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Horror Of Yakshini

Ratan Lal Basu Copyright 2011 Ratan Lal Basu Smashwords Edition Smashwords Edition Li!"ns" #ot"s $hank you for downloading this fr"" "%ook& 'lthough this is a fr"" %ook it r"mains th" !opyright"d prop"rty of th" author and may not %" r"produ!"d !opi"d and distri%ut"d for !omm"r!ial or non( !omm"r!ial purpos"s& )f you "n*oy"d this %ook pl"as" "n!ourag" your fri"nds to download th"ir own !opy at Smashwords&!om wh"r" th"y !an also dis!o+"r oth"r works %y this author& $hank you for your support& Cont"nts ,art 1- $h" Call .irl ,art 2- $h" 'nti/u" )dol ,art 0- $"mptation ,art 1- $h" 2all ,art 3- Elop"m"nt ,art 4- $h" Horror ,art 5- $h" Ruin ,art 6- $h" 7iary $h" 'uthor

,art 1- $h" Call .irl

)t was all foggy and "+"rything on th" road %"low was in+isi%l" and th" st""p downhill path was slipp"ry with d"w& ) had to !lim% down th" $i%"t Road !autiously& Still it was +"ry "8hilarating and ) f"lt as though ) was mo+ing down an un!anny path in a dr"amland& $h" t"nd"r !ar"ss of fog on my "8pos"d fa!" was "8!iting& ) had to go furth"r down to r"a!h th" paan and !igar"tt" stall& ) turn"d th" !orn"r and th" stall was now +isi%l" through th" tap"stry of fog& ) start"d traipsing in th" dir"!tion of th" stall and a m""k f"mal" +oi!" ga+" m" a start& ) turn"d my h"ad and noti!"d a stout #"pali woman ag"d around thirty standing only a f"w f""t from m"& Sh" r"p"at"d 9samay k"ti %hayo: th"n finding m" to %" a B"ngali sh" said in %rok"n B"ngali 9what:s th" tim" %y your wat!h;: ) pull"d %a!k th" sl""+" of th" *a!k"t and looking up at th" wat!h r"pli"d 9s"+"n thirty:& Sh" w"nt a f"w pa!"s ah"ad and th"n r"turn"d and said 9you s""m to %" a tourist&: 9Y"s ):m from <olkata&: 9How long you:+" %""n h"r";: 9'rri+"d *ust y"st"rday&: 9=hi!h hot"l ha+" you !h"!k"d in;: B"for" ) !ould r"ply h"r ) h"ard th" harsh +oi!" of th" Bihari stall own"r 9R"nu l"a+" this pla!" imm"diat"ly or ):ll !all th" poli!"& You:r" again distur%ing th" tourists;: )n th" nam" of poli!" sh" was pani!k"d and l"ft th" pla!" aft"r utt"ring o%s!"niti"s in #"pali to th" stall own"r who !has"d h"r away& H" was still panting for %r"ath aft"r r"turning to th" shop& ) was r"ally %"wild"r"d at th" sudd"n turn of "+"nts& 'ft"r !oll"!ting hims"lf th" stall own"r said that sh" was a !all girl us"d to lur" tourists to s"8ual orgi"s in "8!hang" for mon"y& H" said 9it:s good for you that ) int"r!"pt"d in tim" and sh" !ould not know th" nam" of your hot"l& But ) appr"h"nd sh" would find out& So inform th" matt"r to th" manag"r %"for"hand& Oth"rwis" if sh" /u"ri"s a%out you at th" hot"l r"!"ption th"y might think oth"rwis" of you& But ) know your !hara!t"r and you:r" to %" !autious it:s not %"smir!h"d without any r"ason&: R"turning to th" hot"l ) r"lat"d th" matt"r to th" manag"r and h" start"d laughing aloud thinking a%out th" !ondition of an orthodo8 p"rson lik" m" +is(>(+is a !all girl& H" told m" that sh" was not a prostitut" in th" tru" s"ns" as sh" us"d to r"sid" with h"r widow"r fath"r and a t"n y"ar old son& H"r hus%and had "lop"d with anoth"r girl and now s"ttl"d at 7ar*""ling& H" told m" that th"r" w"r" +"ry f"w su!h str""t sluts in th" town may %" sh" was an "8!"ption& $h" prof"ssional "s!orts !ould %" th"r" %ut th"y do not distur% th" inno!"nt tourists& $h"y !onta!t through th" int"rn"t& ) forgot th" matt"r soon and hast"n"d to m""t th" lama at th" $i%"tan institut"& H" ga+" m" good n"ws that h" had l"arnt a%out anti/u" $i%"tan staffs in th" hous" of an old man& $h" ag"nt of th" man would !onta!t m" in th" "+"ning at my hot"l&

,art 2- $h" 'nti/u" )dol

$h" ag"nt !am" in th" "+"ning ? a #"pali t""nag" %oy with dirty %lot!h"s on th" sunk"n !h""ks and his sha%%y !oat unwash"d for y"ars "mitt"d a filthy odor& H" was s"at"d on th" floor of th" lo%%y as th" manag"r did not p"rmit su!h f"llows to sit on th" sofa& 's soon as ) "nt"r"d th" lo%%y th" %oy stood up %ow"d and off"r"d m" th" l"tt"r from th" lama and his !l"n!h"d t""th w"r" snow whit" !ontrasting sharply to his d"m"anor and outfit& $h" %ri"f l"tt"r told that this %oy would l"ad m" to th" old !urio man& 'ft"r g"tting my ass"nt th" %oy told h" would arrang" hir"d +"hi!l" a r"sort for night stay and all oth"r a!!outr"m"nt n"!"ssary for th" +"ntur"& ) ga+" him th" n"!"ssary ad+an!" for %ooking +"hi!l" and th" r"sort ga+" him fi+" hundr"d rup""s in ad+an!" as his f"" and som" "8tra mon"y to %uy a fr"sh sw"at"r and !oat and "mphasi@"d that h" should imm"diat"ly g"t prop"rly wash"d with soap and hot wat"r& $h"

