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In the Knowledge of Allah Ta'ala by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah alayh)

Imam Malik (Rahmatullah alaihi) had great respect and great love for Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and Madina Munawwarah. He once wanted to perform afl Ha!!" #ut feared that he may die whilst on his !ourney for Ha!!. $It was his deep%hearted desire to die in Madina Shareef. In a dream" he saw Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and told him of his wish to die in Madina Shareef and he asked Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) as to how long he would live. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) showed his five fingers to Imam Malik (Rahmatullah alaihi). ot understanding the meaning of this dream" Imam Malik (Rahmatullah alaihi) wrote an anonymous letter to Shaykh I#n Sireen (Rahmatullah alaihi) who was the renowned and distinguished interpreter of dreams" in his time. &n reading the dream" Shaykh I#n Sireen (Rahmatullah alaihi) said that only Imam Malik (Rahmatullah alaihi) could have had such a dream and then gave the interpretation" saying that the dream referred to an 'yah (verse) of the (ur)aan Shareef in which five things are mentioned which are in the e*clusive knowledge of 'llah +a,ala alone. 'llah +a,ala states in the (ur)aan Shareef ./erily 'llah" with Him ('lone) is the knowledge of the Hour ((iyaamah)" He sends down the rain" and knows that which is in the wom#s. o person knows what he will earn tomorrow (the ne*t day)" and no person knows in what land he will die. /erily" 'llah is 'll%0nower" 'll%'ware (He is ac1uainted with all things).2 3Surah 4u1man 56 - 578 +o #riefly e*plain these 9 things as is mentioned in this 'yah (verse)+H: 0 &;4:<=: &> +H: H&?R

@ +he e*act year and time remains unknown to us. @ In the famous Hadeeth%e%Ai#raeel" where Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) was 1uestioned with regard to Islam" Imaan and Ihsaan" he was also asked - .So inform me a#out the Hour (i.e. (iyamah).2 Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) replied- .+he one who is #eing 1uestioned is not more knowing than the one asking the 1uestion.2 (meaning - neither do I know nor do you know.) @ Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) conveyed many signs" which indicate to the pro*imity of the last day. +hese signs have #een categoriBed as minor signs and ma!or signs. 'll the minor signs have come to pass. Soon to follow are the ma!or signs of HaBrat Mahdi" <a!!aal" the descension of HaBrat :esa (alaihis Salaam)" etc.

H: S: <S <&; +H: R'I

@ ;eather #ureaus predict rainfall. However" this is :CD:E+:< rainfall. 'llah +a,ala does not talk a#out e*pected rain" #ut refers to the a#solute and complete details of rain F +he e*act and precise time when the rainfall will commence. F +he e*act details of the land" city or farm which will receive this rain. F How much of rain is going to fall i.e. the e*act amount. F ;hether the rain will #e #eneficial or destructive. $If we had such detailed knowledge" we would #e a#le to prepare ourselves for floods and damage. @ 'll the scientific instruments of the world cannot give us such details.

' < H: 0 &;S +H'+ ;HIEH IS I +H: ;&MGS @ ;hether that child will #e #orn or whether the mother to #e will miscarry. @ +he most science can do is inform one as to whether the child will #e a #oy or girl and this too is not always 6HHI. :ven if they advance to the level of 6HH I certainty" then too" they cannot predict details such as v +he life span of the child and the sustenance that he J she will receive. v ;hether the child will #e #lack or white" whether the child will live a life of health or a life of ill health. ;hether the child will #e a doctor" 'alim" teacher" etc. v ;hether the child will #e a #lessing for the parents or a curse.

& D:RS& 0 &;S ;H'+ H: ;I44 :'R +&M&RR&; @ +he detailed knowledge of e*actly what a person will #e a#le to do. @ 'll we can do is plan. However" we should not trust in those plans. 'nything can happen- an accident" death" war" revolution" etc. which then changes those plans. $'ll plans are su#!ect to 'llah +a,ala,s confirmation. @ +his part of the 'yah (verse) also refers to wealth" i.e. e*actly how much money a person will earn for that day.

' < & D:RS& 0 &;S I ;H'+ 4' < H: ;I44 <I: @ HaBrat Sulaiman (alaihis Salaam) was given the 0ingdom of the world and was given the power and control to rule over everything" even the winds and the animals. ' simple man was once in the presence of HaBrat Sulaiman (alaihis Salaam)" when a stranger came #efore him. +he stranger stared at the person in such a manner that he was overwhelmed with fear and an*iety. He 1uickly re1uested HaBrat Sulaiman (alaihis Salaam)" to send him to a distant land.

HaBrat Sulaiman (alaihis Salaam) commanded the wind to take the man where he wanted to go. +he following day HaBrat Sulaiman (alaihis Salaam) met the stranger who was HaBrat IBra,eel368 (alaihis Salaam)" and asked him as to why he had created such fear in a Muslim #y staring at him. HaBrat IBra,eel (alaihis Salaam) replied that he stared at the man in astonishment since 'llah +a,ala had commanded him to take the man,s soul that very day in a certain distant land and yet" he was in the Eourt of HaBrat Sulaiman (alaihis Salaam). However" he found him where he was meant to die" and took his soul at the appointed time. @ Many people remained all their lives in Madina Shareef or Makkah Shareef. Aust #efore their death" they travel to some other land where they pass away and are #uried. 'nd many people reside elsewhere" and 'llah +a,ala creates those means where#y they reach Makkah Mukarramah or Madina Munawwarah" pass away and are #uried there. May 'llah +a,ala give us the understanding and acceptance of 'llah +a,ala,s <ecree. 'cceptance will create calm and peace in this !ourney of life. &therwise" there is restlessness" apprehension" an*iety and worry on what is #eyond a person,s knowledge and capacity. So many de#ate and argue the knowledge of the Hour" whereas it is 'llah +a,ala,s secret. How many non%Muslims have given away all their #elongings" etc. #elieving that the world will come to an end of a certain day" whereas that day came and went" and everything continued on" as usual. So many visit fortune tellers and others" seeking predictions of their futures" whether they will marry" have children" #ecome rich" en!oy good health" etc. K a%uBu Gillah3L8. Reading palms" looking into crystal #alls" reading tarot cards" etc. are all grave and serious sins and are Haraam. +here is no one who can disclose these details to us #ecause this is in the knowledge of 'llah +a,ala. &thers choose a graveyard or cemetery" where they wish to #e #uried" and they purchase their graves K #ut it is not necessary that this will #e the place of their #urial. It may #e a foreign land" it may even #e the sea" or in some other way" where#y" they may not #e a #urial at all. 368 HaBrat IBraeel (alaihis Salaam) - +he 'ngel of <eath 3L8 ;e seek 'llah +a,ala,s Drotection

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