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Introduction Organization structure Production process Plant layout Selection O !ocation #ype o ra$ %aterial &aterial 'andling syste% Production planning and control syste% (epairs and %aintenance &anage%ent o industrial sa ety Introduction o %aterial %anage%ent Purc'ase depart%ent In)entory control %et'ods *uality assurance

Page No. 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 3" 37 38 39 40 41


Production is t'e process +y $'ic' goods and ser)ices are created. In ot'er $ords, it trans or%s t'e inputs - i.e. ra$ %aterial, %en, %ac'ine, %anage%ent and capital . into output - i.e. goods and ser)ices . $it' t'e 'elp o certain production process. Production includes production o goods and production o ser)ices. In a %anu acturing organization, %en, %aterial, and e/uip%ent are e%ployed to produce goods and co%%odities +y creation ro% utility $'ile in ser)ice enterprise t'e production is t'e disc'arge o so%e unctions o utility and includes all types o ser)ices. Production unction is t'e +asic unction o an industrial enterprise around $'ic' all ot'er acti)ities o t'e organization suc' as purc'asing, inancing, %ar0eting, storing, personnel researc' and de)elop%ent re)ol)e. It is, t'ere ore )ery essential t'at t'e production unction %ust +e %anaged e ecti)e and e iciently so as o ac'ie)es t'e organizational goals. #'e %ain ai% o )ery production syste% is to produce t'e goods and ser)ices econo%ically to t'e entire satis action o t'e custo%ers or $'ic' t'ey are %eant. In order to ac'ie)e t'is ai%, it is essential to plan, organize direct and control t'e production syste%. #'ese acti)ities o planning, organizing, directing and controlling co%prise t'e production %anage%ent. 1 2!!O(3 #I&2 !#4.1 produces appro5i%ately 200 no. o )ariety o cloc0. 3nd t'e co%pany +elie)es in producing /uality products or consu%er satis action t'at do not co%pro%ise $it' /uality, strict actions are ta0en against t'e concerned aut'ority in case t'e product is ound su+ standard.


#'e ollo$ing structure o production %anage%ent 6 depart%ent is adopted +y t'e co%pany to per or% %anu acturing. 9actory depart%ent

Production &anager

Super)isor 9ore%an

:or0er #'e production %anager is t'e principal aut'ority to prepare t'e production sc'edule. #'ere are %any $or0ers $or0ing in all di erent production depart%ents. #'e %anager 'as to plan or ade/uate ra$ %aterial so process %ay +e continued according to t'e sc'edule. #'e unction o super)isor is to see s%oot' running o %anu acturing process. 7e directs gi)es t'e instruction to t'e $or0ers and also inspires to t'e $or0ers or increase t'e e iciency. 7e 'as to see t'at no. o units are %anu actured as per t'e sc'edules. 7e is in c'arge to %ar0 a+sent and present o t'e $or0er, generally t'e ti%ing o t'e actory or $or0er 8 8 00 3.&. to 12 8 00 noon and 12 8 30 P.&. to 4 8 30 P.&.


3 production process in)ol)es t'e use o an organization resource to pro)ide so%et'ing o )alue. ;o product can +e %ade and no ser)ice pro)ided $it'out a process, and no process can e5ist $it'out a product or ser)ice. #'e process %anage%ent is t'e selection o t'e inputs, operations, $or0 lo$s and %et'ods t'at trans or% inputs into outputs. #'e 1 2!!O(3 #I&2 !#4.1 a's adopted line process, +ecause it produces %any product and production orders are not directly lin0ed $it' custo%er orders. 7ere $e can see t'e process o cloc0.

