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Attract Wealth

Wealth and abundance are important elements in living a life that is financially stable and free of stress. Having a job and earning money is one way to have wealth, yet there is another level of abundant living that involves attracting the idea of wealth and prosperity. Having a mindset that brings abundance into one's life is the key to knowing how to attract wealth. A lack of readily accessible funds can create friction within a household, and makes it difficult to fulfil your commitments as a responsible adult and/or parent. oney problems often lead to stress, tension, an!iousness, irritability, and a higher susceptibility to developing health issues. "ou are no longer the fun#loving person that people once gravitated to since it's pretty hard to sociali$e when thoughts of short of money or going bankrupt are constantly on your mind. Attract Wealth custom fre%uency will bring you in the vibrations that can help you better attract the positive energy needed to attain a lifestyle that meets your desires and effort.

Metaphysical Cause:

etaphysics &!ist but cannot be proved, it is all related to your deep rooted sub#conscious beliefs, fears which came from either past life or upbringing in your 'ocial, &conomic, or (eligious conditioning. )f a guy who has taken birth in a family who always have a feeling of lack lack and lack all the time, how can one e!pect him to be a confident to be go getter and work towards attracting Wealth. Where since his birth he has seen surrounded by feeling of lack of everything. *erson has limiting thoughts and feelings about Wealth. +his custom made fre%uency Audio will change your internal thought processes, changing the feeling of lack everywhere in life and start thinking like a millionaire that you will start acting like one, and once you do this it is only a matter of time before the money follows too.

Spiritual Aspect

'piritually, We all are 'ouls )ncarnated on other &arth to have a 'piritual &!perience, 'pirituality means we have to study our own soul our own nature, where We All are -.&/, there is no biasedness, and We all 0elieve in -ne#ness, 1ove, 2orgiveness, 0eing *rosperous, and Working our 3oals in 1ife for which we have been born as Human. +his is just a mild insight on 'pirituality.

DOs and DONTs

+hese type of therapies however can be used by anyone, but not for minor under the age of 45 years or people who are suffering through &pilepsy or 'ei$ures problem or females who are pregnant or any person who has severe mental disorder. 6sing such products are to be advised to be listened only after consulting edical *rofessional. 2ew people have their own comfort $one from which they don7t want to come out, though every individual person has right to evolve in all positive ways, still, leaving a choice on them is a must as they have their own life and own rights, so these therapies of evolvement may not be forced or played on anyone who is not willing to go through or who has been dwelling in the fear of unknown or is not ready to face the inner#self.

+he product is not at all made or advise to replace any running medical treatment or taken as even on alternative therapy, but is solely designed for helping one7s evolving/growth purpose to be more happy in life in desired area like 8ob, (elationships or something else. +he *roduct includes 0rainwave &ntertainment +herapy odules which may alter the state of consciousness for each individual in a different manner, though 0rainwave &ntertainment is widely accepted and has gone through medical practitioners in 6'A and 3ermany to Help people overcome their 2ears of *hobias and to achieve any target specific results.

Brainwave type and ( how many layers o su!liminal "



-ur brain mostly runs on 0eta, 3amma, Alpha, +heta, 9 :elta Waves. 0eta;# ental alertness and high level concentration

3amma;# High 2ocus Alpha;# (ela!ed 'tate +heta;# :eep 'leep, :elta;# :reamless 'tate, editative

+his particular program alters and help an )ndividual for long term mind programming +heta 0rainwaves are used in this Audio which helps in deep unlearning, learning and retaining )nformation for a longer period of time. +heta waves also help one in <hanging 0ehavior and attitude unusual problem solving if person remains awake in +heta 'tate. )n this particular product Weight 1oss, one is advised to listen to this Audio +rack with stereo headphones keeping ear phones =1eft side in 1eft &ar and (ight 'ide in (ight &ar> as when taking a nap or while meditating in a room. With +heta waves or :elta Waves one is not advised to listen to Audio *rograms while driving or doing kitchen or any machinery work as the music will put you automatically in sleeping mode.

#oundation A irmation

&ach )ndividual has the right to love him/herself and forgiveness is must in order to heal or evolve for his/her personal growth, Affirmations written here are marked a andatory foundation affirmations used in each individual program offered by us, they are as follows;# 1. I fully and freely forgive myself and others across all time and space, I release myself and others mentally and spiritually, I completely forgive everything connected with the matter in question, I forgive myself and others across time and space, as I forgive myself and others, they also forgive me across time and space, I am free, they are free, It is a marvelous feeling SO BE IT O!".