manag"r "8plain"d to him in #"pali that h" ought to %" n"at and !l"an %"for" "s!orting a w"althy g"ntl"man lik" m"& 't night ) f"lt happy that soon ) would %" in poss"ssion of som" rar" auth"nti! $i%"tan !urios whi!h my ri!h !oll"!tion la!k"d& Ay fath"r was a ri!h %usin"ssman and ) was th" lon" issu" of my par"nts& ) did ,h&7& in ar!ha"ology from a B&S& uni+"rsity and had d"!id"d to %" a prof"ssor at som" uni+"rsity th"r"& But th" sudd"n d"ath of %oth th" par"nts in a plan" !rash mad" m" utt"rly lon"ly and r"turning hom" ) sold all th" shar"s of his !ompany in+"st"d th" mon"y in shar"s of r"put"d !orporations and took to tra+"ling sit"s of pilgrimag" %ut nowh"r" found any p"a!" of mind& =hil" touring Ra*asthan ) !am" upon a B"ngali lady prof"ssor from <olkata and w" f"ll in lo+" with "a!h oth"r& Sh" was a ni!" lady and r"mo+"d all my lon"lin"ss and ) us"d to lo+" h"r d""ply and was o%"di"nt and faithful to h"r& Sh" inspir"d m" to %" a fr""lan!" *ournalist and writ" arti!l"s on anti/u"s& Ay fath"r alr"ady had a good !oll"!tion and ) w"nt on "nri!hing it %y !oll"!ting rar" arti!l"s from +arious pla!"s& But ) did not ha+" any !oll"!tion of $i%"tan !urios& So now ) was "lat"d to ha+" th" opportunity to g"t a!!"ss to th"m& $h" %oy !am" on tim" n"8t morning and look"d fr"sh and *o+ial in his n"w outfit& =" r"a!h"d #am!h" mark"t %y noon and aft"r lun!h from a hot"l w" %ought our dinn"r pa!k"ts drinking wat"r !andl"s and oth"r "ss"ntials for th" night stay at th" n"wly !onstru!t"d r"sort whi!h had no "l"!tri! !onn"!tion y"t& ) thought th" larg" half(%uilt r"sort at a d"solat" pla!" in th" !andl" light would %" ""ri" and appropriat" for insp"!ting anti/u" $i%"tan !urios& $h" path was !raggy and th" +"hi!l" *olt"d +"h"m"ntly& By lat" aft"rnoon w" r"a!h"d th" r"sort amidst a small +all"y !o+"r"d with pin"s and rhodod"ndrons& $h" pla!" look"d %"autiful and un!anny in th" r"ddish glow of th" s"tting sun& $h" dri+"r l"ft with th" +"hi!l" for #am!h" mark"t and h" told h" would r"turn %y "arly morning to pi!k us up& $h" %oy ra!"d down a narrow !aus"way and was lost %"hind th" turn of th" hill& )t was dark insid" and ) light"d th" !andl"s and th" half(finish"d room for us look"d mysti!& $h" oth"r rooms w"r" lo!k"d up and th"r" w"r" two wood"n !ots in th" room& $h" %oy had alr"ady %rought mattr"ss"s whi!h w"r" roll"d up at th" !orn"r of th" room& H" would unpa!k aft"r h" r"turns& ) w"nt out to th" %al!ony and look"d around& 'll sid"s "8!"pt th" fourth slop"d g"ntly up tr""(!lad hills and th" fourth w"nt st""ply down through %ush"s and thi!k"ts& So it was not a +all"y prop"r %ut a saddl" point& $h" Bhutia hot"l own"r had !hos"n an "8!"ll"nt pla!" for th" r"sort %ut h" would ha+" to sp"nd mu!h to g"t "l"!tri!ity and wat"r !onn"!tions& $h" %oy "m"rg"d at th" turn of th" hill and ) hast"n"d to op"n th" door& H" was almost running and was panting now& 'ft"r som" r"st h" told that th" old man !ould not !om" up to th" r"sort and so ) would ha+" to +isit his pla!" to %rows" through th" !urios& ) got r"ady in no tim" and a!!ompani"d th" %oy down th" st""p !aus"way& )t was %rok"n and narrow and ) stum%l"d twi!" %ut th" %ush"s on %oth th" sid"s sa+"d m" from falling down& $h" wood"n hous" of th" old man was at th" upp"r "nd of th" small +illag" with hous"s s!att"ring down a +all"y that slop"d g"ntly down to m""t th" st""p hills around& )t was alr"ady "+"ning and ) swit!h"d on my tor!h& $h" hous" was at th" "nd of th" +illag" and oth"r hous"s not mor" than forty w"r" away from this hous"& H" lik"d to li+" alon" in p"a!"ful /ui"tn"ss ) thought& $h" hous" !onsist"d of a small %"droom and a kit!h"n and was light"d %y a dim lamp& $h" man had a larg" pu!k"r"d fa!" and d""p !r"as"s on th" for"h"ad th" hair around th" %aldn"ss w"r" all !r"amy whit" and th"r" was no tra!" of hair on th" fa!" "8!"pt a small goat"" down th" !hinC th" snu% nos" was +"ry larg" and his small "y"s w"r" luminous and int"llig"nt& H" gr""t"d m" with affa%l" smil" and r"/u"st"d m" to %" s"at"d on th" ston" sla% pla!"d at th" !orn"r of th" room& 't th" far "nd of th" room th"r" was a %"autiful statu" of Buddha& H" ask"d if ) would lik" to ha+" !hhaang Dth" lo!ally mad" strong al!oholi! drinkE whi!h ) instantly d"!lin"d& ) how"+"r !ons"nt"d to spi!"(t"a& 'ft"r t"a ) !am" right to %usin"ss and th" man ask"d m" to follow him& H" !ar"fully !los"d th" "ntran!" door ask"d th" %oy to k""p guard and took m" stooping through th" small door to a narrow passag" whi!h !a+"d into th" hillsid" and "nd"d up at th" approa!h of a flight of stairs going st""ply down& H" !arri"d a lamp and ) light"d my tor!h to st"p !ar"fully down th" st""p stair!as"& 't last w" r"a!h"d an und"rground room mu!h larg"r than th" upp"r on" and lo th"r" w"r" innum"ra%l" anti/u" arti!l"s sta!k"d on a ston" l"dg" that *utt"d out of th" sid"wall whi!h was %ut th" hillsid"& E8amining th"

