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Chapter 7-Respiratory System

Individual work
The respiratory system (or ventilatory system) is a biological system consisting of specific organs and structures used for the process of respiration in an organism. The respiratory system is involved in the intake and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between an organism and the environment. In air-breathing vertebrates, respiration takes place in the respiratory organs called lungs. The passage of air into the lungs to supply the body with oxygen is known as inhalation, and the passage of air out of the lungs to expel carbon dioxide is known as exhalation this process is collectively called breathing or ventilation. In humans and other mammals, the anatomical features of the respiratory system include include trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, lungs, and diaphragm. !olecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide are passively exchanged, by diffusion, between the gaseous external environment and the blood. This exchange process occurs in the alveoli air sacs in the lungs. I think that the function of the respiratory system closely overlaps with all of the other body systems. If we look at the cycles in the body" #ou take a breath in, the oxygen goes to the heart (the cardiovascular system) where it is distributed to the rest of the body because cells need oxygen for energy, especially the muscles (the muscular system) and the brain (the nervous system). These are the systems that are closest related to the respiratory system, but these systems then affect all the other systems. The body is an interrelated systems with all of the systems affecting all the other systems. In my opinion, the respiratory is the most important (the father) system because without oxygen we would die almost immediately.

%fter reeding the chapter &&$neumonia&&,my level of knowledge has increased by various aspects"i have learned that pneumonia is an inflammatory disease of the lungs that may be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.The lung&s inflammation is caused by different agents and chemicals.The symtoms who appears are chest pain,spitting of blood and mucoprulent sputum.%lso,some pneumonias affect only a lobe of the lung (lobar pneumonia),but some are more diffuse (bronchopneumonia).

The following activities provide review of the respiratory system terms introduced in this chapter. 'omplete each activity and review your answers to evaluate your understanding of the chapter. Learning Activity 7-1 Identifying Respiratory Structures (abel the following illustration using the terms listed below. adenoids larynx parietal pleura alveoli left lung pleural cavity bronchi mediastinum pulmonary capillaries bronchiole nasal cavity right lung diaphragm nasopharynx trachea epiglottis oropharynx visceral pleura laryngopharynx palatine tonsils

ADENOIDS )%*+$,%-#). +-+$,%-#). (%-#)/+$,%-#). (%-#). T-%',0% 1-+)',I

$alatine tonsils epiglottis

mediastinum -ight lung 2isceral pleura pleural cavity


left lung

bronchioli alveoli

Building Medical ords pulmonary capillaries 3se rhin/o (nose) to build words that mean" 4. discharge from the nose -R!I"#RR!$A 5. inflammation of (mucous membranes of the) nose - R!I"I%IS 3se laryng/o (larynx 6voice box7) to build words that mean" 8. visual examination of larynx -LAR&"'#S(#)& 9. inflammation of larynx -LAR&"'I%IS :. stricture or narrowing of the larynx -LAR&"'#S%$"#SIS 3se bronch/o or bronchi/o (bronchus) to build words that mean" ;. dilation or expansion of the bronchus -BR#"(!I$(%ASIS <. disease of the bronchus -BR#"(!#)A%& =. spasm of the bronchus -BR#"(!#S)ASM 3se pneumon/o or pneum/o (air lung) to build words that mean" >. air in the chest (pleural space) ?)"$*M#%!#RA+ 4@. inflammation of lungs-)"$*M#"I%IS 3se pulmon/o (lung) to build words that mean" 44. specialist in lung (diseases)-)*LM#"#L#'IS% 45. pertaining to the lung -)*LM#"AR& 3se -pnea (breathing) to build words that mean" 48. difficult breathing -,&S)"$A 49. slow breathing -BRA,&)"$A 4:. rapid breathing -%RA(!&)"$A 4;. absence of breathing -A)"$A 1uild surgical words that mean" 4<. surgical repair of the nose-R!I"#)LAS%& 4=. surgical puncture of the chest -%!#RA(#($"%$SIS 4>. removal of a lung -)*LM#"$(%#M& 5@. forming an opening (mouth) in the trachea -%RA(!$#S%#M&

Matching )athological- ,iagnostic- Symptomatic- and Related %erms !atch the following terms with the definitions in the numbered list. anosmia apnea atelectasis auscultation compliance consolidation cory.a crac0le deviated septum emphysema empyema epista/is hypo/emia pertussis pleurisy pneumoconiosis pulmonary edema stridor surfactant tubercles

