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With special reference to aras Electronics! Shi"o#a

Chapter $ INTRODUCTION Intro%&ction O'(ecti)es of the st&%* Scope of the st&%* Metho%olo#* Li"itations of the st&%* Chapter+, COM AN- RO.ILE Histor* O&r )ision an% strate#* Ke* ele"ents of No/ia0s strate#* O&r str&ct&re No/ia In%ia )t1 Lt% Chapter+2 RODUCT RO.ILE Intro%&ction A'o&t No/ia ASHA T*pes of Han%sets Ser)ices

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Chapter 3 .IRM RO.ILE Intro%&ction Histor* Capital B&siness an% or#ani4ation Sales anal*ses Chapter+5 ANAL-SIS AND INTER RETATION O. DATA Chapter+6 SU77ESTIONS AND CONCLUSION Anne8&re 9&estionnaire Bi'lio#raph*

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Consumer delight among with the profit maximization happens to e the sole o !e"t of e#er$ su""essi#e usinessman, "onsumer happens to e a pi#otal point around whi"h the entire usiness e#ol#es% Therefore to stud$ the "onsumer li&es disli&es, attitudes, preferen"es et"% 'elps to learn more a out "onsumers and thus helps in de"ision(ma&ing programmes% As the entire s$stem of mar&et rela$s upon the stud$ of the "onsumer eha#ior% )t would e s$stemati", realisti" and o !e"ti#e to sear"h for the rele#ant data% )n this report, a sur#e$ has een "ondu"ted to find out wh$

"onsumers prefer No&ia handset% )n this regard a "ase stud$ of Paras Electr !"cs dealer of the No&ia, Shimoga is "arried out into "onsideration% This report has een prepared with the help of information re"ei#ed from Paras Electr !"cs and answers re"ei#ed from respondents%

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OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To &now the "onsumer awareness towards different rands of handset in the "it$ of Shimoga% To identif$ the rand leaders of the "ellular phones are a#aila le at Shimoga near +ail "ir"le% 'ow the "onsumers are introdu"ed to a parti"ular rand of "ellular phones% To find out the rand lo$alt$ among "onsumers% To &now the attri utes of the produ"ts, whi"h the "onsumers gi#e most importan"e%

METHODOLOGY ,or the purpose of this stud$ oth primar$ and se"ondar$ data-s ha#e een "olle"ted, "ompan$-s oo&s of re"ords, files, offi"e report, .o#t% pu li"ation, newspapers, industrial manual oo&s forms and the sour"es of se"ondar$ data% The primar$ data was "olle"ted through personal inter#iew with the "onsumer and the distri utor of the "ompan$-s agen"ies in Shimoga Cit$,

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as it is not possi le to "onta"t the entire "onsumers in the Shimoga Cit$% The method of satisfied random of sampling was used% The sample size "onta"ted was /0 "onsumers on the asis of geographi"al "lassifi"ation to fa"ilitate the sur#e$% ,rom ea"h geographi"al area samples of 10 "onsumers sele"ted at random sur#e$ was "ondu"ted through issuing 1uestionnaire to the "onsumers%

SCOPE OF THE STUDY The s"ope of the stud$ was restri"ted to Shimoga Cit$% The stud$ was intended to "olle"t primar$ data dire"tl$ from the "onsumer% 'en"e, the usinessman and professional persons were "onta"ted in their free time and inter#iewed to &now their preferen"e among the different rands of "ellular phones a#aila le in Shimoga%

LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY Consumer-s attitude or "onsumer eha#ior in#ol#es mainl$ the human element% .etting a""urate information a out the u$er-s is slightl$

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diffi"ult to ta&e as respondents ma$ tr$ to hide "ertain information and ma$ gi#e am iguous or erosi#e Compan$% Se"ondl$, the short span of time is a ma!or limitation in this pro!e"t report% Thirdl$, the #ast areas are also a ma!or limitation% This limitation ma&es diffi"ult to "onta"t respondents in proper time%

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Chapter+, COM AN- RO.ILE

Histor* O&r )ision an% strate#* Ke* ele"ents of No/ia0s strate#* O&r str&ct&re No/ia In%ia )t1 Lt%

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H"st r# The roots of No&ia go a"& to the $ear 142/ with the esta lishment of a forest industr$ enterprise in South(5estern ,inland $ mining engineer ,redri& )destam% 6lsewhere, the $ear 1474 witnessed the foundation of ,innish 8u er 5or&s 9td, and in 1712 ,innish Ca le 5or&s egan operations% .raduall$, the ownership of these two "ompanies and No&ia egan to shift into hands of !ust a few owners% ,inall$ in 1723 the three "ompanies were merged to form No&ia Corporation%

At the eginning of the 1740s, No&ia strengthened its position in the tele"ommuni"ations and "onsumer ele"troni"s mar&ets through the a"1uisitions of :o ira, Salora, Tele#a and 9uxor of Sweden% )n 1743, No&ia a"1uired the "onsumer ele"troni"s operations and part of the "omponent usiness of the .erman Standard 6le&tri& 9orenz, as well as the ,ren"h "onsumer ele"troni"s "ompan$ ;"eani"% )n 1743, No&ia also pur"hased the Swiss "a le ma"hiner$ "ompan$ :aillefer%

)n the late 1740s, No&ia e"ame the largest S"andina#ian information te"hnolog$ "ompan$ through the a"1uisition of 6ri"sson<s data s$stems di#ision% )n 1747, No&ia "ondu"ted a signifi"ant expansion of its "a le

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industr$ into Continental 6urope $ a"1uiring the =ut"h "a le "ompan$ N>,% Sin"e the eginning of the 1770<s, No&ia has "on"entrated on its "ore usiness, tele"ommuni"ations, and asi" industr$ operations% No&ia was the world<s largest #endor of mo ile phones from 1774 to 2012% 'owe#er, o#er the past fi#e $ears it has suffered a de"lining mar&et share as a result of the growing use of smartphones from other #endors, prin"ipall$ the Apple iPhone and de#i"es running on .oogle<s Android operating s$stem% As a result, its share pri"e has fallen from a high of ?S@*0 in late 2003 to under ?S@2 in mid(2012% Sin"e ,e ruar$ 2011, No&ia has had a strategi" partnership with :i"rosoft, as part of whi"h all No&ia smartphones will in"orporate :i"rosoft<s 5indows Phone operating s$stem Arepla"ing S$m ianB% No&ia un#eiled its first 5indows Phone handsets, the 9umia 310 and 400, in ;"to er 2011% $ di#esting its information te"hnolog$

