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through Bertha Dudde 6850

Jesus Christ opens the gate to eternal life ....

The gate into a life of light and glor is open to all of ou !ho ha"e found Jesus Christ# ho!e"er$ it re%ains &losed to those !ho are still distant fro% 'i% and 'is a&t of (al"ation. Therefore ou all should seriousl as) oursel"es !hether ou ha"e alread ta)en the path to 'i%$ to the &ross# for 'is path on earth ended !ith 'is death on the &ross$ hen&e ou !ill ha"e to see) and find 'i% there$ and that is !here ou %ust go if ou !ant to parti&ipate in 'is a&t of (al"ation. The goal of 'is life on earth !as the &ross$ *e&ause the &ru&ifi+ion !as intended to *ring rede%ption to ou hu%ans. Thus ou !ill find the di"ine Redee%er under the &ross$ !hi&h %eans that ou !ill &arr our guilt of sin$ for !hi&h the hu%an *eing Jesus died on the &ross$ to 'i% under the &ross$ that ou !ill there* pro"e our *elief in 'is di"ine %ission and so also re"eal our !ill to *e released fro% the guilt !hi&h separates ou fro% ,e$ our God and Father of eternit .... -n that &ase ou a&)no!ledge Me Myself Who a&&o%plished the a&t of (al"ation in the hu%an *eing Jesus .... .our path %ust lead to the &ross of Golgotha if ou !ant to rea&h the gate into eternal life$ for no other path leads to this gate. /ll of ou should seriousl 0uestion our attitude to!ards Jesus Christ .... 'o!e"er$ !ith the e+&eption of a fe!$ ou fail to do so$ e"en if 'is Gospel is repeatedl pro&lai%ed to ou$ e"en if 'is

tea&hing of lo"e is ti%e and again presented to ou and ou &ontinue to hear 'is na%e %entioned as that of the di"ine Redee%er .... .ou )eep our ears &losed and all Words * pass ou li)e e%pt tal). .ou are *arel tou&hed * !hat ou hear a*out Jesus Christ and 'is la*our of lo"e$ it does not enter our hearts$ it has not et &o%e ali"e in ou and ou ha"e not et spent an serious thought on !hat ou ha"e re&ei"ed so far. One da ou !ill ha"e to stop short at the gate to eternit $ ou !ill not find ad%ittan&e$ for ou had not found sal"ation as et *e&ause ou did not ta)e the path to the &ross$ 'is *lood !as una*le to &leanse ou and therefore ou !ill arri"e at the gate to eternit *urdened * guilt. -t is not enough to %erel "oi&e Jesus1 na%e !ith our %outh in order to *e released fro% our guilt .... .ou %ust approa&h 'i% oursel"es$ ou %ust hand oursel"es o"er to 'i% !ith &hildli)e trust and in a!areness of our fault and sin&erel appeal to 'i% that 'e should a&&ept ou$ that 'e %ight also ha"e shed 'is *lood for ou$ and ou %ust faithfull !ait for 'is forgi"eness .... /nd the !eight of our guilt !ill fall a!a $ &learing the path to the light and opening for ou the gate into eternal *eatitude .... Jesus Christ 'i%self !ill es&ort ou into 'is )ingdo%$ *ut !ithout 'i% ou !ill ne"er *e a*le to go through this gate. -f onl ou !ould *elie"e that 'is na%e is e"er thing$ that &alling upon 'is na%e !ith profound faith !ill lift ou out of all the ad"ersit !hi&h is the result of the sin !hi&h still !eighs ou do!n .... This is !h - des&ended to earth in the hu%an *eing Jesus$ in order to relie"e ou of the i%%ense *urden of sin and died on the &ross in order to redee% the great guilt !hi&h %a)es all of ou sigh !hile ou li"e on earth .... - died on our *ehalf .... *ut ou %ust !ant to *elong to those for Who% - ha"e died .... 'en&e ou %ust also ta)e the path to the &ross$ ou %ust %a)e &onta&t !ith Jesus Christ Who &on&luded 'is life on earth on the &ross .... Then 'e !ill !al) !ith ou and guide ou into 'is )ingdo% !hi&h 'e pro%ised to all those !ho *elie"e in 'i% .... /%en

2u*lished * friends of ne! re"elations of God 3 -nfor%ation$ do!nload of all translated re"elations$ the%e4*oo)lets at5 http566!!!.*ertha4dudde.info6english6inde+.ht%l 7 http566en.*ertha4dudde.org6

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