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What are you? Think of yourself as something other than your human form as a metaphor. Perhaps as an animal, bird, marine creature, plant or whatever you identify with. Draw that metaphor. Write down 5 adjectives that describe you. As this metaphor, think of 5 actions or verbs you associate with the metaphor. For instance, if your metaphor is tiger, verb may be 'hunt'. Now, add 5 adverbs to qualify the verbs. Internalize this entire metaphor, as a pictorial representation of what you think you are, qualifying adjectives, action inducing verbs and qualifying adverbs. What is your learning? I shall take you into a deep dynamic meditative process, in which you shall immerse yourself into this metaphor. As you meditate and your unconscious opens, the metaphor my change. It may even become another human, in another time and place. Allow this to happen. Now, act out this metaphor. You may be a tiger that growls, stretches and leaps, or a fish that glides or a bird that flies. Whatever you find yourself to be, BE. Form yourself into groups of 3 or 4 and discuss your metaphors. What do others make o it, especially those who know you? What do you make of it? Reflect on these and write an unstructured unrhyming narrative, as free verse. What are you? Where do you come from? Where are you headed? Do you see a purpose?

From Values to Outcome

Here's a simple process to conceive and create your future.

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The first principle in life is that we create what we conceive. We can create anything we conceive, if we know how to do it. Here is a do it yourself manual.

What are your real values and how do you find them?

A common problem in wishes is that these wishes may not be in alignment with our innate value systems, which may often be unconsciously held. Our stated values such as honesty, integrity etc. may be what we are conditioned to aspire to, and not what we practice. In fact, often practicing truth and honesty causes us pain rather than joy, and we avoid these. Value systems must make us joyful and not painful. Recall from your childhood six or seven events that have created great joy in you. See if these have common causes. Some may have made you joyful because you achieved something significant, or recognised publicly for an achievement, or created something you're proud or, or you served others and made them happy or experienced a very happy personal relationship moment. These common threads are your real values. Note them. Now look at your belief system, some of which may arise from these values. Beliefs are mostly products of our conditioning as are values, and they trigger our actions at a more micro level, often unconsciously. Some of these beliefs may limit our performance through mental and emotional blocks. For instance, a limiting belief in a woman may be that she is inferior to a man, which has no factual basis. Just by getting rid of this belief, she may scale great heights. Life Planning The first step in creating your future is to plan your lives for the long term. Now that you have identified your real values and deleted your limiting beliefs, please use your joyful values and positive beliefs to create a template for your long term future in alignment with them. I would suggest you develop a wish list for when you're about 65, when you may not need to work for a living, based on Joyful values and positive beliefs Holistic parameters covering several essential joy inducing factors including health, wealth, relationship, social interaction, service to others, learning, leisure activities, spiritual needs and others that form part of a Wheel of Life. A legacy that you would like to leave. Imagine you're being buried or cremated and people are talking about you. What would you like them to remember you as? Develop this in an Excel format using the age as columns and the Wheel of Life parameters as rows. Take time to develop this and involve your loved ones in co-creating this. This is your wish horizon. Now, go back in years and develop similar age columns every five years, in line with and necessary to reach the 65 wish horizon, agin in a Wheel of Life basis. Do this till you reach close to where you're now.

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If you're now 32, you'll create columns for starting from the horizon of 65 for 60,55,50,45,40 and 35. Wish list for age 35 can be your first mile stone, unless you need to create one for an earlier time line. The summary of this first mile stone will be your first Intent. 5 Steps of Creating Your Future Intent Opening your unconscious mind Creative Visualisation Letting Go Gratitude

You've already established your first Intent. Similarly, you can condense each of your future time line columns to intents. All these intents must be Holistic based on Wheel of Life Positive Realistic Based on joyful values and positive beliefs Measurable to some extent Co-created with your loved ones as it affects all of you Well thought out in terms consequences if achieved and also how it will change your life Opening Your Unconscious Mind It's important that this intent is embedded in your unconscious mind, since it Covers over 80% of one's mind space Accepts inputs without questioning unlike the conscious logical mind, which will come up with several reasons why not Moves into action upon inputs, constantly and consistently looking for way to fulfil your wishes Will come up with alternatives that match your joyful values and positive beliefs if it perceives an internal or external block Links you with the Universe In my experience, meditation is the most effective way to reach the unconscious mind (some may want to term it the super conscious mind). A simple and very effective non verbal mediation that synergies with your life energy:

Step 1:

Sit comfortably, in a chair or floor, with spine straight and eyes closed, hands on your lap. Keep your first three fingers together as a circle in both hands. This becomes an anchor that allows you to quickly settle into this state in future.