arti!l"s ) was utt"rly disappoint"d as most of th"m w"r" trash o!!asionally display"d in !urio shops at .angtok and 7ar*""ling& $h" old man smil"d "nigmati!ally and said 9) know what you:r" thinking sir& But ):+" not gi+"n you so mu!h trou%l" for th"s" trifl"s& ):ll show you som"thing that you must lik" ) hop"& $his is a rar" thing and had %""n %rought along %y my an!"stor right from $i%"t&: $h" way h" talk"d ignit"d my !uriosity& 'n "nigmati! smil" play"d on his lips and in th" fli!k"ring light of th" lamp h" look"d lik" an a%original man& ) f"lt as though ) was transport"d %y tim" ma!hin" to th" pr"(histori! ag"s and an ""ri" s"nsation !ours"d down my spin"& $h" old man r"mo+"d th" trash arti!l"s and hand"d out a wood"n %o8 a%out two f""t long& H" slowly rais"d th" lid and h"sitat"d for a whil" and his looks %"traying pani! and in a tr"m%ling +oi!" h" mutt"r"d 9h"r":s som"thing that ):m sur" would int"r"st you %ut ) must r"lat" th" ha@ards asso!iat"d with it&: H" slowly hand"d out an idol and ) %"nt forward to p""r at it& )n th" fli!k"ring light th" m"talli! linings of th" r"ddish ro%" of th" fourt""n in!h idol glist"n"d and almost %lind"d my "y"s& $h" man h"ld th" figur" in front of th" lamp& Ay "y"s got transfi8"d at th" "n!hanting idol& $h" %ody was adorn"d with an ornam"nt"d tight(fitt"d r"d ro%" and only th" h"ad was op"n& $h" sharp nos" and th" %lu" "y"s Dmad" of topa@ ston" th" man told m" lat"r onE r"+"al"d mo!k"ry and !ru"l sadism %ut it "8pr"ss"d !a*ol"ry at th" sam" tim"& $h" sharp h"a+y %oo%s glu"d tightly to th" ro%" slop"d down to th" flat %"lly and slim waist lin" whi!h again %ulg"d at th" %a!k into h"a+y "nti!ing %utts that !ur+"d g"ntly down to th" thighs and sl"nd"r l"gs& ) r"main"d sp"ll%ound for som" tim"& Ay tran!" %rok" at th" %lu%%"ring of th" old man 9you ha+" lik"d it ):m sur" and would %" r"ady to pay th" pri!" ) would off"r %ut %a%u think twi!" %"for" you poss"ss this idol of th" +indi!ti+" godd"ss&: 9) don:t %"li"+" that an idol !ould %" ali+" and +indi!ti+"& So ) must ha+" su!h an in+alua%l" thing and am r"ady to pay your pri!"&: 9)t:s your !hoi!" %ut still it would %" a sin on my part if ) don:t dis!los" "+"rything&: $h" man start"d r"lating th" story of th" idol mad" of a +"ry hard %ut light Burm"s" t"ak and plast"r"d with ru%%"r su%stan!"& )t was originally th" prop"rty of his $i%"tan an!"stor who was a tantri! "ngag"d in o!!ult rit"& H" had %rought this idol from Burma and disr"garding th" for%idding of his pr"!"ptor h" start"d s"!r"t worship of th" godd"ss& On" night "+"ry%ody in th" hous" w"r" wak"n %y his shrill fright"n"d +oi!" and %r"aking op"n his door n"8t morning %y a lo!al lama h" was found d"ad with his "y"s %ulging out in front of th" idol& $h" lama s"al"d th" room aft"r r"mo+al of his !orps" and th" n"8t day h" "nt"r"d th" room alon" and adorn"d th" idol with this sa!r"d ro%"& $h"r"aft"r for two g"n"rations th" idol r"main"d in th" room whi!h was n"+"r op"n"d& $h"n his grand fath"r %rought it along whil" h" l"ft $i%"t for Sikkim& #o%ody how"+"r had op"n"d th" imag" whi!h was k"pt in th" und"rground room of th"ir "arli"r hous" insid" th" +illag" until th" wif" of this old man dis!o+"r"d it and finding th" ro%" dirty took it out and donn"d th" idol again aft"r washing it !l"an& But that +"ry night sh" %"!am" insan" and !ommitt"d sui!id" aft"r a f"w days& #o%ody "8!"pt this old man kn"w th" r"ason of h"r insanity& H" forgot to tak" pr"!aution and on" day his only son was missing& $h" man gu"ss"d som" om"n and "nt"r"d th" !"llar at night to find his son d"ad "m%ra!ing th" idol& On!" again a pious lama was in+it"d to don th" idol with a n"w sa!r"d ro%" as his son had torn op"n its nud" %ody& ) hardly %"li"+"d this !o!k and %ull story %ut was still pu@@l"d at his "nd"a+or to dissuad" m" and los" th" opportunity to "arn sumptuous mon"y in "8!hang" for som"thing h" had no us" of& ) r"ason"d it out in this way& 'lthough h" was %adly in n""d of mon"y h" was su%!ons!iously unwilling to part with this in+alua%l" an!"stral prop"rty and this su%(!ons!ious poss"ssi+"n"ss had goad"d him to fa%ri!at" su!h %lood !hilling story& ) did not h"sitat" a mom"nt to "8pr"ss my strong d"sir" to poss"ss th" arti!l"& =" !am" out of th" !"llar and ) paid him mu!h mor" than th" amount h" had d"mand"d& H" on!" again !aution"d m" not to un!o+"r th" %ody of th" idol& ) assur"d him and l"ft knowing fully w"ll that ) would n"+"r %" a%l" to r"sist t"mptation to op"n this +oluptuous %ody and with my s!i"ntifi! %"nt of my mind ) was !onfid"nt that no misfortun" would %"fall m" at wat!hing th" "nti!ing nudity& 'll th" way %a!k ) thought of r"arranging th" story with furth"r fa%ri!ations along with th" arti!l" on th" idol& ) must first !onsult "8p"rts on Ba@ra*an(Buddhist idols a%out th" origin of th" worship of this godd"ss in Burma and $i%"t& $h" idol r"s"m%l"d th" imag" of yakshinis o%s"r+"d in many Buddhist monast"ri"s and gumphas&