4.%T0(0'T%*I*-collapsed or airless lung

5.0!$#0!%- pus in the pleural cavity 8. *3-A%'T%)T-phospholipid that allows the lungs to expand with ease 9.'+)*+(IB%TI+)- loss of sponginess of lungs due to engorgement :. A*S(*L%A%I#"-listening to the chest sounds using a stethoscope ;. A"#SMIA-absence or decrease in the sense of smell <1 !&)#+$MIA-deficiency of oxygen in the blood =. %*B$R(L$S-granulomas associated with tuberculosis >1 A)"$A- temporary loss of breathing 4@.$M)!&S$MA-disease characteriCed by a decrease in alveolar elasticity 44.(#M)LIA"($-ease with which lung tissue can be stretched 45. $)IS%A+IS-nosebleed nasal hemorrhage 48. )*LM#"AR& $,$MA- excessive fluid in the lungs that induces cough and dyspnea 49.(RA2L$- abnormal respiratory sound associated with exudates, spasms, or hyperplasia 4:. ,$3IA%$, S$)%*M-displacement of the cartilage dividing the nostrils 4;. (#R&4A-head cold upper respiratory infection 4<1 )"$*M#"#(#"I#SIS-condition in which dust particles are found in the lungs 4=1 )L$*RIS&-inflammation of the pleural membrane 4>1 S%RI,#R-abnormal sound caused by spasms or swelling of larynx 5@. )$R%*SSIS-whooping cough Matching )rocedures- )harmacology- and Abbreviations !atch the following terms with the definitions in the numbered list. AB's Aerosol therapy A5B Antihistamine antitussive antral lavage decongestant e/pectorant laryngoscopy lung scan Mantou/ test o/imetry pneumectomy polysomnography pulmonary function tests radiography rhinoplasty septoplasty s6eat test throat culture

4. L*"' S(A"-imaging procedure that uses radionuclide to evaluate blood flow in the lungs 5. )#L&S#M"#'RA)!&-test of sleep cycles and stages 8. RA,I#'RA)!&-producing images using an x-ray machine 9. A"%RAL LA3A'$- washing or irrigating sinuses :. A"%I!IS%AMI"$-sneeCing, runny nose, itchiness, and rashes ;. A"%I%*SSI3$-relieves or suppresses coughing <. S $A% %$S%-used primarily in children to confirm cystic fibrosis =. #+IM$%R&-noninvasive test used to monitor percentage of hemoglobin saturated with oxygen >. A5B-T1 organism 4@.A$R#S#L %!$RA)&- inhalation of medication directly into the respiratory system via a nebuliCer 44.,$(#"'$S%A"%- decreases mucous membrane swelling by constricting blood vessels 451 MA"%#*+ %$S%-intradermal test to determine tuberculin sensitivity

481 AB's-laboratory tests to assess gases and p, of arterial blood 49.$+)$(%#RA"%- reduces the viscosity of sputum to facilitate productive coughing 4:1%!R#A% (*L%*R$- used to identify pathogens, especially group % streptococci 4;. $3(!+)%-# A3)'TI+) T0*T*-multiple tests used to determine the ability of lungs and capillary membranes to exchange oxygen 4<1LAR&"'#S(#)&- visual examination of the voice box to detect tumors and other abnormalities 4=1 S$)%#)LAS%&-surgery to correct a deviated nasal septum 4>.)"$*M$(%#M&- excision of the entire lung 5@. R!I"#)LAS%&-reconstructive surgery of the nose, commonly for cosmetic purposes

'roup 6or0 'roup name" The Vital Team

Motto: Do not teach others what you want, not teach what you know, you teach what you are... " +ur group consists of me and another two colleagues,!unteanu !adalina and 1ordianu 'atalina (that have chosen the respiratory and cardiovascular system). The principal methods for a better learning are" direct learning through personal experience, learning through discovery, creative and inventive, informational learning. !ost students don&t ask Duestions beyond learning vocabulary or learning the seDuential steps of a process. They are looking for facts to memoriCe, not information to link together or fit into an organiCed schematic. They are not thinking or learning in a relational way, linking information and things together or comparing them or even necessarily trying to figure out how they relate to each other in more than the most basic way. They were mostly memoriCing. If students learn to think more openly and creatively they are likely to make more lasting connections between things they learn, see and experience. Ee were thinking, for a better comprehension of the systems involved and for achieving medical word terminology, to draw a puCCle with images and words, so that when we put the pieces together, we will learn new terms. %lso, we were thinking of making cross-words in order to answer Duestions and to find diseases or symptoms.

%nother useful techniDue is !ind !ap. It is a powerful graphic techniDue which provides a universal key to unlocking the potential of the brain. The !ind !ap can be applied to every aspect of life where improved learning and clearer thinking will enhance human performance. Ee believe it works for teaching medicine as well.

The first part of this study involved determining the ideal knowledge, skills and attitudes that medical students should have at the end of this semester. I liked the idea of working both individually and in group and also that we had the freedom to choose what we want,what chapter we liked more. I worked with pleasure on this proFect,thinking it&s something to help us better understanding medical terminology.I learned many new words,I have grown on my personal level understanding complicated words formation with suffixes and prefixes,I enriched medical vocabulary with terms and disease. %lso I liked the group part because I have improved my skills of communication.%s an idea for the future I would really live more group proFects because we need the collaborate with each other.

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