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Descriptive Statistics for Age and Accuracy

Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximu m AGE ACCURAC #a$id N %$i&t'i&e( 140 140 140 8 .00 70 1.00 25.45 .5207 Mean Std. Deviation 11.509 .!71"!

A One-Sample T-Test is interested in comparing your findings with findings of hypothetical population that is not given the manipulation. In other words, this statistic compares your findings with the null hypothesis and lets us now if our findings are significantly different from the null hypothesis.

One-Sample T-Test for Probability Condition

One-Sample Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation ACCURAC 70 .!5!7 .!4082 Std. E))o) Mean .04074

One-Sample Test *e&t #a$ue + .50 t d, Si-. %2. tai$ed( Mean Di,,e)en/e 3o'e) ACCURAC .!.590 "9 .001 ..14"2" ..2275 950 Con,iden/e 1nte)va$ o, t2e Di,,e)en/e U44e) ..0"50

One-Sample T-Test for the Frequency Condition

One-Sample Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation ACCURAC 70 ."878 .!247" Std. E))o) Mean .0!882

One-Sample Test *e&t #a$ue + .50 t d, Si-. %2. tai$ed( Mean Di,,e)en/e 3o'e) ACCURAC 4.8!7 "9 .000 .1877" .110! 950 Con,iden/e 1nte)va$ o, t2e Di,,e)en/e U44e) .2"52

An independent Samples T-Test compares two different groups on a dependent varia!le and tells us whether or not the two groups significantly differ from one another. In our case, does the accuracy for pro!a!ility and fre"uency significantly differ from one another#

ndependent Samples T-Test

!roup Statistics C5ND1*15 N ACCURAC 1 2 70 70 .!5!7 ."878 N Mean Std. Deviation .!4082 .!247" Std. E))o) Mean .04074 .0!882

ndependent Samples Test 3evene6& *e&t ,o) E7ua$it8 o, #a)ian/e& 9 ACCURAC E7ua$ va)ian/e& a&&umed E7ua$ va)ian/e& not a&&umed ndependent Samples Test t.te&t ,o) E7ua$it8 o, Mean& Si-. %2.tai$ed( Mean Di,,e)en/e Std. E))o) Di,,e)en/e ACCURAC E7ua$ va)ian/e& a&&umed E7ua$ va)ian/e& not a&&umed .000 .000 ..!!401 ..!!401 .05"27 .05"27 .24! Si-. ."2! t .5.9!" .5.9!" t.te&t ,o) E7ua$it8 o, Mean& d, 1!8 1!7."80

ndependent Samples Test t.te&t ,o) E7ua$it8 o, Mean& 950 Con,iden/e 1nte)va$ o, t2e Di,,e)en/e

3o'e) ACCURAC E7ua$ va)ian/e& a&&umed E7ua$ va)ian/e& not a&&umed ..44527 ..44528

U44e) ..22275 ..22275

A two-way A$O%A compares two different independent varia!les on the same dependent varia!le. &hat we did was 'ender()ondition. Since S*SS doesn+t allow us to do two-way A$O%As, I did two one-way A$O%AS .. ,don+t do this at home - I mean seriously, it inflates our alpha and we don+t want that.. The reason why I did this is !ecause gender differences is usually more interesting to you guys, !ut we find null results/ 0oreover, we can see on the graph ,this is how you would graph a two-way A$O%A, which S*SS for some reason allowed me to. that there is no interaction !etween 'ender()ondition in terms of accuracy.

One-"ay A#O$A for !ender %ffects on Accuracy in the Probability Condition


Sum o, S7ua)e& :et'een G)ou4& ;it2in G)ou4& *ota$ .020 7.995 8.015


Mean S7ua)e 1 "8 "9 .020 .118




One-"ay A#O$A for !ender %ffects on Accuracy in the Frequency Condition

A#O$A ACCURAC Sum o, S7ua)e& :et'een G)ou4& ;it2in G)ou4& *ota$ .084 7.19! 7.277 1 "8 "9 d, Mean S7ua)e .084 .10" .797 .!75 9 Si-.

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