#. This is my day of general amnesty, I release any$ody and every$ody who has ever hurt me, and I wish for each and everyone%s health, happiness, peace and all the $lessings of life, I do this freely and &oyously and lovingly, !henever I thin' of the person or persons who hurt me in past, I say, (I have released you, forgiven you, and all the $lessings of life are yours,( I am free and they are free, The more good I give to others more it comes in multiplied to me, It is wonderful". ). I easily forgive others and I am easily forgiven, I choose to forgive as I ta'e responsi$ility for my creations and attractions. *. I love and approve of myself, I $elieve in myself, +ll my relationships are harmonious. ,. -y feminine energy and masculine energy are in perfect $alance with each other

Tar$eted product A irmation or Attract Wealth

All of my dreams for being abundant and prosperous are coming true right now, therefore ) am always having surplus amount of money. ) attract money to me and ) am attracted to money, ) put best of my energy into every goal ) pursue in my life, money and me grow the potent energy called money in my life. ) am open and willing to receive wealth in all of its forms, .ow, ) am wealthy more than ) ever imagined. ) am money magnet, ) am gracious for the wealth ) have in my life. ) am destined to find prosperity in everything ) do, ) am naturally productive, ) am productive at all times. ) am productive and successful in all areas of my life, ) am surrounded by abundance. ) am known for my positive energy and abundant lifestyle, therefore ) am grateful for everything ) receive in life ) am destined to find prosperity in everything ) do, therefore ) am thankful for the unlimited flow of good into my life ) am open to receive all the joy pleasures and prosperity given to me by universe, .ow, ) am healthy wealthy and happy as ) am. ) embrace prosperity happiness joy love money positive popularity in my life in an easy going manner in consonance with my life plan ) have always money flowing in my pocket and bank accounts, +hanks to everything, now, ) have 6nlimited (eserve of oney ) always have what ) need when ) need it, ) attract opportunities for abundance and success.

) can and will have more than ) ever dreamed possible, ) feel good about money and deserve it in my life ) place unlimited amount of money ) can make and have as much as ) need or want easily, ) feel great joy in providing for my family and those ) love, ) live an abundant life ) enjoy making money and strive to have fun in every aspect of my work, ) communicate clearly, gracefully and professionally. ) create the e!act lifestyle, ) want to live with enthusiasm, ) choose happiness and success and abundance in my life. ) celebrate life love and abundance every day, ) love and embrace the potent energy called money ) deserve to prosper in everything ) do, ) :eserve money, ) give gratitude now ) honour as now ) always have huge surplus amount of money in my pockets and bank accounts ) feel joy in offering support to my family, ) deserve and accept the love offered to me by others, ) give love to those in my life freely and it is returned in many fold ) allow love to find me in a state of great joy, ) attract and stay in only healthy relationships ) can and will have more than ) ever dreamed possible, ) will make positive health choices for myself, ) will e!ercise on a regular basis &verything positive ) need in life is mine ? ) have a surplus ) can give unto others with y wealth derives from honesty in everything ) do, my ideas are incredible and ) have the creative energy to bring them to life y belief in myself makes others confident in my talents and abilities, my potential is unlimited y life is full of abundance, my world is filled with an abundance of wealth health and happiness y ideas are incredible and ) have the creative energy to bring them to life, my greatest good is here for me now y money is always safe and growing and nurturing, money flows easily freely in my life y money flow in my life is smooth, money comes automatically to me from all e!pected sources and une!pected sources in life aking money is good for me and for everyone in my life, miracles and magic surround me support me everywhere ) go. +he world is abundant and joyful, +oday is filled with opportunity and ) capture it with guidance, guidance comes to me naturally )t is safe to be rich, *eople/ 1oves to pay me money


# @A in to be listened twice a day or at time of sleeping using headphones to listen

%ersonality output o the product

'ubliminally increases your willpower and commitment to go for Wealth and your mindset to that of a millionaire, which will attract the money and the lifestyle to match. "our limiting beliefs and negative thoughts will be replaced by thoughts of Abundance in all areas of your life. (eprogram and strengthen your willpower, determination, and strong drive to succeed. )ncrease your overall intelligence to help achieve your financial goals. (eprogram and strengthen your willpower, determination, and strong drive to succeed. Will help you stick to your decisions and always get what you want due to a strong desire for success and rock solid Abundance belief.

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