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Font t"pe: #imes new roman $old% &entred ma3i three mbe arate Abstra mum. uploads d by r ct at eac the 4mm *hese abstract &>.'7 h gi$e s (, pag you ,ebsite Font size : 'pt fully e basic . #imes new roman "ustif guideli Font t"pe: %@.7 )ll caps nes ied. 67. mm prepari &>.7 E. ng your anuscr89:9R#; ( at ipt Font "ournal the * uality ,ill bott paper be imes A. for the reprodPaper om :e, )onfer uced Sizecent Rom e3actl ence an. If er +rocee y as other epare in dings. ,e fonts %' recei$ your *he are paper pt. +rocee e it5 used dings pleasein fullfont for ,ill be check si<e. speci and publish format, &#p alty ed in a correcon #= plie item t )Ds, R./ spellinsi<es to &'%>m bot you &color( g and and must gram m h by papers mar '?@mm inclu 2or may mistak(. d de also be es font publish beforeB. and files +D ed later uploa Margin ,ith in print ding s F( your &012( the emai . )D- final p D.A l. Col R./ manus%Bmm See um +rocee cript. &>.@7(, *abl ns dings If bottom * e % ,ill be errors for a$ailabl are A ,o type e at the detect '7mm colu )onfer ed si<es &%(, mns ence. after side, A . *he the %Bmm B= F. normal fact, mm &>.4'7 Style length you + of the are (. &6.7 rima paper allo,e ( C. ry, must be d ,id a firstkept to total Pagina e, tion. le$el si3 &4( of sep head pages

ings * are e centere d, numbe red ,ith Roman numera ls &I., II., III., etc.( condar y Ceadin gs are flush left, numbe red ,ith cap letters &A., etc.(

#p apen di3, r i and g#p hpen t di3 p *itle a r , eare ncent t ered h. e*he sRo i man snum . erals +ar used agr to aph num ind ber ent the for secti bod on y head te3t ings is are 7m opti m onal &>.' . If 7(. you hdo euse the m, num # cber kIntr nodu octio n, , l but enot d#c gkno ,le m edgm nent t or sRef , eren ces. See *abl R ee % f for eall r font epoin nt csi<e es s G.

Var iab les D a r i a b l e s a r e i n i t a l i c s t h r o u g h o u t t h e p a p e r . . E! uat ion s um ber e u atio ns con sec uti $el y ,it h e u atio :

n nu m be rs in pa re nt he se s flu sh ,i th th e rig ht m ar gi n, as in &%. %(, &%. '(, &'. %(, &'. '(, etc .. *o m ak e yo ur e ua tio ns m or e co m pa ct, yo u m ay us e th e sol id us &E (, th e

e3 p fu nc tio n, or ap pr op ria te e3 po ne nt s. Ita lic i< e R o m an sy m bo ls fo r u an titi es an d $a ria bl es, bu t no t 8r ee k sy m bo ls. Fs e a lo ng da sh rat he r th an a hy ph en

fo in ra aGbAc. mi nu &%.%( s 0e si gn sure that . the Fs symbols e in your pa e uation re ha$e nt been he defined se before s the to e uation a$ appears oi or d immedia a tely m follo,in bi g. Fse gu iti &%.%(, es not 9 . in &%.%( or de e uatio no n &%.%(, mi e3cept the na at torbeginnin s. g of a +u sentence nc H tu 9 uati at on &%.%( e is I e ua ?. Fig tio ure ns s ,i Fig th ures co mus m t m occ upy as a or sing pe le rio col ds um , n, if he pos n sibl th e, ey and ar must be e image pa inserted rt in place. of *he a caption se is under nt the en figure. ce, #ll as referenc

e to the figure use Fig. follo, ed by the figure numbe r. Fig. is also used in the caption .


