoeni5+ 0 hah& -state !C7P -clus ph"enix To disp ay an attri!ute va ue of a configured heart!eat 0 hah& -value heartbeat attribute 0-clus cluster1 The %va ue option provides the va ue of a sing e attri!ute for a specific heart!eat. The c uster name must !e specified for c uster%specific attri!ute va ues, !ut not for g o!a . *or e5amp e, to disp ay the va ue of the C usterList attri!ute for heart!eat .C(1+ 0 hah& -value !C7P ClusterList Dote that C usterList is a g o!a attri!ute. I To disp ay usage for the command hah! 0 hah& 0-help 0-#"di%y11 To add a remote c uster o!8ect 0 haclus -add cluster ip The varia! e cluster represents the c uster. This command does not app y to the oca c uster. I To de ete a remote c uster o!8ect 0 haclus -delete cluster To modify an attri!ute of a oca or remote c uster o!8ect 0 haclus -#"di%y attribute value 0-clus cluster1... The varia! e cluster represents the c uster. I To dec are the state of a c uster after a disaster 0 haclus -declare disconnet/outage/disaster/replica -clus cluster 0-%ail"ver1 The varia! e cluster represents the remote c uster.

To overcome this issue, VCS provides the option of running OA7 on a specific processor and masks off a interrupts on that processor set. Pou can configure OA7 to run on a specific processor !y setting the C1/Binding attri!ute. The attri!ute is specified in the fo owing format+ CPFBindin A KBindT" A binding6 CPFEu#&er A numberL C"n%i urin VCS in M"nes So aris zones provide an iso ated and secure environment for running app ications. 1rocesses running in a )one are protected from interference from other processes in the system. :hi e app ications may run in )ones, system resources inc uding C1/s, .&6, and adapters, can !e managed on y at the g o!a )one eve . VCS provides high avai a!i ity to app ications running in )ones !y e5tending the fai over capa!i ity to )ones. VCS is insta ed in g o!a )ones and a VCS agents and engine components run in the g o!a )one. *or app ications running within )ones, agents run entry points inside the )ones. .f a )one configured under VCS contro fau ts, VCS fai s over the entire service group containing the )one. VCS supports non%g o!a )ones in !oth secure and non%secure c uster environments. .f VCS is running in a secure environment using V,-.TAS Security Services #V5SS$, communication !etween non%g o!a )ones and g o!a )ones is secure. The fo owing VCS agents are )one%aware and support app ications running in non%g o!a )ones+ 1rocess 1rocess6n6n y App ication 6rac e 7B< The new Qone agent monitors )ones, !rings )ones on ine, and takes them off ine. .n secure c usters, the agent creates a user account with group administrative privi eges to ena! e inter%)one communication, if the user account doesn't e5ist. .t a so renews the V5SS authentication certificate !efore the certificate e5pires. Two new attri!utes, C"ntainerType and C"ntainerEa#e, define the )one where the app ication runs. ContainerTypeRA resource type static attri!ute, which indicates that the app ication runs in a So aris )one. *or app ications running in )ones, set this attri!ute to Qone. ContainerDameRA resource attri!ute, which you set to the name of the )one. :hen you set the ContainerDame, VCS runs the entry points for the resource in the specified )one.

C"n%i urin a 3"ne in VCS inv"lves the %"ll"2in tasksN 5irst -eview the @1rere"uisitesA . Sec"nd 7ecide on the ocation of the )one root. Third Create the )one. 5"urth .nsta the app ication in the )one. 5i%th Create the app ication service group. Sixth Configure )one%specific resources and set up inter%)one communication. C"n%i urin a M"ne in VCS PrereJuisites A nodes hosting app ications configured in )ones must !e running the same version of the operating system. .nsta VCS !efore creating )ones. VCS supports /*S and V5*S mounts for the )one rootN VCS does not support C*S mounts for the )one root. The auto!oot property for the )one must !e set t" %alse. The VCS and V5SS insta directories must !e defined in the inherit%pkg%dir parameter in the )one configuration. A app ication mounts must !e part of the )one configuration, and must !e configured in the VCS service group.

(ount points used !y app ication running in )ones must !e set re ative to the )one's root. *or e5amp e, if a )one z-ora needs to use &orac e, mount the fi e system at &e5port&home&)%ora&root&orac e. Pou must a so set the 7"untP"int attri&ute of the 7"unt res"urce to this path. .1 addresses configured for app ications running in )ones must !e defined in the )one configuration fi e. 7o not define .1 resources in the VCS configuration fi e main.cf for app ications running in )ones. VCS does not monitor .1 addresses in service groups configured for app ications running in )ones.

Fsin Cust"# A ents in M"nes .f you use custom agents to monitor app ications running in )ones, make sure the agents use script% !ased entry points. VCS does not support running CSS entry points inside a non%g o!a )one. .f the custom agent monitors an app ication running in a )one, add the resource type to the A11HTP1,S environment varia! e. .f the custom agent monitors an app ication running in the g o!a )one, add the resource type to the SPSHTP1,S environment varia! e.

,ach )one has its own section of the fi e system hierarchy in the zone root directory. 1rocesses running in the )one can access fi es on y within the )one root. Pou can set the )one root in two ways+ ;. Qone root on shared storageR.n this configuration, you create a )one on one node in the c uster and dup icate the )one configuration on other nodes. Setting the )one root on a shared storage re ieves you of insta ing the )one on a nodes. Second y, the )one, a ong with the )one root, can !e fai ed over to the other system. This a so imp ies that the system software #inc uding patches$ on a the systems must !e identica during the ife span of a )one. Qone root on oca storageR.n this configuration, you must create a )one on each node in the c uster.


T" create a 3"ne 2ith its 3"ne r""t "n l"cal disks ;. Create the )one using the )onecfg command. . <. /se the )onecfg command to set the )onepath parameter to the ocation of the )one root. =. Set the auto!oot property for the )one to fa se. ?. .nsta the )one using the )oneadm insta program. 2. Boot the )one using the )oneadm !oot command. -epeat these instructions on each node in the c uster. T" create a 3"ne 2ith its 3"ne r""t "n shared disks Creating a )one with its )one root on shared disks invo ves creating and insta ing the )one on a node and copying the )one definition to a other nodes in the c uster. 1. 6n the first node+ a. Create the )one using the 3"nec% command. &. /se the 3"nec% command to set the 3"nepath parameter to the ocation of the )one root. c. Set the auto!oot property for the )one to fa se. d. .nsta the )one using the )oneadm insta program. e. 6pen the %ile $etc$3"nes$index and ocate the )one definition entry. The )one definition !egins with the name of the )one. *or e5amp e, the )one definition for the )one )%data%ora resem! es+ 3data-"raNinstalledN$exp"rt$h"#e$3-data-"ra <. 6n a other nodes in the c uster+ a. (ake sure that no )one is running on the node. &. Copy the )one definition entry to the fi e &etc&)ones&inde5. c. After copying the )one definition to a nodes, !oot the )one from any node using the 3"nead# &""t command.


!nstall the applicati"n t" &e clustered in the 3"ne. .f you have created )ones on each node, insta the app ication identica y on each node. .n the )one, configure a mount points used !y the app ication. Set the mount points used !y the app ication re ative to the )one's root. *or e5amp e, if a )one z-ora needs to use &orac e, mount the drive at &e5port&home&)%ora&root&orac e. 7efine the .1 addresses used !y the app ication in the )one configuration fi e. Configure the app ication service group, with the re"uired resource dependencies. .f you've configured mounts for the app ication, set the (ount1oint attri!ute of the (ount resource to the mount path. '" n"t c"n%i ure !P addresses %"r applicati"ns runnin in 3"nes in the VCS c"n%i urati"n %ile #ain.c%. Settin up the 3"ne c"n%i urati"n inv"lves running the script $"pt$V+TSvcs$&in$ha3"nesetup and modifying the service group configuration to ena! e monitoring the app ication running in a )one. -efer the dependency graphs !e ow for more information a!out the service group configuration. Veri%yin the M"ne C"n%i urati"n .f you use custom agents make sure the resource type is added to the A11HTP1,S or SPSHTP1,S environment varia! e. -un the ha3"neveri%y command to verify the )one configuration. 0 ha3"neveri%y servicegroup_name The command verifies the fo owing re"uirements+ The systems hosting the service group have the re"uired operating system to run )ones. The service group does not have more than one resource of type Qone. The dependencies of the Qone resource are correct. VCS SHST*7 STAT*S
State FAULTED INITING LEA ING Definition The system has left the cluster unexpectedly. The system has joined the cluster. This is the initial state for all systems. The system is lea!in" the cluster "racefully. #hen the a"ents ha!e $een stopped% and &hen the current confi"uration is &ritten to dis'% the system transitions to E(ITING. The system is $uildin" the runnin" confi"uration from the dis' confi"uration. The system is $uildin" a runnin" confi"uration that it o$tained from a peer in a -UNNING state. The system is an acti!e mem$er of the cluster. The system has a stale confi"uration and there is no other system in the state of -UNNING from &hich to retrie!e a confi"uration. If a system &ith a !alid confi"uration is started% that system enters the L)*AL+,UILD state. /ystems in /TALE+AD.IN+#AIT transition to /TALE+0EE-+#AIT. The system has joined the cluster &ith a stale confi"uration file. It is &aitin" for information from any of its peers $efore determinin" ho& to transition to another state.






The system has a stale confi"uration file and another system is doin" a $uild from dis' 1L)*AL+,UILD2. #hen its peer finishes the $uild% this system transitions to the state -E.)TE+,UILD. The system has not joined the cluster $ecause it does not ha!e a system entry in the confi"uration.