,art 0- $"mptation
R"turning to hot"l ) !all"d my wif" and inform"d h"r that ) was in poss"ssion of a rar" !urio whi!h sh" would lik" for sur"& ) also talk"d for som" tim" with my !harming son a !lass thr"" stud"nt of a r"put"d English m"dium s!hool& H" ask"d m" to %uy a Sikkim stamp"d t(shirt h" had s""n on" of his !lassmat"s w"aring& )n th" "+"ning ) w"nt to th" #"hru mark"t and %ought th" t(shirt and from th" Lal mark"t %"low %ought %"autiful sw"at"rs for my wif" and son and also sa!r"d wh""ls and tiny %"lls a sp"!ialty of Sikkim& ) sat for som" tim" in th" flow"r adorn"d mall and wat!h"d th" play of multi!olor"d light on th" dan!ing fountains& $h" fountain right in front of m" was ting"d orang" and th" +apors sprinkling around ga+" my fa!" a g"ntl" tou!h and my +ision gradually lost into th" mysti! land of th" glowing +apor and ) +isuali@"d th" "nlarg"d idol of th" yakshini dan!ing "nti!ingly swaying h"r +oluptuous figur" and in+iting m"& ) a%ruptly stood up and rush"d un!ons!iously towards th" fountain and stum%l"d on th" grill f"n!ing raising roars of laught"r from th" %oys and girls s"at"d around& $h"y might ha+" tak"n m" to %" a drunkard& ) soon !am" to s"ns"s and in utt"r "m%arrassm"nt for my stupidity hast"n"d to l"a+" th" pla!"& ) r"turn"d to hot"l and sta!k"d th" gifts in my suit!as"& 'n un!anny hilarity took poss"ssion of m" and ) start"d !rooning a film song& $h" dan!ing idol with all its lustful g"stur"s had took poss"ssion of m" and in my mind:s "y" it soon got assum"d th" shap" of R"nu th" !all(girl ) happ"n"d to m""t n"ar th" !igar"tt" stall and ) f"lt a strong d"sir" for h"r& ) was a %it "m%arrass"d as ) had n"+"r "8p"ri"n!"d %"for" su!h amorous and un"thi!al in!lination toward a woman %"sid" my wif"& But ) !ould not shak" R"nu off my mind and sh" %"ing int"rmingling with th" yakshini mad" m" hot and !ra@y& ) f"lt +"ry tir"d aft"r dinn"r and swit!h"d off "+"n th" night lamp and f"ll fast asl""p& ) had a %ad dr"am of +"h"m"nt /uarr"l with my wif"& )n a fit of ang"r ) start"d a%using h"r in filthy languag"& Sh" r"main"d moros" and sil"nt all through and this rais"d my ang"r %"yond !ontrol& ) dragg"d h"r %y th" hair& Ay son tri"d to int"r+"n" and ) push"d him asid" his h"ad !rashing against th" wall and my sl""p %rok"& E+"n in th" !old w"ath"r my garm"nts w"r" soak"d in sw"at& ) got up in a d"*"!t"d mood and !hang"d th" shirt and pa*ama& $h"n all of a sudd"n ) r"m"m%"r"d th" rar" $i%"tan idol& )n th" darkn"ss of th" room ) grop"d for th" %o8 and it was th"r"& ) lift"d th" lid and was astonish"d to find a glow "manating from th" idol making it +isi%l" with all its alluring +oluptuousn"ss& ) hand"d it out and h"ld it n"ar my fa!"& $h" foam !oating must !ontain som" phosphor"s!"nt "l"m"nt whi!h had mad" it glowing in th" darkn"ss& $h" "y"s w"r" sparkling as though in+iting m" and th" larg" point"d %oo%s s""m"d to %" h"a+ing& ) r"main"d sp"ll%ound for a whil" and f"lt horny and disr"garding all th" for%idding of th" old man ) stripp"d op"n th" %ody and it mad" m" !ra@y& ) tou!h"d th" %oo%s whi!h had spongy softn"ss and "lasti!ity& ) ran my fing"rs through th" "ntir" imag" again and again& $h" %utts and th" triangl" w"r" all spongy lik" th" %oo%s& =ould th" idol kill m" lik" th" son of th" old man; #o it was a !o!k and %ull story ) thought& ) !ould not r"sist kissing th" idol from h"ad to f""t most passionat"ly and wildly& ) h"ld h"r tight against my lips for a long tim" %ut did not di" unlik" th" old man:s unfortunat" son& ) how"+"r k"pt my mouth tightly shut as ) appr"h"nd"d that th" foam !oating might !ontain som" poisonous su%stan!" that had kill"d th" son of th" old man& ) f"lt "8tr"m"ly sl""py and r"pla!"d th" idol in th" %o8 and f"ll asl""p as soon as ) tou!h"d th" %"d& ) dr"amt of th" !all girl R"nu "m%ra!ing m" passionat"ly "nding up in wild lo+" making&

