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Wlld horses ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes no longer have free-range over vasL wesLern rangelands.
lnsLead, pursuanL Lo Lhe Wlld lree 8oamlng Porses and 8urros AcL (1971, as amended), Lhey
are conflned Lo Perd ManagemenL Areas (PMAs) or Wlld Porse 1errlLorles (WP1s) on publlc
lands LhaL are managed by Lhe 8ureau of Land ManagemenL (8LM) or u.S. loresL Servlce (lS)
for "mulLlple uses." Such uses lnclude commerclal lndusLrles llke llvesLock grazlng, oll and gas
exLracLlon and mlnlng, as well as recreaLlonal pursulLs, lncludlng wlldllfe waLchlng, A1v use,
hunLlng and flshlng. AlLhough mounLaln llons and wolves can and do prey on wlld horse foals,
due Lo hunLlng and governmenL predaLor conLrol" or klll programs, Lhese specles are noL
presenL ln sufflclenL numbers Lo regulaLe wlld horse populaLlons, excepL ln a small number of

1he 8LM ls mandaLed Lo manage publlc lands for mulLlple uses, and ls noL permlLLed Lo allow
Lhe range Lo deLerloraLe. lf lefL unmanaged, wlld horse populaLlons mlghL evenLually sLablllze
near whaL ls known as Lhelr food-llmlLed ecologlcal carrylng capaclLy. Powever, reachlng Lhls
level would resulL ln deLerloraLed range condlLlons LhaL are ecologlcally unsound.
1he condlLlons LhaL Amerlca's musLangs llve ln Loday are anyLhlng buL naLural. 1he vasL ma[orlLy
of wlld horse populaLlons have been geneLlcally manlpulaLed and soclally and behavlorally
dlsrupLed by a consLanL cycle of roundups and removals. 1helr ablllLy Lo mlgraLe freely Lo ad[usL
Lo changlng envlronmenLal condlLlons ls lnhlblLed by fences LhaL conflne Lhem Lo arLlflclal
hablLaLs known as PMAs and WP1s. 1hey musL compeLe on our publlc lands wlLh oLher uses
backed by powerful economlc lnLeresLs. under Lhese clrcumsLances, Lhe ldeal of naLural
regulaLlon ls [usL LhaL: an ldeal LhaL ls dlvorced from reallLy.

AL AWPC, we are commlLLed Lo securlng a falrer share of resources for wlld horses on our
publlc lands, resLorlng hablLaL LhaL has been closed Lo wlld horse and burro use of Lhe pasL 40
years, and proLecLlng predaLors ln order Lo resLore a more naLural ecologlcal balance on
wesLern rangelands. Powever, we also musL also deal wlLh Lhe reallLles of presenL day, whlch
means LhaL wlld horse populaLlon growLh on our publlc lands musL be managed ln some form.
1he quesLlon Lhen becomes whlch form of managemenL avallable Loday ls Lhe mosL humane,
mlnlmally lnLruslve and preserves naLural behavlors?

1he answer Loday ls Z ferLlllLy conLrol. 1hls proven Lechnology provldes a safe, humane, cosL-
efflclenL and effecLlve alLernaLlve Lo Lhe presenL unsusLalnable and lnhumane wlld horse
managemenL approach of roundup, removal and sLockplllng of horses ln governmenL holdlng

1he Z vacclne, now reglsLered wlLh Lhe LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Agency (LA) as ZonaSLaL-
P, has a decades-long hlsLory of use ln mulLlple wlldllfe specles, lncludlng wlld horses. 1he
vacclne produces an lmmunologlcal response LhaL prevenLs ferLlllzaLlon. Slnce lL does noL affecL
hormone producLlon, Lhe lmpacLs Lo behavlor are mlnlmal, parLlcularly when compared Lo Lhe
alLernaLlves. 1he vacclne ls also reverslble. lL ls belng used Lo safely and effecLlvely manage wlld
horses ln Lhe u.S. Loday. ln Lhe AssaLeague lsland naLlonal Seashore, Lhe naLlonal ark Servlce
has used Z Lo manage a wlld horse populaLlon for over Lwo decades wlLhouL a slngle removal
of a horse. ln a model program for wesLern sLaLes, lrlends of a Legacy (lCAL) has parLnered
wlLh Lhe 8LM Lo conLrol Lhe populaLlon of wlld horses ln Lhe McCullough eaks PMA Lhrough a
Z program LhaL achleved zero populaLlon growLh ln Lwo shorL years. 1hanks Lo Z ferLlllLy
conLrol, Lhe wlld horse populaLlon ln Lhe LlLLle 8ook Cllffs PMA ln Colorado, whlch has
hlsLorlcally been sub[ecLed Lo roundups Lwo Lo Lhree years, has noL been rounded up for seven
years. Z has also reduced populaLlon growLh ln Lhe ryor MounLalns on Lhe
MonLana/Wyomlng border Lo hlsLorlc lows.

1he Z vacclne ls noL a pesLlclde. lL has ls an exLremely well-veLLed lmmunoconLracepLlve
vacclne LhaL has been used for 40 years ln many wlldllfe specles lncludlng wlld horses. 1he lood
and urug AdmlnlsLraLlon Lurned reglsLraLlon of Lhe vacclne over Lo Lhe LA, slnce lL was
developed for use ln Lhe envlronmenL on a wlldllfe specles (wlld horses). Slnce Lhe LA has no
caLegory for "wlldllfe conLracepLlon," lL processed Z under Lhe pesLlclde" caLegory as Lhe
only avallable process for reglsLerlng Lhe vacclne for use. 1he label ls purely bureaucraLlc, lL has
no sclenLlflc or pracLlcal meanlng. 1he Z vacclne ls produced by Lhe non-proflL Sclence and
ConservaLlon CenLer, whlch ploneered lLs use ln wlldllfe and provldes lL Lo Lhe 8LM and oLher
enLlLles aL a flnanclal loss.

When compared Lo Lhe alLernaLlves presenLly employed or belng consldered by Lhe federal
governmenL - LraumaLlc roundups and mass removal of horses from Lhelr homes on Lhe range,
surglcal sLerlllzaLlon (casLraLlon of sLalllons and spaylng of mares) LhaL desLroys naLural
behavlors, experlmenLal conLracepLlves LhaL lmpacL behavlor and may have serlous slde effecLs
- Lhe Z vacclne ls clearly Lhe superlor alLernaLlve currenLly avallable for humane managemenL
of wlld horse herds.

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