S**' A CLFST*+ &s!in&ga!config Gc %5 T*ST LLT ,5a+ @n n"de 1 &opt&V-TS t&getmac &dev&hme+4 &opt&V-TS t&d piping Gvs &dev&"e+4 @n n"de . &opt&V-TS t&d piping Gvc &dev&"e+4 Jmac address of node ;K VCS c"##ands srualc&C4Nr""tN$O haa ent -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ haagent %start JagentK %sys JsystemK haagent %stop JagentK %sys JsystemK haagent %disp ay MJagent#s$KL M%attri!ute Jattri!ute#s$KL haagent % ist MJconditiona #s$KL haagent %va ue JagentK JattrK haagent M%he p M% istLL srualc&C4Nr""tN$O haattr -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ haattr %add JrestypeK JattrK MJVAL/,TP1,KL MJ7.(,DS.6DKL MJdefau tKL haattr %add %static JrestypeK JattrK MJVAL/,TP1,KL MJ7.(,DS.6DKL MJdefau tKL haattr %add %temp JrestypeK JattrK MJVAL/,TP1,KL MJ7.(,DS.6DKL MJdefau tKL haattr %defau t JrestypeK JattrK Jdefau tK haattr %de ete JrestypeK JattrK haattr %de ete %static JrestypeK JattrK haattr %de ete %temp JrestypeK JattrK haattr %disp ay Tc usterUgroupUsystemUheart!eatUJrestypeKV haattr M%he pL VAL/,TP1,+ %string#defau t$U%integer 7.(,DS.6D+ %sca ar#defau t$U%vectorU%key istU%assoc Jdefau tK+ for %sca ar+ va ue


for %vector+ va ue ... for %key ist+ key ... for %assoc+ Tkey va ueV ... srualc&C4Nr""tN$O hacli -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ hac i %cmd JcommandK M%sysU%server Jsystem#s$KL hac i %he p srualc&C4Nr""tN$O haclus -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ hac us %add Jc usterK JipK hac us %de ete Jc usterK hac us %de notes hac us %dec are Jdisconnect&outage&disaster&rep icaK %c us Jremote c usterK M%fai overL hac us %disp ay MJc usterKL M% oca c usL hac us %state MJc usterKL M% oca c usL hac us % ist MJconditiona #s$KL hac us %va ue Jattri!uteK MJc usterKL M% oca c usL hac us %notes hac us %status MJc usterKL hac us %update ic hac us M%he p M%modifyLL srualc&C4Nr""tN$O hac"n% -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ haconf %makerw haconf %dump M%makeroL haconf %he p srualc&C4Nr""tN$O hade&u -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ hade!ug %hand e hade!ug %hash MhashnameL hade!ug %memory hade!ug %ping hade!ug %startmatch hade!ug %stopmatch hade!ug %time hade!ug %timeout hade!ug %he p srualc&C4Nr""tN$O ha rp -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ hagrp %add JgroupK hagrp %de ete JgroupK hagrp % ink Jparent groupK Jchi d groupK JdependencyK hagrp %un ink Jparent groupK Jchi d groupK hagrp %c ear JgroupK M%sys JsystemKL M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hagrp %c earadminwait M%fau tL JgroupK %sys JsystemK hagrp %f ush JgroupK %sys JsystemK M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL


hagrp %on ine M%forceL M%nopreL JgroupK %sys JsystemK M%checkpartia JsystemKL M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hagrp %on ine M%forceL JgroupK %any M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hagrp %off ine M%forceL M%ifpro!edL JgroupK %sys JsystemK M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hagrp %off ine M%forceL M%ifpro!edL JgroupK %any M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hagrp %switch JgroupK %to JsystemK M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hagrp %switch JgroupK %any M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hagrp %free)e JgroupK %persistent hagrp %free)e JgroupK M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hagrp %unfree)e JgroupK %persistent hagrp %unfree)e JgroupK M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hagrp %ena! e JgroupK M%sys JsystemKL hagrp %disa! e JgroupK M%sys JsystemKL hagrp %autoena! e JgroupK %sys JsystemK hagrp %ena! eresources JgroupK hagrp %disa! eresources JgroupK hagrp %ignore JgroupK %c us Jc usterK hagrp %disp ay MJgroup#s$KL M%attri!ute Jattri!ute#s$KL M%sys Jsystem#s$KL M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hagrp %state MJgroup#s$KL M%sys Jsystem#s$KL M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hagrp % ist MJconditiona #s$KL M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hagrp %va ue JgroupK JattrK MJsystemKL M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hagrp %dep MJgroup#s$KL hagrp %resources JgroupK hagrp M%he p M%modifyU% inkU% istLL srualc&C4Nr""tN$O hah& -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ hah! %add Jh!K hah! %de ete Jh!K hah! % oca Jh!K JattrK hah! %g o!a Jh!K JattrK Jva ueK ... U JkeyK ... U TJkeyK Jva ueKV ... hah! %disp ay M JnameK ... L


hah! %state MJh!K %c us Jc usterKL hah! % ist MJconditiona #s$KL hah! %va ue Jh!K JattrK M%c us Jc usterKL hah! M%he p M%modifyLL srualc&C4Nr""tN$O hal" -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ ha og %addtags Jtag;K MJtag<K Jtag=K ...L M%sys JsystemKL ha og %de tags Jtag;K MJtag<K Jtag=K ...L M%sys JsystemKL ha og %add "uotedHstring %sev JCU,U:UDU.K M%sys JsystemKL M%msgid Jmessage%num!erK M%encoding JencodingKL M%parameters Jparameter;K Jparameter<K ...LL ha og %add "uotedHstring %d!g J;%<;K M%sys JsystemKL M%msgid Jmessage%num!erK M%encoding JencodingKL M%parameters Jparameter;K Jparameter<K ...LL ha og %cache Mnum!erHofHmessages JC ;4<?L ha og %info ha og %he p srualc&C4Nr""tN$O hare -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ hareg %c us hareg %sys MJsystemKL hareg %group MJgroupKL hareg %type MJtypeKL hareg %attr JsystypeKUJtypeK hareg %event MJeventKL hareg %resource JresourceK M% oca L hareg %groupresources JgroupK M% oca L hareg %typeresources JtypeK M% oca L hareg %rc us MJc usterKL hareg %rsys MJsystemK %rc us Jc usterKL hareg %rgroup MJgroupK %rc us Jc usterKL hareg %rresource MJresourceK %rc us Jc usterKL hareg %h! MJheart!eatKL hareg %a erts hareg %cache hareg %he p srualc&C4Nr""tN$O hares -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ hares %add JresK JtypeK JgroupK hares %de ete JresK hares % oca JresK JattrK hares %g o!a JresK JattrK Jva ueK ... U JkeyK ... U TJkeyK Jva ueKV ... hares %action JresK JtokenK M%actionargs Jarg;K ...L %sys JsystemK M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hares % ink Jparent resK Jchi d resK hares %un ink Jparent resK Jchi d resK hares %c ear JresK M%sys JsystemKL hares %on ine M%forceL JresK %sys JsystemK


hares %off ine M%ignoreparentL JresK %sys JsystemK hares %refreshinfo JresK M%sys JsystemKL %c us Jc usterK U % oca c us hares %f ushinfo JresK M%sys JsystemKL %c us Jc usterK U % oca c us hares %offprop M%ignoreparentL JresK %sys JsystemK hares %override JresK Jstaticattri!uteK hares %undoHoverride JresK Jstaticattri!uteK hares %pro!e JresK %sys JsystemK hares %dep MJresource#s$KL hares %disp ay MJresource#s$KL M%attri!ute Jattri!ute#s$KL M%group Jgroup#s$KL M%type Jtype#s$KL M%sys Jsystem#s$KL M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hares %disp ay %ova ues MJresource#s$KL M%group Jgroup#s$KL M%type Jtype#s$KL hares %state MJresK %sys JsystemKL M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hares % ist MJconditiona #s$L M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hares %va ue JresK JattrK MJsystemKL M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hares M%he p M%modifyU% istLL srualc&C4Nr""tN$O hastatus -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ hastatus M%soundL hastatus %summary hastatus M%soundL %group JgroupK M %group JgroupK ... L hastatus %he p srualc&C4Nr""tN$O hasys -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ hasys %add JsysK hasys %de ete JsysK hasys %free)e M%persistentL M%evacuateL JsysK hasys %unfree)e M%persistentL JsysK hasys %force JsysK hasys % oad JsysK Jva ueK hasys %disp ay MJsystem#s$KL M%attri!ute Jattri!ute#s$KL M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hasys %state MJsysKL M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hasys % ist MJconditiona #s$KL


M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hasys %va ue JsysK JattrK M%c us Jc usterK U % oca c usL hasys %nodeid MJnodeidKL hasys %update ic %sys JsysK hasys %update ic %a hasys M%he p M%modifyU% istLL ,hastart -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ hastart %sta e hastart %force hastart %onenode hastart %he p hastart %version , hast"p -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ hastop % oca M%forceU%evacuateU%noautodisa! eL hastop % oca M%forceU%evacuate %noautodisa! eL hastop %sys JsystemK .... M%forceU%evacuateU%noautodisa! eL hastop %sys JsystemK .... M%forceU%evacuate %noautodisa! eL hastop %a %force hastop %a hastop M%he pL srua c!4?+root+&K hatype % ist App ication 7DS 7iskGroup , ifDone *i eDone *i e6n6ff *i e6n6n y .1 .1(u tiD.C .1(u tiD.CB LV(VG (ount (u tiD.CA (u tiD.CB D*S D.C DetBackup Dotifier(ngr 1hantom 1rocess 1ro5y ServiceGroupOB