,art 1- $h" 2all

) ros" lat" th" n"8t morning and th" idol and R"nu str"am"d through my mind alt"rnat"ly and "+"ntually mingl"d into on" "nhan!ing my d"sir" for R"nu& ) thought ) should som"how find h"r out& )t was foggy all around& ) took my %r"akfast and traips"d through th" o!"an of fog for th" !igar"tt" stall& 's soon as ) approa!h"d th" st""p ris" that l"d to th" turn wh"r" th" pan shop was situat"d ) took a start at a

loud giggl" and hot %lood rush"d up my spin" as R"nu "m"rg"d from th" fog& Sh" smil"d lustfully and gr""t"d m"& ) %ra@"nly ran my d"+ouring "y"s through h"r skimpily !lad +oluptuous %ody& H"r +ast %oo%s %ulging out of th" op"n n"!klin" of th" pink sw"at"r mad" m" almost hyst"ri!al and ) f"lt a striking r"s"m%lan!" of h"r with th" idol& Sh" got !los"r to m" and sway"d h"r h"a+y %utts in th" styl" of a dan!"r to s"nd %lood up my spin" again& ) !aught hold of h"r hand and sh" smil"d appro+ingly& ) f"lt ) must ha+" h"r %y any m"ans and at any !ost& ) patt"d h"r on th" %a!k and mutt"r"d in a !onspiratorial +oi!" 9l"t:s go som"wh"r"&: Sh" giggl"d with th" horny swaying of h"r %ody and said 9!om" with m" th"n: and ) follow"d h"r through th" d"ns" fog without knowing wh"r" sh" was l"ading m"& Soon w" w"r" mo+ing down a narrow !aus"way and w" had to r"main !los" to "a!h oth"r& O!!asionally my !ons!i"n!" and !ons"r+ati+" natur" got th" %"tt"r of m" and th" !all girl app"ar"d lik" a +ampir" l"ading m" to d"stru!tion& But soon all su!h f""lings +anish"d and my inn"r mind mo!k"d my utt"r foolishn"ss& $h" fog had %"!om" d"ns"r& ) !ould not r"sist kissing h"r madly and sh" r"turn"d warmly& 9Ay hous" is not far off: sh" said in an insinuating ton"& Sh" was right and in a short whil" w" w"r" in h"r %"d in h"a+"nly union ) had n"+"r "8p"ri"n!"d %"for"& ) thought what a fool ) had %""n to marry a w"akling B"ngali girl and in a mom"nt all my hith"rto !h"rish"d s"lf(styl"d morality w"r" sw"pt away& ) f"lt th" *oy of fr""dom from inhi%itions that had pr"+"nt"d m" so far from "n*oying lif" in full& H"r %ody in d""p "m%ra!" on!" again r"mind"d m" of th" idol and ) f"lt R"nu was turning into th" idol& ) pr"ss"d h"r h"ad against my !h"st and said passionat"ly 9would you marry m" and go away with m" to som" pla!";: 9You ar" alr"ady marri"d and you ha+" a son too you told m": sh" said in a mo!king ton"& 9H"ll with th"m& ) would di+or!" th" wif" if n"!"ssary&: 9E+"ry%ody says so in %"d and th"n forg"ts&: 9But ):m auth"nti!& ) no long"r ha+" any attra!tion for my wif" aft"r ha+ing th" "8p"ri"n!" of r"al pl"asur"&: 9$h"n ar" you r"ady to mak" pro+isions for my fath"r and son;: 9How mu!h do you n""d for th"m;: Sh" giggl"d and said fi8ing h"r s!rutini@ing "y"s on my fa!" 9fifty thousand now for %uying my fath"r arti!l"s for his gro!"ry shop and t"n thousand "+"ry month& $his is for th"m and for m" ) want a %ank %alan!" say of fifty thousand mor"&: Sh" told that sh" had a %ank a!!ount and sh" may also a!!"pt a!!ount pay"" !h"!k& $h" amount was trifling for m" and ) r"adily agr""d& Sh" at first !ould not %"li"+" my words %ut wh"n ) assur"d h"r that ) would issu" h"r !h"!k right aft"r r"turning to hot"l and pay th" !ash th" n"8t day aft"r withdrawing mon"y from my Siliguri a!!ount sh" f"lt "!stati! and dragg"d m" into anoth"r %lissful orgy& Sh" said ) n""d not tak" trou%l" to withdraw mon"y from Siliguri and may pay th" "ntir" amount in !h"!ks& ) took h"r along and !oming to th" turn of th" road !los" to th" hot"l ) ask"d h"r to wait th"r" as ) did not lik" th" hot"l manag"r to ha+" any knowl"dg" of my ho%no%%ing with this slut girl& ) issu"d a !h"!k of two lakh rup""s and h"r "y"s %ulg"d out in astonishm"nt as sh" !ould not %"li"+" h"r "y"s& Sh" turn"d h"r "y"s toward m" to study if ) was *oking with h"r or trying to l"ad h"r to trou%l"& ) assur"d h"r that it was r"al and within a f"w days th" amount would %" transf"rr"d to h"r a!!ount& ) ga+" h"r t"n thousand rup""s in !ash and told ) would pay th" r"/uir"d !ash th" n"8t day& 2or oth"r "8p"ns"s ) n""d"d mon"y and so ) had to go to Siliguri th" n"8t day& ) %ook"d room at a hot"l at Ranipol" o+"r mo%il" phon" and !h"!k"d out of th" hot"l at $i%"t Road& R"nu a!!ompani"d m" to Ranipol"& 7ropping h"r along with my %"longings at th" n"w hot"l ) w"nt to Siliguri and withdrawing ad"/uat" mon"y from +arious a!!ounts r"turn"d %y th" sam" +"hi!l"& $h" night was h"a+"nly with wild lo+" making& R"nu f"ll fast asl""p out of "8haustion %ut ) !ould not sl""p& $h" idol dr"w m" lik" magi! and almost in a hypnoti! fit ) mo+"d !los" to th" %o8 op"n"d it and was "8!it"d to +isuali@" th" striking r"s"m%lan!" %"tw""n R"nu and th" idol and my ga@" r"main"d transfi8"d for a long tim" on th" "nli+"n"d idol& ) got so "8!it"d that had to rous" R"nu from sl""p& Sh" was drowsy at first %ut soon h"r +igor and passion r"turn"d and w" w"r" lost into th" %liss(land again&

