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Please HELP listen to disabled wheelchair user on telephone pleading for his life and safety

February 28, 2014

Please go to this link to listen to video

http://wheelchairrights.wordpress.com/2 !"/ 2/2#/please$help$listen$to$disabled$wheelchair$user$on$ telephone$pleading$for$his$life$and$safety/

%his is &aniel ' %owsey(s )log to *ccompany our other wheelchair rights sites
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Please Help to get Halifa+ %ransit to Provide )uses that are Properly E,uiped
On$y 2+ o, Ha$i,a- buses #a.e t#e e/uipment to sa,e$y secure e$ectric &#ee$c#airs so t#at &#ee$c#air users can not use pub$ic transit and t#ey are depri.ed o, t#eir "uaranteed #uman ri"#ts000Here is t#e city number to p$ace your concerns 1022 41024000 P$ease read t#is re$ated artic$e0 Ha$i,a- (us 3ri.ers 4nion !n Vio$ation o, Human Ri"#ts and 5ndan"erin" t#e 3isab$ed #ttps677&#ee$c#airri"#ts0&ordpress0com720187017097#a$i,a-2bus2dri.ers2union2in2.io$ation2o,2#uman2ri"#ts2and2 endan"erin"2t#e2disab$ed7

Please HELP listen to disabled wheelchair user on telephone pleading for his life and safety
February 28, 2014

-ery serious conversation about endangering wheelchair user in Halifa+ .ova /cotia %elephone conversation between wheelchair user me &aniel %owsey on 0eb 2# 2 !1 with the manager of Home /afe Living 23 24 " "$5211 in &artmouth .ova /cotia. Here is the phone number to the .ova /cotia Provincial 6inister of health 23 24 "2"$1155 where you can re,uest that laws need to be introduced to protect wheelchair users. Laws re,uiring that wheelchair mechanics be properly trained7 licensed and certified. and laws same as all other motori8ed vehicles laws have to protect the drivers of power wheelchairs9 PLE*/E help..make a call.. &riving an improperly manufactured or maintained power wheelchair on a busy sidewalk is :ust as dangerous to everyone as someone driving and improperly manufactured and maintained car on the street. ;etting hit by a power wheelchair that weighs up # dangerous as being hit with a slow moving car9 pounds is :ust as

%his conversation is being published for legal evidence that is now witnessed by the public making this recording then admissible in any court of law as a public document. <f you go to this link you can view the previous videos describing all the difficulties < have had with the *le+ wheelchair and Home /afe Living and below the videos about the Handicare *le+ wheelchair are =heelchair >ights related videos from around town. http://www.youtube.com/watch? v@AH5BCpt<p%kDlist@PLA) #)111"!& )E0 Here is some more background information. %he very first day < tested the *le+ wheelchair Hank from Home /afe Living brought it over. < did not drive it for more then a minute before there was a serious problem with the right rear drive wheel making a lot of noise. %he chair can have the seat over the drive wheels or over the casters. <t had to be reconfigured to have the seat over the drive wheels.

/o the first day < received the chair Hank brought it over to my place. < could not drive it. %he chair drove backwards. Hank did not know he was supposed to ad:ust the :oy stick programing to a rear wheel drive chair. He had to take the chair back to the shop. He did not know how to program the chair. * week later < got the chair back and < have continuously had problems controlling the chair because Hank does not know how to properly ad:ust the computer inside the :oy stick. Fn top of that the right rear drive wheel has had continuous mechanical problems. <f you watch the following videos in the series it wont be long before you understand how bad the situation is and how they never assembled or maintained my chair. Hank and Home /afe Living claim they know how to fi+ and maintain my chair. %hen if that is true then all that < have gone through with my chair and it seriously endangering my life has been done deliberately. *fter all Hank states they are ,ualified7 e+perienced and know how to do the work on my chair. /o what is going on here? <s it criminal and willful? Fne thing that was really serious and scary was that my chair was off balance and my seat was way to far back causing the chair to do a wheelie and ride on the safety little wheels on the back. %his chair almost killed me many times. <t would pop wheelies where the from caster wheels would come right of the ground and the chair going flipping over backwards when ever < went up onto sidewalk curb cut outs. < told Hank about this and he would not fi+ it by moving my seat forward. < had to move the seat my self. Hank claimed it could not be moved forward. < moved ot forward and < had to drill two holes in the seat frame so < could position the seat properly.

=hen the seat was originally moved over the drive wheels the manufacturer did not put in the necessary holes for positioning the seat on my optional e+tended frame that < need due to my height. %here were many other serious problems as you will see in the videos. Please learn more at http://=heelchair>ights.wordpress.com
ta"s6 A$e- :#ee$c#air, 3anie$ To&sey, 3artmout# ;o.a Scotia, Ha$i,a-, Handycare, Home Sa,e <i.in", $e"a$ e.idence, motori=ed .e#ic$es, ;o.a Scotia, ;o.a Scotia Pro.incia$ inister o, #ea$t#, P$ease H5<P $isten to disab$ed &#ee$c#air user on te$ep#one p$eadin" ,or #is $i,e and sa,ety, po&er &#ee$c#airs, &#ee$c#air, &#ee$c#air mec#anics, :#ee$c#air Ri"#ts

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