Share V-TS:e!App Vo ume srualc&C4Nr""tN$O hatype -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ hatype %add JtypeK hatype %de ete JtypeK hatype %disp ay MJtype#s$KL M%attri!ute Jattri!ute#s$KL hatype %resources JtypeK hatype % ist MJconditiona #s$KL hatype %va ue JtypeK JattrK hatype M%he p M%modifyU% istLL srualc&C4Nr""tN$O hauser -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ hauser %add JnameK M%priv JAdministratorU6peratorK M%group Jgroup#s$KLL hauser %addpriv JnameK JAdministratorU6peratorK M%group Jgroup#s$KL hauser %de priv JnameK JAdministratorU6peratorK M%group Jgroup#s$KL hauser %update JnameK hauser %de ete JnameK hauser %disp ay MJnameKL hauser % ist hauser %he p ,ha#s -help VCS .D*6 V%;>%;%;4>4; /sage+ hamsg %info M%path JpathKL JL7* fi eK hamsg %tai MJmessagesKL M%path JpathKL M% ang J anguageKL JL7* fi eK hamsg M%anyL M%sev JCU,U:UDU.KL M%otype JVCSU-,SUG-1USPSUAGTKL M%oname Jo!8ect nameKL M%cat JcategoryKL M%msgid J.7KL M%path JpathKL M% ang J anguageKL JL7* fi eK hamsg % ist hamsg %he p
Sample main.cmd hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype 4add Application 4modify Application /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify Application Ar"List User /tart0ro"ram /top0ro"ram *lean0ro"ram .onitor0ro"ram 0idFiles .onitor0rocesses 4add Application User 4strin" 4add Application /tart0ro"ram 4strin" 4add Application /top0ro"ram 4strin" 4add Application *lean0ro"ram 4strin" 4add Application .onitor0ro"ram 4strin" 4add Application 0idFiles 4strin" 4!ector 4add Application .onitor0rocesses 4strin" 4!ector 4modify Application Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify Application *loseTimeout 78 4modify Application *leanTimeout 78 4modify Application *onfInter!al 788 4modify Application .onitorInter!al 78 4modify Application .onitorTimeout 78 4modify Application NumThreads 98 4modify Application A"ent0riority 8 4modify Application A"ent*lass T/ 4modify Application /cript0riority 8 4modify Application /cript*lass T/ 4modify Application Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify Application )ffline.onitorInter!al ;88 4modify Application )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify Application )nline-etryLimit 8 4modify Application )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify Application )nline#aitLimit > 4modify Application )penTimeout 78 4modify Application -estartLimit 8 4modify Application ToleranceLimit 8 4modify Application A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify Application A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify Application )perations )n)ff 4modify Application Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify Application InfoInter!al 8


hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr

4modify Application InfoTimeout ;8 4modify Application /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify Application ActionTimeout =8 4modify Application FireDrill 8 4default Application Auto/tart 9 4default Application *ritical 9 4default Application Tri""erE!ent 8 4default Application -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify Application .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify Application Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default Application *ompute/tats 8 4add DN/ 4modify DN/ /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify DN/ Ar"List Domain Alias @ostname TTL /tealth.asters 4add DN/ Domain 4strin" 4add DN/ Alias 4strin" 4add DN/ @ostname 4strin" 4add DN/ TTL 4inte"er A7=88 4add DN/ /tealth.asters 4strin" 4!ector 4modify DN/ Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify DN/ *loseTimeout 78 4modify DN/ *leanTimeout 78 4modify DN/ *onfInter!al 788 4modify DN/ .onitorInter!al 78 4modify DN/ .onitorTimeout 78 4modify DN/ NumThreads 98 4modify DN/ A"ent0riority 8 4modify DN/ A"ent*lass T/ 4modify DN/ /cript0riority 8 4modify DN/ /cript*lass T/ 4modify DN/ Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify DN/ )ffline.onitorInter!al ;88 4modify DN/ )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify DN/ )nline-etryLimit 8 4modify DN/ )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify DN/ )nline#aitLimit > 4modify DN/ )penTimeout 78 4modify DN/ -estartLimit 8 4modify DN/ ToleranceLimit 8 4modify DN/ A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify DN/ A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify DN/ )perations )n)ff 4modify DN/ Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify DN/ InfoInter!al 8 4modify DN/ InfoTimeout ;8 4modify DN/ /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify DN/ ActionTimeout =8 4modify DN/ FireDrill 8 4default DN/ Auto/tart 9 4default DN/ *ritical 9 4default DN/ Tri""erE!ent 8 4default DN/ -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify DN/ .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify DN/ Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default DN/ *ompute/tats 8 4add Dis'Group 4modify Dis'Group /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify Dis'Group NumThreads 9 4modify Dis'Group )ffline.onitorInter!al 78 4modify Dis'Group )nline-etryLimit 9 4modify Dis'Group Ar"List Dis'Group /tart olumes /top olumes .onitor)nly .onitor-eser!ation tempUseFence 4add Dis'Group Dis'Group 4strin" 4add Dis'Group /tart olumes 4strin" 9 4add Dis'Group /top olumes 4strin" 9 4add Dis'Group .onitor-eser!ation 4$oolean 8 4add 4temp Dis'Group tempUseFence 4strin" IN ALID 4modify Dis'Group Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify Dis'Group *loseTimeout 78 4modify Dis'Group *leanTimeout 78 4modify Dis'Group *onfInter!al 788 4modify Dis'Group .onitorInter!al 78 4modify Dis'Group .onitorTimeout 78 4modify Dis'Group A"ent0riority 8 4modify Dis'Group A"ent*lass T/ 4modify Dis'Group /cript0riority 8 4modify Dis'Group /cript*lass T/ 4modify Dis'Group Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify Dis'Group )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify Dis'Group )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify Dis'Group )nline#aitLimit > 4modify Dis'Group )penTimeout 78 4modify Dis'Group -estartLimit 8 4modify Dis'Group ToleranceLimit 8 4modify Dis'Group A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify Dis'Group A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify Dis'Group )perations )n)ff 4modify Dis'Group Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify Dis'Group InfoInter!al 8 4modify Dis'Group InfoTimeout ;8 4modify Dis'Group /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify Dis'Group ActionTimeout =8 4modify Dis'Group FireDrill 8 4default Dis'Group Auto/tart 9 4default Dis'Group *ritical 9 4default Dis'Group Tri""erE!ent 8


haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype

4default Dis'Group -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify Dis'Group .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify Dis'Group Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default Dis'Group *ompute/tats 8 4add ElifNone 4modify ElifNone /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify ElifNone )ffline.onitorInter!al 78 4modify ElifNone Ar"List 0athName 4modify ElifNone )perations None 4add ElifNone 0athName 4strin" 4modify ElifNone Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify ElifNone *loseTimeout 78 4modify ElifNone *leanTimeout 78 4modify ElifNone *onfInter!al 788 4modify ElifNone .onitorInter!al 78 4modify ElifNone .onitorTimeout 78 4modify ElifNone NumThreads 98 4modify ElifNone A"ent0riority 8 4modify ElifNone A"ent*lass T/ 4modify ElifNone /cript0riority 8 4modify ElifNone /cript*lass T/ 4modify ElifNone Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify ElifNone )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify ElifNone )nline-etryLimit 8 4modify ElifNone )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify ElifNone )nline#aitLimit > 4modify ElifNone )penTimeout 78 4modify ElifNone -estartLimit 8 4modify ElifNone ToleranceLimit 8 4modify ElifNone A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify ElifNone A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify ElifNone Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify ElifNone InfoInter!al 8 4modify ElifNone InfoTimeout ;8 4modify ElifNone /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify ElifNone ActionTimeout =8 4modify ElifNone FireDrill 8 4default ElifNone Auto/tart 9 4default ElifNone *ritical 9 4default ElifNone Tri""erE!ent 8 4default ElifNone -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify ElifNone .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify ElifNone Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default ElifNone *ompute/tats 8 4add FileNone 4modify FileNone /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4add 4static FileNone Auto-estart 4inte"er 9 4modify FileNone )ffline.onitorInter!al 78 4modify FileNone Ar"List 0athName 4modify FileNone )perations None 4add FileNone 0athName 4strin" 4modify FileNone Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify FileNone *loseTimeout 78 4modify FileNone *leanTimeout 78 4modify FileNone *onfInter!al 788 4modify FileNone .onitorInter!al 78 4modify FileNone .onitorTimeout 78 4modify FileNone NumThreads 98 4modify FileNone A"ent0riority 8 4modify FileNone A"ent*lass T/ 4modify FileNone /cript0riority 8 4modify FileNone /cript*lass T/ 4modify FileNone Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify FileNone )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify FileNone )nline-etryLimit 8 4modify FileNone )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify FileNone )nline#aitLimit > 4modify FileNone )penTimeout 78 4modify FileNone -estartLimit 8 4modify FileNone ToleranceLimit 8 4modify FileNone A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify FileNone A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify FileNone Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify FileNone InfoInter!al 8 4modify FileNone InfoTimeout ;8 4modify FileNone /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify FileNone ActionTimeout =8 4modify FileNone FireDrill 8 4default FileNone Auto/tart 9 4default FileNone *ritical 9 4default FileNone Tri""erE!ent 8 4default FileNone -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify FileNone .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify FileNone Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default FileNone *ompute/tats 8 4add File)n)ff 4modify File)n)ff /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify File)n)ff Ar"List 0athName 4add File)n)ff 0athName 4strin" 4modify File)n)ff Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify File)n)ff *loseTimeout 78 4modify File)n)ff *leanTimeout 78 4modify File)n)ff *onfInter!al 788 4modify File)n)ff .onitorInter!al 78 4modify File)n)ff .onitorTimeout 78


hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype

4modify File)n)ff NumThreads 98 4modify File)n)ff A"ent0riority 8 4modify File)n)ff A"ent*lass T/ 4modify File)n)ff /cript0riority 8 4modify File)n)ff /cript*lass T/ 4modify File)n)ff Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify File)n)ff )ffline.onitorInter!al ;88 4modify File)n)ff )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify File)n)ff )nline-etryLimit 8 4modify File)n)ff )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify File)n)ff )nline#aitLimit > 4modify File)n)ff )penTimeout 78 4modify File)n)ff -estartLimit 8 4modify File)n)ff ToleranceLimit 8 4modify File)n)ff A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify File)n)ff A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify File)n)ff )perations )n)ff 4modify File)n)ff Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify File)n)ff InfoInter!al 8 4modify File)n)ff InfoTimeout ;8 4modify File)n)ff /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify File)n)ff ActionTimeout =8 4modify File)n)ff FireDrill 8 4default File)n)ff Auto/tart 9 4default File)n)ff *ritical 9 4default File)n)ff Tri""erE!ent 8 4default File)n)ff -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify File)n)ff .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify File)n)ff Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default File)n)ff *ompute/tats 8 4add File)n)nly 4modify File)n)nly /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify File)n)nly Ar"List 0athName 4modify File)n)nly )perations )n)nly 4add File)n)nly 0athName 4strin" 4modify File)n)nly Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify File)n)nly *loseTimeout 78 4modify File)n)nly *leanTimeout 78 4modify File)n)nly *onfInter!al 788 4modify File)n)nly .onitorInter!al 78 4modify File)n)nly .onitorTimeout 78 4modify File)n)nly NumThreads 98 4modify File)n)nly A"ent0riority 8 4modify File)n)nly A"ent*lass T/ 4modify File)n)nly /cript0riority 8 4modify File)n)nly /cript*lass T/ 4modify File)n)nly Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify File)n)nly )ffline.onitorInter!al ;88 4modify File)n)nly )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify File)n)nly )nline-etryLimit 8 4modify File)n)nly )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify File)n)nly )nline#aitLimit > 4modify File)n)nly )penTimeout 78 4modify File)n)nly -estartLimit 8 4modify File)n)nly ToleranceLimit 8 4modify File)n)nly A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify File)n)nly A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify File)n)nly Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify File)n)nly InfoInter!al 8 4modify File)n)nly InfoTimeout ;8 4modify File)n)nly /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify File)n)nly ActionTimeout =8 4modify File)n)nly FireDrill 8 4default File)n)nly Auto/tart 9 4default File)n)nly *ritical 9 4default File)n)nly Tri""erE!ent 8 4default File)n)nly -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify File)n)nly .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify File)n)nly Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default File)n)nly *ompute/tats 8 4add I0 4modify I0 /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify I0 Ar"List De!ice Address Net.as' )ptions 4add I0 De!ice 4strin" 4add I0 Address 4strin" 4add I0 Net.as' 4strin" 4add I0 )ptions 4strin" 4modify I0 Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify I0 *loseTimeout 78 4modify I0 *leanTimeout 78 4modify I0 *onfInter!al 788 4modify I0 .onitorInter!al 78 4modify I0 .onitorTimeout 78 4modify I0 NumThreads 98 4modify I0 A"ent0riority 8 4modify I0 A"ent*lass T/ 4modify I0 /cript0riority 8 4modify I0 /cript*lass T/ 4modify I0 Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify I0 )ffline.onitorInter!al ;88 4modify I0 )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify I0 )nline-etryLimit 8 4modify I0 )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify I0 )nline#aitLimit > 4modify I0 )penTimeout 78


hatype 4modify I0 -estartLimit 8 hatype 4modify I0 ToleranceLimit 8 hatype 4modify I0 A"ent/tartTimeout 78 hatype 4modify I0 A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 hatype 4modify I0 )perations )n)ff hatype 4modify I0 Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = hatype 4modify I0 InfoInter!al 8 hatype 4modify I0 InfoTimeout ;8 hatype 4modify I0 /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys hatype 4modify I0 ActionTimeout =8 hatype 4modify I0 FireDrill 8 haattr 4default I0 Auto/tart 9 haattr 4default I0 *ritical 9 haattr 4default I0 Tri""erE!ent 8 haattr 4default I0 -esource)&ner un'no&n hatype 4modify I0 .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 hatype 4modify I0 Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys haattr 4default I0 *ompute/tats 8 hatype 4add I0.ultiNI* hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* .onitorTimeout 9>8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* )ffline.onitorInter!al 78 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* )fflineTimeout 9>8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* )nline-etryLimit ; hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* ToleranceLimit 98 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* Ar"List 5.ultiNI*A-esNameBDe!ice5 Address Net.as' )ptions 5.ultiNI*A-esNameB0ro$ed5 .ultiNI*A-esName haattr 4add I0.ultiNI* Address 4strin" haattr 4add I0.ultiNI* Net.as' 4strin" haattr 4add I0.ultiNI* )ptions 4strin" haattr 4add I0.ultiNI* .ultiNI*A-esName 4strin" hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* Attr*han"edTimeout 78 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* *loseTimeout 78 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* *leanTimeout 78 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* *onfInter!al 788 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* .onitorInter!al 78 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* NumThreads 98 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* A"ent0riority 8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* A"ent*lass T/ hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* /cript0riority 8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* /cript*lass T/ hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* )nlineTimeout ;88 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* )nline#aitLimit > hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* )penTimeout 78 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* -estartLimit 8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* A"ent/tartTimeout 78 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* )perations )n)ff hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* InfoInter!al 8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* InfoTimeout ;8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* ActionTimeout =8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* FireDrill 8 haattr 4default I0.ultiNI* Auto/tart 9 haattr 4default I0.ultiNI* *ritical 9 haattr 4default I0.ultiNI* Tri""erE!ent 8 haattr 4default I0.ultiNI* -esource)&ner un'no&n hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI* Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys haattr 4default I0.ultiNI* *ompute/tats 8 hatype 4add I0.ultiNI*, hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, .onitorInter!al 98 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, .onitorTimeout 9>8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, )ffline.onitorInter!al 78 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, ToleranceLimit 98 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, Ar"List Address Net.as' .ultiNI*,-esName 5.ultiNI*,-esNameB0ro$ed5 haattr 4add I0.ultiNI*, Address 4strin" haattr 4add I0.ultiNI*, Net.as' 4strin" haattr 4add I0.ultiNI*, .ultiNI*,-esName 4strin" hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, Attr*han"edTimeout 78 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, *loseTimeout 78 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, *leanTimeout 78 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, *onfInter!al 788 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, NumThreads 98 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, A"ent0riority 8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, A"ent*lass T/ hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, /cript0riority 8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, /cript*lass T/ hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, )fflineTimeout ;88 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, )nline-etryLimit 8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, )nlineTimeout ;88 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, )nline#aitLimit > hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, )penTimeout 78 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, -estartLimit 8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, A"ent/tartTimeout 78 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, )perations )n)ff hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, InfoInter!al 8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, InfoTimeout ;8 hatype 4modify I0.ultiNI*, /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys


hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr

4modify I0.ultiNI*, ActionTimeout =8 4modify I0.ultiNI*, FireDrill 8 4default I0.ultiNI*, Auto/tart 9 4default I0.ultiNI*, *ritical 9 4default I0.ultiNI*, Tri""erE!ent 8 4default I0.ultiNI*, -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify I0.ultiNI*, .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify I0.ultiNI*, Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default I0.ultiNI*, *ompute/tats 8 4add L . G 4modify L . G /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify L . G NumThreads 9 4modify L . G Ar"List olumeGroup .ajorNum$er )&nerName GroupName .ode Import!")pt aryon!")pt /ync)D. 4add L . G olumeGroup 4strin" 4add L . G .ajorNum$er 4inte"er 4add L . G )&nerName 4strin" 4add L . G GroupName 4strin" 4add L . G .ode 4strin" 4add L . G Import!")pt 4strin" n 4add L . G aryon!")pt 4strin" 4add L . G /ync)D. 4inte"er 9 4modify L . G Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify L . G *loseTimeout 78 4modify L . G *leanTimeout 78 4modify L . G *onfInter!al 788 4modify L . G .onitorInter!al 78 4modify L . G .onitorTimeout 78 4modify L . G A"ent0riority 8 4modify L . G A"ent*lass T/ 4modify L . G /cript0riority 8 4modify L . G /cript*lass T/ 4modify L . G Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify L . G )ffline.onitorInter!al ;88 4modify L . G )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify L . G )nline-etryLimit 8 4modify L . G )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify L . G )nline#aitLimit > 4modify L . G )penTimeout 78 4modify L . G -estartLimit 8 4modify L . G ToleranceLimit 8 4modify L . G A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify L . G A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify L . G )perations )n)ff 4modify L . G Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify L . G InfoInter!al 8 4modify L . G InfoTimeout ;8 4modify L . G /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify L . G ActionTimeout =8 4modify L . G FireDrill 8 4default L . G Auto/tart 9 4default L . G *ritical 9 4default L . G Tri""erE!ent 8 4default L . G -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify L . G .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify L . G Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default L . G *ompute/tats 8 4add .ount 4modify .ount /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify .ount )ffline.onitorInter!al 78 4modify .ount )nline-etryLimit 7 4modify .ount )nlineTimeout C88 4modify .ount -estartLimit 7 4modify .ount Ar"List .ount0oint ,loc'De!ice F/Type .ount)pt Fsc')pt /napUmount 4add .ount .ount0oint 4strin" 4add .ount ,loc'De!ice 4strin" 4add .ount F/Type 4strin" 4add .ount .ount)pt 4strin" 4add .ount Fsc')pt 4strin" 4add .ount /napUmount 4inte"er 4modify .ount Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify .ount *loseTimeout 78 4modify .ount *leanTimeout 78 4modify .ount *onfInter!al 788 4modify .ount .onitorInter!al 78 4modify .ount .onitorTimeout 78 4modify .ount NumThreads 98 4modify .ount A"ent0riority 8 4modify .ount A"ent*lass T/ 4modify .ount /cript0riority 8 4modify .ount /cript*lass T/ 4modify .ount Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify .ount )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify .ount )nline#aitLimit > 4modify .ount )penTimeout 78 4modify .ount ToleranceLimit 8 4modify .ount A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify .ount A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify .ount )perations )n)ff 4modify .ount Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify .ount InfoInter!al 8 4modify .ount InfoTimeout ;8 4modify .ount /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify .ount ActionTimeout =8 4modify .ount FireDrill 8 4default .ount Auto/tart 9