#"8t morning w" r"turn"d to .angtok k""ping all th" %"longings "8!"pt th" idol(%o8 at Ranipol" hot"l& R"nu told h"r fath"r !on+in!ingly that sh" had got a good *o% at Siliguri that would k""p h"r away for som" tim" %ut sh" would m""t him and h"r son on!" a w""k& $h"y !ould gu"ss what sort of *o% it was %ut did not mind as th"y w"r" a!!ustom"d to h"r staying away for su!h *o%s& =hat matt"r"d to th"m was mon"y and this tim" it was a +"ry attra!ti+" on"& Sh" stay"d at .angtok for a f"w days to %uy arti!l"s for h"r fath"r:s shop and garm"nts and %ooks for th" %oy& But sh" sp"nt "+"ry night with m" at Ranipol"& 2inally w" l"ft for Siliguri& )n th" m"antim" ) had r"nt"d a hous" of a Aarwari smuggl"r at a d"solat" pla!" n"ar th" .ulma(Aohargaon t"a "stat"& $h" first floor was m"ant for his m"n who o!!asionally !am" to tak" !ontra%and goods stor"d in th" !"llar& $h" upp"r stor"y off"r"d to m" was how"+"r !ompl"t"ly +a!ant&

,art 3- Elop"m"nt
) !all"d my wif" and inform"d h"r that ) would ha+" to go to a r"mot" pla!" to !oll"!t som" rar" !urios and for a%out a fortnight ) won:t %" a%l" to !onta!t th"m as th"r" was no mo%il" tow"r at th" pla!"& H"r +oi!" r"+"al"d worry and sadn"ss& ) !ut off !onn"!tion and swit!h"d off th" !"ll phon"& 2or a mom"nt ) f"lt a pri!k for my %rutal tr"atm"nt of h"r and my inno!"nt son %ut R"nu:s "m"rg"n!" in transpar"nt appar"l sw"pt away th" silly f""lings& Sh" was r"ady for th" *ourn"y and th" hir"d !ar had !om" on tim" and honking to al"rt us& $h" +"hi!l" as dir"!t"d %y m" dropp"d us at th" "ntran!" of th" hous" that was a%out hundr"d m"t"rs from th" main road and surround"d %y %ushy sal pin" and *arul tr""s& )t was !ompl"t"ly in+isi%l" from th" main road& ) paid off th" !ar and w" w"nt upstairs& R"nu had %ought %room and oth"r hous"hold n"!"ssiti"s& )n a mom"nt sh" got %usy sw""ping and !l"aning th" rooms and ) wait"d at th" %al!ony wat!hing th" <an!h"n*unga p"aks& $h"y w"r" now !o+"r"d with sp"!ks of r"ddish !louds that app"ar"d ominous to m" and an un!anny !onst"rnation s"nt tr"mors down my spin" and th" !loud a%o+" s""m"d to tak" shap" of th" yakshini idol m"na!ingly !asting h"r +indi!ti+" glan!"s at m"& ) !ould no long"r withstand it and hast"n"d %a!k to th" room& R"nu soon got a!!ustom"d to th" n"w lif" and lik" a tru" wif" "n*oy"d p"rforming all family !hor"s in!luding mark"ting from th" Sukna mark"t !ooking sw""ping and mopping th" floors and washing !loth"s& 't tim"s ) us"d to roam around th" n"ar%y pla!"s and m""t +arious p"rsons at Siliguri& R"nu was always *o+ial notwithstanding h"r daily !hor"s& Sh" +isit"d h"r fath"r and son aft"r a w""k and told m" that th"y w"r" +"ry happy at h"r n"w *o% that m"ant pl"nty of mon"y a!!ording to th"ir standards&

,art 4- $h" Horror

R"nu had d"!amp"d with thr"" lakh rup""s and my diamond(s"t gold rings whi!h ) had k"pt in th" draw"r of th" ta%l"& Sh" would n"+"r r"turn ) kn"w& Sh" kn"w +"ry w"ll that ) would not %" a%l" to pursu" h"r %"!aus" of my so!ial position& ) how"+"r had nothing to say against h"r& $h" night %"for" h"r fl""ing my sl""p sudd"nly %rok" %y h"r shrill !ry and ) hast"n"d out of %"d swit!hing on th" light& ) found h"r standing n"ar th" %athroom door and tr"m%ling in horror& ) !ould r"a!h up to h"r in tim" to hold h"r %"for" sh" lost !ons!iousn"ss& ) !arri"d h"r to th" %"d and glan!ing %a!kwards got %"fuddl"d to find th" idol %o8 whi!h had %""n at th" far "nd of th" room was now in front of th" %athroom door& Lik" a hypnoti@"d f"llow ) mo+"d !los"r to th" %o8 and my hair ros" on "nd to find th" lid of th" %o8 *"rking upwards as though in a franti! "ffort to %" fr"" from th" pr"ssur" of th" spi!" grinding ston"(sla% whi!h ) gu"ss"d R"nu had pla!"d o+"r th" lid& Sudd"nly ) turn"d intr"pid and op"n"d th" lid of th" %o8 aft"r r"mo+ing th" ston"& $h" idol stopp"d struggling and turn"d /ui"t %ut its "y"s r"+"al"d %lood !hilling +"ng"an!"& ) !ould not "ndur" its +"h"m"nt glan!"s and put th" ston" in pla!" again aft"r shutting th" lid& ) mys"lf was horrifi"d %ut did not r"+"al it to R"nu who had r"gain"d !ons!iousn"ss %y this tim"& Sh" h"ld m" tight and implor"d that w" l"a+" this room at on!" and sp"nd th" r"st of th" night in th" ad*a!"nt small"r room& )

