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S e l e c t i o n R u b ri c : C O M P UTER S O FTWARE

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Job Interview Simulation Employment Interview Games


Get That Job: Virtual Interview

Computer http://www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/schools/11_16/gogetit/getthatjob/interviewgame.shtml

Hardware Required Source/Location Date n/a

Cost Free




Primary User(s):

Subject Area Language Arts/Business Instructional Strategies Brief Description

Grade Level

Student Teacher

This website is designed to simulate a real employment interview. There are basic interview questions followed by 4 multiple choice answers. After the answer is chosen, immediate feedback is given. If the answer is correct, that is listed, otherwise there are reasons listed as to why this is not the best possible answer. At the end of the simulation, a score is given out of 100. It is also listed if the player will receive the job.

Objective: The purpose of this simulation is for students to practice answers for employment interviews. Standards: This simulation doesn't cover any language arts or technology standards Outcomes: After students complete the simulation, they will learn whether or not they scored high enough to be hired for the job.

Prerequisites (e.g., prior knowledge, reading ability, vocabulary level)

Prior Knowledge: Students will need to have a basic understanding of what takes place during a job interview, as well as have an idea of what would be correct and incorrect answers to basic interview questions. Reading/Vocabulary Levels: The reading level and vocabulary included would be easily understood by 10-12 grade students.

This site includes many of the basic questions for employment interviews. There are multiple answers which may sound like they could be correct, but they will learn why one answer is better than the rest. At the end of the simulation there is a score listed as well as whether or not the interviewer would be hired.

The simulation is the same everytime, so it is unlikely the student would go through it more than once. The questions have to be read and are not actually spoken like in a real interview.

Special Features
Outside of the simulation there is quite a bit of information on the site about employment interviews.


Emily Dirksen

Date 2-25-14


Copyright 2011 Pearson Education Inc. Reproduction is permitted for classroom use only.

Rating Area Alignment with Standards, Outcomes, and Objectives

High Quality Standards/outcomes/ objectives addressed and use of software should enhance student learning. Information is correct and does not contain material that is out of date. Language used is age appropriate and vocabulary is understandable.

Medium Quality Standards/outcomes/ objectives partially addressed and use of software may enhance student learning. Information is correct, but does contain material that is out of date. Language used is nearly age appropriate and some vocabulary is above/below student age. Topic is presented to interest students most of the time and engage most students in learning. The material represents media that are good quality, although there may be some problems using them. Material follows patterns that are easy to follow most of the time, with a few things to confuse the user. There is little evidence of bias or advertising.

Low Quality Standards/outcomes/ objectives not addressed and use of software will likely not enhance student learning. Information is not correct and does contain material that is out of date. Language used is not age appropriate and vocabulary is clearly inappropriate for student age. Topic is presented so as not to interest students and not engage them in learning.

Accurate and Current Information

Age-Appropriate Language

Interest Level and Engagement

Topic is presented so that students are likely to be interested and actively engaged in learning. The material represents best available media.

Technical Quality

The material represents media that are not well prepared and are of very poor quality.

Ease of Use (Student or Teacher)

Material follows easy-to-use patterns with nothing to confuse the user.

Material follows no patterns and most of the time the user is very confused.

Bias Free

There is no evidence of objectionable bias or advertising. The user guide is an excellent resource to support a lesson. Directions should help teachers and students use the material. Most students can use the software to create original pieces that represent learning.

There is much evidence of bias or advertising.

User Guide and Directions

The user guide is good resource to support a lesson. Directions may help teachers and students use the material. Some students can use the software to start original pieces that begin to show their learning. Students are able to work in collaborative groups when using the software most of the time. Software provides students with some skill or knowledge practice and information that sometimes helps them complete their learning tasks.

The user guide is poor resource to support a lesson. Directions do not help teachers and students use the material. Most students cannot use the software to create original pieces that represent their learning. Students are not able to work in collaborative groups when using the software.

Stimulates Creativity

Fosters Collaboration

Students are able to work in collaborative groups when using the software with little problem. Software provides students with skill or knowledge practice and information that helps them complete their learning tasks.

Practice and Feedback

Software does not provide students with skill or knowledge practice, nor information that helps them with their learning tasks.

Recommended for Classroom Use:



Ideas for Classroom Use: See lesson plan below.

Copyright 2011 Pearson Education Inc. Reproduction is permitted for classroom use only.


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