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GCE O Level Oct/Nov v 2008 S Science (Physic cs, Chem mistry) 5116 Paper 1 Sugges sted Ans swers PHYSICS
# 1 2 3 An ns C D C Workin ngs/Remar rks
2.30 + 0.03 = 2.33 Gradient of Distance-Time graph = Sp peed adient is zero, implying speed d is zero. At Z, gra Gradient of Speed-Time graph = Acce eleration (Rate e of change of v velocity) From t=2 20s to t=40s, gr radient is zero, , implying acce eleration is zero o (steady speed d) Area und der Speed-Time e graph = Dista ance travelled From t=2 20s to t=40s, di istance travelle ed = (40-20) x 10 = 200m Using Ne ewtons second d law, resultant t force (F) is di irectly proporti ional to acceleration. Greatest F would give greatest g acceler ration. 0 + 20 = 100N A: F = 80 B: F = 80 0 20 = 60N C: F = 80 0 + 40 = 120N D: F = 80 0 40 = 40N Sum of clockwise c mom ments = Sum of f anticlockwise e moments F x 0.05 = 20 x 0.40 F = 160N N Work don ne = 20000N x 5000m = 100000 kJ k Increase in average speed implies incr rease in averag ge kinetic energ gy, which in tu urns implies i temperature e. Therefore, th here is no chang ge in state. [Op ption A is elim minated] increase in Dull blac ck surface is go ood radiator of f heat. v = f 0 1 8) / (1 x 10-10 ) = 3.0 x 108 H Hz f = (3 x 10 Radio wa ave is electrom magnetic wave, which is transverse wave. Total dist tance = distanc ce of chart ima age from mirror r + distance of f patient from mirror m = 5 + 2 = 7m Amplitud de of wave dete ermines loudne ess of sound. Larger am mplitude gives louder sound. P = IV I = 48 / 12 = 4A Q = It = 4 x 2 = 8C M at X, V = IR = 0.6 x 10 = 6V M at Y, I = 6 / (10 + 20 0) = 0.2A Voltmete er has to be con nnected in para allel and amme eter in series wi ith lamp. Lowest re esistance draw ws the greatest current c from th he cell, causing g the cell to los se its energy the fastes st. P = IV I = 12000 0000 W / 2400 000V = 50A

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Compass s needle follow ws direction of m magnetic field lines as shown n. Fleming s left hand rule e

21 D
A: To me easure rate of reaction, r time t taken is require ed. B: Amou unt of CO2 prod duced is required to follow th he reaction. C: Measu uring cylinder is i need to mea asure a fixed vo olume of hydro ochloric acid D: Overa all, there is no change c in heat energy. Al3+ and d Zn2+ react with w NaOH to fo orm Al(OH)3 and a Zn(OH)2 (w white ppt), whi ich are soluble in excess s of NaOH. However r, to be able to react with an acid a (HNO3), X has to be a ca arbonate, but not n a sulphate. Ions are formed f by atom m losing or gai ining electrons to achieve the e stable noble gas g electronic configura ation. Metallic bonding is fou und in metal. ccurs in ionic b bonding. Transfer of electrons oc Mg + 2H HCl MgCl2 + H2 No. of mole m of Mg = 6 / 24 = 0.25 No. of mole m of H2 = 0.2 25 Volume of o H2 = 0.25 x 24 = 6 dm3 No. of mole m of Li+ = 20 0 / 1000 x 1.0 = 0.02 No. of mole m of SO42- = 40 / 1000 x 0.2 25 = 0.01 Ratio of Li L + : SO42- = 0.02 : 0.01 = 2 : 1 B: Break king of C-H bon nd requires ene ergy C: Chang ging of liquid in nto gas require es energy D: Comb bustion releases s energy Largest concentration c a highest tem and mperature results in fastest rat te of reaction. Potassium m iodide is a re educing agent b because oxidat tion state of I in ncreases from -1 in iodide ion to 0 in iodine molec cule. 2I- I2 + 2e- [oxidatio on] Potassium m dichromate (VI) ( is an oxidizing agent bec cause oxidation n state of Cr de ecreases from +6 (orang ge) in Cr2O72- to t +3 (green) in n Cr2O3. [Redu uction] Carbon dioxide d is an ac cidic oxide, wh hich dissolves in i water to give e carbonic acid d. 3 chemic cal reactions ch haracteristic of acid are: Acid + metal m (e.g. magn nesium) Acid + ba ase (e.g. magnesium oxide) Acid + ca arbonate (e.g. magnesium m car rbonate) Refer to periodic p table Group G V Reactivit ty of Group I elements increa ases down the group. g Group I elements e react by losing their r valence electr ron. As the siz ze of atom incr reases, valence e electron is ge etting further aw way from nucle eus, diminishi ing the attractive force of nuc cleus on valenc ce electron. Th herefore, going down Group I, ease of f losing the valence electron i increases and reactivity r incre eases. r.com.sg. all rights r reserved. exampaper

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Copper does d not react with w acid becau use it is below hydrogen in th he metal reactiv vity series. Magnesiu um is above zin nc in the metal l reactivity seri ies. Therefore, Mg produces more bubbles than Zn in i the reaction with acid. Nitrogen ~ 79% Oxygen ~ 20% Noble Ga ases ~ 1% Addition reaction of alk kene (vegetable e oils) with hydrogen gives alkane a (margari ine). Oxidation n of alcohol (e.g. propanol) g gives carboxyli ic acid (e.g. pro opanoic acid)


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