!arri"d all our %"longings to th" small"r room aft"r ) had shift"d R"nu lo!k"d th" door of th" larg"r room and r"main"d sl""pl"ss on th" floor of th" small"r room for a long tim"& R"nu was unwilling to t"ll at that mom"nt what had t"rrori@"d h"r and ) did not insist& E+"ntually w" f"ll asl""p out of "8haustion& )n th" morning R"nu pr"par"d th" %r"akfast as usual and th"n told m" what had pani!k"d h"r& Sh" had to go to th" toil"t at midnight and sh" did not swit!h on th" light l"st it would distur% my sl""p& So sh" grop"d h"r way toward th" %athroom door and was astonish"d to noti!" a ray of light "manating from som"thing !los" to th" %athroom& Looking mor" !los"ly sh" dis!o+"r"d th" %o8 th" lid of whi!h was wid" op"n and sh" was stru!k with t"rror to find th" nud" idol "mitting rays of light and its "y"s rolling with unimagina%l" +"ng"an!"& =ith h"r pr"s"n!" of mind sh" for!"d down th" lid and put th" ston" o+"r it& $h" sound of som"thing !onstantly striking th" inn"r sid" of th" lid t"rrori@"d h"r and sh" !ould not h"lp shri"king %"for" sh" lost !ons!iousn"ss& ) w"nt out for a walk in th" high road and aft"r r"turn dis!o+"r"d R"nu was gon" k""ping th" main door wid" op"n& By instin!t ) op"n"d th" %ag !ontaining mon"y !h"!k %ooks and '$A !ards& Sh" had tak"n only th" !ash& Lat"r on op"ning th" draw"r ) found th" !ostly rings also gon"& ) no long"r had indis!r"tion to op"n th" door of th" larg"r room and insp"!t th" idol although at tim"s ) f"lt strong inn"r urg" to do so& Su%t"rran"an f"ar urg"d m" to l"a+" th" hous" at on!" k""ping th" idol wh"r" it was& ) sta!k"d all my garm"nts and oth"r "ss"ntial arti!l"s in my suit!as" and th" hand%ag and walk"d up to Sukna wh"r" ) withdr"w mon"y from an '$A and hir"d a +"hi!l" for Siliguri& ) %ook"d a room at a hot"l of du%ious r"putation n"ar Siliguri #orth railway station& Lying in %"d in th" hot"l room ) start"d planning th" futur" !ours" of my lif"& )t o!!urr"d to m" for a whil" to !all my wif" and r"turn to my p"a!"ful "thi!al li+ing& But ) !ould not !ontain th" id"a for a long tim"& ) f"lt d""p hatr"d for my worthl"ss wif" as th" %lissful nights with R"nu flash"d a!ross my mind& #o it would %" sh""r folly to r"turn to h"r ) thought& ) was now !ompl"t"ly m"tamorphos"d and had no way to g"t %a!k to th" "arli"r lif"& )t o!!urr"d to m" that with mon"y ) !ould g"t a!!"ss to pl"nty of +oluptuous !all girls and d"!id"d to look for on" right at that mom"nt& 't tim"s ) thought that "+"rything !on!"rning th" imag" was simply illusion and ) should go %a!k to th" r"nt"d hous" %ut an un!anny t"rror pr"+"nt"d m" from indulging in su!h indis!r"tion& ) !onsult"d th" manag"r and h" show"d m" a larg" num%"r of profil"s& ) s"l"!t"d a f"w and h" !onta!t"d th"m& Only two of th"m w"r" fr"" that night& ) !hos" th" tw"nty "ight y"ar old B"ngali widow and mad" an appointm"nt with h"r at dinn"r in a %ar(!um hot"l& Sh" !am" on tim" and aft"r "arly dinn"r w" had a +igorous s"ssion and sh" too was !harming and %"sid"s sh" kn"w som" <amasutra tri!ks that ga+" m" int"ns" pl"asur"& Sh" had som" important family works that night and had to l"a+" aft"r on" wild s"ssion& Sh" promis"d to !om" n"8t "+"ning and to r"assur" m" a!!"pt"d only half of h"r usual f""& ) had alr"ady propos"d to h"r for going out with m" to som" pla!" for a%out a month& Sh" gladly a!!"pt"d th" proposal for a month:s Bhutan trip& Sh" was +irtually fr"" from o%ligations as sh" had no issu"s and h"r par"nts us"d to r"sid" with h"r "ld"r %roth"rC %ut sh" n""d"d a f"w days: pr"paration for su!h a l"ngthy stay away& ) d"!id"d not to r"main atta!h"d to a singl" woman and so did not want to ha+" any long t"rm atta!hm"nt with this widow unlik" in th" !as" of R"nu& ) was +"ry mu!h r"li"+"d as th" thought of th" idol no long"r p"rtur%"d m"& Bnlik" R"nu this woman s""m"d to ha+" no r"s"m%lan!" with th" idol and ) was gratifi"d to think that r"lation with h"r had mad" m" fr"" from th" !urs" of th" idol& So ) was on th" "+" of a +igorous and worth li+ing lif"& ) f"lt happy and f"ll asl""p as soon as ) had swit!h"d off th" light& 't midnight my sl""p %rok" as ) stum%l"d down on som"thing hard& 't first ) thought it was a dr"am %ut soon r"ali@"d it was r"al and ) had so far %""n str""t walking along th" Hill Cart Road& $h" hot"l at Siliguri had a whol"(night %ar and th" main gat" r"main"d op"n all through th" night& So it was not diffi!ult for m" to sn"ak out unnoti!"d& But ) had n"+"r %"for" suff"r"d from this sl""p(walking syndrom"& ) f"lt som"thing was attra!ting m" with irr"sisti%l" for!"& Looking around in th" str""t light ) r"ali@"d ) was not far from th" r"nt"d hous" and th" idol now r"app"ar"d %"for" my mind:s "y"& ) hast"n"d up ignor"d th" pain on th" for"h"ad %"!aus" of th" hard fall and a!!"l"rat"d my pa!"& ) had no long"r any

f"ar for th" idol& Contrarily ) f"lt a d""p attra!tion for th" yakshini& ) got !los"r and !los"r to th" path l"ading to th" hous" and +isuali@"d th" nud" idol "nlarg"d into a +oluptuous full si@" woman and standing at th" "ntran!" of th" hous" with spr"ad out hands to r"!"i+" m" into h"r arms& ) start"d running for th" %lissful union&