In<ection &oulding 4epart%ent =a+inet =utting >u ? =leaning 7it Sta%ping @ 1 - 7ydraulic &ac'ine . 7it Sta%ping @ 2 - (oller &ac'ine . Alass =utting 2lectric 4epart%ent Indicate =ircuit I.=. >oarding 3sse%+ling ? ='ec0ing Pac0ing


#'e %ost i%portant actors or t'e %anu acturer is to %ade a decision a+out t'e )olu%e o production turned out +y t'e e5isting set o %ac'inery. Plant layout 'as +een de ined as, B a tec'ni/ue o location %ac'ines processes and plant ser)ices $it'in t'e actory in order to secure t'e greatest possi+le output o 'ig' /uality at lo$est possi+le total cost o production. C 3 good plant lay out ocuses on production, %ac'inery, %ac'ine tools, $or0 centers, e ecti)e inspection, %aterial 'andling, storage and transport %o)e%ent i%pro)ing production e iciency and 'e +etter supply o ser)ices to t'e consu%er. #'ere are %ain si5 types o pant layout, $'ic' are as ollo$s8 D Process layout :It is also called unction layout. 3ll %ac'ines per or%ing si%ilar type o operations is grouped at one location in t'e process layout e.g. all lat'es, %illing %ac'ine, cutting %ac'ines etc. in t'e engineering s'op $ill +e clustered in t'eir li0e groups. #'us, all orging $ill +e done in one area and all t'e lat'es $ill +e placed in anot'er area. #'is type o process is %ore suita+le to <o+ ordered type o production. Product layout :In t'is type o layout, t'e %ac'ines are arranged in t'e se/uence as re/uired +y t'e particular product. 3ll %ac'ines as re/uired to +alance t'e particular product line are arranged in a se/uential line +ut not necessarily in t'e straig't line. It is also 0no$n as B t'e product line layout. C In t'is layout, one product goes t'roug' all t'e %ac'ines lined u, in t'e order re/uired +y its %anu acture. #'e +estD0no$n e5a%ple o t'is type o layout is seen in %otorcar production. Project Layout :#'e %anu acturing operations re/uire t'e %o)e%ents o %en, %ac'ines and %aterials. Aenerally e$ inputs tend to +e static $'ile t'e ot'ers are %o)ing. >ut $'ere t'e product is 30

large in size and 'ea)y in $eig't, it tends to +e static, e.g. s'ip +uilding. In suc' a production syste%. #'e product re%ains static and t'e %en and %ac'ines %o)e per or%ing t'e operation on t'e product. #'e production c'aracteristic is su icient enoug' to treat it as a separate type o layout. Mixed / Co !i"ed Layout :Aenerally pure process or pure layout is not ound in practice. >ot' are %utually e5clusi)e. 3 proper co%pro%ise reaping t'e +ene its o +ot' layouts is possi+le to so%e e5tent. So e orts are %ade to 'a)e t'e co%+ined layout incorporation t'e +ene its o process and product layout. #o! $ S%o& Layout :7ere t'ere is processing o <o+ production, and 'ence t'e syste% is )ery le5i+ility. #'e layout depends upon t'e analysis o t'e uni)erse o orders recei)ed and is )ery co%ple5 a air. Cellular / 'rou& Layout :7ere %ac'ines are placed in di erent groups. 2ac' %ac'ine group %a0es a a%ily o parts, $'ic' re/uire si%ilar treat%ent. #'is layout lies +et$een process and line layout. It is easier to control t'an a strictly process layout and 'as %ore le5i+ility t'an a line layout. #'e 1 2!!O(3 #I&2 !#4.1 'as adopted co%+ine layout. #'e co%pany adopted process layout in so%e product and also adopted product layout or so%e ot'er product. >ecause t'e product line o t'e co%pany is large so t'at one layout is not possi+le in eac' line. So co%pany adopted di erent layout or di erent products.