O$r %"s" ! a!& strate'# No&ia-s mission is simpleC Conne"ting People% ;ur goal is to uild great mo ile produ"ts that ena le illions of people worldwide to en!o$ more of what life has to offer% ;ur "hallenge is to a"hie#e this in an in"reasingl$ d$nami" and "ompetiti#e en#ironment%

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)deas% 6nerg$% 6x"itement% ;pportunities% )n toda$<s mo ile world, it feels li&e an$thing is possi le ( and that<s what inspires us to get out of ed e#er$ da$%

(e# ele)e!ts * N +"a,s strate'#

uild a new winning mo ile e"os$stem in partnership with :i"rosoft

ring the next illion online in de#eloping growth mar&ets in#est in next(generation disrupti#e te"hnologies in"rease our fo"us on speed, results and a""ounta ilit$

C !!ect"!' t-e !e.t /"ll" ! )n feature phones, No&ia-s strateg$ is to le#erage its inno#ation and strength in growth mar&ets to "onne"t e#en more people to their first internet and appli"ation experien"e% D$ pro#iding "ompelling, afforda le and lo"alised mo ile experien"es, parti"ularl$ to emerging mar&ets, our am ition is to ring the next illion online% 5e will "ontinue the renewal of our Series *0 platform in E568TF, tou"h G t$pe, dual S):, No&ia ser#i"es, in"luding :aps, Drowser, 9ife Tools, 5e apps and :one$% 5e are also in#esting in the futureH de#eloping assets Aplatform, software, appsB, whi"h will ring a modern

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mo ile experien"e to "onsumers and ena le usiness opportunities for de#elopers%

O$r str$ct$re No&ia is a glo al leader in mo ile "ommuni"ations whose produ"ts ha#e e"ome an integral part of the li#es of people around the world% 6#er$ da$, more than 1%3 illion people use their No&ia to "apture and share experien"es, a""ess information, find their wa$ or simpl$ to spea& to one another% No&ia-s te"hnologi"al and design inno#ations ha#e made its rand one of the most re"ognized in the world%

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S)art De%"ces

Corporate governance See whats happening at the Nokia Research Center

;ur Smart =e#i"es team fo"uses on the area of smartphones and smart de#i"es% ?nder our new strateg$, Smart =e#i"es is partnering with :i"rosoft to ring to together our respe"ti#e "omplementar$ assets and expertise to uild a new glo al mo ile e"os$stem for smartphones% The partnership, under whi"h we are adopting and li"ensing 5indows Phone from :i"rosoft as our primar$ smartphone platform, was formalized in April 2011% No&ia laun"hed its first 5indows Phone( ased smartphones, earing the 9umia name, in late 2011% M /"le P- !es ;ur :o ile Phones team-s fo"us is on ringing a modern and afforda le mo ile experien"e to people around the world% )n parti"ular, the team le#erages its inno#ation and strength in growth mar&ets to pro#ide people with an afforda le )nternet experien"e on their mo ile de#i"e I in man$ "ases, their first e#er )nternet experien"e with an$ "omputing de#i"e% L cat" ! 0 C ))erce ;ur 9o"ation G Commer"e usiness de#elops a range of lo"ation( ased produ"ts and ser#i"es for "onsumers, as well as platform ser#i"es and lo"al "ommer"e ser#i"es for de#i"e manufa"turers, appli"ation de#elopers, )nternet ser#i"es pro#iders, mer"hants, and ad#ertisers% The usiness was formed during 2011 $ "om ining NAJT6E, whi"h we

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a"1uired in +ul$ 2004, with our =e#i"es G Ser#i"es so"ial lo"ation ser#i"es operations% ,or "onsumers, experien"es de#eloped Transport and No&ia Cit$ 9ens% $ our 9o"ation G Commer"e team in"lude No&ia :aps, No&ia =ri#e, No&ia

N +"a S"e)e!s Net1 r+s No&ia Siemens Networ&s, !ointl$ owned $ No&ia and Siemens, is one of the leading glo al pro#iders of tele"ommuni"ations infrastru"ture hardware, software and ser#i"es%

N +"a I!&"a P%t2 Lt& No&ia )ndia P#t% 9td% designs, manufa"tures, and mar&ets mo ile phones and "ommuni"ation networ& de#i"es% )t offers mo ile phones and de#i"es ased on the .S:K6=.6, 3.K5C=:A, and C=:A "ellular standards under the No&ia rand% )n addition, it offers ser#i"es and software through mo ile de#i"es in the areas of ad#ertising, usiness, entertainment, na#igation, and so"ial "ommunities% ,urther, the "ompan$ pro#ides wireless and fixed networ& infrastru"ture, "ommuni"ations, and networ&s ser#i"e platforms, C )3a!# A!al#s"s A""ording to the )ndi#idual ( Audited finan"ial statement for the Fear of 2012, total net operating re#enues in"reased with 2%04L, from )N8 22,2/2%*2 tens of millions to )N8 23,4/2%*3 tens of millions% ;perating

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result de"reased from )N8 1,242%14 tens of millions to )N8 1,34/%3 tens of millions whi"h means (13%42L "hange% The results of the period de"reased (34%23L rea"hing )N8 420%44 tens of millions at the end of the period against )N8 1,327%37 tens of millions last $ear% 8eturn on e1uit$ ANet in"omeKTotal e1uit$B went from 30%03L to 1/%2/L, the 8eturn ;n Asset ANet in"ome K Total AssetB went from 30%03L to 1/%2/L and the Net Profit :argin ANet )n"omeKNet SalesB went from /%02L to 2%7/L when "ompared to the same period of last $ear% The =e t to 61uit$ 8atio ATotal 9ia ilitiesK61uit$B was 100%00L "ompared to 100%00L of last $ear% ,inall$, the Current 8atio ACurrent AssetsKCurrent 9ia ilitiesB went from 2%02 to 2%10 when "ompared to the pre#ious $ear% Date * Esta/l"s-)e!t Re%e!$e Mar+et Ca3 Hea&4$arter A&&ress 177/ ?S @ *3 illion A$ear ended :ar"h, 2012B I No&ia Corporation ?S @ 7%72* Dillion Aas of August 3, 2012B ( No&ia Corporation No&ia )ndia P#t% 9td% , /th ,loor, Tower AGD, C$ ergreen, =9, C$ er Cit$, Se"tor Bra!c-es 2/A, .urgaon, 'ar$ana ( 122002, )ndia .urgaon, :um ai, >ol&ata, New =elhi, Dangalore, '$dera ad and Ahmeda ad and >ada eesanahalli Ma!a'e)e!t Tea) Chairman Stephen 6lop, President and C6; of No&ia Corporation% 6s&o Aho, 6xe"uti#e Ji"e President,