,art 5- $h" Ruin

Last night my f""t had skidd"d on a %anana skin and ) f"ll un!ons!ious %y th" should"r of th" high road& =hil" my !ons!iousn"ss r"turn"d it was still dark and ) was s"i@"d with horror to r"m"m%"r how ) happ"n"d to %" th"r"& ) did not los" a mom"nt to mo+" away from th" pro8imity of th" !urs"d idol and ra!" %a!k to th" hot"l& ) "nt"r"d right into th" %ar so that th" gat"k""p"r !ould not susp"!t anything fishy and sp"nding som" tim" amidst !ra@y drunkards r"turn"d to my room and f"ll asl""p& Aanisha th" "s!ort !all"d m" "arly in th" morning to inform with r"gr"t that sh" had d"!id"d to m""t h"r par"nts today and th"r"for" would %" una%l" to att"nd m" tonight %ut would o+"r!omp"nsat" tomorrow& ) f"lt %lank and d"*"!t"d %ut d"!id"d against !onta!ting th" s"!ond %"st from th" "s!ort profil"& 's th" day dr"w to a !los" ) start"d f""ling som" !hang" within m"& 2ragm"nts of dis*oin imag"ri"s start"d rushing through my h"ad in /ui!k su!!"ssion and "+"ntually ) was s"i@"d with an int"ns" d"sir" to "n!ount"r th" idol& ):m to stop writing th" diary right now as my %rain is g"tting *um%l"d and ):m +isuali@ing th" foggy imag" of th" yakshini %"!koning m" for th" "t"rnal union&

,art 6- $h" 7iary

)nsp"!tor Aitra r"main"d transfi8"d for som"tim" aft"r going through th" diary whi!h h" had s"ar!h"d out from th" hot"l room of th" famous *ournalist 'lok Aa*umdar who was run o+"r %y som" h"a+y +"hi!l" on th" highway th" last night& 'll th"s" w"r" th" trashy and fr"n@i"d s!ri%%ling of a psy!hoti! p"rson h" thought& H" had found also a %ook on $i%"tan tantri! !ult in th" suit!as" of th" *ournalist& )t o!!urr"d to him that th" *ournalist might ha+" lost his h"ad %y "rrati! pra!ti!" of o!!ult r"ligious rit"s& But h" must find out th" hidd"n hous" and th" idol at first& 't l"ast !ontra%and goods stor"d %y th" smuggl"r !ould %" un"arth"d& )nsp"!tor Aitra dro+" alon" %y his poli!" *""p and !ould "asily find out th" hous" and %r"aking op"n th" larg"r room h" found th" %o8 and th" "8/uisit" nud" idol mad" him sp"ll%ound& #o%ody "ls" had y"t l"arnt a%out th" diary and th" idol& H" !o+"r"d th" %o8 with a sh""t of n"ws pap"r and hid it und"r th" s"at of th" +"hi!l"& H" th"n inform"d th" lo!al poli!" station and soon a larg" num%"r of !onsta%l"s l"d %y th" s"!ond offi!"r arri+"d at th" spot& S"ar!hing th" hous" pl"nty of !o!ain" and h"roin" sta!k"d in th" !"llar was dis!o+"r"d and s"i@"d and lat"r on th" Aarwari was arr"st"d& )nt"rrogating th" smuggl"r !los"ly insp"!tor Aitra was !on+in!"d that h" had no id"a a%out th" idol& 'ft"r !ompl"tion of th" n"!"ssary formaliti"s h" din"d at a hot"l and %urnt th" diary aft"r r"turning hom"& Lu!kily his wif" and daught"r had not y"t r"turn"d from <olkata& So h" was fr"" to "n*oy th" !harm of th" +oluptuous idol& H" swit!h"d off th" light shut th" windows and op"n"d th" %o8 in !ompl"t" darkn"ss and was astonish"d to find th" idol luminous as writt"n in th" diary& H" hand"d it out and h"ld in front of him& 'n ""ri" s"nsation !ours"d through him as th" idol in his hand s""m"d to %" +i%rant with lif" and th" s!intillating "y"s in+iting him&

$h" 'uthor

$h" author of this story is a ,h&7& in "!onomi!s and prof"ssionally an "!onomist %ut his passion for lit"ratur" !omp"ls him at tim"s to "s!h"w th" ar"na of "!onomi!s and "s!ap" into th" world of lo+" roman!" and ad+"ntur"& 2rom his +"ry !hildhood his fa+orit" ho%%i"s in!lud"d swimming in tur%ul"nt ri+"rs during th" rains small gam" hunting %o8ing hill tr"kking and ad+"ntur" in wild animal inf"st"d d""p for"sts& Lat"r on h" ga+" up hunting and %o8ing !onsid"ring th"m to %" !ru"l sports& )n !ours" of his hill tr"ks h" !am" in !onta!t with +arious hill tri%"s and h" !ould f""l th" h"art %its of th"s" hon"st and simpl" p"opl" "sp"!ially th" !harming girls& Aany of his romanti! short stori"s ar" %as"d on th"s" hill p"opl" and th" hilly !harm amidst whi!h th"y ar" %orn and %rought up& 7r& Basu may %" !onta!t"d at rl%asuFr"diffmail&!om& $o $op

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