B Plant location is de ined as t'e unction o deter%ining $'ere t'e plant s'ould +e located or %a5i%u% operating econo%y.C 3ny co%pany %ust select an ideal location at t'e ti%e o launc'ing. 3n ideal pant location %eans a scienti ic selection includes nature and type o t'e +usiness operation ad)antages, econo%ical actor and pro it orientation. #'e ollo$ing actors are a ecting to t'e selection o location8 D

3)aila+ility o (a$ %aterial easily #ec'nological 0no$D'o$ #ransportation acilities is good 3ttitude o local people is also good 3)aila+ility o e icient and c'eap la+or =li%ate actors 3)aila+ility o $ater 9lood and droug't condition are a)aila+le easily Statutory condition is good =o%%unication acilities also easily a)aila+le !ocal ta5es and insurances 3lso 3)aila+ility o co%%ercial ser)ices 7istorical actor also related :'en esta+lis' t'e co%pany t'en t'e price o t'e land is c'eapest
#'e all a+o)e actors are directly and indirectly related or a ected to t'e 1 2!!O(3 #I&2 !#4.1 32

#'e ra$ %aterial is )ery i%portant t'ings or t'e co%pany. It is one type o o5ygen or t'e co%pany. I t'e ra$ %aterial a)aila+le easily t'en no any pro+le% ro co%pany. >ecause i t'e supply o ra$ %aterial is not regular, it %ay leas to re/uent stoppages and +rea0ages in production. #'e costs o ra$ %aterials are an i%portant ele%ent o t'e total coast o production. #'e ti%e and cost o transporting ra$ %aterial is also i%portant. So t'at t'e re/uire%ent o ra$ %aterial depends upon t'e re/uire%ent o production o t'e inis'ed product. It see% it $ould +e +etter i $e 0no$ t'e production plan and sc'edule or t'e asse%+ly o t'e inis'ed product and accordingly arrange or all t'e ra$ %aterial. In 1 2!!O(3 #I&2 !#4.1 use %any type o ra$ %aterials or %a0e a inis'ed product. In t'is co%pany use 7ips @ #ec'no Ster%a, 3 Speci ic #ype Paper, Plastic, :atc' &ac'ine, :ooden, Alass etc. t'e co%pany procure all t'ese ra$ %aterial ro% local %ar0et as $ell as out o t'e state and also out o t'e country. #'e co%pany purc'ase ra$ %aterials ro% local %ar0et li0e 3n0les'$ar, >'aruc' etc. and ro% out o state li0e &u%+ai, 7arayana etc. and ro% out o countries li0e Eapan, Aer%any, and ='ina etc.


B &aterials 'andling is t'e art and science in)ol)ing t'e %o)e%ent pac0ing and storing o su+stances in any or%.C #'e %aterial 'andling unction includes all types o %o)e%ents )ertical, 'orizontal or co%+ination o +ot' and o t'e types o %aterials, illed, se%iD illed and discrete ite%s and o %o)e%ents re/uired or pac0aging and storing. #'us, %aterial 'andling in)ol)es t'e %o)e%ent o %aterials ro% one place to t'eD anot'er or t'e purpose o processing. #'ey are %o)ed eit'er %anually o %ec'anically $it' t'e 'elp o di erent type o %aterial 'andling e/uip%ent. #'e <o+s tac0led +y %aterial 'andling e/uip%ent include li ting, %o)ing, dropping, positioning, 'olding, releasing, stac0ing etc.. #'ey are %o)ed as single ite% or in a lot depending upon t'e size, $eig't, etc. o t'e %aterial t'e capacity o t'e %aterial 'andling e/uip%ent and t'e type o processing. #'e co%pany use t'e %any type o %aterial 'andling e/uip%ent li0e 8D

7and >arro$ :'eel >arro$ 7and #rolley 3 sliding $'eel +o5 truc0 7ead Stac0er etc.
3ll a+o)e e/uip%ent use +y t'e co%pany or %o)e t'e ra$ %aterial or inis'ed good ro% one place to ant'er.