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Corporate 8elations and 8esponsi ilit$% :ar&o Ahtisaari,6xe"uti#e Ji"e President, =esign% :i"hael 'al herr,6xe"uti#e Ji"e President, 9o"ation G Commer"e% +o 'arlow, 6xe"uti#e Ji"e President, Smart =e#i"es% Timo )hamuotila, 6xe"uti#e Ji"e President, Chief ,inan"ial ;ffi"er% +uha Put&iranta, 6xe"uti#e Ji"e President, ;perations% 'enr$ Tirri, 6xe"uti#e Ji"e President, Chief Te"hnolog$ ;ffi"er% Timo Toi&&anen, 6xe"uti#e Ji"e President, :o ile Phones% Chris 5e er, 6xe"uti#e Ji"e President, Sales and :ar&eting% +uha M&rMs, 6xe"uti#e Ji"e President, 'uman 8esour"es% =r% >ai MistMmM, 6xe"uti#e Ji"e President, Chief =e#elopment ;ffi"er% O%er%"e1 A wired and wireless tele"ommuni"ations "ompan$, No&ia )ndia is a pioneer of "ellular networ& in the "ountr$% )t

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manufa"tures a wide range of mo ile de#i"es and pro#ides people with experien"es in musi", na#igation, #ideo, tele#ision, imaging, games and usiness mo ilit$ through these de#i"es% )t handles resear"h and de#elopment, networ& infrastru"ture usinesses and "ompan$ handsets% No&ia has its manufa"turing unit in Chennai% No&ia Chennai is one of No&ia-s iggest fa"ilities, it-s also ig on sustaina ilit$% )n 2010 it re"ei#ed the .olden Pea"o"& Award for its high standards of en#ironment management% And it-s highl$ a"ti#e in the "ommunit$ with pro!e"ts ranging from a lo"al li rar$ programme to #illage regeneration pro!e"ts% No&ia was sele"ted as one of the world-s most sustaina le te"hnolog$ "ompanies on the =ow +ones Sustaina ilit$ 5orld )ndex A=+S) 5orldB and the =ow +ones Sustaina ilit$ 6urope )ndex A=+S) 6uropeB for 2011% No&ia has now een in"luded in =+S) 5orld index sin"e 2000%
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)n +ul$ 2011, No&ia was re"ognised as the est pla"e to wor& in Central Ameri"a and the Cari ean for its great "ulture and wor& en#ironment% )t was also sele"ted for 6"onomi" Times :ost Trusted Drand in )ndia in 2010, at the num er one position% )t is a fast pa"ed organization with a "ompetiti#e wor& en#ironment% )t appre"iates no#el suggestions from its people%

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Intro%&ction A'o&t No/ia ASHA T*pes of Han%sets Ser)ices

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PRODUCT PROFILE I!tr &$ct" ! No&ia was the first )ndian "ellular phones mar&et% ;#er the $ears, No&ia has anti"ipated the "hanging eha#iour of the )ndian or world persons and "onstantl$ upgraded itself% No&ia Compan$ manufa"tures different t$pes of "ellular phones in #ariet$ of models, whi"h "arries lot of options whi"h ha#ing de#i"es li&e multimedia% Jideo, "ameras of different mega pixels% And also smart mo#ies, ultra :p3 "ontains of 61ualizer settings with good spea&ers man$ more% No&ia, )ndia-s largest selling "ellular phones% =ifferent t$pes of No&ia "ellular phones with different models along with series had een released%

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A/ $t N +"a ASHA N +"a I!&"a P%t2 Lt&2 La$!c-es Ne1 Ra!'e * As-a T $c- De%"ces No&ia )ndia P#t% 9td% announ"ed the laun"h of its two uni1ue and inspiring produ"ts to its alread$ popular No&ia Asha famil$ ( No&ia Asha 30/ and No&ia Asha 311 ( &eeping in s$n" with its strateg$ of "onne"ting the next illion to the internet% The Asha famil$ of phones with the "loud a""elerated No&ia Drowser are optimized for faster and "heaper rowsing experien"e, apps, games and so"ial networ&ing offering smartphone experien"e to "onsumers at newer pri"e points% The eautifull$ "rafted No&ia Asha 311 is a fast and fluid 3%/. "apa"iti#e tou"h s"reen de#i"e, powered $ a 1.'z pro"essor to pro#ide a great internet experien"e% The right and edg$ No&ia Asha 30/ is a fun and afforda le phone, featuring the ex"lusi#e 6as$ Swap dual S):% The Asha tou"h de#i"es are supported $ No&ia Drowser 2%0 that will offer "onsumers faster and "heaper internet a""ess as it "ompresses the data "onsumption $ 4/L using "loud a""eleration te"hnolog$% Apart from pro#iding a great so"ial online experien"e, the No&ia Asha 311 and Asha 30/ ha#e een "reated with entertainment in mind% The No&ia Asha 311 is a "olourful, "ompa"t tou"h s"reen de#i"e that "omes with all the features one would expe"t for a fun and eas$ mo ile experien"e% )t the oasts a right and "olourful, s"rat"h resistant "apa"iti#e glass s"reen with polarization filters ensuring users get est experien"e from the uni1ue and #isuall$ entertaining user interfa"e% The No&ia Asha 311 also features a 3%2:P "amera and pre( installed No&ia :aps, in addition to the 1/ le#el pre( undled #ersion of

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Angr$ Dirds% The de#i"e will laun"h in 8ose 8ed and =ar& .re$ and Sand 5hite% The No&ia Asha 30/ is a fun and entertaining 6as$ Swap dual S): phone, helping users ma&e the most of their phone while retaining "ontrol of their "osts%

