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Who here knows what type of government we live under? Democracy? No!!!

Contrary to popular belief we actually live under a capitalist based government, what is a capitalist based government you ask? A capitalist government is one in which the corporations and or augaudriattes as the french call it, rule all means of production! "hese certain individuals and very few at that, have influenced our perception of the world into believing we live under a government where the people rule and control its riches, this is a lie! We live in a society where the corporations control the government, and our #democratically$ elected politicians do their bidding, by making ta% cuts for the rich and leaving those at the bottom to suffer, these are the fundamentals of capitalism, a far stretch from the democratic ideals of freedom e&uality and 'ustice, that the media promotes so vigorously! (ne of the many dark undersides of this system is slavery! "here is a false belief in society that slavery has been abolished! Would you not say that your cleaner living in a one bedroom flat, working on )*+!,- an hour is not a slave to the corporation that he or she works for, the bulk of the profit that this person creates stays with the corporation, they can barely afford to feed themselves let alone a family, not only this they have little chance of a raise and will most likely do this 'ob or a similar one until their dying day, if this is not a slave . don/t know what is? The video i'm about to show you pretty much illustrates this idea and lays down the founding principals of capitalism.

0ets look at the statistics (graphs on power point), over the last *- years the average income of the rich *1, has more than doubled in fact it has risen by 2,-1, these aren/t millionaires who win the lotto, these are multi billionaires, people who earn a million dollars every week! "he typical C3( of a company who ten years ago used to earn +- times more than his or her workers now earns **- times more! Whilst in contrast the incomes of the middle and lower classes have fallen by 41, W3/53 A00 60A736 "( "83 9(735N:3N", "( "83 C(5;(5A".(N6, "( 6(C.3"<!, this level of ine&uality hasn=t been witnessed since the great depression of the *>2-/s, if we truly lived in a society where the government served the peoples needs as opposed to the *1 minority, these statistics would not e%ist! .n fact if the corporations in 'ust America, 'ust America! Not China,?apan the @A, 6outh Aorea, Brance and everywhere else put their resources together, remember i/m 'ust talking about corporations in America, that/s 9oogle, yahoo, apple and :icrosoft etc!! they actually out source not only the American government, but every government on earth ten times over, how is any government meant to implement law when there are individuals within its population that have more power than those trying to enforce it, how is the @N meant to help children in Africa if the corporations do not wish to devote their time, money and resources, as this is where the bulk of the worlds resources are located, the only way a country can go to war is if the corporations agree to finance the war which they will never do unless it benefits themselves! "hey give themselves ta% cuts for which they don/t need, and waste global resources competing with each other to make money which will never be spent nor even printed, when there are people in need of basic food, water and shelter! "he situation of developing countries is especially dire, the immense corruption e%isting in richer

countries has spilled over into the developing world and is consuming them, over C billion people live in poverty while the rich countries and within them a small group of rich people, have annually accumulated billions and billions of dollars from these developing countries! "his situation cannot continue any further, this is the world that certain gentlemen urge us to revert to! A world of ine&uality, robbery and e%ploitation! This video illustrates how they do it, the guy speaking is (PL ! "#$%&) httpDEEwww!youtube!comEwatch?vF7mGuHnbd-uo

Democracy wasn=t always like this, it has turned out like this is because the structure from which it is derived was designed prior to globaliIation, large companies like 9oogle, Apple and :icrosoft did not e%ist! .t was designed so the little guy could climb the industrial ladder and make a small fortune for himself, not so a few whom were already rich at the time could e%ploit this system and e%pand their wealth and political influence! "his is not a theory that . found on the internet, or made up myself after hours of reading articles, this is a truth that was &uoted to me by an Auckland @niversity student currently in his last year of studying for his ;8D in usiness and :arketing! Now your probably all wandering how this relates to our 3nglish study, well the great 9atsby weather or not you have realiIed it, is a direct criti&ue of this system, it shows capitalism=s most debilitating effects on even its most successful products, as &uoted by #6antosh Neupane$, who in case you didnt know is a very famous book critic! Now .=m no political philosopher but there is another way, the answer to our problems lies with those for which have been ridiculed for their way of life! "hey have been ridiculed for a reason, thats because their choice of government does not fit in with the capitalist regime, and the corporations will cease to profit from such a system! . think all of you know what i/m talking about, communism, no communism does/nt work, on its own at least, but there are certain aspects of the socialist structure of government that can be implemented into our government so businesses may retain their competitive nature, but the bulk of the proffits may remain with the state, and not those who influence it into their favor! As &uoted by Aarl :ar% capitalism can only be overcome by violent upheaval by the working class, until then the people will remain slaves to those for which have neither earned nor proven their title! . accept all open criticism for my views and will gladly debate anyone who sais otherwise!

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