B Production planning and control is co%prise t'e planning, routing, sc'eduling, dispatc'ing and ollo$ @ up unction in t'e production process as organized.C #'e nature o production planning and control depart%ent can +e di)ided in t'eir +road categories )iz., centralized and deDcentralized and t'roug' progress %en. Productio" Pla""i"g ( Co"trol Ma"ager

Production 2ngineering Section Section

&aterials In)entory =ontrol &anage%ent Section

(ecei)ing S'ipping

#'e co%pany decides, t'e production planning is not go)erned +y %ar0et de%and. It is go)erned +y researc' and de)elop%ent. &ar0et ollo$s 3<antaFs ( ? 4. O.(.PatelFs decision to start %anu acturing o %ec'anical $all cloc0 a ter closing t'e oil engine %anu acturing acti)ity $as t'e irst all out o 'is ( ? 4 aculty. #'is aculty 'as al$ays pro)ided a +ase o tec'nological up gradation to 3<antaFs production planning. ;o$ a day, 3<anta $all cloc0 are e5clusi)ely +ased on electronic /uartz %o)e%ent syste% and in di erent %odels o appro5i%ately 200 in nu%+er. 3 to G operation in area connected $it' %ec'anic and electronic aculties and carried out 3<antaFs $or0s'op and dependency on outside agencies 0no$D'o$ is nil. In t'is co%pany, irst t'e co%pany recei)es t'e corporate order or% t'e %ar0et. 3nd t'an a ter t'e co%pany t'in0ing a+out production planning and control, li0e 'o$ %uc' ti%e $ill re/uireH 7o$ %uc' %aterial $ill re/uireH 3ll t'ese type o /uestions sol)ed in t'e production planning and control +y t'e co%pany.


Production is done $it' t'e 'elp o %ac'ines, e/uip%ent etcI #'e %ac'ine depreciates $it' t'e use and t'e e iciency o t'e %ac'ine doesnFt re%ain t'e sa%e. 3nd or s%oot' production, it is )ary essential t'at t'is %ac'ine al$ays re%ain in good condition. #o %aintain t'e %ac'ine in good condition, t'e repairing o %ac'ine ro% ti%e to ti%e is essential. #'e repairing o %ac'ine and e/uip%ent regularly increases t'e li e o %ac'ine. #'ere ore t'e repairing o %ac'ine and e/uip%ent are )ery essential. #'ere are +asically t$o types o %aintenance. Pre)e"ti)e Mai"te"a"ce:In t'is, t'e %ac'ines are regularly repaired to pre)ent t'e +rea0do$n o %ac'ine. 7ere t'e repairing is done regularly so t'at production isnFt distur+ed +y +rea0do$n o %ac'ine. *rea+do," Mai"te"a"ce:7ere, in suc' %aintenance syste% t'e repairing is done only $'en t'ere is any +rea0do$n and no precaution are t'ere in t'is syste%. #'e 1 2!!O(3 #I&2 !#4.1 'as adopted +ot' type o %et'od o repair and %aintenance. >ecause in t'is co%pany use %ay %ac'ine and also use latest tec'nology. So t'at t'e co%pany use di erent %et'od to di erent %ac'ine and e/uip%ent. repairing and %aintenance and +rea0do$n


#'ere is e)idence o great tec'nological re)olutions in e)ery ield $it' serious a%azing disco)eries. It 'as +een ound t'at engineering can pre)ent accident. It 'as also +een ound t'at $or0ers could +e reac'ed t'roug' educational tec'ni/ues and +oug't to greater a$areness o t'e pro+le%s and %et'ods o co%+ating accidents. #'oug' trial and error, it 'as also +een disco)ered t'at sa ety rules could +e esta+lis'ed and en orced. In t'is disco)er called as engineering in design, en orce%ent o t'e actory inspectorate, education and ent'usias% @ industry 'as ound t'e %eans to %a0e drastic i%pro)e%ent in t'e pre)ention o accident. In 1 2!!O(3 #I&2 !#4.1 'as necessary or industrial sa ety +ecause t'e 90 J o $or0ers are e%ale and all are co%es ro% )illage, so t'at t'ey 'a)e less education so sa ety is necessary or +ot' co%pany as $ell as $or0er. #'e super)isor, in disc'arging 'is responsi+ility or sa ety, and 'is principal duties. !i0e 8

7e teac' eac' e%ployee t'e 'azards o 'is <o+ and 'o$ to a)oid t'e% 7e see t'at needed sa ety e/uip%ent is pro)ided and used or eac' <o+ 7e also teac' e%ployees t'at accidents are caused +ut can +e pre)ented 7e also sees t'at all in<uries are reported and properly treated 7e conduct regular sa ety appraisal o 'is section
I anyt'ing 'appen during s'i t ti%e t'at %eans any accident, t'en super)isor %ust ply 'is duties. 7e 'as to in)estigate accident ant ta0e correcti)e action and 'e 'as to inspect and pre)ent unsa e conditions.