T#3es * Ha!&sets

As-a 567
S3ec"*"cat" !s

D")e!s" !s
o o o o

'eightC 112%4 mm 5idthC 21%1 mm Thi"&nessC 13 mm 5eightC 7* g =ispla$ sizeC 2%* << Camera resolutionC 2*0 x *40 pixels :aximum 2. stand $ timeC 204 h :aximum 2. tal& timeC 11 h :usi" pla$ a"& timeC 30 h


P- t 'ra3-#

P 1er )a!a'e)e!t
o o o

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As-a 868
A *east * *$! Ping a few Angr$ Dirds around or "at"h up with the gossip on ,a"e oo&% Chat with $our friends with 5hatsApp or treat $our ears to some "hoi"e tunes on the radio% 5ith loads of apps, a 32.D memor$ and hundreds of free musi" stations to en!o$, there-s more to explore% Get "! t-e c !%ersat" ! 5hate#er happens, ma&e sure $ou-re in the &now with instant updates from $our so"ial networ&s, messaging apps and emails% And when $ou-#e got something "ool to show the world, it-s fast and afforda le to share it with uilt(in 3%/. and 5i(,i% S3ec"*"cat" !s

D")e!s" !s
o o o o

'eightC 112%/ mm 5idthC //%3 mm Thi"&nessC 13%7 mm 5eightC 77 g =ispla$ sizeC 2%2 << =ispla$ featuresC Ta"tile feed a"&, 9ow power mode

o o

P- t 'ra3-#

Camera resolutionC 20*4 x 1/32 pixels

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o o o o

:aximum 2. tal& timeC 4%2 h :aximum 3. tal& timeC 3%2 h :aximum 3. stand $ timeC 4/3 h :usi" pla$ a"& timeC *3 h

As-a 869
S3ee& $3 # $r s$r*"!' >i"& things up a gear with No&ia Drowser on $our Asha 302% )t loads faster than e#er than&s to "le#er data "ompression% And using less data also means spending less "ash% Spot on% :"-F" * r t-e 1"! 5ith uilt(in 5i(,i, $our phone-s totall$ primed for super(fast, data(free streaming% So find a hotspot, get "onne"ted and en!o$ all the musi", mo#ies and #ideos $ou "an ta&e% S3ec"*"cat" !s

D")e!s" !s
o o o o

'eightC 110%3 mm 5idthC /3%4 mm Thi"&nessC 12%4 mm 5eightC 72 g =ispla$ sizeC 3 <<
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feed a"&,

;rientation sensor

P- t 'ra3-#

Camera resolutionC 1200 x 1200 pixels :aximum 2. tal& timeC 1* h :usi" pla$ a"& timeC *0 h

P 1er )a!a'e)e!t
o o

As-a 86;
S1"3e a!& e.3l re Four world-s at $our fingertips with our super(smooth, a""urate tou"h s"reen% Swipe a"ross to !ump etween three "ustomisa le home s"reens for apps, "onta"ts and "alls, and pull down to see messages and alerts% ;ne tou"h is all it ta&es% Br 1se ) re< 3a# less .et online up to twi"e as fast with the new No&ia Npress Drowser% 5ith ,a"e oo& and Twitter read$ to go from $our home s"reen, it-s easier than e#er to en!o$ 1ualit$ time with $our friends% Plus our smart app alwa$s has the low( down on $our data usage% S3ec"*"cat" !s

D")e!s" !s

'eightC 107%7 mm
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o o o

5idthC /* mm Thi"&nessC 13%2 mm 5eightC 102 g =ispla$ sizeC 3 << =ispla$ featuresC 9ight time(out, Ta"tile feed a"&, ;rientation sensor

o o

P- t 'ra3-#

Camera resolutionC 1200 x 1200 pixels :aximum 2. stand $ timeC 1004 h :aximum 2. tal& timeC 13 h :usi" pla$ a"& timeC /* h

P 1er )a!a'e)e!t
o o o

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As-a 816
S3ec"*"cat" !s

D")e!s" !s
o o o o

'eightC 107%7 mm 5idthC /* mm Thi"&nessC 13 mm 5eightC 10* g =ispla$ sizeC 3 << =ispla$ featuresC 9ight time(out, Ta"tile feed a"&, ;rientation sensor

o o

P- t 'ra3-#
o o

:ain "amera sensorC 2 :P megapixels Camera resolutionC 1200 x 1200 pixels :aximum 2. stand $ timeC 200 h :aximum 2. tal& timeC 13 h :usi" pla$ a"& timeC /* h

P 1er )a!a'e)e!t
o o o

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As-a 811
P 1er*$l st$** 5at"hing $our phone "lun& its wa$ through loading an app "an reall$ ma&e $our head hurt% 5ith a swift 1.hz pro"essor and data "ompression to lighten the load, that-s not a pro lem for the Asha 311% )t ma&es things super(fast, so $ou "an "hu"& the pain&illers in the in Get c !!ecte& *ast ,eel the need for speedM .et online 1ui"&er than e#er with uilt(in 5i(,i and 3.% And do more for less with the smart No&ia Drowser I it-s up to fi#es times faster and uses up to 70L less data than other smartphones% Prett$ nift$%

S3ec"*"cat" !s

D")e!s" !s
o o o o

'eightC 102 mm 5idthC /2 mm Thi"&nessC 12%7 mm 5eightC 7/ g =ispla$ sizeC 3 <<


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=ispla$ featuresC Polarization filter, 9ight time(out, Corning .orilla .lass, Ta"tile feed a"&, ;rientation sensor, Proximit$ sensor

P- t 'ra3-#

Camera resolutionC 20*4 x 1/32 pixels :aximum 2. tal& timeC 1* h :aximum 3. tal& timeC 2 h :aximum 3. stand $ timeC 3** h :usi" pla$ a"& timeC *0 h