haattr 4default .ount *ritical 9 haattr 4default .ount Tri""erE!ent 8 haattr 4default .ount -esource)&ner un'no&n hatype 4modify .ount .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 hatype 4modify .ount Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys haattr 4default .ount *ompute/tats 8 hatype 4add .ultiNI*A hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A .onitorInter!al ;8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A .onitorTimeout ;88 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A ToleranceLimit 98 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A Ar"List De!ice Net.as' Gate&ay ,roadcastAddr )ptions -oute)ptions 0in")ptimi:e .onitor)nly @andsha'eInter!al Net&or'@osts hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A )perations None haattr 4add .ultiNI*A De!ice 4strin" 4assoc haattr 4add .ultiNI*A Net.as' 4strin" haattr 4add .ultiNI*A Gate&ay 4strin" haattr 4add .ultiNI*A ,roadcastAddr 4strin" haattr 4add .ultiNI*A )ptions 4strin" haattr 4add .ultiNI*A -oute)ptions 4strin" haattr 4add .ultiNI*A 0in")ptimi:e 4inte"er 9 haattr 4add .ultiNI*A @andsha'eInter!al 4inte"er 9 haattr 4add .ultiNI*A Net&or'@osts 4strin" 4!ector haattr 4add 4temp .ultiNI*A Failo!erIn0ro"ress 4$oolean 8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A Attr*han"edTimeout 78 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A *loseTimeout 78 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A *leanTimeout 78 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A *onfInter!al 788 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A NumThreads 98 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A A"ent0riority 8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A A"ent*lass T/ hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A /cript0riority 8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A /cript*lass T/ hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A )ffline.onitorInter!al ;88 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A )fflineTimeout ;88 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A )nline-etryLimit 8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A )nlineTimeout ;88 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A )nline#aitLimit > hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A )penTimeout 78 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A -estartLimit 8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A A"ent/tartTimeout 78 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A InfoInter!al 8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A InfoTimeout ;8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A ActionTimeout =8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A FireDrill 8 haattr 4default .ultiNI*A Auto/tart 9 haattr 4default .ultiNI*A *ritical 9 haattr 4default .ultiNI*A Tri""erE!ent 8 haattr 4default .ultiNI*A -esource)&ner un'no&n hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*A Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys haattr 4default .ultiNI*A *ompute/tats 8 hatype 4add .ultiNI*, hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, .onitorInter!al ;8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, )ffline.onitorInter!al 78 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, ToleranceLimit 98 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, Ar"List De!ice Net&or'@osts Gate&ay Lin'Test-atio No,roadcast Net&or'Timeout )nlineTest-epeat*ount )fflineTest-epeat*ount hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, )perations None haattr 4add .ultiNI*, De!ice 4strin" 4assoc haattr 4add .ultiNI*, Net&or'@osts 4strin" 4!ector haattr 4add .ultiNI*, Lin'Test-atio 4inte"er 9 haattr 4add .ultiNI*, No,roadcast 4inte"er haattr 4add .ultiNI*, Net&or'Timeout 4inte"er 988 haattr 4add .ultiNI*, )nlineTest-epeat*ount 4inte"er ; haattr 4add .ultiNI*, )fflineTest-epeat*ount 4inte"er ; haattr 4add .ultiNI*, Gate&ay 4strin" hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, Attr*han"edTimeout 78 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, *loseTimeout 78 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, *leanTimeout 78 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, *onfInter!al 788 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, .onitorTimeout 78 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, NumThreads 98 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, A"ent0riority 8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, A"ent*lass T/ hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, /cript0riority 8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, /cript*lass T/ hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, )fflineTimeout ;88 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, )nline-etryLimit 8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, )nlineTimeout ;88 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, )nline#aitLimit > hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, )penTimeout 78 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, -estartLimit 8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, A"ent/tartTimeout 78 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, InfoInter!al 8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, InfoTimeout ;8 hatype 4modify .ultiNI*, /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys


hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype

4modify .ultiNI*, ActionTimeout =8 4modify .ultiNI*, FireDrill 8 4default .ultiNI*, Auto/tart 9 4default .ultiNI*, *ritical 9 4default .ultiNI*, Tri""erE!ent 8 4default .ultiNI*, -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify .ultiNI*, .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify .ultiNI*, Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default .ultiNI*, *ompute/tats 8 4add NF/ 4modify NF/ /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify NF/ -estartLimit 9 4modify NF/ Ar"List Nser!ers 4modify NF/ )perations )n)nly 4add NF/ Nser!ers 4inte"er 4modify NF/ Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify NF/ *loseTimeout 78 4modify NF/ *leanTimeout 78 4modify NF/ *onfInter!al 788 4modify NF/ .onitorInter!al 78 4modify NF/ .onitorTimeout 78 4modify NF/ NumThreads 98 4modify NF/ A"ent0riority 8 4modify NF/ A"ent*lass T/ 4modify NF/ /cript0riority 8 4modify NF/ /cript*lass T/ 4modify NF/ Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify NF/ )ffline.onitorInter!al ;88 4modify NF/ )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify NF/ )nline-etryLimit 8 4modify NF/ )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify NF/ )nline#aitLimit > 4modify NF/ )penTimeout 78 4modify NF/ ToleranceLimit 8 4modify NF/ A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify NF/ A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify NF/ Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify NF/ InfoInter!al 8 4modify NF/ InfoTimeout ;8 4modify NF/ /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify NF/ ActionTimeout =8 4modify NF/ FireDrill 8 4default NF/ Auto/tart 9 4default NF/ *ritical 9 4default NF/ Tri""erE!ent 8 4default NF/ -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify NF/ .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify NF/ Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default NF/ *ompute/tats 8 4add NI* 4modify NI* /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify NI* )ffline.onitorInter!al 78 4modify NI* Ar"List De!ice Net&or'Type 0in")ptimi:e Net&or'@osts 4modify NI* )perations None 4add NI* De!ice 4strin" 4add NI* Net&or'Type 4strin" 4add NI* 0in")ptimi:e 4inte"er 9 4add NI* Net&or'@osts 4strin" 4!ector 4modify NI* Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify NI* *loseTimeout 78 4modify NI* *leanTimeout 78 4modify NI* *onfInter!al 788 4modify NI* .onitorInter!al 78 4modify NI* .onitorTimeout 78 4modify NI* NumThreads 98 4modify NI* A"ent0riority 8 4modify NI* A"ent*lass T/ 4modify NI* /cript0riority 8 4modify NI* /cript*lass T/ 4modify NI* Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify NI* )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify NI* )nline-etryLimit 8 4modify NI* )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify NI* )nline#aitLimit > 4modify NI* )penTimeout 78 4modify NI* -estartLimit 8 4modify NI* ToleranceLimit 8 4modify NI* A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify NI* A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify NI* Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify NI* InfoInter!al 8 4modify NI* InfoTimeout ;8 4modify NI* /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify NI* ActionTimeout =8 4modify NI* FireDrill 8 4default NI* Auto/tart 9 4default NI* *ritical 9 4default NI* Tri""erE!ent 8 4default NI* -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify NI* .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify NI* Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default NI* *ompute/tats 8 4add Net,ac'up 4modify Net,ac'up /ourceFile 5.6Net,ac'upTypes.cf5 4modify Net,ac'up )nline-etryLimit 9