&aterial %anage%ent is indispensa+le core acti)ity o all types o organization $'et'er %anu acturing, trading or e)en nonD pro it organization. 3ll organization are continuously in)ol)ed in procure%ent, storage and stoc0 replenis'%ent o di erent types o production %aterials. B &aterial %anage%ent re ers to t'e integrated %anage%ent approac' to planning, ac/uisition, con)ersion, lo$ and distri+ution o production %aterials ro% ra$ %aterials stage to inis'ed product stage.C #'e %aterial %anage%ent is 'elp in t'e procure%ent o %aterial at lo$ price, 'ig'er rate o in)entory turn o)er, to ensure continuity o %aterial supply, to %ini%ize t'e ac/uisition and storage costs, %aintenance o supplier relation, de)elop%ent o personnel etc. In t'e %anu acturing organizations t'e i%portant inputs are %en, %ac'ine and %aterials $'ic' are t'e results o t'e %onetary co%%it%ents %aterials +eing a 0ey and ine)ita+le input, directly a ects t'e unda%ental econo%ic o+<ecti)e )iz pro ita+ility o any %anu acturing organization. 2 icient %anage%ent o any o t'e input directly a ects t'e output and reacts in t'e pro ita+ility o t'e organization. 3s %aterial consu%e lionFs s'are o t'e in)est%ents and t'at too $it' a possi+ility o turno)er, itFs e icient %anage%ent directly contri+ute to t'e pro ita+ility o t'e organization.


&aterials constitute one o t'e i%portant actors o production in a +usiness. #'e ter% %aterials re ers to t'e co%%odities suppliers to an underta0ing or t'e purpose o consu%ption in t'e process o %anu acture or o rendering ser)ices or or trans or%ation into product. Purc'asing, as a unda%ental unction in and operation ir% is c'arged $it' t'e responsi+ility o 'a)ing t'e correct /uantity and /uality o %aterial on 'and and $'en it is needed at a price and is consistent $it' t'e e5isting econo%ic conditions. B >usiness acti)ity directed to securing t'e %aterials, supplies and e/uip%ents re/uired in t'e operation o an organization.C Procedure -or &urc%ase t%e ra, Purc'ase 4epart%ent (ecognition to t'e need aterials

Selection o t'e supplier

Planning t'e purc'asing order

9ollo$ up o order

(ecei)ing ? inspection O %aterials



ABC Inventory Control

3>= analysis underling a )ery i%portant principal B KI#3! 92: #(IKI3! &3;L. B statistic re)eals t'at <ust a 'and ul o ite%s account or +ul0 o annual e5penditure on %aterial. #'ese ie ite%s called B 3 C ite%s, t'ere ore, 'old t'e 0ey to +usiness. #'e ot'er ite%s, 0no$n as > ? = ite%s, are nu%erous in nu%+er, +ut t'eir contri+ution is less signi icant, 3>= analysis t'us tends to segregate all ite%s into categories8 3, > ? = on t'e +asis o t'eir annual usage. #'e categorization so %ade ena+le one to pay t'e rig't a%ount o attention and %ini%u% o e orts and e5penditure as %erited +y t'e ite%. #'e annual consu%ption analysis o any organization $ould indicated t'at a 'and ul o top 'ig' )alues ite%s less t'en 10 J o t'e total nu%+er @ $ill account or a su+stantial portion o a+out 75 J o t'e total co care ul attention o t'e %aterials %anagers. Si%ilarly, a large nu%+er o B +otto% C ite%s @ o)er 70 J o t'e total consu%ption o units, are called tri)ial %any @ account only or a+out 10 J o t'e consu%ption )alue, are 0no$n as M = F class. #'e ite%s, $'ic' lie +et$een t'e top and +otto%, are called M > F category ite%s.