P 1er )a!a'e)e!t
o o o o

No&ia expands its Asha range with smarter feature phones that impro#e wa$s to wor&, learn and pla$ 5or& ( first Series *0 Asha phone to support :ail for 6x"hange 9earn ( new No&ia 9ife ser#i"es pro#ide &e$ information to $oung, ur an "onsumers, "oupled with No&ia<s "loud( ased dis"o#er$ of the online world while pa$ing less Pla$ ( *0 free games a#aila le from 6A worth 6?8 3/H plus preloaded No&ia So"ial appli"ation that "ommunities Dar"elona, Spain ( A""elerating its "apa ilit$ to "onne"t the next illion people to the internet, No&ia toda$ un#eiled additional ser#i"es and three
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rowser for faster

ena les a single sign(in to multiple

more Asha feature phone models (( the No&ia Asha 202, Asha 203 and Asha 302 at :o ile 5orld Congress% =esigned to deli#er a #ariet$ of afforda le mo ile experien"es, the new offerings target three dimensionsC 5or&, with :ail for 6x"hange support for the No&ia Asha 302H 9earn, ringing new information ser#i"es for $oung, ur an "onsumers, and a fast, "loud( ased rowser that redu"es internet a""ess "ostsH and Pla$, with free 6A games a#aila le on the No&ia Asha 202 and Asha 203% OSin"e outlining a new strateg$ a $ear ago, we<#e ta&en signifi"ant a"tions to deli#er against it,O said :ar$ T% :"=owell, No&ia<s exe"uti#e #i"e president for :o ile Phones% O5e<#e een "onne"ting the next illion people to the mo ile world and its enefits through "ontemporar$ feature phones and internet ser#i"es% Toda$, we are ta&ing another step in that dire"tion, with a "ompelling "om ination of smarter mo ile de#i"es pa"&ed with inno#ati#e ser#i"es%O No&ia 9ife enefits /0 million users No&ia also announ"ed an e#olution of No&ia 9ife Tools, No&ia 9ife, whi"h pro#ides life(enhan"ing information a"ross the range of No&ia Series 30 and Series *0 produ"ts% Now with additional rele#ant ser#i"es, so"ial elements and fresher loo&, it<s a#aila le first on the No&ia Asha 202 and 203 phones% Sin"e its 2007 laun"h in )ndia, the S:S( ased ser#i"e has expanded to China, )ndonesia and

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Nigeria% To date, more than /0 million people ha#e experien"ed its enefits% No&ia 9ife deli#ers "ontent in the areas of parenting, life s&ills, edu"ation, health, entertainment and agri"ulture% ,or example, No&ia 9ife "an help parents fo"us on "hildren<s ph$si"al, emotional and so"ial growth needs, from irth to adoles"en"e% People "an also learn 6nglish using asi" S:S "ommuni"ations, and en!o$ ringtones, sport news and tri#ia% ONo&ia 9ife ser#i"es pro#ide an entr$ to the world of digital "ontent and an internet(li&e experien"e for man$ people who don<t $et ha#e a""ess to data plansO said =ieter :a$, No&ia<s senior #i"e president of :o ile Phone Ser#i"es% O5ith toda$<s news, we<re enhan"ing our ser#i"es to ring "onsumers an e#en more en!o$a le experien"e on the new Asha phones, with "ontent that matters to them in their dail$ li#es, is fun and helps them progress%O No&ia Asha famil$ expands The No&ia Asha famil$ has expanded rapidl$ sin"e its de ut, !ust four months ago, with four de#i"es presented at No&ia 5orld 2011% )t<s now a#aila le in more than 100 mar&ets glo all$ and will e "omplemented $ three de#i"es announ"ed toda$% No&ia<s Asha 202 and 203 phones stand out with the "om ination of a traditional &e$pad with a 2%*( in"h tou"h s"reen, ideal for rowsing, s"rolling and opening appli"ations% The Asha 202 features =ual S): 6as$

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Swap te"hnolog$ with dedi"ated S): manager to personalize the phone and sa#e up to fi#e S): "ards with uni1ue information% Doth de#i"es "ome with a 2(megapixel "amera, musi" pla$er, ,: radio, No&ia Drowser, and Dluetooth "onne"ti#it$, and "an handle memor$ "ards up to 32.D% 6stimated retail pri"e for ea"h is a out 6?8 20, ex"luding taxes and su sidies, and oth are expe"ted to start shipping in the se"ond 1uarter of 2012% )mageC No&ia Asha 202 No&ia and 6A ha#e teamed on inno#ati#e wa$s to ring games to the next illion% The No&ia Asha 202 and 203 will e the first Series *0 de#i"es to offer 6A games% As a 20(da$ promotion at No&ia Store, the 6?8 3/ separate "ost of an 6A *0(game pa"& ( in"luding popular titles su"h as Tetris, Need for Speed, The 8un and De!eweled ( will e automati"all$ wai#ed for u$ers of either new model%

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Chapter 3

.ir" rofile
I!tr &$ct" ! H"st r# Ca3"tal B$s"!ess a!& r'a!"=at" ! Sales a!al#ses

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F"r) Pr *"le
I!tr &$ct" ! The firm OParas 6le"troni"sO is the main outlet, whi"h sells handsets of all the "ompanies in shimoga and :r% :unna pasha is the proprietor of the firm Paras ele"troni"s % The firm is situated near D ' 8oad A%A "ir"le in Shimoga% )t is #er$ "on#enient and eas$ to the "ustomer to identif$ and to deal with them% H"st r# )n the $ear 2003 and 200* there was a ig "raze for mo ile handsets there fore :r% :unna Pasha made an attempt and he has su""eeded% 'e started the Dusiness in 3th ,e 200* now the firm Paras ele"troni"s is one among the populer $ its ser#i"es% )t has grown with in the short span of time as one among the famous seller of mo ile in Shimoga% Ca3"tal> The firm is started with an initial "apital of rs%2la&hs of whi"h rs%3la&hs was orrowed and the remaining amount is in "ash of his famil$% B$s"!ess a!& r'a!"=at" !> The rent of the shop eing 8s%/000K(p%m%, and he has appointed one emplo$ee an assistant and is pa$ing 8s%1/00 monthl$% )t is a sole trading "on"ern and it is full$ "ontrolled $ the proprietor onl$% The proprietor en!o$s eing a sole trading "on"ern all the profit of losses onl$% The firm
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mainl$ deals with mo iles and apart from this usiness other usiness is also "arried out #iz%, selling sim "ards and "urren"$ of all the "ompanies, mo iles atteries, panels, "o#ers et"% The elow information shows the wor&ing stru"tures of "ollusionsC Ser%"ce 3r %"&e&> The firm pro#ides #arious t$pes of ser#i"es to their "ustomers% The firm Paras ele"troni"s pro#ides the ser#i"es that are pro#ided $ the "ompan$, and other ser#i"es are also pro#ided% The$ are down loading games software and ringing tones, songs et"%, lamination to the mo ile handset, instru"tions to use the mo ile handsets, and if the handsets is not wor&ing properl$ the respe"ted will ta&e the responsi ilit$ to ma&e it "orre"t et"%, ser#i"e are rendered $ the firm Paras 6le"troni"s% C$st )ers> The main "ustomers of Paras 6le"troni"s are "ollage student<s usinessmen<s enterprise n emplo$ees% The num er of "ustomers graduall$ in"reasing da$ $ da$ due to fall pri"e of handsets and demand for it and the new te"hnolog$ whi"h is used in mo iles and the ser#i"es offered $ the firm Paras ele"troni"s and of the respe"ted "ompanies%

