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.Dr. Osama El-Mahdy, C.

PERSONAL DATA Name: Osama Ahmed Lotfy Kamal El-Mahdy Rank: Assistant Professor Address King saud University, Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department !ollege of Engineering P"O"#$$ %iyadh &&'(& )audi Ara*ia Phone: $&-'+,+#,( Fa : $&-'+,''(( E-ma!l: Omahdy -.su"edu"sa ED"CAT#ON Ph"D"in Petroleum Engineering from /a0ulty of Engineering Al-A1har University !airo Egypt Nov"($$( M")0"in Petroleum Engineering from /a0ulty of Engineering Al-A1har University !airo Egypt 2an"&33' 4")0"in Petroleum Engineering from /a0ulty of Engineering Al-A1har University !airo Egypt may &3## ACADEM#C RECORD $#T% &#N' SA"D "N#VERS#T( Assistant Professor Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department from O0t" ($$# till no5 TA"'%T CO"RSES Properties of %eservoir %o0. . Properties of %eservoir /luids . %eservoir /luids La*oratory . Different Graduation Pro6e0ts .

Assistant Professor in Petroleum Engineering Department Mina . University Al-Mina Egypt from mar0h ($$7to O0t"($$# Le0turer Petroleum Engineering Department Al-A1harUniversity !airo Egypt from 2an" &337to De0"($$' 8ea0hing Assistant Petroleum Engineering Department Al- . A1harUniversity !airo Egypt from may &33$ to 2an"&337


A"A"9"El-)ayed O"A"Al-Mahdy and M"A"Al-)addi:ui;</ormation damage . dye to mud under dynami0 0onditions = a la*oratory stydy"< Oiland Gas "European '>&333 A"4ayomi N" El-Emam M" Khairy and O"A"Mahdy; < 8he effe0t of . polymers on the displa0ement of Nu*ia !rude oil re0overy"< 2ournal of "!anadian Petroleum 8e0hnology &>&33, A"4ayomi N" El-Emam M" Khairy and O"A"Mahdy; < 8he effe0t of . 0hemi0al flooding on the displa0ement of Nu*ia !rude oil re0overy"< &(th " petroleum !onferen0e of !airo university &337 A"4ayomi N" El-Emam M" Khairy and O"A"Mahdy; < 9eterogeneity plays . an important role on the oil relative permea*ility and mo*ility"< 'th " international !onferen0e of Assuit university &33' A"4ayomi N" El-Emam M" Khairy and O"A"Mahdy; < )urfa0tants in0rease . the displa0ement effi0ien0y on Nu*ia 0rude oil in O0to*er field"< 'th " international !onferen0e of Assuit university &33' A"4ayomi N" El-Emam M" Khairy and O"A"Mahdy; < 8he effe0t of . polymers on the displa0ement of Nu*ia 0rude oil"< the se0ond ara* international 0onferen0e on polymers and their appli0ations &33? SC#ENT#F#C,PROF#SS#ONAL SOC#ET#ES OF $%#C% MEM*ER Mem*er of the Ameri0an )o0iety of petroleum Engineers @)PEA U)A . Mem*er of the Egyptian Engineers syndi0ates Egypt . Mem*er of the Egyptian )o0iety of Engineers Egypt . Mem*er of the Ara* )o0iety of Mining and Petroleum Egypt .


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