EOQ Method Of Inventory Control

In)entory control unda%entally deal $it' t'e t$o +asic issues - 1 . $'en to order and - 2 . 'o$ %uc' to order. #'e pro+le% o M $'en to order F is decided +y prescri+ing t'e reorder. !e)el o eac' o t'e in)entory ite%. #'e ot'er incidental issue is M 'o$ %uc' to order F i.e. $'at s'ould +e t'e size o eac' order. #'e issue o M 'o$ %uc' to order F is decided on t'e +asis o M 2cono%ic Order *uality F 2O* is an i%portant tec'ni/ue o in)entory control. 2O* prescri+es t'e size o t'e order at $'ic' t'e ordering cost and t'e in)entory carrying cost $ill +e t'e %a5i%u%. #'e 1 2!!O(3 #I&2 !#4.1 'as adopted 2O* %et'od. >ecause it is o+ser)ed t'at t'e cost co%ponents are not sa%e or all ite%s and all suppliers. In case one order 'as %any deli)eries, t'e cost can +e co%puted per deli)ery. 3nd second t'ing is t'at $'y select t'e 2O* %et'od, so%e special cases li0e i%planting price rise, closure o suppliers, c'ange in i%port policy and e5port policy etc. and $'ere %aterial are ordered in +ul0. So%e )endors gi)e re/uent deli)eries. !arge )endors pre er to deli)er goods in +ul0. In spares, critically o an ite% o)errides all ot'er consideration. 40

B #'e /uality o product %ay +e de ined as t'e su% o nu%+er o related c'aracteristics suc' as s'ape, di%ension, co%position, strengt', $or0%ans'ip, ad<ust%ent, inis' and color.C *uality o t'e 2!!O(3 #I&2 !#4Fs products depends largely on t'e /uality o in rastructure. O(P3# is e/uipped $it' a per ectly planned in rastructure %atc'ing $it' international standards. O(P3# is t'e only co%pany, $'ic' 'as installed 130 i%ported in<ectionD%oulding %ac'ines $it' %icroprocessor +ased control syste%s. #'e co%pany uses %ost ad)anced and sop'isticated %ac'inery to gi)e )est international standard products. =loc0 ca+inets o all %odels are in<ection %oulding ro% )irgin 'ig' i%pact polystyrene. Nt%ost care is ta0en to i%part +est inis' and attracti)eness to t'e product. B 3E3;#3 B %o)e%ent o 'ig' /uality standard is used in t'e cloc0s. #'e cloc0s are tested and cali+rated to gi)e 'ig' an accuracy $it' in 30 second 6 %ont'. ;one o t'ese %odels are itted $it' +attery call. #'e co%pany ta0e a step or %aintain t'e +est /uality o t'e products 8D

#'e co%pany using /uartz crystal O 6 D 8 PP&, $'ic' its co%petitors are using O 6 D 20
PP& or 30 PP&. #'ere ore, t'e accuracy o ti%ing in 3<anta *uartz %o)e%ent is %uc' +etter t'an ot'ers.

3<anta *uartz %o)e%ent is +eing assu%ed at dust proo en)iron%ent. #'ere ore, t'e
dura+ility o t'e %o)e%ent is +etter t'an ot'ers.

3ll t'e gears in 3<anta *uartz %o)e%ent are +eing %ade o polystyrene o 'ig'er
grade. #'ere ore, t'e dura+ility o t'e %o)e%ent is +etter t'an ot'ers.

#'e /uality c'ec0ing o t'e 3<anta *uartz %o)e%ents are +eing %ade in t'ree stages.
- &o)e%ent %anu acturing stage, &o)e%ent @ asse%+ling stage cloc0 asse%+ling. .

#'e cloc0 ca+inets o 3<anta *uartz are +eing %anu acture ro% )irgin polyester o
'ig' i%pact grade. #'ere ore, t'e dura+ility is +etter t'an ot'erFs. 41

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