hatype 4modify Net,ac'up )nline#aitLimit 9 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up -estartLimit > hatype 4modify Net,ac'up Ar"List /er!erType -o$otDaemon .on/cript haattr 4add Net,ac'up /er!erType 4strin" haattr 4add Net,ac'up -o$otDaemon 4strin" haattr 4add Net,ac'up .on/cript 4strin" hatype 4modify Net,ac'up Attr*han"edTimeout 78 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up *loseTimeout 78 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up *leanTimeout 78 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up *onfInter!al 788 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up .onitorInter!al 78 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up .onitorTimeout 78 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up NumThreads 98 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up A"ent0riority 8 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up A"ent*lass T/ hatype 4modify Net,ac'up /cript0riority 8 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up /cript*lass T/ hatype 4modify Net,ac'up Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> hatype 4modify Net,ac'up )ffline.onitorInter!al ;88 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up )fflineTimeout ;88 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up )nlineTimeout ;88 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up )penTimeout 78 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up ToleranceLimit 8 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up A"ent/tartTimeout 78 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up )perations )n)ff hatype 4modify Net,ac'up Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = hatype 4modify Net,ac'up InfoInter!al 8 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up InfoTimeout ;8 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys hatype 4modify Net,ac'up ActionTimeout =8 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up FireDrill 8 haattr 4default Net,ac'up Auto/tart 9 haattr 4default Net,ac'up *ritical 9 haattr 4default Net,ac'up Tri""erE!ent 8 haattr 4default Net,ac'up -esource)&ner un'no&n hatype 4modify Net,ac'up .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 hatype 4modify Net,ac'up Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys haattr 4default Net,ac'up *ompute/tats 8 hatype 4add Notifier.n"r hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r -estartLimit ; hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r Ar"List En"ineListenin"0ort .essa"esDueue NotifierListenin"0ort /nmpdTrap0ort /nmp*ommunity /nmp*onsoles /mtp/er!er /mtp/er!er rfy)ff /mtp/er!erTimeout /mtp-eturn0ath /mtpFrom0ath /mtp-ecipients haattr 4add Notifier.n"r En"ineListenin"0ort 4inte"er 9=9=9 haattr 4add Notifier.n"r .essa"esDueue 4inte"er ;8 haattr 4add Notifier.n"r NotifierListenin"0ort 4inte"er 9=9== haattr 4add Notifier.n"r /nmpdTrap0ort 4inte"er 97> haattr 4add Notifier.n"r /nmp*ommunity 4strin" pu$lic haattr 4add Notifier.n"r /nmp*onsoles 4strin" 4assoc haattr 4add Notifier.n"r /mtp/er!er 4strin" haattr 4add Notifier.n"r /mtp/er!er rfy)ff 4$oolean 8 haattr 4add Notifier.n"r /mtp/er!erTimeout 4inte"er 98 haattr 4add Notifier.n"r /mtp-eturn0ath 4strin" haattr 4add Notifier.n"r /mtpFrom0ath 4strin" haattr 4add Notifier.n"r /mtp-ecipients 4strin" 4assoc hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r Attr*han"edTimeout 78 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r *loseTimeout 78 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r *leanTimeout 78 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r *onfInter!al 788 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r .onitorInter!al 78 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r .onitorTimeout 78 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r NumThreads 98 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r A"ent0riority 8 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r A"ent*lass T/ hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r /cript0riority 8 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r /cript*lass T/ hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r )ffline.onitorInter!al ;88 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r )fflineTimeout ;88 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r )nline-etryLimit 8 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r )nlineTimeout ;88 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r )nline#aitLimit > hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r )penTimeout 78 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r ToleranceLimit 8 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r A"ent/tartTimeout 78 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r )perations )n)ff hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r InfoInter!al 8 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r InfoTimeout ;8 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r ActionTimeout =8 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r FireDrill 8 haattr 4default Notifier.n"r Auto/tart 9 haattr 4default Notifier.n"r *ritical 9 haattr 4default Notifier.n"r Tri""erE!ent 8 haattr 4default Notifier.n"r -esource)&ner un'no&n hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 hatype 4modify Notifier.n"r Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys haattr 4default Notifier.n"r *ompute/tats 8 hatype 4add 0hantom hatype 4modify 0hantom /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 hatype 4modify 0hantom Ar"List Dummy haattr 4add 0hantom Dummy 4strin"


hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype

4modify 0hantom Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify 0hantom *loseTimeout 78 4modify 0hantom *leanTimeout 78 4modify 0hantom *onfInter!al 788 4modify 0hantom .onitorInter!al 78 4modify 0hantom .onitorTimeout 78 4modify 0hantom NumThreads 98 4modify 0hantom A"ent0riority 8 4modify 0hantom A"ent*lass T/ 4modify 0hantom /cript0riority 8 4modify 0hantom /cript*lass T/ 4modify 0hantom Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify 0hantom )ffline.onitorInter!al ;88 4modify 0hantom )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify 0hantom )nline-etryLimit 8 4modify 0hantom )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify 0hantom )nline#aitLimit > 4modify 0hantom )penTimeout 78 4modify 0hantom -estartLimit 8 4modify 0hantom ToleranceLimit 8 4modify 0hantom A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify 0hantom A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify 0hantom )perations )n)ff 4modify 0hantom Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify 0hantom InfoInter!al 8 4modify 0hantom InfoTimeout ;8 4modify 0hantom /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify 0hantom ActionTimeout =8 4modify 0hantom FireDrill 8 4default 0hantom Auto/tart 9 4default 0hantom *ritical 9 4default 0hantom Tri""erE!ent 8 4default 0hantom -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify 0hantom .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify 0hantom Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default 0hantom *ompute/tats 8 4add 0rocess 4modify 0rocess /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify 0rocess Ar"List 0athName Ar"uments 4add 0rocess 0athName 4strin" 4add 0rocess Ar"uments 4strin" 4modify 0rocess Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify 0rocess *loseTimeout 78 4modify 0rocess *leanTimeout 78 4modify 0rocess *onfInter!al 788 4modify 0rocess .onitorInter!al 78 4modify 0rocess .onitorTimeout 78 4modify 0rocess NumThreads 98 4modify 0rocess A"ent0riority 8 4modify 0rocess A"ent*lass T/ 4modify 0rocess /cript0riority 8 4modify 0rocess /cript*lass T/ 4modify 0rocess Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify 0rocess )ffline.onitorInter!al ;88 4modify 0rocess )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify 0rocess )nline-etryLimit 8 4modify 0rocess )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify 0rocess )nline#aitLimit > 4modify 0rocess )penTimeout 78 4modify 0rocess -estartLimit 8 4modify 0rocess ToleranceLimit 8 4modify 0rocess A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify 0rocess A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify 0rocess )perations )n)ff 4modify 0rocess Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify 0rocess InfoInter!al 8 4modify 0rocess InfoTimeout ;8 4modify 0rocess /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify 0rocess ActionTimeout =8 4modify 0rocess FireDrill 8 4default 0rocess Auto/tart 9 4default 0rocess *ritical 9 4default 0rocess Tri""erE!ent 8 4default 0rocess -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify 0rocess .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify 0rocess Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default 0rocess *ompute/tats 8 4add 0roxy 4modify 0roxy /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify 0roxy )ffline.onitorInter!al 78 4modify 0roxy Ar"List Tar"et-esName Tar"et/ysName 5Tar"et-esNameB0ro$ed5 5Tar"et-esNameB/tate5 4modify 0roxy )perations None 4add 0roxy Tar"et-esName 4strin" 4add 0roxy Tar"et/ysName 4strin" 4modify 0roxy Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify 0roxy *loseTimeout 78 4modify 0roxy *leanTimeout 78 4modify 0roxy *onfInter!al 788 4modify 0roxy .onitorInter!al 78 4modify 0roxy .onitorTimeout 78 4modify 0roxy NumThreads 98 4modify 0roxy A"ent0riority 8 4modify 0roxy A"ent*lass T/ 4modify 0roxy /cript0riority 8 4modify 0roxy /cript*lass T/


hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype

4modify 0roxy Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify 0roxy )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify 0roxy )nline-etryLimit 8 4modify 0roxy )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify 0roxy )nline#aitLimit > 4modify 0roxy )penTimeout 78 4modify 0roxy -estartLimit 8 4modify 0roxy ToleranceLimit 8 4modify 0roxy A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify 0roxy A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify 0roxy Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify 0roxy InfoInter!al 8 4modify 0roxy InfoTimeout ;8 4modify 0roxy /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify 0roxy ActionTimeout =8 4modify 0roxy FireDrill 8 4default 0roxy Auto/tart 9 4default 0roxy *ritical 9 4default 0roxy Tri""erE!ent 8 4default 0roxy -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify 0roxy .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify 0roxy Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default 0roxy *ompute/tats 8 4add /er!iceGroup@, 4modify /er!iceGroup@, /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify /er!iceGroup@, )nline-etryLimit < 4modify /er!iceGroup@, Ar"List Dis's All)rNone 4add /er!iceGroup@, Dis's 4strin" 4!ector 4add /er!iceGroup@, All)rNone 4$oolean 9 4modify /er!iceGroup@, Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify /er!iceGroup@, *loseTimeout 78 4modify /er!iceGroup@, *leanTimeout 78 4modify /er!iceGroup@, *onfInter!al 788 4modify /er!iceGroup@, .onitorInter!al 78 4modify /er!iceGroup@, .onitorTimeout 78 4modify /er!iceGroup@, NumThreads 98 4modify /er!iceGroup@, A"ent0riority 8 4modify /er!iceGroup@, A"ent*lass T/ 4modify /er!iceGroup@, /cript0riority 8 4modify /er!iceGroup@, /cript*lass T/ 4modify /er!iceGroup@, Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify /er!iceGroup@, )ffline.onitorInter!al ;88 4modify /er!iceGroup@, )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify /er!iceGroup@, )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify /er!iceGroup@, )nline#aitLimit > 4modify /er!iceGroup@, )penTimeout 78 4modify /er!iceGroup@, -estartLimit 8 4modify /er!iceGroup@, ToleranceLimit 8 4modify /er!iceGroup@, A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify /er!iceGroup@, A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify /er!iceGroup@, )perations )n)ff 4modify /er!iceGroup@, Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify /er!iceGroup@, InfoInter!al 8 4modify /er!iceGroup@, InfoTimeout ;8 4modify /er!iceGroup@, /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify /er!iceGroup@, ActionTimeout =8 4modify /er!iceGroup@, FireDrill 8 4default /er!iceGroup@, Auto/tart 9 4default /er!iceGroup@, *ritical 9 4default /er!iceGroup@, Tri""erE!ent 8 4default /er!iceGroup@, -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify /er!iceGroup@, .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify /er!iceGroup@, Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default /er!iceGroup@, *ompute/tats 8 4add /hare 4modify /hare /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify /hare Ar"List 0athName )ptions 4add /hare 0athName 4strin" 4add /hare )ptions 4strin" 4modify /hare Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify /hare *loseTimeout 78 4modify /hare *leanTimeout 78 4modify /hare *onfInter!al 788 4modify /hare .onitorInter!al 78 4modify /hare .onitorTimeout 78 4modify /hare NumThreads 98 4modify /hare A"ent0riority 8 4modify /hare A"ent*lass T/ 4modify /hare /cript0riority 8 4modify /hare /cript*lass T/ 4modify /hare Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify /hare )ffline.onitorInter!al ;88 4modify /hare )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify /hare )nline-etryLimit 8 4modify /hare )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify /hare )nline#aitLimit > 4modify /hare )penTimeout 78 4modify /hare -estartLimit 8 4modify /hare ToleranceLimit 8 4modify /hare A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify /hare A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify /hare )perations )n)ff 4modify /hare Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify /hare InfoInter!al 8 4modify /hare InfoTimeout ;8


hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype hatype haattr haattr haattr haattr hatype hatype haattr haclus haclus

