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WhatareGreebles? In 1997, Isabel GauthierandMichaelTarrwereinterested in a debateabout whether facial recognition is special a task to which the human brain brings specialised, dedicated mechanisms or merely one type of expert object/stimulus processing, reliant on experience with the configuration of parts. Along with an artist, they developed a set of nonface stimuli (Greebles) with constraints similar to faces along several dimensions. In a series of experiments, they showed that people could be trained to be "expert" Greeble processors and recognisers, similar to their level of expertise with human faces. As part of the ongoing debate, Greebles have been adopted as a stimulus for studying many areas related to face recognition,objectexpertise,memory,etc. In this assignmentyouwillwriteashortliterature reviewabout researchin which Greeble stimuli are used to study some aspect of cognition. This review will use 34 original research papers and should be no more than 3,000words. Whatisaliteraturereview? The purpose of a literature review is to assess the published work on a particular topic. Literature reviews are common in all scientific disciplines, and are often incorporated into the publication of original research, in order to situate and justify the new work within a body of prior research. More substantial reviews may be published as standalone papers summarisingthestateofresearchonsometopic. A good literature review does not merely summarise a list of papers, but rather, evaluates and assesses them, and draws out the connections and relations between them. It will adumbrate the major areas of agreement or disagreement, the main methods employed, the unanswered questions remaining, and set the work within a broader narrative structure, for

instanceby: Comparingandcontrastinghowtwoormoretheoriesrelatetoatopic Lookingatthehistoricaldevelopmentofafieldoranideaovertime Evaluatingfindingsforandagainstaparticularconclusion Choosingalitreviewtopic 1. Read Gauthier & Tarr (1997), Becoming a "Greeble" expert. This is requiredreadingforthisassignment.1 2. Do a preliminary literature search using library resources and/or Google Scholar to look at paper titles, keywords, and abstracts. This will give you a shortlist of papers, and help you choose a topic to focuson. 3. Select ONE topicfrom the listbelow, and select34 originalpapersfor your review. Original paper here means a paper reporting new research (NOT a review paper) in a peerreviewed journal or conferenceproceedings. Topics Greeble expertise compared to ONE other type of expert, nonface recognition(forexample,birdORdogORcarexperts) Greeble experts compared to chess experts (less straightforward, but somehasbeenwrittenaboutthis) GreeblesandONEaspectofworkingmemory Greeble research in the debate over whether face processing is a "special"ability Greeble recognition experiments comparing neurotypical people and people with autistic spectrum disorder ORprosopagnosiaORanother typeofvisualagnosia.(chooseONE) Greebleresearchanduprightvs.invertedfaceprocessingeffects2 Greebles and neuroimaging research (It is recommended that you
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http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/teaching/courses/inf1cg/lectures/12/Gauthier_Tarr_1997.pdf SeeBaddeley(pp330331)forsomebriefinformationonfaceinversion

pick this topic ONLY if you have some previous familiarity with brain/neuroimagingresearch) Computational Greeble recognition (It is recommended that you pick this topic ONLY if you have some previous familiarity with computationalmodellingormachinelearningresearch) Note: You are permitted (and encouraged) to read and cite other resources besides the 34 papers which form the focus of your review. It is essential, however, that all such material be correctly cited, as the university has a verystrictplagiarismpolicy. Somehintsonreadingpapersforthereview Read the papers and make notes. Youarenot expected to understand every line, or the intricacies of complicated mathematical models, but you should beabletomakesenseofthesignificanceoftheresearch. It is often a good idea to read the abstract and conclusion, and examine the diagrams, before attempting to read the paper through. It can be helpful to report key numbers such as "participants were 75% accurate discriminating between old and new Greebles" but you do NOT need to reportendlessnumericalresults.Asyouread,consider: What is the point of this paper? What research question does ittry to answer?Whatdotheauthorshopetofindout? What were the hypotheses (testable predictions) investigated in the experiment?Howweretheytested? Howdoesthispaperrelatetopreviousresearch? Iftherewerehumanparticipants,whowerethey?Whythisgroup? What was the experiment the participants did? What stimuli did they use? What were the results of the experiment and what do they mean? Do the results support the hypotheses? Have any research questions beenanswered? Organise your information, and plan the narrative for your review; make

sure the papers under consideration are sufficiently wellrelated to be amenabletoastructuredapproach. Somehintsonwritingyourliteraturereview Yourreviewshouldhaveanintroduction,body,andconclusion. Introduce Greeble research and your chosen topic clearly, assuming that your reader has general knowledge of memory and visual processing, but nopreviousknowledgeofGreebles. The summary, synthesis and analysisof theoriginalpapers should form the main body of your paper, giving about equal weighting to each. Be clear, define technical terms where necessary, and back up your claims with evidence from the papers, cited appropriately. This should be directed towards drawing a set of key findings out of your review, and, if you are comparingtwoviewpoints,anevaluationofwhichseemsmostconvincing. Concludebyrestatingyourtheme,anykeypoints,andyourfindings. Citationsandreferences Please use APA citations (http://www.apastyle.org/learn/index.aspx) consistently throughout. Beware of plagiarism! Keep track of your sources when taking notes and writing. Cite all quotations, paraphrases, images, graphs,tablesorothermaterialthatisnotyourown.Ifindoubt,cite! Submission To hand in your assignment, please save it as inf1cg_a1.[ext], where [ext] is either txt or pdf. Submit your work using the following command on any DICEmachine: s u b m i t i n f 1 c g 1 i n f 1 c g _ a 1 . [ e x t ] Additionalresources IsobelGauthiersgeneralpageonGreebles:

http://www.psy.vanderbilt.edu/faculty/gauthier/FoG/Greebles ThefullsetofGreeblestimuliisavailableat: http://wiki.cnbc.cmu.edu/Novel_Objects UniversityLibraryEjournalshome: http://www.ed.ac.uk/schoolsdepartments/informationservices/servi ces/librarymuseumgallery/findingresources/findejournal/searche journ Mainlibrarywebsite: http://www.ed.ac.uk/schoolsdepartments/informationservices/libra rymuseumgallery

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