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Organ Hall of Chisinau a veritable jewel

The Organ Hall Building, a monument of architecture under state protection, is of a special beauty. It was built at the end of the 19th century beginning of the 20th century under the direction of the engineer Mihail Cecheru-Cu, and it imposes itself by monumental forms, executed preponderantly in classical style, combined with certain elements of romantic art. The cupola and sculptural groups give to the building a unique artistic expressivity. Till 1974, the building hosted the State Bank. The basic mission of the institution resides in organizing concert seasons aimed at the promotion of the values of universal and national classical music in the interpretation of certain high performance bands, instrumentalists, vocalists from the country and from abroad. The Organ, mounted in this superb hall, was build at Rieger-Kloss firm of the Czech city of Krnov; a firm with old traditions, known for more than one century due to its instruments, installed in numerous cities of the world. The Chisinau Organ is an electromechanical one, of middle dimensions, comprising approximately 4000 tubes with the dimension from 15 cm till 5.5 m in 41 registers. It was heard for the first time on September 15, 1978 in the concert of inauguration of the Chisinau Organ Hall, in which event the following artists participated: the organist Svetlana Bodiul, Honored artist, the soprano Maria Bieu and the violoncellist Ion Josan, people artists, Academic Choral Chapel Doina, directed by Veronica Gartea. From the moment of inauguration of the hall till present, the organist Ana Strezeva performs here. Here various festivals, contests, exhibitions are held each year, the most important cultural manifestations of this types are Mrior International Music Festival, Crescendo International Classical Music Festival, Pianistic Nights International Festival, New Music Days, national and international contests of the instrumentalists and vocalists, etc Among the spectators of the Hall, one can see many tourists and guests of the capital city, which come to visit this monument of architecture and to hear the Chisinau organ. Most guests from abroad, who had the opportunity to visit this institution of culture or to perform on its stage, remain enchanted, affirming that Chisinau Organ Hall is one of the most beautiful concert halls of Europe, and maybe of the entire world. There is no doubt that Chisinau Organ Hall is a veritable jewelry and represents the proud of our people and country.

Cldirea fostei Bnci Urbane, din 1978 Sala cu Org

Monument de arhitectur de nsemntate naional, introdus n Registrul monumentelor de istorie i cultur a municipiului Chiinu la iniiativa Academiei de tiine. La nceputul secolului al XX-lea Duma oreneasc a luat decizie de a construi sediul nou al Bncii municipale, oferind un lot de pmnt viran cu o suprafa de 360 stnjeni ptrai, aflat pe piaa Poliieneasc. A fost anunat concurs de proiecte, la care drept cel mai bun a fost recunoscut proiectul inginerului Mihail Constantinovici Cekeruli-Cu, consultat, dup unele informasii de A.I. Bernardazzi. Edificiul a fost realizat n stil eclectic cu forme neoclasice i baroce, orientare n vog pentru cldirile publice din aceast perioad. Construcia a nceput n 1903 i s -a finisat doar n 1911, din 1904 pn n 1908, construcia bncii fiind stopat din cauza dificultilor financiare. ntre anii 197578 cldirea a fost reconstruit pentru sala cu org, arhitect Iu. Leoncenko, fiind pstrate toate elementele i formele spaiale a edificiului bancar, sala de operaii bancare fiind amenajat pentru 555 locuri. n foaie sunt sculpturile

compozitorilor, autor L. Dubinovsky. Cldirea este ridicat pe un subasment masiv, ocup colul unui cartier, care fusese cndva rezervat pentru piaa poliieneasc, mrginit lateral de strada Vlaicu Prclab. A fost amplasat cu o retragere de la linia bulevardului, cu intrarea principal ridicat pe un podium din trepte, ce-i confer edificiului o monumentalitate sporit. Planul fostei bnci municipale este rectangular, cu faada ngust perpendicular bulevardului tefan cel Mare. Sala de operaiuni, cu colonade laterale, ocup centrul cldirii, luminat de ferestre ample n arc n plin cintru. Faadele sunt simetrice, cu porticuri din patru coloane ale ordinului corintic, amplasate n axele de simetr ie. Intrarea principal este soluionat printr-un portic cu coloanele ngemnate, ridicate pe postamente, cu dominarea a unei cupole sferice i cu sculptura lui Hermes, zeul comerului. Intrarea este strjuit de sculpturile a doi lei, compoziie ce se repet i la faada posterioar, la intrarea n subsol. Decoraia plastic a cldirii este deosebit de bogat n statui i reliefuri sculptate, n care domin simbolurile legate de comer i finane.

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