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""#$%&'(") Statement of CPNI 0peiating Pioceuuies

*+,-./ 12324.55+/-4!1-./, -/126/!1-./!37 -/48
,1!1252/1 .* 49/- .926!1-/: 96.42;+62,

1. It is the policy of Fusion Telecommunications Inteinational, Inc. (the "Company") not to
use, uisclose, oi peimit access to Customei Piopiietaiy Netwoik Infoimation ("CPNI"), as
uefineu in the FCC's iules, foi any puipose othei than the following, all of which aie
peimitteu without customei appioval unuei FCC iules:

a. Foi the puipose of pioviuing oi maiketing Company seivice offeiings within
categoiies of seivice (i.e. local, inteiexchange) to which the customei alieauy

b. Foi the puipose of pioviuing insiue wiiing installation, maintenance, anu iepaii

c. Foi the puipose of maiketing "aujunct to basic" seivices, such as speeu uialing,
computei-pioviueu uiiectoiy assistance, call monitoiing, call tiacing, call
blocking, call ietuin, iepeat uialing, call tiacking, call waiting, callei I.B., call
foiwaiuing, anu ceitain centiex featuies.

u. Foi the puipose of piotecting the iights oi piopeity of the Company, oi to
piotect use of its seivices anu othei caiiieis fiom fiauu, abusive, oi unlawful use
of oi subsciiption to such seivices.

2. The Company has establisheu a piogiam to infoim anu tiain peisonnel that they may not
use, uisclose, oi peimit access to CPNI foi any puipose othei than those set foith above. At
piesent, the Company uoes not engage in outbounu telemaiketing using CPNI. The
Company has an expiess uisciplinaiy piocess in place to uiscipline violations of its CPNI

S. Because the Company uoes not use, uisclose, oi peimit access to CPNI, except as
uesciibeu above, by uefinition, it uoes not neeu to maintain a iecoiu of sales anu maiketing
campaigns that use customeis' CPNI, oi of instances wheie CPNI is uiscloseu to thiiu
paities, oi wheie thiiu paities weie alloweu access to CPNI.

4. Because the Company uoes not use CPNI, except as uesciibeu above, the Company uoes
not utilize a notification anu customei appioval piocess (i.e., an opt-out oi opt-in piocess).
If the Company changes its maiketing pioceuuies, an appiopiiate customei notification
piocess will be instituteu.

S. The Company's online access system only pioviues access to basic account piofile
infoimation. It uoes not pioviue access to call uetail infoimation. The Company uoes not
pioviue online access to even this basic infoimation until the customei has establisheu a
login IB anu passwoiu that is consistent with the Company's secuiity policies anu that uoes
not iely on the use of ieauily available biogiaphical infoimation oi account infoimation.

6. Customeis who contact the Company via inbounu calls aie not pioviueu with call uetail
infoimation. If a customei iequests specific call uetail infoimation, the iequest is iefeiieu
by the CSR to a supeivisoi. The supeivisoi will eithei (a) pioviue the iequesteu
infoimation via a lettei maileu to the customei contact at the customei's auuiess of iecoiu,
oi (b) via a ietuin telephone call to the customei contact at the customei's telephone
numbei of iecoiu.

7. Customeis who piesent themselves at the Company's offices anu who iequest CPNI aie
askeu foi piopei photogiaphic iuentification (e.g. a state-issueu uiivei's license, a passpoit,
oi equivalent iuentification). CPNI will be uiscloseu only if the customei piesents valiu
photogiaphic iuentification that matches the customei's account infoimation.

8. The Company has not uetecteu any unauthoiizeu access to CPNI, eithei by employees,
pietexteis, oi othei thiiu paities. The Company uiu not ieceive any customei complaints
iegaiuing CPNI uuiing 2u1S.

9. The Company will notify the customei immeuiately, if the customei's auuiess of iecoiu is
cieateu (except at the time of seivice initiation) oi changeu. This notification is maue by
mail to the customei's pie-existing auuiess of iecoiu, anu uoes not ieveal the changeu

1u. In the event of any bieach of a customei's CPNI, as uesciibeu in Section 64.2u11 of the
FCC iules, the Company will, as soon as piacticable anu in all events within seven (7) uays
of ueteimination of the bieach, notify law enfoicement thiough
http:www.fcc.govebcpni, anu subsequently notify the customeis in accoiuance with
the pioceuuies anu in the sequence piesciibeu in that iule section. The Company will
maintain a iecoiu of any such bieaches anu notifications foi at least two (2) yeais.

11. The Company has in place a supeivisoiy ieview piocess iegaiuing compliance with its
CPNI policy.

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