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Indo-German Training Centre | Mumbai

Market|ng for Non Market|ng Managers: 1hursday 9

and Ir|day 10
May, 2013

!"#$%&'($) MarkeLlng ls all abouL Lhe rlghL producL offerlng, Lhe rlghL communlcaLlon, Lhe rlghL
place Lhrough Lhe rlghL CusLomer undersLandlng. Cur CusLomer ls Lhe reason for our exlsLence.
1hrough Lhls program we aLLempL Lo senslLlze and orlenL corporaLe personnel from all
dlsclpllnes and deparLmenLs Lo Lhe varlous faceLs and sLep of 'effecLlve MarkeLlng'. 1he use of
Case SLudles and 8esL racLlces of MarkeLlng ln Lhls program shall Lake you Lhough boLh Lheory
and pracLlce. uslng deslgned exerclses, slmulaLlons and role-plays Lhe program shall engage Lhe
parLlclpanLs ln bulldlng MarkeLlng frameworks for Lhelr own organlzaLlon. 1hls program shall
hence focus on Lhe pracLlce of MarkeLlng and lLs appllcaLlon Lo ensure CompeLlLlve AdvanLage
for one's own organlzaLlon.

*+,'-'-. !0&%12$3)
arLlclpanLs wlll undersLand MarkeLlng fundamenLals and whaL drlves
arLlclpanLs wlll undersLand 'Pow MarkeLlng Works'
arLlclpanLs wlll undersLand and appreclaLe Lhe elemenLs whlch ensures success Lo Lhe
MarkeLlng organlzaLlon wlLh Lhelr CusLomers
arLlclpanLs wlll dlscover Lhelr own role ln Lhe enLlre MarkeLlng efforL of an organlzaLlon
arLlclpanLs wlll be able Lo undersLand and lnLerpreL a baslc MarkeLlng lan

4$33'1- 5$&,'63)
Market|ng 1oday - 1he no||st|c Market|ng Cr|entat|on
undersLandlng and appllcaLlon of markeLlng and Lhe markeLlng concepL
1he evoluLlon and naLure of PollsLlc MarkeLlng CrganlzaLlons Loday
1he Ioundat|on of Market|ng
1he MarkeLlng Mlx and lLs appllcaLlon Lo producLs and servlces
undersLandlng and applylng MarkeL SegmenLaLlon, 1argeLlng and oslLlonlng
What attracts Customers]Consumers

Indo-German Training Centre | Mumbai

Learn Lo bulld closer relaLlonshlps wlLh CusLomers
ALLracLlng, 8eLalnlng and Crowlng CusLomers Lhrough creaLlng, dellverlng, and
communlcaLlng superlor cusLomer value
Customer Centr|c Crgan|zat|ons
undersLandlng CusLomer CenLrlc organlzaLlons, Maxlmlzlng CusLomer LlfeLlme value
WhaL consLlLuLes greaL CusLomer Servlce
roduct Strategy
WhaL all should be parL of our roducL deslgn?
Pow do sLrong producLs lead Lo sLrong brands?
8rands and the|r ko|e |n Market|ng
WhaL ls a 8rand?
Pow do we creaLe sLrong brands
Market|ng Commun|cat|on
1he 8 dlfferenL ways ln whlch organlzaLlons communlcaLe Lo Lhelr CllenLs/Consumers
An undersLandlng of AdverLlslng, ubllc 8elaLlons, Sales romoLlon, lnLeracLlve Medla
and oLher forms of CommunlcaLlon
An overall CommunlcaLlons plan - An lndusLry example
D|str|but|on Strategy
8eachlng your producL Lo Lhe Consumer/CusLomer effecLlvely?
1he Market|ng |an
1he deslgn and sLeps of a MarkeLlng lan for Lhe organlzaLlon

Indo-German Training Centre | Mumbai

*,+.$& 708'$-%$)
Who wou|d best benef|t from th|s program?
ersonnel from all ueparLmenLs wlll very largely beneflL Lhrough a new undersLandlng of Lhelr
conLrlbuLlon Lowards Lhelr organlzaLlonal markeLlng ob[ecLlves. 1hls would lnclude
deparLmenLs llke Lnglneerlng, CuallLy Assurance, roducLlon, 8 & u, llnance, SCM,
CommunlcaLlon, P.8., lnvesLor 8elaLlons, SlLe ManagemenL, AdmlnlsLraLlon, CperaLlons, Sales,
SysLems, Servlce and several oLhers Loo.
So whlchever dlsclpllne Lhe parLlclpanLs represenL, Lhey wlll be senslLlzed Lo a new paradlgm of
markeLlng LhoughL. 1hls new learnlng wlll help Lhe parLlclpanLs enhance value of Lhelr
organlzaLlons by parLlclpaLlon for cusLomer and organlzaLlonal beLLermenL

*+,'-$+ 9+1:'6$) ;+< =,#$$( >?,@6, ls a posL-graduaLe ln ManagemenL and Law. Pe has more
Lhan 28 years of CorporaLe experlence ln Lhe fleld of Sales, MarkeLlng & CperaLlons. Pe has
worked wlLh MarkeL leaders llke Wlpro SysLems LLd, 1ranselekLra uomesLlc roducLs, 8accarose
CosmeLlcs LLd, ApLech LlmlLed, Mlcroland LlmlLed, laneLasla eLc aL senlor managemenL
poslLlons. Pe ls currenLly engaged as a ManagemenL and 8rand ConsulLanL and CorporaLe
1ralner. Pe has conducLed LxecuLlve 1ralnlng rogrammes for varlous organlzaLlons and hls
Lralnlng domaln areas, deslgned and lmplemenLed for corporaLes are Leadershlp and
MoLlvaLlon, Sales and MarkeLlng Lralnlng, negoLlaLlon SLraLegles, and ersonal roducLlvlLy
skllls (SofL skllls). Pe ls also a vlslLlng lndusLry laculLy for MarkeLlng aL several buslness schools
ln Lhe counLry.

9+1.+,2 A$$)
! 8s. 9,000/- + 12.36 Lax = 8s. 10,112/-
! 10 B+10C 5'3%10-& for 3 or more parLlclpanLs from Lhe same organlzaLlon for Lhe same
! aymenLs should be made by Cash / Cheque favourlng Indo-German 1ra|n|ng Centre,

Indo-German Training Centre | Mumbai

lndo-Cerman 1ralnlng CenLre, 2-8, vulcan lnsurance 8ulldlng, 2nd lloor, veer narlman 8oad,
ChurchgaLe, Mumbal - 400020.
1he Lralnlng program wlll be conducLed from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.
lor more deLalls, please call Ms. Sa[lLa radeep aL 91-22-22822002 / 22846831 or mall
sa[lLa.pradeep[lgLclndla.com aL Lhe earllesL or vlslL our webslLe www.lgLclndla.com.

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