A&%ert"se)e!t> To attra"t "ustomers ad#ertisement is essential% Therefore the firm is spending around rs%/000K( annuall$ to attra"t "ustomers of the media the$ are pomp lets, anners, and ad#ertisement on lo"al news papers and

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ad#ertisement media% ,rom these ad#ertisement the "ustomers of Shimoga "it$ are attra"ting and the sales #olume is also in"reasing ad#ertisements% $ these

Sales a!al#ses> ,rom the starting of usiness the sale of mo ile handsets are in"reasing% The$ ha#e sold nearl$ /00sets% Now it is in"reasing graduall$% The$ are selling nearl$ /0 sets per month% A""ording to statisti" No&ia is the ruler of mar&et% THE FALLO:ING TABLE SHO:S THE MONTHLY VISE DETAILS> MONTH +?N6K2011 +?9FK2011 A?.?STK2011 S6PT6:D68K2011 ;CT;D68K2011 N;J6:D68K2011 =6C6:D68K2011 +ANJA8FK2012 =6C6:D68K2012 +ANJA8FK2013 NUMBER OF HAND SETS SOLD *0 37 34 ** *4 /0 /1 // /7 23

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This "hapter is aimed at esta lishing user profile on #arious fa"tors% The respondents under "onsideration in this stud$ in"luded "ellular phone users% )t is ne"essar$ to de#elop a respondent-s profile, in order to understand "onsumer eha#ior to find out what fa"tors introdu"e them to u$ the produ"t% )t is also ne"essar$ to esta lish the design preferred $ them G their pri"e expe"tation in order to ma&e ne"essar$ modifi"ations efore introdu"ing the produ"t under "onsideration% The "onsumer or the respondents profile has een de#eloped a""ording to usage, age, monthl$ in"ome G o""upation% The data "olle"ted is ased on these fa"tors were ta ulated, anal$zed G interested in this stud$ of "onsumer towards "ellular phones% eha#ior

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Ta/le N 2 1 A'e 1"se class"*"cat" ! * res3 !&e!ts

A'e 'r $3 Delow 20 $ears 20(2/ $ears 2/(30 $ears 30(3/ $ears a o#e 3/$ears T tal

N 2 * res3 !&e!ts 03 17 02 0* 07 /0

Perce!ta'e 1* 34 12 04 14 100

S $rce> Sur#e$ anal$sis )t is e#ident from the a o#e ta le that 34L of the respondents i%e% 17 mem ers are in the age group of 20(2/ $ears, whi"h "onsists of students, exe"uti#es% 14L of respondents are sales representati#e G professional in the age group of a o#e 3/ $ears% The$ are the main users of "ellular phones%

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Gra3- s- 1s a'e 1"se class"*"cat" ! * res3 !&e!ts

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Ta/le N 2 5 Brea+ $3 * c$st )ers ?cate' r# 1"se@ Cate' r# Students .o#t% 6mplo$ee P#t% 6mplo$ee Dusiness man others Total N 2 * res3 !&e!ts Perce!ta'e 22 ** 0/ 10 01 2 12 32 02 12 /0 100 S $rce> Sur#e$ anal$sis

The a o#e ta le re#eals that the ma!orit$ of respondents are .o#ernment emplo$ee 10L G followed $ usinessmen 32L, students **L G others 12L% ,rom the a o#e ta le it is "lear that the ma!orit$ of mo ile users are usinessmen followed $ emplo$ees%

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Gra3- s- 1s /rea+ $3 * c$st )ers ?cate' r# 1"se@

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Ta/le N 2 8 I!c )e-1"se class"*"cat" ! * res3 !&e!ts

I!c )eA3er a!!$)B 9ess than /0000 /0000(100000 100000(1/0000 A o#e 1/0000 Total

N 2 * res3 !&e!ts 23 20 03 0 /0 S $rce> Sur#e$ anal$sis

Perce!ta'e *2 *0 1* 00 100

,rom the a o#e ta le Compan$ "an "ome to "on"lusion that though mem ers elong to less than /0000 in"ome, No of respondents is 23 ie *2L G /0000(100000 respondent is 20 i%e% *0L% The$ use mo ile phones e"ause of their ne"essit$% So the "ompanies "an redu"e the pri"es G ma&e more num er of "onsumers from this group to use their produ"ts%

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Gra3- s- 1s "!c )e 1"se class"*"cat" ! * res3 !&e!ts

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Ta/le N 2 C Le%el * c !s$)er sat"s*act" ! Fact rs 6as$ to operate .ood performan"e Detter "larit$ ;thers Total * res3 !&e!ts 55 56 C C 76 Sour"eC Sur#e$ anal$sis N Perce!ta'e CC C6 D D 166

,rom the a o#e ta le it is "lear that le#el of "onsumer satisf$ with No&ia mo iles fa"tors that "ontains good performan"e are ha#ing 22 of respondents i%e% **L% And .ood performan"e i%e% 20 respondent of *0L% Than Detter "larit$, others fa"tors is also satisf$ing "onsumer needs

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Gra3- s- 1s le%el * c !s$)er sat"s*act" ! t 1ar&s

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Ta/le N 2 7 Class"*"cat" ! * res3 !&e!ts /ase& ! /ra!& 1"se Bra!&s No&ia Samsung 9. ;thers Total N 2 * res3 !&e!ts Perce!ta'e /0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 /0 100 S $rce> Sur#e$ anal$sis