4modify /hare /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify /hare ActionTimeout =8 4modify /hare FireDrill 8 4default /hare Auto/tart 9 4default /hare *ritical 9 4default /hare Tri""erE!ent 8 4default /hare -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify /hare .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify /hare Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default /hare *ompute/tats 8 4add -T/#e$App 4modify -T/#e$App /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify -T/#e$App NumThreads 9 4modify -T/#e$App Ar"List AppName InstallDir TimeFor)nline 4add -T/#e$App AppName 4strin" 4add -T/#e$App InstallDir 4strin" 4add -T/#e$App TimeFor)nline 4inte"er 4modify -T/#e$App Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify -T/#e$App *loseTimeout 78 4modify -T/#e$App *leanTimeout 78 4modify -T/#e$App *onfInter!al 788 4modify -T/#e$App .onitorInter!al 78 4modify -T/#e$App .onitorTimeout 78 4modify -T/#e$App A"ent0riority 8 4modify -T/#e$App A"ent*lass T/ 4modify -T/#e$App /cript0riority 8 4modify -T/#e$App /cript*lass T/ 4modify -T/#e$App Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify -T/#e$App )ffline.onitorInter!al ;88 4modify -T/#e$App )fflineTimeout ;88 4modify -T/#e$App )nline-etryLimit 8 4modify -T/#e$App )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify -T/#e$App )nline#aitLimit > 4modify -T/#e$App )penTimeout 78 4modify -T/#e$App -estartLimit 8 4modify -T/#e$App ToleranceLimit 8 4modify -T/#e$App A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify -T/#e$App A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify -T/#e$App )perations )n)ff 4modify -T/#e$App Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify -T/#e$App InfoInter!al 8 4modify -T/#e$App InfoTimeout ;8 4modify -T/#e$App /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify -T/#e$App ActionTimeout =8 4modify -T/#e$App FireDrill 8 4default -T/#e$App Auto/tart 9 4default -T/#e$App *ritical 9 4default -T/#e$App Tri""erE!ent 8 4default -T/#e$App -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify -T/#e$App .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify -T/#e$App Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default -T/#e$App *ompute/tats 8 4add olume 4modify olume /ourceFile 5.6types.cf5 4modify olume NumThreads 9 4modify olume )ffline.onitorInter!al 78 4modify olume )fflineTimeout 9>8 4modify olume )nline-etryLimit 7 4modify olume Ar"List olume Dis'Group 4add olume olume 4strin" 4add olume Dis'Group 4strin" 4modify olume Attr*han"edTimeout 78 4modify olume *loseTimeout 78 4modify olume *leanTimeout 78 4modify olume *onfInter!al 788 4modify olume .onitorInter!al 78 4modify olume .onitorTimeout 78 4modify olume A"ent0riority 8 4modify olume A"ent*lass T/ 4modify olume /cript0riority 8 4modify olume /cript*lass T/ 4modify olume Lo"File/i:e ;;<<==;> 4modify olume )nlineTimeout ;88 4modify olume )nline#aitLimit > 4modify olume )penTimeout 78 4modify olume -estartLimit 8 4modify olume ToleranceLimit 8 4modify olume A"ent/tartTimeout 78 4modify olume A"ent-eplyTimeout 9;8 4modify olume )perations )n)ff 4modify olume Fault)n.onitorTimeouts = 4modify olume InfoInter!al 8 4modify olume InfoTimeout ;8 4modify olume /upportedActions 4delete 4'eys 4modify olume ActionTimeout =8 4modify olume FireDrill 8 4default olume Auto/tart 9 4default olume *ritical 9 4default olume Tri""erE!ent 8 4default olume -esource)&ner un'no&n 4modify olume .onitor/tats0aram Fre?uency 8 Expected alue 988 alueThreshold 988 A!"Threshold =8 4modify olume Lo"D$" 4delete 4'eys 4default olume *ompute/tats 8 4modify 0rint.s" 8 4modify UserNames admin ejj0"eIrj-'fIm'G'm


haclus 4modify Lo"/i:e 7<<;7 haclus 4modify Administrators admin haclus 4modify *ounterInter!al < haclus 4modify /ourceFile 5.6main.cf5 haclus 4modify *lusterName "leamdsta"e9 hasys 4add srualc$8= hasys 4modify srualc$8= /ourceFile 5.6main.cf5 hasys 4add srualcc8< hasys 4modify srualcc8< /ourceFile 5.6main.cf5 ha"rp 4add common ha"rp 4modify common /ystemList srualc$8= 9 srualcc8< > ha"rp 4modify common 0arallel 9 ha"rp 4modify common Auto/tartList srualc$8= srualcc8< ha"rp 4modify common /ourceFile 5.6main.cf5 hares 4add fe+ip I0.ultiNI*, common hares 4modify fe+ip Ena$led 9 hares 4o!erride fe+ip )nline-etryLimit hares 4modify fe+ip )nline-etryLimit >8 hares 4o!erride fe+ip -estartLimit hares 4modify fe+ip -estartLimit >8 hares 4local fe+ip Address hares 4modify fe+ip Address 59>A.C.988.==5 4sys srualc$8= hares 4modify fe+ip Address 59>A.C.988.=A5 4sys srualcc8< hares 4modify fe+ip Net.as' 5><<.><<.><<.85 hares 4modify fe+ip .ultiNI*,-esName fe hares 4add $e+ip I0.ultiNI* common hares 4modify $e+ip Ena$led 9 hares 4o!erride $e+ip )nline-etryLimit hares 4modify $e+ip )nline-etryLimit >8 hares 4o!erride $e+ip -estartLimit hares 4modify $e+ip -estartLimit >8 hares 4local $e+ip Address hares 4modify $e+ip Address 59>A.C.7A.;>5 4sys srualc$8= hares 4modify $e+ip Address 59>A.C.7A.;<5 4sys srualcc8< hares 4modify $e+ip Net.as' 5><<.><<.><<.85 hares 4modify $e+ip .ultiNI*A-esName $e hares 4add fe .ultiNI*, common hares 4modify fe Ena$led 9 hares 4o!erride fe )nline-etryLimit hares 4modify fe )nline-etryLimit >8 hares 4o!erride fe -estartLimit hares 4modify fe -estartLimit >8 hares 4local fe De!ice hares 4modify fe De!ice en< 59>A.C.988.=>5 en9 59>A.C.988.=;5 4sys srualc$8= hares 4modify fe De!ice en< 59>A.C.988.=75 en8 59>A.C.988.=E5 4sys srualcc8< hares 4modify fe Net&or'@osts 59>A.C.988.95 hares 4modify fe Gate&ay 59>A.C.988.95 hares 4modify fe Lin'Test-atio 9 hares 4modify fe Net&or'Timeout 988 hares 4modify fe )nlineTest-epeat*ount ; hares 4modify fe )fflineTest-epeat*ount ; hares 4add $e .ultiNI*A common hares 4modify $e Ena$led 9 hares 4o!erride $e )nline-etryLimit hares 4modify $e )nline-etryLimit >8 hares 4o!erride $e -estartLimit hares 4modify $e -estartLimit >8 hares 4local $e De!ice hares 4modify $e De!ice en= 59>A.C.7A.;95 en7 59>A.C.7A.>>5 4sys srualc$8= hares 4modify $e De!ice en7 59>A.C.7A.>;5 en; 59>A.C.7A.;=5 4sys srualcc8< hares 4modify $e Net.as' 5><<.><<.><<.85 hares 4modify $e Gate&ay 59>A.C.7A.95 hares 4modify $e ,roadcastAddr 59>A.C.7A.><<5 hares 4modify $e 0in")ptimi:e 9 hares 4modify $e @andsha'eInter!al 9 hares 4modify $e Net&or'@osts 4delete 4'eys hares 4modify $e Failo!erIn0ro"ress 8 ha"rp 4add "leam+app ha"rp 4modify "leam+app /ystemList srualc$8= 9 srualcc8< > ha"rp 4modify "leam+app 0re)nline 9 ha"rp 4modify "leam+app Auto/tartList srualc$8= ha"rp 4modify "leam+app /ourceFile 5.6main.cf5 hares 4add connect+direct Application "leam+app hares 4modify connect+direct Ena$led 9 hares 4modify connect+direct *ritical 8 hares 4o!erride connect+direct )nline-etryLimit hares 4modify connect+direct )nline-etryLimit = hares 4o!erride connect+direct -estartLimit hares 4modify connect+direct -estartLimit = hares 4modify connect+direct /tart0ro"ram 56hs$c6!cs6app+ser!6!cs+cd+start.sh5 hares 4modify connect+direct /top0ro"ram 56hs$c6!cs6app+ser!6!cs+cd+stop.sh5 hares 4modify connect+direct *lean0ro"ram 56hs$c6!cs6app+ser!6!cs+cd+clean.sh5 hares 4modify connect+direct .onitor0ro"ram 56hs$c6!cs6app+ser!6!cs+cd+monitor.sh5 hares 4modify connect+direct 0idFiles 4delete 4'eys hares 4modify connect+direct .onitor0rocesses 4delete 4'eys hares 4add "leam Application "leam+app hares 4modify "leam Ena$led 9 hares 4modify "leam *ritical 8 hares 4o!erride "leam )nline-etryLimit hares 4modify "leam )nline-etryLimit = hares 4o!erride "leam -estartLimit hares 4modify "leam -estartLimit = hares 4modify "leam /tart0ro"ram 56hs$c6!cs6app+ser!6!cs+"leam+start.sh5 hares 4modify "leam /top0ro"ram 56hs$c6!cs6app+ser!6!cs+"leam+stop.sh5 hares 4modify "leam *lean0ro"ram 56hs$c6!cs6app+ser!6!cs+"leam+clean.sh5


hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares ha"rp ha"rp ha"rp ha"rp hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares