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bl es *a bl es m us t oc cu py a si ng le co lu m n, if po ssi bl e, an d must be printed in place. *he name is abo$e the table. *#0;9 I *J+9 SIK9S F.R +#+9R S *ype #ppea

si<e &pts. (

*able captions,a table

>.>%7 #Em. Figure labels must be legible, about B-point type. & k # E m ( / a g n e t i < a t i o n % 7

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superscripts Section titlesa, references, tables, table namesa , first letters in table captionsa, figure captions, footnotes, te3t subscripts, and superscripts, main te3t, e uations, first letters in section titlesa #uthorsL affiliations

%'. P%otograp%s #bstrac )olor or black and ,hite photos must t occupy a single column, if possible, and images must be embedded. *he caption is under the photograph.
M. Abbre&iations an$ Acronyms Define abbre$iations and acronyms the first time they are used in the te3t, e$en after they ha$e been defined in the abstract. )ommon abbre$iations such as 'EEE( S'( M#S( CGS( sc( $c( and rms do not ha$e to be defined. Do not use abbre$iations in the #uthor sL title unless they are una$oidable. names +aper III. C9;+FF; CI:*S title /aintain uniformity throughout paper. +roduce for ma3imum legibility. *ype must be clear and crisp. *he )D ,ill be produced in color, so ,e suggest that all pictures be in color.

% > 7

%' %4

*imes aFppercase %=. R. #. Figures an$ "ables +lace figures and tables at or near the top or bottom of columns ,here possible. ;arge figures and tables may span across both columns. Figure captions must be belo, the figures5 table captions must be abo$e the tables. #$oid placing figures and tables before their first mention in the te3t. Fse the abbre$iation Fig. %, e$en at the beginning of a sentence. Figure a3is labels are often a source of confusion. *ry to use ,ords rather than symbols. #s an e3ample, ,rite the uantity /agneti<ation, or /agneti<ation, /, not "ust /. +ut units in parentheses. Do not label a3es only ,ith units. In the e3ample, ,rite /agneti<ation &#Em( or /agneti<ation &#Em-%(, not "ust #Em. Do not label a3es ,ith a ratio of uantities and units. For e3ample, ,rite *emperature &M(, not *emperatureEM. /ultipliers can be especially confusing. 2rite /agneti<ation &k#Em( or /agneti<ation &%>6 #Em(. Do not ,rite /agneti<ation &#Em( 3 %>>> because the reader ,ould not kno, ,hether the top a3is label in Fig. % meant %7 >>> #Em. or




#pplied Field &%>= Fig. %. /agneti<ation as a function of applied field. :ote ho, the caption is centered in the column. Do not use poor uality photostats, .<alids, blueprints, hectographs, or photocopies. /aintain a firm, e$en dark, sharp impression throughout copy. Shades of blue, green, and bro,n do not reproduce effecti$ely. A. Sub%ea$ings )it% *etters Fse t,o spaces after periods &full stops(. Cyphenate comple3 modifiersH <ero-field-cooled magneti<ation. #$oid dangling participles, such as, Fsing &%(, the potential ,as calculated. 2rite instead, *he potential ,as calculated using &%(, or Fsing &%(, ,e calculated the potential. Fse a <ero before decimal pointsH >.'7, not .'7. Fse cm6, not cc. Do not mi3 complete spellings and abbre$iations of unitsH 2b'Em' or ,ebers per s uare meter, not ,ebersEm'. Spell units ,hen they appear in te3tH Ia fe, henries, not Ia fe, C. If your nati$e language is not 9nglish, try to get a nati$e 9nglish speaking colleague to

6 #E m(

proofread your paper. B. +nits Fse either SI &/MS( or )8S as primary units. &SI units are encouraged.( 9nglish units may be used as secondary units &in parentheses(. #n e3ception ,ould be the use of 9nglish units as identifiers in trade, such as 6.7inch disk dri$e. #$oid combining SI and )8S units, such as current in amperes and magnetic field in oersteds. *his often leads to confusion because e uations do not balance dimensionally. If you must use mi3ed units, clearly state the units for each uantity that you use in an e uation. C. ,e-erences :umber citations consecuti$ely in s uare brackets N%O. *he sentence punctuation follo,s the bracket N'O. Refer simply to the reference number, as in N6O. Do not use Ref. N6O or reference N6O e3cept at the beginning of a sentenceH Reference N6O ,as the first I :umber footnotes separately in superscripts. +lace the actual footnote at the bottom of the column in ,hich it ,as cited. Do not put footnotes in the reference list. Fse letters for table footnotes &see *able I(. I999 *ransactions no longer use a "ournal prefi3 before the $olume number. For e3ample, use I999 *rans. /agn., $ol. '7, not $ol. /#8'7. 8i$e all authorsL names5 do not use et al. unless there are si3 authors or more. +apers that ha$e not been

