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HOW TO TREAT SINUSITIS THROUGH SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURANTER According to Von Grauvogl respiration is a function which is not confined

to the lungs,all parts of the body respire and consequently oxygen is found in all organs and tissues, sometimes as ozone (neutral), and sometimes as antozone (positive). The air we breathe is composed of Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen of which the whole organism is composed and which are even contained free in the blood. Thus changes of the atmospheric constituents affect the whole of the organism. It is on this concept and Hahnemanns observation of the effect of the various seasons and climatic conditions on patients and drug provers that Grauvogls arrangement of the constitutions is based. Grauvogl arranged the morbid constitutions according to excess or deficiency of certain elements in the tissues and blood. Constitution refers to an individual person and represents the summation of genetic traits for that person in terms of mind, personality and emotions. By definition therefore Constitution represents those traits which cannot be altered (ie inheriterd traits) as opposed to those which can be altered (ie symptoms). Constitutional Type refers to an individual remedy and represents the summation of genetic traits on similimum proven for that medicine in terms of mind, personality and emotions. Constitutional Type represents the constitutional summation of traits for which a remedy responds most intensely or more frequently. Miasm is a predisposition to a particlular type disease process. Constitution includes miasms and also personality, character, disposition, temperament, body type, etc. That part of the constitution that is unhealthy would be considered part of the miasm, and the non-miasmatic portion of the constitution is healthy. Grauvogl followed Hahnemann's lead of a tripartite classification, but struck out an original line of his own. Like Hahnemann himself Grauvogl was an expert chemist and could follow the chemical changes taking place in the blood and tissues. This led him to find new threads and new methods of finding the generalities amidst the particulars. He was the first to introduce the concept of Constitution into Homeopathy and his classification proved to be a cornerstone. Constitution 1: This is characterized by an excess of Hydrogen and consequently of water in the blood and tissues. They are aggravated by moisture and humidity. This constitution corresponds closely to Hahnemanns Sycosis, but it covers a much wider area and is not by any means confined to the acquired or inherited result of Gonorrhoeal infection. They are prone to disorders of nutrition, toxification, gout, obesity, lithiasis. Also arthritis, chronic eczema, warts, increase lipids (cholesterol), etc. Cold sensitive but dislike heat, dropsy and anasarca, and suffers from tissue growth of benign type. Main remedy of hydrogenoid constitution are Natrum sulph, Dulcamara, Aranea Diadema, Phytolaca, Rhus tox, Silica, Thuja, Calcarea calb, Arnica, Kali group. Constitution 2: Characterized by an excess of Oxygen or at least by an exaggerated influence of Oxygen on the organism. Its characterized by the accumulation of excess of oxygen and consequently exaggerates breaking down of hydro-carbons, nitrogenoids and albuminous tissues and bones - destruction of tissues. This Constitutional type corresponds with Hahnemann's Syphilitic miasm. They are what are commonly

called nervous individuals characterized by great physical and mental activity. They are prone to weight loss, demineralization, wasting, tubercular disease. Hypotension, cold sensitivity with a need for fresh air. Main remedy of this constitution are Merc sol, Benzin, Carbons, Citric acid, Ferrums, Graphites, Hydr. ac, Kali iod, Nitr acid. Petrol. Constitution 3: This characterized by an excess of carbon and nitrogen or insufficient oxygenation and the complaints are caused by retarded nutrition. This makes for increased liability to disease and perverted nutrition. They suffers from functional disorders of body and mind, marked by erratic working of the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, spleen etc. This corresponding to Hahnemann's Psora. Medicines like Lyco, Phos, Sulph comes very closer to this morbid constitution. Remedies - Ars alb, ars iod, calc phos, carbo veg, hep sulph, iod, kali bich, lach, lyco, nat mur, zinc met etc. are the main drugs. When we look at the above study done on constitutional approach in homeopathy, we can with clarity understand the constitutions sinusitis fall in. Hahnemann has always perceived that nothing happens by default. There definitely is a pattern upon which changes happen in a diseased person. On analyzing symptom picture of sinusitis it is very clear that this sort of affection is predominantly in certain types of constitutions. Conclusion: Sinusitis is a representation of a chronic miasm and a person of a specific constitution is most susceptible to suffer from this condition. Apart from this environment factors, ecological factors, dietary habits, lifestyle influence the above said constitutional traits. We would like to conclude that the physician should keep in mind these factors, understand the constitution and plan the treatment.

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