4modify "leam .onitor0ro"ram 56hs$c6!cs6app+ser!6!cs+"leam+monitor.sh5 4modify "leam 0idFiles 4delete 4'eys 4modify "leam .onitor0rocesses 4delete 4'eys 4add net$ac'up Application "leam+app 4modify net$ac'up Ena$led 9 4modify net$ac'up *ritical 8 4o!erride net$ac'up )nline-etryLimit 4modify net$ac'up )nline-etryLimit = 4o!erride net$ac'up -estartLimit 4modify net$ac'up -estartLimit = 4modify net$ac'up /tart0ro"ram 56hs$c6!cs6app+ser!6!cs+net$ac'up+start.sh5 4modify net$ac'up /top0ro"ram 56hs$c6!cs6app+ser!6!cs+net$ac'up+stop.sh5 4modify net$ac'up *lean0ro"ram 56hs$c6!cs6app+ser!6!cs+net$ac'up+clean.sh5 4modify net$ac'up .onitor0ro"ram 56hs$c6!cs6app+ser!6!cs+net$ac'up+monitor.sh5 4modify net$ac'up 0idFiles 4delete 4'eys 4modify net$ac'up .onitor0rocesses 4delete 4'eys 4add "leam+inf 4modify "leam+inf /ystemList srualc$8= 9 srualcc8< > 4modify "leam+inf Auto/tartList srualc$8= 4modify "leam+inf /ourceFile 5.6main.cf5 4add "leamdsta"e+fe+ip I0.ultiNI*, "leam+inf 4modify "leamdsta"e+fe+ip Ena$led 9 4modify "leamdsta"e+fe+ip Address 59>A.C.988.=<5 4modify "leamdsta"e+fe+ip Net.as' 5><<.><<.><<.85 4modify "leamdsta"e+fe+ip .ultiNI*,-esName fe 4add "leamdsta"e+$e+ip I0.ultiNI* "leam+inf 4modify "leamdsta"e+$e+ip Ena$led 9 4modify "leamdsta"e+$e+ip Address 59>A.C.7A.;;5 4modify "leamdsta"e+$e+ip Net.as' 5><<.><<.><<.85 4modify "leamdsta"e+$e+ip .ultiNI*A-esName $e 4add apps+l!m!" L . G "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!m!" Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!m!" olumeGroup apps!" 4modify apps+l!m!" .ajorNum$er =; 4modify apps+l!m!" Import!")pt n 4modify apps+l!m!" /ync)D. 9 4add data+l!m!" L . G "leam+inf 4modify data+l!m!" Ena$led 9 4modify data+l!m!" olumeGroup data!" 4modify data+l!m!" .ajorNum$er => 4modify data+l!m!" Import!")pt n 4modify data+l!m!" /ync)D. 9 4add !eritas+l!m!" L . G "leam+inf 4modify !eritas+l!m!" Ena$led 9 4modify !eritas+l!m!" olumeGroup !eritas+!" 4modify !eritas+l!m!" .ajorNum$er =< 4modify !eritas+l!m!" Import!")pt n 4modify !eritas+l!m!" /ync)D. 9 4add apps+l!89+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!89+fs Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!89+fs .ount0oint 56Data/ta"eApp5 4modify apps+l!89+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6dsal!5 4modify apps+l!89+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify apps+l!89+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add apps+l!8>+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!8>+fs Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!8>+fs .ount0oint 56Data/ta"eApp6tmp5 4modify apps+l!8>+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6dsatmpl!5 4modify apps+l!8>+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify apps+l!8>+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add apps+l!8;+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!8;+fs Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!8;+fs .ount0oint 56Data/ta"eAppE<9+adc5 4modify apps+l!8;+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6dsaadcl!5 4modify apps+l!8;+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify apps+l!8;+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add apps+l!8=+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!8=+fs Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!8=+fs .ount0oint 56Data/ta"eAppE<9+adc6tmp5 4modify apps+l!8=+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6dsaadctmpl!5 4modify apps+l!8=+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify apps+l!8=+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add apps+l!8<+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!8<+fs Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!8<+fs .ount0oint 56Data/ta"eAppE<9+cad5 4modify apps+l!8<+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6dsacadl!5 4modify apps+l!8<+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify apps+l!8<+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add apps+l!87+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!87+fs Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!87+fs .ount0oint 56Data/ta"eAppE<9+cad6tmp5 4modify apps+l!87+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6dsacadtmpl!5 4modify apps+l!87+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify apps+l!87+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add apps+l!8E+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!8E+fs Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!8E+fs .ount0oint 56Datasta"e0roject6Grp*reditD.+G*DU+0-D5 4modify apps+l!8E+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6dsp"cdul!5 4modify apps+l!8E+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify apps+l!8E+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add apps+l!8A+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!8A+fs Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!8A+fs .ount0oint 56Datasta"e0roject6Grp*reditD.+G,*DU+0-D5 4modify apps+l!8A+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6dsp"$cdul!5 4modify apps+l!8A+fs F/Type jfs>


hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares

4modify apps+l!8A+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add apps+l!8C+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!8C+fs Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!8C+fs .ount0oint 56Datasta"e0roject6Grp*reditD.+G*D.+0-D5 4modify apps+l!8C+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6dsp"cdml!5 4modify apps+l!8C+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify apps+l!8C+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add apps+l!98+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!98+fs Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!98+fs .ount0oint 56Datasta"e0roject6Grp*reditD.+*A-.+0-D5 4modify apps+l!98+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6dspcarml!5 4modify apps+l!98+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify apps+l!98+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add apps+l!99+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!99+fs Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!99+fs .ount0oint 56Datasta"e0roject6,s; al+0-D5 4modify apps+l!99+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6dsp$!all!5 4modify apps+l!99+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify apps+l!99+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add apps+l!9>+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!9>+fs Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!9>+fs .ount0oint 56Datasta"e0roject6Grp*redit/A+0-D5 4modify apps+l!9>+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6dspsal!5 4modify apps+l!9>+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify apps+l!9>+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add apps+l!9;+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!9;+fs Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!9;+fs .ount0oint 56Datasta"e0roject6A"ree+0-D5 4modify apps+l!9;+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6dspa"reel!5 4modify apps+l!9;+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify apps+l!9;+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add apps+l!9=+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!9=+fs Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!9=+fs .ount0oint 56Datasta"e0roject6Adhoc5 4modify apps+l!9=+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6dspadhocl!5 4modify apps+l!9=+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify apps+l!9=+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add apps+l!9<+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!9<+fs Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!9<+fs .ount0oint 56usr6cdunix5 4modify apps+l!9<+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6cdunixl!5 4modify apps+l!9<+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify apps+l!9<+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add apps+l!97+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify apps+l!97+fs Ena$led 9 4modify apps+l!97+fs .ount0oint 56usr6cdunix6&or'5 4modify apps+l!97+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6cdunix&l!5 4modify apps+l!97+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify apps+l!97+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add data+l!89+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify data+l!89+fs Ena$led 9 4modify data+l!89+fs .ount0oint 56"cdm6prd5 4modify data+l!89+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6"cdmpl!5 4modify data+l!89+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify data+l!89+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add data+l!8>+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify data+l!8>+fs Ena$led 9 4modify data+l!8>+fs .ount0oint 56"cdm6prd6&or'in"area5 4modify data+l!8>+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6"cdmp&ol!5 4modify data+l!8>+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify data+l!8>+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add data+l!8;+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify data+l!8;+fs Ena$led 9 4modify data+l!8;+fs .ount0oint 56"cdm6prd6&or'in"area6carm5 4modify data+l!8;+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6"cdmp&ocarml!5 4modify data+l!8;+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify data+l!8;+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add data+l!8=+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify data+l!8=+fs Ena$led 9 4modify data+l!8=+fs .ount0oint 56"cdm6prd6&or'in"area6"ears5 4modify data+l!8=+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6"cdmp&o"earl!5 4modify data+l!8=+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify data+l!8=+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add data+l!8<+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify data+l!8<+fs Ena$led 9 4modify data+l!8<+fs .ount0oint 56"cdm6prd6&or'in"area6monthly5 4modify data+l!8<+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6"cdmp&omonl!5 4modify data+l!8<+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify data+l!8<+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add data+l!87+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify data+l!87+fs Ena$led 9 4modify data+l!87+fs .ount0oint 56"cdm6prd6archi!eoff5 4modify data+l!87+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6"cdmparchl!5 4modify data+l!87+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify data+l!87+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add data+l!8E+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify data+l!8E+fs Ena$led 9 4modify data+l!8E+fs .ount0oint 56"cdm6prd6ra&data5 4modify data+l!8E+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6"cdmpra&l!5 4modify data+l!8E+fs F/Type jfs> 4modify data+l!8E+fs Fsc')pt 5F4y5 4add data+l!8A+fs .ount "leam+inf 4modify data+l!8A+fs Ena$led 9 4modify data+l!8A+fs .ount0oint 56"cdm6prd6Data/ets+N95 4modify data+l!8A+fs ,loc'De!ice 56de!6"cdmpdsn9l!5


hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares

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hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares ha"rp hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares hares

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