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Principles of Good Teaching Practice.

Karla Esmeralda Argueta

The following information is about teaching principles and how the good practice influences on the teaching style. Elmer Jorge Guardado. Mat. 25/02/2014

Principles of Good Teaching Practice


This section introduces the development of teaching principles and how the effectively application of methodology enhance a deep understanding in students, thus we realize how the students learn. Teaching involves prioritizing the knowledge and skills we choose to focus on. As a matter of fact, the teachers need to design lesson plan in order to have a guideline to permit them achieve the learning goals through different procedures basis on the syllabus. Moreover, the technology can be used for making virtual environment in order to enhance your teaching style through blended learning. According to the information collected the uses of the correct methodology and technological tools make easier teaching performances inside the classroom.

Principles of Good Teaching Practice

The following chart contains a brief description of each seven teaching principles. Teaching Principles Good practice encourages interaction between students and faculty Description Frequent student faculty contact in and out of class is a most important factor in student motivation and involvement. Principle Development The teacher provides tools to the students then they could be applied. Once the teacher changes his/her attitude, the attitude of her/his students will change as well. For instance: the teacher could be teaching outside the classroom, it is no necessary being face to face with the students. Nowadays we have technology such as: software, web pages, blogs, social networks, in order to use them as a pedagogic tools. Moreover the uses of technology will maintain average the student`s motivation. No matter what kind of student do you have in the classroom they won`t be afraid if you ask something through the computer, the communication is also important in this principle. There are huge possibilities for the student sharing each others in the classroom. The teacher can assign discussion topics, in order to the students get new information and renew the previous ones. We already know there are different skilled students in classroom. For that reason the interaction between them. It is the medium through they can understand easily. Also teachers could make groups of students in different areas as tutorials for feeding back. The Practice is as important as the theory. As teachers we cannot manage the class just giving instructions, setting rules and assigning activities related to memorizing, to the student. Children as adult both learning by

Good practice encourages interaction and collaboration between students.

Learning is enhanced when it is more like a team effort than a solo race. Good learning, like good work, is collaborative and social, not competitive and isolated. Working with others often increases involvement in learning. Sharing one's ideas and responding to others improves thinking and deepens understanding. Good practice uses Learning is not a active learning spectator sport. Techniques. Students do not learn much just sitting in classes listening to teachers, memorizing prepackaged

Principles of Good Teaching Practice

assignments, and spitting out answers. They must talk about what they are learning, write reflectively about it, relate it to past experiences, and apply it to their daily lives. They must make what the learn part of themselves. Good practice Time plus energy equals emphasizes time on learning. Learning to task. use one's time well is critical for students and professionals alike. Allocating realistic amounts of time means effective learning for students and effective teaching for faculty. Good practice gives Knowing what you prompt feedback. know and don't know focuses your learning. In getting started, students need help in assessing their existing knowledge and competence. Then, in classes, students need frequent opportunities to perform and receive feedback on their performance.

doing, theory is the basis of knowledge but practice is the way in which the student can get well or get wrong, it is to have a significant learning. For example: the teacher assign an activity to build a blog in English at the end the aim will be to get new and significant knowledge.

Good practice Expect more and you communicates high will get it. High expectations expectations are important for everyone for the poorly prepared, for those unwilling to exert themselves, and for the bright and well-

The time and accessibility both are emerged in the success of tasks, because if students had not enough time to do a task, provably her/his learning was no effective. But also teacher has to establish rules to respect attendance and be prompt with the assigned task. Thus the teacher has to design a task schedule in other to emphasize the time. In the classroom the use of diagnostic by the teacher could help student's self-reflection. What they did well or wrong, teacher might use strategies in order to offer students huge opportunities. For instance: the teacher could make a diagnostic about the weak areas where the students are failing, he can provide some survey form, in order to know where is the problem on learning progress of each student and also what they suggest for a better learning. Students need to feel stimulate by teacher. Most students see the teacher as a reflex of what they want to be in the future. If the teacher never encourages the student to work hard in class and remember that they must strive to achieve their goals no matter the challenge that they have to face a

Principles of Good Teaching Practice

motivated. Expecting students to perform well becomes a selffulfilling prophecy. Good practice Many roads lead to respects diversity learning. Different talents, experience, students bring different and ways of learning. talents and styles to college.

long of the learning process; probably the student always behave in the same way and never put the best of them. As we know there is different type of students in the classroom but also we have different strategies which we can use for exploiting student's abilities. The collaborative activities will work with student with greater and lesser abilities, as teacher we could mix them up, in order to they can share point of view, speak up when they do not understand, select readings and design activities related to the background of students.

The following point is about the design of methodology based on the Teaching Approaches that I will apply in my Teaching Practice.

