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Rangkaian Alarm Laser

Rangkaian Alarm Laser adalah alarm sistem laser seperti yang kita lihat di berbagai film. Ini menggunakan pointer sinar laser untuk mengamankan properti dan barang berharga Anda. Pada dasarnya, ketika sorotan akan terganggu oleh binatang, orang atau objek, resistansi dioda akan meningkat dan alarm akan diaktifkan. Laser dan penerima dapat dipasang di kotak yang sama, berbagi catu daya. Cermin digunakan untuk mengarahkan sinar dalam pengaturan yang Anda butuhkan. Bila Anda berminat dan tertarik untuk membuat Rangkaian Alarm Laser untuk sistem keamanan di rumah atau kantor Anda, di bawah ini kami sajikan gambar skemanya. Rangkaiannya cukup simpel, komponen yang dibutuhkan pun tidak banyak sehingga bisa diletakkan di PCB kecil.

Daftar komponen : R1 = 470 Ohm R2 = 33K R3 = 10K R4 = 10K C1 = 10uF C2 = 100nF IC1 = TL072 P1 = 500K Lain-lain : BPW34 / SFH203 Dalam Rangkaian Alarm Laser kita menemukan op-amp TL072 (IC1.A) dikonfigurasi sebagai komparator tegangan antara tegangan referensi yang diberikan oleh pembagi tegangan disesuaikan P1/R4 dan tegangan yang tergantung cahaya yang diberikan oleh pembagi tegangan yang terdiri dari D1 fotodioda dan resistor tetap R3. Ketika sinar laser terganggu, tegangan pada pin 2 pembanding turun di bawah pada pin 3 menyebabkan output ke ayunan untuk tegangan suplai positif dan menunjukkan kondisi bahaya. Sinyal ini dapat mengendarai sirine, komputer atau lampu yang diharapkan akan mencegah penyusup (pencuri/perampok). This circuit is a laser alarm system like the one we see in various movies. It uses a laser pointer beam to secure your valuables and property. Essentially, when the beam gets interrupted by a person, animal or object, the resistance of a photodiode will increase and an alarm will be activated. The laser and the receiver can be fitted in same box, sharing a common power supply.

As the receiver draws less than 10 mA on average, youll soon find that the laser is the most current hungry device! Mirrors are used to direct the beam in whatever setup you require. Examples of a passage and an area protected by the alarm are shown in the diagram. In the circuit diagram we find a TL072 op-amp (IC1.A) configured as voltage comparator between the voltage reference provided by the adjustable voltage divider P1/R4 and the lightdependent voltage provided by the voltage divider consisting of photodiode D1 and fixed resistor R3. When the laser beam is interrupted, the voltage on comparator pin 2 drops below that at pin 3, causing the output to swing to (almost) the positive supply voltage and indicating an alarm condition. This signal can drive a siren, a computer or a light that hopefully will deter the intruder.

Laser Alarm Circuit Diagram Alternatively it can be used to silently trigger a more sophisticated alarm. Resistor R2 provides some hysteresis to prevent oscillation when the two comparator input voltages are almost equal. Capacitor C1 makes the circuit immune to short, accidental interruptions of the beam, e.g., by flying insects. If you want your circuit to have faster responses you can reduce its value to 1 F. The operation of the circuit is illustrated by the waveform diagram, which also proves the hysteresis action that sets an upper and a lower threshold on the input voltage. You can also see the delay introduced by capacitor C1. The circuit is simple and could be assembled on a piece of breadboard. After assembling the circuit and testing it, you should mount it in a black box that has just a small hole. You may decide to put the laser in the same box but only if you are sure there is no way the photodiode can see the laser beam directly. The small hole should be filled with a black drinking straw so that only light from the direction of the laser beam can enter. With the appropriate setup of the box and the mirrors, the laser beam is so intense that even direct sunlight cannot affect the operation of the photodiode.

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