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NXT : Not A Bitcoin Clone

Expanded Usability
Bitcoin is just a coin, as are its clones. NXT uses completely new Java code to make a revolutionary new coin very different from Bitcoin, AND a wide variety of exciting new financial services as well.

16667 NXTers from 167 countries are united in a friendly online community. #e don<t just talk, we act. #e<re )rowin) fast. !lease, come join us=

Accept NXT Today With

Network Simplicity
The Bitcoin network re uires competitive !roof"of #ork $!o#% &'ash(sec minin) usin) e*pensive, power"hun)ry custom +,-. nodes. The NXT network uses cooperative roof!of! Stake " oS# transparent for)in), immune to $%& attacks' runnin) on /01, 2# commodity 3asp4erry !i nodes.


eet a NXT con"e#ence #ep no$:


T$eet %ne$&n't

NXT (oes )*ll Open So*#ce Ap#il +, &-.+




(ransaction )apidity
Bitcoin uses 567 minutes(4lock for a ma* throu)hput of 8 transactions per sec $T!,% usin) a 59&B $and )rowin)% 4lockchain. NXT currently takes 5 minute per 4lock at 2.1 T!,, with improvements comin) in 4lock timin) speedup and routine chain prunin) to support eventual instant transactions wit* guaranteed
confirmation at %+++ ( S,

(rue Anonymity
Bitcoin transactions 4etween wallets are recorded forever on its 4lockchain. NXT is addin) code to achieve true transaction anonymity 4y implementin) 4oth mi*in) and the no"trust"needed :erocoin ( :erocash protocol developed at John 'opkins ;niversity.

Ne$ To NXT/

Active -ommunity

$$$.ne$&n't.com NXT First 100 Days : WOW
+s of early >arch ?652, NXT has shown it is more t*an .ust a coin, +s a /nd generation cryptocurrency written from the )round up in new Java code, NXT has rolled out numerous financial service capabilities that will revolutioni:e the crypto world @ with many more to come0 New - wallets and clients are out, as well as a detailed 4usiness plan and upcomin) NXT -!A for N1( 2obile Apps -o. that aims to 4rin) the NXT ecosystem to iA, and +ndroid smartphones. +s an alternative to lon), comple* transfer addresses, NXT offers a text alias registration system on its 4lockchain with over 96,666 re)istered in its first 566 days. NXT has demonstrated new altcoin creation atop its 4lockchain that will soon allow anyone to create their own new !o#(!o, coins, not just a limited pro)rammer priesthood. >ost si)nificantly, NXT has a

parallel testnet -U))EN(34 (ES(5N6 crypto!signed peer!to!peer Asset Exc*ange "AE#. -n addition to workin) with user defined assets, NXT +B )ateways are 4ein) esta4lished with direct connection to other altcoin transaction clients such as Co)e. The )oalD Trade Co)e peer"to"peer on NXT= This uni ue capa4ility will soon offer a real alternative to e*istin) e*chan)es. Con<t wait on ethereal vaporware " join us in testin) NXT B*chan)e (7DA40

;itcoin gear and power costs are rising ever faster. B*ponential )rowth of Bitcoin<s hashrate $see 4lockchain.info(charts(hashrate% means minin) ri)s and ener)y use are destined to skyrocket out of control. Bitcoin $and clones like Co)e% 4y their very nature are wasteful and ultimately destined to fail. NXT solves this pro4lem sustaina4ly. By usin) !o, cooperative transparent for)in), not !o# competitive )i)ahash minin), NXT has no exponential forcing function at its core that drives its costs and ener)y consumption ever hi)her. + NXT 4lockchain support network of 5666 Adroid ;0 nodes has a one"time unit infrastructure cost of only 8<+ t*ousand and uses only 8=9 per day in electricity. Eorever.

NXT Future Days : to da moon!

,peakin) of e*chan)esD -ryptsy is coming0 An the Ee4 F Get<s Talk Bitcoin HF? podcast at 50D06, Bi) Iern of .ryptsy commentedD JKNXTL is not a cookie cutter coinMtechnical implementation Kat .rypsyL is )oin) to take a little more time...itNs popularMit<s fairM- feel comforta4le with KNXTL.

NXT 0s (#een
Ecolo1ical/ )inancial/ BOT2 !!!
Bitcoin depends utterly on a small minin) node network fi)htin) for their cut of 0966 newly minted Bitcoins per day. The only thin) keepin) Bitcoin from free:in) up $at /166" /5666 BT. price% is /5.F>"/0.9> of daily inflation $/6.9"/5.? B-GG-AN per year=% that pays for its on)oin) re uired ?1 million $and risin)=% &'ash(s of wasted computin). + typical miner picka*e is a Butterfly Ga4 >onarch costin) /?666 and usin) 016# of power to produce 966 &'ash(sec. ;sin) these num4ers, the current Bitcoin minin) network has sunk unit infrastructure costs of at least 89: million and $at /6.56(Ow'% on)oin) electricity costs of at least 8:$'+++ per day.

Lea#n mo#e: $$$.ne$&n't.com

The NXT Bottom Line

Gast Nov ?2, a 4illion NXT were distri4uted to 566 founders who sent a Bitcoin or less to a Bitcointalk K+NNL thread open for si* weeks to the pu4lic. Pou could have 4een founder 565. ,ince then, the C)e*.com and Bter.com e*chan)es have ena4led well over a half"4illion NXT coins to chan)e hands for under 6.5 mBT. each in only Q6 days. NXT<s parity dilution tar)et price with BT. is 5?6X hi)her.

Drink from the firehose at our NXT pub threadif you dare: https://bitcointalk.org/inde .php!topic"#$%&'(.)

Q6 C+P, AE NXT(BT. 3-,-N& ,T3BN&T' ;NCB3 6.5 mBT. Oey on)oin) eventsD full open source code +pril 2R continuin) new feature announcementsR listin) of NXT on .ryptsy and BT.0FR and )rowin) .hinese acceptance of NXT as cheap and non"inflationary. +s a 566S !roof of ,take $!o,% coin, NXT doesn<t mine $create% inflationary new coins daily like BT. @ it only for)es $recycles% e*istin) ones. !o, allows cooperative selection of NXT node operators $for)ers, in the 4lacksmith sense of the term% to )enerate new 4locks in proportion to the total NXT coins $or stake% they already own. They use cheap .!; computers to receive transaction fees em4edded in 4locks they create and add to the NXT 4lockchain. This method yields a small return on current holdin)s @ like savin)s account interest @4ut ena4les a hu)e potential transaction time speedup. NXT is a new, sta4le
financial service ecosystem

4ased on non ! inflationary coins and cooperating, cheap, speedy nodes . #atch out, BT.. NXT is here=

Drink from the firehose at our NXT pub threadif you dare: https://bitcointalk.org/inde .php!topic"#$%&'(.)

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