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IBM India University Relations presents

Cloud Hackathon
Opens on 21st Jan 2014

2013 IBM Corporation

The challenge: Innovate while managing rapid change

!arter "hysical #ssets

Boundless In$rastructures

Unpredicta%le &ata 'lo(s

)*pandin+ risk , cost

Physical assets with IT intelligence

Consumers will have SmartPhones

o IT tra ic will !e Clou"#!ase"

Cy!er attac%s every "ay

200 Billion

1.2 Billion



Cloud co!putin+ provides the $oundation to e$$ectively !ana+e hy%rid technolo+ies

2012 IBM Corporation

Organizations have a choice to ma e!

&'en Source &nly &'en (Plus) Pro'rietary

Significant Assembly Required

Enterprise Innovation

Vendor Lock in Assured

"everages 100# Open $o%rce &ac ages

"everages (0# Open $o%rce &ac ages

"i)ert* "everages 100# Open $o%rce &ac ages

"everages '0# Open $o%rce &ac ages

2012 IBM Corporation

IBM em)races + invests in open so%rce to ,oster innovation

Clo%d Comp%ting

-pplication $ervers

$ervice Oriented -rchitect%re

$*stems o, Interaction

$ervice Orientation
June 1--./ IBM enters into an engineering agreement with The -pache .ro%p ,or development o, the open/so%rce -pache 0TT& server so,tware event%all* )ecoming the leader o, the new -pplication $erver mar et epte!%er 1---: IBM capitalizes on an %ntapped mar et trend and )egins participating in the comm%nit* development o, "in%1 with a 230M ann%al investment

$ocial B%siness

Open Clo%d -rchitect%re

epte!%er 2012: IBM orchestrates the la%nch o, The Open$tac 5o%ndation )oasting 210 million in ,%nding and 46300 mem)ers changing the d*namics o, the Clo%d ecos*stem

0ove!%er 2001: IBM rallies 140 in,l%ential vendors and the development comm%nit* aro%nd a new tools environment with a 2(0 Million so,tware donation disr%pting the leadership o, the so,tware development ecos*stem

2012 IBM Corporation

-n open clo%d architect%re is emerging!)%ilt on open technologies



O$ " C

2012 IBM Corporation

2012 IBM Corporation

Clo%d 0ac athon : 8%les and .%idelines

17 27 Clo%d 0ac athon is an competition ,or st%dents ,rom Indian -cademia to implement some innovative ideas aro%nd two themes in the Open clo%d technolog* viz7 Opscode Che$ , Cloud 'oundry1 -n* c%rrent college st%dent in 3rd Or 5inal *ear o, college can participate7 5or e1ample6 st%dents ,rom IT6 Comp%ter $cience6 BC-6 MC-6 B$c6 M$c6 B96 B7Tech or M7Tech6 colleges can participate7 There is :O restriction ,or st%dents ,rom an* discipline to participate7 $t%dents need to ,orm a team ;minim%m 2 and ma1im%m (< while s%)mitting the ideas ,or the 0ac athon - participating st%dent is eligi)le to )e on one team onl* and an* team can s%)mit onl* one entr* The idea s%)mitted m%st )e %nder one o, the two themes viz7 Opscode Che$ or Cloud 'oundry The 0ac athon will )e cond%cted in 3 phases 17 Ideation : &hase I is the ideation phase and Top 24 or 10= ;whichever is less6 per theme< Ideas s%)mitted along with the 8egistration will )e shortlisted and the* will >%ali,* ,or &hase II7 27 Implementation : Teams >%ali,*ing ,or &hase II will )e re>%ired to implement their Ideas and )%ild a wor ing protot*pe along with a video and?or presentation to )e s%)mitted )e,ore the speci,ied date7 4 or 20= ;whichever is less6 per theme< o, the &hase II participants will >%ali,* ,or &hase III / 5inals 37 5inals : Teams >%ali,*ing ,or &hase III will )e re>%ired to present their idea and wor to a panel o, @%dges ,rom IBM and -cademia7 There will )e one winner and one r%nner/%p team selected ,rom each o, the themes ;Opscode Che, + Clo%d 5o%ndr*< and anno%nced at the end7 '7 B7 C7 107 117 Teams at the &hase II having an AOpenstackA implementation operational at their college?instit%te will get 10= )on%s points added in their eval%ation score7 Teams demonstrating Openstack implementation operational at their college?instit%te will get recognized with special goodies and participation certi,icates7 The criteria ,or eval%ation in all the phases will )e ;a< )%siness val%e ;)< Innovation ;c< presentation and comm%nication7 &articipants >%ali,ied ,or &hase II having AOpenstackA implementation at their college?instit%te will get 10= additional )on%s points7 The decision o, IBM and the eval%ation panels across an* stage o, the &rogram wo%ld )e ,inal and )inding7 9ach o, the winning team will win e1citing prizes7

37 (7 47 37

2012 IBM Corporation

Clo%d 0ac athon : Important Dates

"a%nch / &hase I )egins Open Clo%d Technolog* Deep Dives "a%nch6 Open$tac 6 Clo%d 5o%ndr* and Opscode Che, &ortal opens ,or 8egistration "ast date ,or s%)mission entries ,or &hase I -nno%ncement o, &hase I >%ali,*ing ideas + &hase II )egins &hase II / last date to %pload the 0ac s?Implementation &hase III 5inals + Finner -nno%ncement 13th Ean 20th /23rd Ean

21st Ean 'th 5e) 1Bth 5e) 'th Mar 1Bth Mar

Watch out for announcements on special incentives for CRMs and Campus Ambassadors for driving early registrations, maximum registrations qualifying phase II and winner registrations
2012 IBM Corporation

.et started6 toda*!

2earn , en+a+e

openstac 7org?



&iscussion 'oru! : http/33university4relations1in3(ps3portal3$oru! Hackathon Re+istration/ http/33university4relations1in3(ps3portal3cloudcontest

Cloud !ac"athon

&eep &ive ession Re+istration: https/33university4relations1in3(ps3portal3re!otelectures 2ive Updates on 5(itter : http/33t(itter1co!3IBMIndiaUR Cloud Hackathon 'ace%ook "a+e::https/33(((1$ace%ook1co!3IBMUR
2012 IBM Corporation

2012 IBM Corporation

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