English is learnt in different contexts, as teachers we have to be clear about what we want to teach. Nevertheless in El Salvador students learn English as a foreign-language EFL, for that reason as teachers, we have to apply the methodology based on the approaches. The syllabus stipulates Contents, procedures, attitude and the achievements in which teachers have to be focus on their teaching skills. Also the resources and didactic materials in which the teacher will support her/his methodology should be appropriated according to the academic level. One of the methodologies that I would like to use is Natural Approach, as we know this approaches is about how we acquired the language by observing action and also that help the student to interpret how the language is used. This is no basis on grammar but if communication emphasizing on comprehensible and meaningful practical activities; without the use of the native language and grammar analysis. According with this this means the model in which we are going to apply the method and techniques. If I am going to teach a topic for example: The unit number two from the syllabus; my country. I would apply The Direct Method because this allows students to perceive meaning directly through the language because no translation is allowed. Visual aids and pantomime are used to clarify the meaning of

Principles of Good Teaching Practice

vocabulary items and concepts. Students speak a great deal in the target language and communicate as if in real situations. Reading and writing are taught from the beginning, though speaking and listening skills are emphasized. Grammar is learned inductively. Also I shall support my teaching on Map Drawing technique. Why? Because If I talk about geographical areas of El Salvador, I shall need didactic material in order to show images to students understand what I am trying to explain. Also I could add different pictures upon the map referring to the typical food there are in such department. What happen if my student does not understand in this method the teacher is opened to Improvise using her/his creativity through the Realia this consists in a team of objects from real life used in the classroom instruction by teacher to improve students' understanding. On the other hand, if I am going to develop a topic in which students have to learn the present perfect and simple past, I could choose the Cognitive approach because Cognition refers to mental activity including thinking, remembering, learning and using language. When we apply a cognitive approach to learning and teaching, we focus on the understanding of information and concepts. If we are able to understand the connections between concepts, break down information and rebuild with logical connections, then our ration of material and understanding will increase the mental activity including thinking, remembering, learning and using language. As methodology, The Grammar-Translation Method because it is focused on developing students` appreciation of the target language's literature as well a teaching the language. Students are presented with target-language reading passages and answer questions that follow. Other activities include translating literary passages from one language into the other, memorizing grammar rules, and memorizing native-language equivalents of target language vocabulary. Class work is highly structured, with the teacher controlling all activities. One of the procedures on the syllabus could be, Reading and Writing. In this case the teacher could give a reading paper to students in order to they understand the grammar rules. High school students already understand the grammar structures. We can also use The Communicative Approaches for learning vocabulary, putting in practice the speech. If I want to my students develop their linguistic skills, I shall apply Audio-lingual method why? Because it is based on the behaviorist belief that language learning is the acquisition of a set of correct language habits. The learner repeats patterns until able to produce them spontaneously. Once the teacher gives pattern and controls student`s behavior, provides a model, and reinforces correct responses. I can use once or

Principles of Good Teaching Practice

two techniques from this method such as: Repetition drills, Question and answer drills in order to make an active class. As a teacher we need to innovate, high expectation become innovation in the classroom. If we have not technological equipment at hand, provably we`ll find the way for applying IT in the learning process. Nowadays, Students get smart phones, why do not use them as pedagogical tool. Sometime the teachers punish students for bringing those gadgets into a classroom but we have to use their free time in order to feedback. Blended learning is the way to teach to students mixed up two different teaching performances, Face to face and online teaching. If we get online we`ll find huge of web page, blogger and software in which we can join it, download and make blogger account for requesting student and upload fields video or simply share knowledge with my students. If the institution account with CRA (Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje) I will try for being there, in order to use technological resources. We can install some interactive programs related with English language learning. In case the teacher or student did not attend class, there are social network, also we can opt for Skype this tool can be used for creating virtual environment. One of the advantages to use blended learning and technology is huge information that we have at hand, the webpage that bring information for better design of lesson plans. Now we have the tools for innovating inside the classroom. As a conclusion Teaching Principles are set of procedures whereby the teacher shows her/his attitude in front of the class, how she or he is capable to dealing with problems such as: motivate the students to enhance their learning level, promoting the achievement student`s goals, bring the technology in the classroom, helping the student in order to feed the weaker areas. And create new learning environment where the students feel comfortable sharing knowledge with their classmate.

Principles of Good Teaching Practice

Anthony G. Piciano, C. D. (2014). Blended Learning Research Perspective. New York: Routledge. APPROACH, C. (s.f.). YOUTUBE. Obtenido de http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifvw3vy97mU Freeman, D. L. (2005). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford University of Press. Salvador, M. d. (2008). English Syllabus. peru: Quebecor World. University, P. S. (2012). IT KNOWLEDGE. Recuperado el 25 de FEBRUARY de 2014, de http://kb.its.psu.edu/cms/article/139

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