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What emotions are?

Not a single emotion exists that is not related to something else. There is always some external object involved. Not a single emotion is your own. When you take in a sensation, the sensation finally leads to emotion. ~ Swami Rama

Emotions are our unconscious vital reactions towards external, stimulus and external situations. They are expressed mainly through the heart (outer), navel and throat chakras (energy centers). Of course the vital-emotional energy it is spread all over the vital ody (which is a little igger than the physical ody) and in the mind through the energy channels (nadis).

Emotions cloud our intellect and its a ility to see things as they are. Our intellect hypnoti!ed and distorted y the emotions such as fear, anger, "ealousy etc. loses its capacity to discern the true from the false and reali!e the conse#uences of our actions. $ithout clear vision we think and act erroneously creating unnecessary suffering to us and our fellows.

motion is our !ersonal reaction to sensory data, giving us fear of what causes !ain and desire for what brings !leasure.

"ensation gives rise to emotion. #f we contact something !leasurable, it makes us ha!!y. #f we contact something !ainful, we feel sad.

$e!eated emotions move from reactions of the outer mind into conditions of the inner consciousness.

The emotional side of the mind connects more with !ranas %vital energies& and the motor organs, which serve mainly to fulfill various !ranic activities.

~ Dr. David Frawley

%or example when we see something, then can arise in us the emotion of like or dislike, the longing to posses it (desire) and attraction or repulsion. &lmost together with the arousal of emotion thoughts and the thinking process arise. These thoughts are associated with the emotion and create a conditioning or a pattern which strengthens after each repetition. This process happens unconsciously almost always in our mind.

$hen there are not external facts to activate the desires and emotions, the emotionalvital energies use our memory, imagination and the thinking faculty in order to e activated and expressed. 'ecause as we will see later the emotional energies or desires want to feed themselves in the same way that our physical ody needs food.

Emotions are compulsive vital formations conditioned from previous experiences and circumstances that are stored in our su conscious mind and are associated with certain sensory inputs, thoughts, images and thinking patterns.

Which are the main emotions?

Emotions are made from physical and psychic vital energy and sexual energy. $hen the vital or sexual energy is distorted takes the form of lust, desire, like-dislike, attraction-repulsion, anger, fear, depression, greed, "ealousy, impatience, discontent, uneasiness, exhilaration and oredom which are the common to all emotions. There are also positive emotions such as enthusiasm and courage ut the ma"ority of our emotions have a negative nature ecause are only modifications of desire, passion and lust.

Feelings Emotions

( want to define here the meaning of words feelings and emotions so there is no confusion when ( speak a out them. (n this essay ( give to the words feelings and emotions a different meaning. This meaning pro a ly can e different than the meaning that other authors give to them.

( want to distinguish clearly the feelings which are #ualities of the sattvic mind and our soul from emotions which are mainly vital distortions created y the elements of lust, desire and ego. I call feelings the "oyfulness, happiness, devotion, love, compassion, empathy, kindness etc. which as ( said a ove are #ualities of our )oul and the sattvic mind and I call emotions the anger, fear, depression, "ealousy, desire, like-dislike, attractionrepulsion etc. which are vital formations created y the modifications of lust and desire.

*owadays the psych of the overwhelming ma"ority is distorted y the egoic energies therefore most of the time it is under the influence of lust, passion, desire and the negative emotions.

$hen the sattva #uality is predominant in our psych, we naturally experience feelings of love, kindness, "oyfulness, happiness, compassion, devotion, empathy etc.. (n the contrary when we are under the dominion of ra"as and tamas #ualities (gunas) we experience pleasure, exhilaration, agitation, fear, anger, depression and all kind of suffering.

Only with a sattvic mind free from ego and egoic energies we can en"oy the liss and the peace of our true )elf within which nature is pure consciousness The sattvic mind is always content and tran#uil and connectied with our higher )elf (&wareness, +onsciousness, tman ,ios etc.). (t has e#uanimity in the pairs of opposites. (t radiates love, "oy and peace which are the characteristic of a real sage or spiritual master.

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