,rom the a o#e ta le )t is "lear that ma!orit$ of the mo ile phone users prefer No&ia A100LB of the num er of fa"ilities pro#ided in the handsets G ma!orit$ were u$ing no&ia "ell% e"ause of pri"e fa"tor, displa$, design, musi" edition, "amera status% whi"h is satisfies "onsumers desires%

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Gra3- s- 1s class"*"cat" ! * res3 !&e!ts /ase& ! /ra!& 1"se

5: 5: 35 3: 25 2: ,5 ,: $5 $: 5 : No/ia Sa"s&n# L7 Others : : :

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Ta/le N 2 9 Fact rs "!*l$e!c"!' res3 !&e!ts "! /$#"!' a 3art"c$lar /ra!&

Fact rs Pri"e Size Datter$ life =ispla$ =esign ;thers Total

N 2 * res3 !&e!ts 7 1 32 3 1 2 /0 S $rce> Sur#e$ anal$sis

Perce!ta'e 14 2 2* 1* 2 12 100

)n the a o#e ta le ea"h respondent has ti"&ed for more than parti"ular rand for atter$ life i%e% 32 respondents of 2*L% for pri"e i%e 7 respondents of 14L% and also for displa$ i%e%3 respondents of 1* L So this ta le ta le shows the attitude of No&ia "ell%

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Gra3- s- 1s *act rs "!*l$e!c"!' res3 !&e!ts "! /$#"!' a 3art"c$lar /ra!&

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Ta/le N 2 E Class"*"cat" ! * res3 !&e!ts ! t-e /as"s * a&%ert"se)e!ts

Bra!&s No&ia Samsung 9. ;thers Total

N 2 * res3 !&e!ts Perce!ta'e 30 20 1/ 30 / 10 0 0 /0 100 S $rce> Sur#e$ anal$sis

,rom the a o#e ta le 100L respondents i%e /0 mem ers% 20L of respondents sa$s that ad#ertisement of No&ia mo ile is fine%

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Gra3- s- 1s class"*"cat" ! * res3 !&e!ts ! t-e /as"s * a&%ert"se)e!ts

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Ta le No% D Class"*"cat" ! * res3 !&e!ts ! t-e /as"s * s $rce "!* r)at" ! 1"tre'ar& t t-e a&%ert"se)e!ts Me&"a Newspaper :agazine Tele#ision ;thers Total N 2 * res3 !&e!ts Perce!ta'e 07 14 10 20 24 /2 03 02 /0 100 S $rce> Sur#e$ anal$sis

,rom the a o#e ta le it is "lear that tele#ision i%e% respondent of 24 of /2L G magazine ha#ing 10 respondents of 20L% 5hi"h pla$ an important role in rea"hing the "onsumers% Although, Newspaper 7 mem ers of 14L G other powerful media among the pu li" related with a good response in the field of ad#ertisement%

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Gra3- s- 1s class"*"cat" ! * res3 !&e!ts ! t-e /as"s * s $rce "!* r)at" ! 1"t- re'ar& t t-e a&%ert"se)e!ts

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Ta le No% ; Class"*"cat" ! * res3 !&e!ts *r ) 1- ) cell$lar 3- !es 3$rc-ase& Mar+eters Authorized dealer Ser#i"e pro#ider ,ree lan"er ;ther Total N 2 * res3 !&e!ts *0 02 03 01 /0 S $rce> Sur#e$ anal$sis Perce!ta'e 40 0* 1* 02 100

)n this ta le Compan$ "an see that man$ of the respondents u$ing a mo ile from an authorized dealers i%e% 40L% Se"ondl$, from free(lan"er 1*L% 6#en from the other mar&eters who will gi#e the etter suggestions G good information a out the no&ia mo ile%

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F"'$re class"*"cat" ! * res3 !&e!ts *r ) 1- ) cell$lar 3- !es 3$rc-ase&

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Ta/le N 2 16 Class"*"cat" !s * res3 !&e!ts /ase& ! /$#"!' cr"ter"a * t-e cell$lar 3- !es Cr"ter"a N 2 * res3 !&e!ts Perce!ta'e .uarantee 32 2* A#aila ilit$ 02 12 Aftersale ser#i"e 03 1* Pri"e 0/ 10 ;thers 0 0 Total /0 100 S $rce> Sur#e$ anal$sis in Shimoga

'ere, Compan$ "an see that people ha#e gi#en more importan"e to the guarantee, i%e% 32 respondents of 2*L then after sale ser#i"e ha#ing of 3 respondents of 1*L% 5hi"h is of more importan"e too% A#aila ilit$, where the people trust for it, then loo&s for the pri"e of the "ellular phones for the parti"ular rand%

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Class"*"cat" !s * res3 !&e!ts /ase& ! /$#"!' cr"ter"a * t-e cell$lar 3- !es

Price 10%

Others 0%

After sale service 14%

Availability 12%

Guarantee 64%

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,rom the sur#e$, Compan$ "ame to &now that No&ia "ellular phone is good G standard produ"t G used $ all se"tion of people% 'owe#er, there are people who use other rands of "ellular phones li&ed Son$ eri"sson, :otorola, Spi"e, Samsung, 9. et"% to in"rease the mar&et share of No&ia "ellular phones Co% the$ should pla$ an important role% ;f "ourse, there is no 1uestion of impro#ing the 1ualit$ of produ"t e"ause the produ"t is #er$ good% Dut most of the respondents suggest that the pri"e is "ostl$ G it should e little it low% Therefore the SGS Co% :$sore should ma&e the produ"t easil$ a#aila le to meet the in"reasing demand and also should pri"e should e minimized than the present "ost%

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A&%ert"se)e!t Ad#ertisement is a powerful element of spreading information %People with less pur"hasing power "annot afford to u$ a produ"t though the ad#ertisement "reates a strong desire to pur"hase the produ"t% Ad#ertising stress 1ualit$ G pri"e rarel$% This forms an indire"t guarantee to the "onsumers of the 1ualit$ G pri"e%

Pr"ce A pri"e of the "ellular phone G ser#i"e pro#iders is #er$ high G it is diffi"ult to pur"hase the "ellular phones for middle(in"ome group people% So, the "ompan$ should redu"e the pri"es of "ell phone G ser#i"e pro#iders as mu"h as possi le%