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Inhale deeply. Visualise energy moving up from your the earth through your feet or seat to the crown of your head. Hold your inhaled breath and feel the energy reaching out to every part of your body. Exhale. Feel yourself expanding into the Universe. Hold. Allow yourself to merge completely into the Universe. Repeat this cycle about 10 times. Establish your own comfortable rhythm. How long you hold your breath is not important, being comfortable and feeling the visualisation is. Step 2: Do not control the breath any more. Do not attempt to breathe deeply. Breathe normally. Watch the breath fall on the space between you nostrils and upper lip. Watch where the breath comes from, where it goes in, where it falls on your upper lip, how it falls in intensity, temperature, texture etc. When you realise that you are no longer focused you breath but thinking of something else bring your attention back to the breath. Watch your breath for at least 10 minutes. Step 3: Slowly shift your attention to the crown of your head. Focus on the subtle vibrations beneath the skull. Feel the vibrations or tingling sensations that arise. Experience the movement of the breath in the crown of your head. Spend a minute or two experiencing and being aware of the crown of your head. Slowly, very slowly, shift your attention to your forehead, and feel the same energy vibrations related to your breath there. Step by step shift your attention to the rest of your face, throat, chest, solar plexus, groin, thighs, knees and so on till you reach the heels and tips of your toes. Spend at least thirty minutes on this body awareness meditation the first time. Over time, for the purpose of this exercise leading to visualising you can compress all three steps, deep breathing, watching your breath upon your upper lip and the body watch to about ten minutes. Use the three fingers coming together as an anchor to speed up the process. This process lead to an awareness of your subconscious or unconscious mind, which comprises at least 80% of your mind space.

Creative Visualisation Once you are settled in this unconscious space through meditation, visualise that you are in a place you are most comfortable, a place that you may have been to before and love or even a place you would love to go to and dream about. This is your sanctuary an safe haven heaven where you can relax. Be there and relax.

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Now, recall the intent you have created for yourself and expand this into an intense reality. Visualise this to the smallest detail, experiencing through all the senses, in all four dimensions of space and time, three dimensionally. Live your intent in the NOW. The more intense your Visualisation of your intent as reality, the more it gets embedded in your unconscious and the more powerful your unconscious mind becomes a driver of your intent. As with intent, the Visualisation must be positive, without self contradiction and doubt, clear and directional. It must create the reality of your intent. Letting Go Take as long as you need for the Visualisation. You can do it every day. The intent and the visualisation may undergo some changes as you practice. Allow your unconscious mind to suggest these changes within the broad picture of your intent. After visualisation, let this reality go. Don't be obsessed with it and think of it constantly. The cosmic law is that what you disengage from materialises. Visualise the reality of your intent enveloped in a pink balloon and watch it float away from you joyfully. Gratitude After letting your intent go, thank the Universe for making it a reality. Gratitude is the noblest of emotions and its seat is the Sahasrara, the crown chakra. Desire, your intent, emanates from your Muladhara, the root chakra. In this process, you travel from the root chakra to the crown chakra and reach fulfilment. Reinforcing this creative process to reach what you wish your future to be, you can practice Chakra meditation. That can only be conveyed face to face. Start your journey now with these five steps. You'll be well on your way! If you've a problem following these call or mail me. Ram S Ramanathan

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Subjectve & Objective

Objective or None

AWAKE (Jagrat)

DREAM (Sapna)
Alpha Ego, Memory Limbic, R

Beta Ego, Memory, Sense

Chitta, Manas, Ahamkara

Limbic (HippoC, Amyg)

NO Thoughts

AWARE (Turiya)
Gamma Buddhi: Intuition PFC & Beyond

SLEEP (Prajna) Delta, Theta




meditation cf Surya Namaskara

Stretch and relax Inhale Hold Exhale Hold Witness Breath 61 Points Body awareness Rest with focus on the heart

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