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AL Lhe end of Lhls lecLure noLes, sLudenLs should be able Lo explaln Lhe followlng:-

1. ClasslflcaLlon of law
2. Sources of Laws
3. SeparaLlon of powers
4. AdmlnlsLraLlon of !usLlce
3. oslLlon of Sharl'ah law

WhaL do you undersLand abouL Lhe Lermlnology of law"?

WrlLLen and unwrlLLen body of rules largely derlved from cusLom and formal
enacLmenL, whlch ls recognlzed as blndlng among Lhose persons who consLlLuLe a
communlLy or sLaLe, so LhaL Lhey wlll be lmposed upon and enforced among Lhose
persons by approprlaLe sancLlons.

1he above deflnlLlon ls qulLe a mouLhful. ln slmpllclLy, Lhe law ls a seL of rules, belng
developed over perlod of Llme, regulaLlng Lhe lnLeracLlons beLween people, enforceable by

WhaL ls Lhe ob[ecLlve of Lhe Law?

1he ob[ecLlve of Lhe law ls Lo malnLaln [usLlce ln Lhe socleLy. 1he end ob[ecLlve of Lhe law ls
Lo culLlvaLe Lhe pracLlce of whaL ls rlghL or falr/[usL.

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1. Clvll law

uerlved from 8oman law. A compleLe wrlLLen law LhaL derlved from leglslaLlon.
racLlce by wesLern Luropean counLrles, LaLln Amerlca, former lrench colonles,
1halland parL of Afrlca.

2. Common law

uerlved from case law or Lhe concepL of !"#$% '%()*)* (prevlous [udlclal declslons
musL be followed) and sLaLuLes. racLlce by commonwealLh counLrles such as

under common law sysLem, lL can be classlfled lnLo 3 broad caLegorles:-

2.1 ubllc Law

1hls law governs Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween lndlvlduals and Lhe sLaLe. ubllc law
can be furLher classlfled as (l) consLlLuLlonal law and (ll) crlmlnal law.

ConsLlLuLlonal law governs Lhe rlghLs beLween Lhe lndlvlduals and Lhe sLaLes,
sLaLes and Lhe federal governmenL, supremacy of parllamenLs and rlghLs of

Crlmlnal law codlfles crlmlnal offences commlLLed by lndlvlduals agalnsL Lhe
sLaLe. Lven lf Lhe acL of crlme was done agalnsL anoLher lndlvlduals, Lhe law
recognlzed LhaL Lhe crlme was done agalnsL Lhe sLaLe. 1haL explalns why ln
crlmlnal cases, Lhe ubllc rosecuLor wlll prosecuLe Lhe accused ln courL.

2.2 lnLernaLlonal Law

lnLernaLlonal laws regulaLe Lhe conducL beLween Lhe naLlons, person, body
corporaLe, and enLlLy, from dlfferenL counLrles.

2 sources of lnLernaLlonal laws are (l) CusLomary 8ules of lnLernaLlonal Law, and
(ll) 1reaLles/ ConvenLlons.

2.3 rlvaLe Law

1hls ls Lhe law LhaL regulaLes relaLlonshlp beLween lndlvlduals. 1he law alms Lo
compensaLe for any loss suffered by an lndlvldual, enforce a conLracL, and
recover from Lhe wrongdoers.

LaLer ln Lhls course, we wlll Lalk abouL conLracL, LorL, and equlLable obllgaLlons.

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1. WrlLLen law
2. unwrlLLen Law
3. lslamlc law

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1he lederal ConsLlLuLlon

lL ls Lhe supreme law for Lhe counLry. 1he lederal ConsLlLuLlon lays down Lhe fundamenLal
rlghLs of Lhe lndlvldual as well as Lhe relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe sLaLes. lL Lakes 2/3 of Lhe number
of Lhe leglslaLure (currenLly Lhe number sLood aL 222) Lo amend Lhe consLlLuLlon. Powever,
for normal laws llke Plre urchase AcL 1967, a slmple ma[orlLy can amend lL. arllamenL has
Lhe power Lo enacL laws ln LlsL 1 of Lhe 9
Schedule of Lhe lederal ConsLlLuLlon.

SLaLe ConsLlLuLlon

lf Lhe lederal ConsLlLuLlon regulaLes Lhe lederal, each sLaLe would have lLs own consLlLuLlon.
AlLhough Lhe sLaLe can make Lhelr own laws, Lhe laws cannoL conLravene Lhe ConsLlLuLlon.
SLaLes can make laws perLalnlng Lo land, flnanclal provlslons and leglslaLlve assembly. SLaLe
LeglslaLlve Assemblles can enacL laws for maLLers sLaLed ln LlsL 2 of Lhe 9
Schedule of Lhe
lederal ConsLlLuLlon.


LeglslaLlons are laws made by Lhe arllamenL or Lhe SLaLe LeglslaLlve. 1he laws enacLed by
Lhe arllamenL before 1937 are called Crdlnance and laws afLer 1937 are called AcL. Law
enacLed by SLaLe LeglslaLlve Assemblles ls called LnacLmenL excepL for Sarawak whereby Lhe
laws enacLed by Sarawak SLaLe Assembly are called Crdlnance.

Subsldlary LeglslaLlon

Subsldlary leglslaLlons are laws LhaL derlve from Lhe parenL AcL. Any subsldlary leglslaLlon
LhaL conLravenes Lhe parenL acL and/or Lhe lederal ConsLlLuLlon ls vold.

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1. Lngllsh law
2. !udlclal declslons
3. CusLoms

Lngllsh Law

1he ublqulLous of lnfluence of Lngllsh laws can be seen ln Malaysla. SecLlon 3 of Lhe Clvll
Law AcL 1936 provldes for Lhe appllcaLlon of Lngllsh laws and equlLy on 7.4.1936 for
enlnsular Malaysla, 1.12.1931 for Sabah and 12.12.1949 for Sarawak.

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!udlclal ueclslon

!udlclal declslons are declslon made by Lhe courLs. 1hese declslons are blndlng on Lhe lower
courLs. 1hls prlnclple ls called docLrlne of blndlng precedenL".

1he docLrlne ensures Lhe conslsLency, clarlLy, and cerLalnLy. Pence, we can regulaLe our
affalrs knowlng Lhe ouLcome of our acLlon lf Lhere ls any dlspuLe.

!udlclal SysLem ln Malaysla

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CusLomary laws are pracLlce of Lhe local lnhablLanLs ln Malaysla. 1he Malays pracLlce Lhe
adaL, so as Lhe Plndus and Lhe Chlnese whlch lLs own cusLomary laws. naLlves of Sabah and
Sarawak apply cusLomary laws ln deallng wlLh lands and famlly maLLers.

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Malayslan law

WrlLLen Law unwrlLLen Law lslamlc law

lederal SLaLe Lngllsh law !udlclal CusLoms
ConsLlLuLlon ConsLlLuLlon recedenLs

LeglslaLlon Common LqulLy


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1he lslamlc laws ln Malaysla are only appllcable Lo musllm and noL Lo non musllm. Powever,
Lhe appllcaLlon ls qulLe resLrlcLed such as buL noL llmlLed Lo marrlage, dlvorce, and

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