A$t- r"=e& ser%"ce ce!ters )n Shimoga, there is a etter ser#i"e "enters are pro#ided% whi"h has named as N;>)A CA86% T his ma&es helpful to "onsumers who were

ha#ing the No&ia mo iles% The No&ia "are "enter is good and helpful for

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"onsumers% Dut the "onsumers ha#ing some pro lem upon the no&ia "are "enter that is of ser#i"ing whi"h is not guaranteed and not properl$ ha#ing in time% 'en"e, the "ompan$ should "on"entrate on those fa"tors, whi"h ma&es good for "onsumers and impro#e in good ser#i"e and ma&es the "are "enters in large num er%

Healt- -a=ar&s The resear"h $ medi"al s"ien"e has re#ealed that "ellular phones are the "auses of man$ health pro lems su"h as S&in diseases G "an"er% Therefore steps should e ta&en to sol#e these t$pes of pro lems%

Pr"ce * r call &$rat" ! The ser#i"e pro#iders in the mar&et ha#e different pri"e s"hemes% Consumers who pa$ rent will e "harged at 8e 1%00 Kmin% for all the lo"al outgoing "alls% And also 8e 2%00 Kmin for ST=% And other networ&s ha#ing other tariffs% 5hi"h ha#e een enefits to "onsumers% The a o#e s"heme will definitel$ help the "ustomers to tal& freel$ without ha#ing the tension of "ostl$ time% This will in(turn ma&e profit G also in"rease the mar&et for ser#i"e pro#iders%

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CONCLUSION The "ustomer mar&et is the final mar&et for whi"h e"onomi" mar&ets ha#e to e understood efore mar&eting plan of the produ"ts are planned% :ost of the time, it is the ps$"hologi"al fa"tors, whi"h influen"es the "onsumer to pur"hase a produ"t% 5ith the hope of fulfilling all the desired goals% The "ustomer-s personal fa"tors, per"eptions G attitudes are not "ontrolla le $ the mar&et ut later "an influen"e the "onsumer indire"tl$% ,rom the stud$ "ondu"ted on #arious groups of people, "ertain trends "an e o ser#ed whi"h will help to o tain the

o !e"ti#es set in the eginning% Though parti"ular pie"e of results ma$ not ma&e mu"h sense in itself% )f it put together, the results show some dis"erning features of the "ellular phone mar&et% The "ustomer-s sur#e$ shows that a good num er of "ustomers in the mar&et segment are professionalsKexe"uti#es G usinessmen% This "ategor$ has an o#er all demand for "ellular phones%As for as the age profile is "on"erned the 20( 2/ G 2/(30 age group "onstitutes the prominent group% The role of the professionals G usinessmen in this mar&et are dis"erni le% Cellular

phone usage is in"reasing da$( $(da$% The num er of units sold during

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these $ears has in"rease tremendousl$% Therefore, pa"&ages G the "ost of the "ellular phones eing redu"ed ma$ lead to usage tenfold to the present o#er the "oming $ears%

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G$est" !!a"re B"/l" 'ra3-#

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GUESTIONNAIRE ) am student of ,inal $ear DD: in ATNCC, Shimoga% As a part of m$ a"ademi" stud$ ) ha#e underta&en a pro!e"t report on P C !s$)er att"t$&e t 1ar&s N +"a As-a M /"le< with referen"e to Paras 6le"troni"s, Shimoga% ) re1uest $ou to fill the following 1uestions and do the needful% The information pro#ided $ $ou will e used stri"tl$ for a"ademi" purposes% Than&ing $ou, Fours sin"erel$, ,a$az Pasha

1% NameC 2% AddressCQQQQQQQQQQ% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3% ;""upationC .o#ernment 6mplo$ee R S Pri#ate 6mplo$ee R S Dusinessman R S Student R S

:ention if an$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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*% Eualifi"ationC

/% Sex

:ale R S



2% Age

C 9ess than 20 $ears R 2/(30 $ears A o#e 3/ $ears R R S S S 20(2/ $ears 30(3/ $ears R R S S

3% Annual )n"ome 9ess than /0000 100000(1/0000 R R S S /0000(100000 A o#e 1/0000 R R S S

4% =o $ou own a "ell phoneM Fes 7% )f $es, whi"h oneM No&ia Son$ 6ri"sson R R S Samsung S :otorola R S 9%. ;ther R R S S R S No R S


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10%)f $ou are using No&ia Asha, 5h$M 6as$ to operate Detter "larit$ R S .ood performan"e R S R S ;ther reasons R S

)f other reasons please spe"if$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

11%5hi"h fa"tors influen"ed in u$ing this No&ia AshaM Pri"e :usi" R R S Size S =esign R R S Datter$ life R S Camera R S S ;ther R S

12%5hi"h "ellular phone ad#ertisement do $ou remem erM No&ia R S Samsung S ;ther R S 9%. R R S S :otorola R S

Son$ 6ri"sson R

13%)dentif$ the sour"e of information with regard to randM Newspaper Tele#ision R R S :agazine R S R S

S ;ther

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1*%5here did $ou pur"hase $our No&ia Asha phoneM Authorized dealer ,ree(lan"er R R S Ser#i"e pro#iders R S ;ther R S S

1/%+ustif$ $our u$ing with the a o#e answerM .enuineit$ R S .uarantee R R S A#aila ilit$ R S ;thers S R S

After sales ser#i"e

S Pri"e R

12%5hi"h ser#i"e pro#ider $our "ellular phone is networ&M )=6A Jodafone R S ?ninorR DSN9R S S Airtel ;ther R R S S


13%Should there e more ser#i"e pro#iders Fes R S No R S

14%5hat is $our opinion a out ser#i"es pro#iding $ No&ia priorit$M 6x"ellent R S .ood R S Detter R S Satisfa"tor$ R S

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17%5ould $ou ha#e find an$ default in No&ia mo ile Datter$ None of them R S R S Networ& )C R S

20%Four opinion towards No&ia Asha mo ile Pla"eC =ateC Signature

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BOO(S D$C Philip >otler ( Times of )ndia 6"onomi" Times )ndia Toda$ www%no&ia%"om www%google%"om Prin"iples of mar&eting management

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