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Frankley Community Sports Club

1. Name

The club will be called Frankley Community Sports Club and will be affiliated to the FA, the RFU, the LTA, the ECB 2. Aims and ob ecti!es

The aims and ob ecti!es of the club will be" To offe# coachin$ and com%etiti!e o%%o#tunities in football, #u$b& union, tennis, c#ic'et To %#omote the s%o#ts of football, #u$b& union, tennis, c#ic'et To ensu#e a dut& of ca#e to all membe#s of the club To %#o!ide all its se#!ices in a wa& that is fai# to e!e#&one To ensu#e that all %#esent and futu#e membe#s #ecei!e fai# and e(ual t#eatment ). *embe#shi%

All membe#s will be sub ect to the #e$ulations of the constitution and b& oinin$ the club will be deemed to acce%t these #e$ulations and codes of conduct that the club has ado%ted and the %olicies and #ules of the +o!e#nin$ Bodies of ou# s%o#ts *embe#s will be en#olled in one of the followin$ cate$o#ies" ,ffice# of the Club Team *ana$e# Team Coach -la&e# .. *embe#shi% fees

*embe#shi% fees will be set annuall& and dete#mined at the Annual +ene#al *eetin$. Fees will be %aid b& annual subsc#i%tion.


,ffice#s of the club

The office#s of the club will be" Chai# 0ec#eta#& T#easu#e# Club 1elfa#e ,ffice# 2e!elo%ment ,ffice# 0chool Liaison ,ffice# ,ffice#s will be elected annuall& at the Annual +ene#al *eetin$. Committee membe#s ma& not se#!e in the same %osition fo# mo#e than th#ee &ea#s. 3. Committee

The club will be mana$ed th#ou$h the *ana$ement Committee consistin$ of" Chai# 0ec#eta#& T#easu#e# Club 1elfa#e ,ffice# 2e!elo%ment ,ffice# 0chool Liaison ,ffice# All Team *ana$e#s and Coaches ,nl& these %osts will ha!e the #i$ht to !ote at meetin$s of the *ana$ement Committee. The *ana$ement Committee will be con!ened b& the 0ec#eta#& of the club and held no less than 12 times %e# &ea#. The (uo#um #e(ui#ed fo# business to be a$#eed at *ana$ement Committee meetin$s will be" 3 The *ana$ement Committee will be #es%onsible fo# ado%tin$ new %olic&, codes of conduct and #ules that affect the o#$anisation of the club. The *ana$ement Committee will ha!e %owe#s to a%%oint sub4committees as necessa#& and a%%oint ad!ise#s to the *ana$ement Committee as necessa#& to fulfil its business. The *ana$ement Committee will be #es%onsible fo# disci%lina#& hea#in$s of membe#s who inf#in$e the club #ules5#e$ulations5constitution. The *ana$ement Committee will be #es%onsible fo# ta'in$ an& action of sus%ension o# disci%line followin$ such hea#in$s.



All club monies will be ban'ed in an account held in the name of the club. The Club T#easu#e# will be #es%onsible fo# the finances of the club. The financial &ea# of the club will end on" July 31st. An audited statement of annual accounts will be %#esented b& the T#easu#e# at the Annual +ene#al *eetin$. An& che(ues d#awn a$ainst club funds should hold the si$natu#es of the T#easu#e# %lus one othe# office#. 7. Annual $ene#al meetin$s

Notice of the Annual +ene#al *eetin$ 8A+*9 will be $i!en b& the Club 0ec#eta#&. Not less than 21 clea# da&s: notice to be $i!en to all membe#s. The A+* will #ecei!e a #e%o#t f#om office#s of the *ana$ement Committee and a statement of the audited accounts. Nominations fo# office#s of the *ana$ement Committee will be sent to the 0ec#eta#& %#io# to the A+*. Elections of office#s a#e to ta'e %lace at the A+*. All membe#s ha!e the #i$ht to !ote at the A+*. The (uo#um fo# A+*s will be 6. The *ana$ement Committee has the #i$ht to call E;t#ao#dina#& +ene#al *eetin$s 8E+*s9 outside the A+*. -#ocedu#es fo# E+*s will be the same as fo# the A+*. <. 2isci%line and a%%eals

All com%laints #e$a#din$ the beha!iou# of membe#s should be submitted in w#itin$ to the 0ec#eta#&. The *ana$ement Committee will meet to hea# com%laints within 14 da&s of a com%laint bein$ lod$ed. The committee has the %owe# to ta'e a%%#o%#iate disci%lina#& action includin$ the te#mination of membe#shi%.

The outcome of a disci%lina#& hea#in$ should be notified in w#itin$ to the %e#son who lod$ed the com%laint and the membe# a$ainst whom the com%laint was made within 5 da&s of the hea#in$. The#e will be the #i$ht of a%%eal to the *ana$ement Committee followin$ disci%lina#& action bein$ announced. The committee should conside# the a%%eal within 14 da&s of the 0ec#eta#& #ecei!in$ the a%%eal. 1=. 2issolution A #esolution to dissol!e the club can onl& be %assed at an A+* o# E+* th#ou$h a ma o#it& !ote of the membe#shi%. >n the e!ent of dissolution, an& assets of the club that #emain will become the %#o%e#t& of F#an'le& Communit& ?i$h 0chool. 11. Amendments to the constitution The constitution will onl& be chan$ed th#ou$h a$#eement b& ma o#it& !ote at an A+* o# E+*. 2ecla#ation Frankley Community Sports Club he#eb& ado%ts and acce%ts this constitution as a cu##ent o%e#atin$ $uide #e$ulatin$ the actions of membe#s. 0>+NE2" NA*E" -,0>T>,N" Club Chai# 0>+NE2" NA*E" -,0>T>,N" Club 0ec#eta#& 2ATE" 2ATE"

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