published, e$en if they ha$e been submitted for publication, must be cited as unpublished N=O. +apers that ha$e been accepted for publication must be cited as in press N7O. )apitali<e only the first ,ord in a paper title, e3cept for proper nouns and element symbols. For papers published in translation "ournals, please gi$e the 9nglish citation first, follo,ed by the original foreign-language citation N4O. ID. S./9 ).//.: /IS*#M9S *he ,ord data is plural, not singular. *he subscript for the permeability of $acuum > is <ero, not a lo,ercase letter o. In #merican 9nglish, periods and commas are ,ithin uotation marks, like this period. # parenthetical statement at the end of a sentence is punctuated outside of the closing parenthesis &like this(. &# parenthetical sentence is punctuated ,ithin the parentheses.( # graph ,ithin a graph is an inset, not an insert. *he ,ord alternati$ely is preferred to the ,ord alternately &unless you really mean something that alternates(. Do not use the ,ord essentially to mean appro3imately or effecti$ely. 0e a,are of the different meanings of the homophones or homonyms, affect and effect, complement and compliment, discreet and discrete, principal and principle. Do not confuse imply and infer, nor ensure and insure. *he prefi3 non is not a ,ord5 it must be "oined to the ,ord it modifies, usually ,ithout a hyphen. *here is no period after the et in the ;atin abbre$iation et al. *he abbre$iation i.e. means that is, and the abbre$iation e.g. means for e3ample. 2hen using these abbre$iations, they should be follo,ed by a comma, e.g., as used in this sentence. #n e3cellent style manual and source of information for science ,riters is N@O. #)M:.2;9D8/9:* *he preferred spelling of the ,ord ackno,ledgment in #merica is ,ithout an e after the g. *ry to a$oid the stilted e3pression, .ne of us &R. 0. 8.( thanks I Instead, try R.0.8. thanks I +ut sponsor ackno,ledgments in the unnumbered footnote on the first page. R9F9R9:)9S

1Digests 2t% Annual Con-. Magnetics .apan, p. 6>%, %?B'O. N@O /. Joung, "%e "ec%nical 3riter4s an$boo5. /ill Dalley, )#H Fni$ersity Science, %?B?.

N%O 8. 9ason, 0. :oble, and I.:. Sneddon, .n certain N'O

integrals of ;ipschit< -Cankel type in$ol$ing products of 0essel functions, P%il. "rans. ,oy. Soc. *on$on( $ol. #'=@, pp. 7'?-77%, #pril %?77.
J. )lerk /a3,ell, A "reatise on Electricity an$ Magnetism( 6rd ed., $ol. '. .3fordH )larendon, %B?', pp.4B-@6.

N6O I.S. Jacobs and ).+. 0ean, Fine particles, thin films N=O N7O N4O

and e3change anisotropy, in Magnetism( $ol. III, 8.*. Rado and C. Suhl, 9ds. :e, JorkH #cademic, %?46, pp. '@%-67>. M. 9lissa, *itle of paper if kno,n, unpublished. R. :icole, *itle of paper ,ith only first ,ord capitali<ed, .. /ame Stan$. Abbre&.( in press. J. Joro<u, /. Cirano, M. .ka, and J. *aga,a, 9lectron spectroscopy studies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate interface(0 'EEE "ransl. .. Magn. .apan( $ol. ', pp. @=>-@=%, #ugust %?B@

Font size : 'pt Font t"pe: #imes new roman First authors% title of research reference%volume no. % date of pu+lication &itation in 3 4 +rac5ets% inline with


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